The following personages appear in other stories of the Human Comedy.
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- A Man of Business
- The Seamy Side of History
Baudoyer, Isidore
Beaumesnil, Mademoiselle
Bianchon, Horace
- Father Goriot
- The Atheist's Mass
- Cesar Birotteau
- The Commission in Lunacy
- Lost Illusions
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- A Bachelor's Establishment
- The Secrets of a Princess
- The Government Clerks
- Pierrette
- A Study of Woman
- Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
- Honorine
- The Seamy Side of History
- The Magic Skin
- A Second Home
- A Prince of Bohemia
- Letters of Two Brides
- The Muse of the Department
- The Imaginary Mistress
- Cousin Betty
- The Country Parson
In addition, M. Bianchon narrated the following:
- Another Study of Woman
- La Grande Breteche
Bousquier, Du (or Du Croisier or Du Bourguier)
- Jealousies of a Country Town
Brisetout, Heloise
Bruel, Jean Francois du
- A Bachelor's Establishment
- The Government Clerks
- A Start in Life
- A Prince of Bohemia
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- A Daughter of Eve
Bruel, Claudine Chaffaroux, Madame du
- A Bachelor's Establishment
- A Prince of Bohemia
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- Letters of Two Brides
Cardot (Parisian notary)
- The Muse of the Department
- A Man of Business
- Jealousies of a Country Town
- Pierre Grassou
- Cousin Pons
Claparon, Charles
- A Bachelor's Establishment
- Cesar Birotteau
- Melmoth Reconciled
- The Firm of Nucingen
- A Man of Business
Cochin, Emile-Louis-Lucien-Emmanuel
Colleville, Flavie Minoret, Madame
- The Chouans
- The Gondreville Mystery
- Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
Crochard, Charles
- A Second Home
- [[]]
Desroches (son)
- A Bachelor's Establishment
- Colonel Chabert
- A Start in Life
- A Woman of Thirty
- The Commission in Lunacy
- The Government Clerks
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
- The Firm of Nucingen
- A Man of Business
Galathionne, Prince and Princess (both not in each story)
- The Secrets of a Princess
- Father Goriot
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- A Daughter of Eve
- Beatrix
Godard, Joseph
Godeschal, Francois-Claude-Marie
Grassou, Pierre
- Cesar Birotteau
- Lost Illusions
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- A Start in Life
- Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
- Beatrix
- Cousin Betty
Keller, Adolphe
La Peyrade, Charles-Marie-Theodose de
La Peyrade, Madame de
La Roche-Hugon, Martial de
- Domestic Peace
- The Peasantry
- A Daughter of Eve
- The Member for Arcis
- Cousin Betty
Lousteau, Etienne
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- A Bachelor's Establishment
- Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
- A Daughter of Eve
- Beatrix
- The Muse of the Department
- Cousin Betty
- A Prince of Bohemia
- A Man of Business
- The Unconscious Humorists
Metivier (nephew)
- The Seamy Side of History
Minard, Auguste-Jean-Francois
Minard, Madame
Poiret, the elder
Poiret, Madame (nee Christine-Michelle Michonneau)
Popinot, Jean-Jules
- Cesar Birotteau
- Honorine
- The Commission in Lunacy
- The Seamy Side of History
Rabourdin, Xavier
Thuillier, Marie-Jeanne-Brigitte
Thuillier, Louis-Jerome
Tillet, Ferdinand du
- Cesar Birotteau
- The Firm of Nucingen
- A Bachelor's Establishment
- Pierrette
- Melmoth Reconciled
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- The Secrets of a Princess
- A Daughter of Eve
- The Member for Arcis
- Cousin Betty
- The Unconscious Humorists
- Pierrette
- The Member for Arcis
- Cousin Pons
Vinet, Olivier
- The Member for Arcis
- Cousin Pons