< The Meaning of Relativity



Accelerated massesinductive action of, 113.
Addition and subtraction of tensors, 14.
— theorem of velocities, 40.


Biot-Savart force, 46.


Centrifugal force, 67.
Clocks–moving, 39.
Compressible viscous fluid, 22.
Concept of space, 3.
– – time, 30.
Conditions of orthogonality, 7.
Congruence–theorems of, 3.
Conservation principles, 55.
Continuum–four-dimensional, 33.
Contraction of tensors, 15.
Contra-variant vectors, 72.
– – tensors, 75.
Co-ordinates–preferred systems of, 8.
Co-variance of equation of continuity, 22.
Co-variant, 12 et seq.
– – vector, 72.
Criticism of principle of inertia, 65.
Criticisms of theory of relativity, 31.
Curvilinear co-ordinates, 68.


Differentiation of tensors, 76, 79.
Displacement of spectral lines, 101.


Energy and mass, 48, 51.
– tensor of electromagnetic field, 52.
– – of matter, 56.
Equation of continuity–co-variance of, 22.
Equations of motion of materia particle, 52.
Equivalence of mass and energy, 51.
Equivalent spaces of reference, 26.
Euclidean geometry, 4.


Finiteness of universe, 110.
Fizeau, 29.
Four-dimensional continuum, 33.
Four-vector, 43.
Fundamental tensor, 74.


Galilean regions, 65.
– transformation, 28.
Gauss, 68.
Geodetic lines, 86.
Geometry, Euclidean, 4.
Gravitational mass, 63.
Gravitation constant, 98.


Homogeneity of space, 17.
Hydrodynamical equations, 56.
Hypotheses of pre-relativity physics, 77.


Inductive action of accelerated masses, 113.
Inert and gravitational mass–equality of, 63.
Invariant, 10 et seq.
Isotropy of space, 17.


Kaluza, 108.


Levi-Civita, 77.
Light-cone, 42.
Light ray–path of, 102.
Light-time, 34.
Linear orthogonal transformation, 7.
Lorentz electromotive force, 46.
– transformation, 32.


Mach, 62, 109, 110, 111, 113, 119.
Mass and Energy, 48, 51.
– equality of gravitational and inert, 63.
– gravitational, 63.
Maxwell’s equations, 23.
Mercury–perihelion of, 103, 107.
Michelson and Morley, 29.
Minkowski, 34.
Motion of particle–equations of, 52.
Moving measuring rods and clocks, 39.
Multiplication of tensors, 14.


Newtonian gravitation constant, 98.


Operations on tensors, 14 et seq.
Orthogonality–conditions of, 7.
Orthogonal transformations–linear.


Path of light ray, 102.
Perihelion of Mercury, 103, 107.
Poisson's equation, 90.
Preferred systems of co-ordinates, 8.
Pre-relativity physics–hypotheses of, 27.
Principle of equivalence, 64.
– – inertia – criticism of, 65.
Principles of conservation, 55.


Radius of Universe, 118.
Rank of tensor, 14.
Ray of light–path of, 102.
Reference–space of, 4.
Riemann, 72.
– tensor, 82, 85, 110.
Rods (measuring) and clocks in motion, 39.
Rotation, 66.


Simultaneity, 17, 30.
Sitter, 29.
Skew-symmetrical tensor, 15.
Solar Eclipse expedition (1919), 103.
Space–concept of, 3.
– homogeneity of, 17.
– Isotropy of, 17.
Spaces of reference, 4; equivalence of, 26.
Special Lorentz transformation, 36.
Spectral lines–displacement of, 101.
Straightest lines, 86.
Stress tensor, 22.
Symmetrical tensor, 15.
Systems of co-ordinates–preferred, 8.


Tensor, 12 et seq, 72 et seq. – Addition and subtraction of, 14.
– Contraction of, 15.
– Fundamental, 74.
– Multiplication of, 14.
Tensor, operations, 14 et seq.
– Rank of, 14.
– Symmetrical and Skew-symmetrical, 15.
Tensors–formation by differentiation, 76.
Theorem for addition of velocities, 40.
Theorems of congruence, 3.
Theory of relativity, criticisms of, 31.
Thirring, 113.
Time-concept, 30.
Time-space concept, 33.
Transformation–Galilean, 28.
– Linear orthogonal, 7.


Universe–finiteness of, 110.
– radius of, 118.


Vector–co-variant, 72.
– contra-variant, 72.
Velocities–addition theorem of, 40.
Viscous compressible fluid, 22.


Weyl, 77, 103, 108.

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