< The Maid's Tragedy

King a-bed

Evad.The Night grows horrible, and all about me
Like my black purpose. O the Conscience
Of a lost Virgin: whither wilt thou pull me?
To what things dismal, as the depth of Hell,
Wilt thou provoke me? Let no Man dare
From this hour be disloyal: if her Heart
Be Flesh, If she have Blood, and can fear, 'tis a daring
Above that desperate Fool that left his Peace,
And went to Sea to fight: 'tis so many sins
An Age cannot prevent 'em; and so great,
The Gods want Mercy for: Yet I must through 'em.
I have begun a slaughter on my Honour,
And I must end it there: He Sleeps. Good Heav'ns!
Why give you Peace to this untemperate Beast
That hath so long transgress'd you? I must kill him,

And I will do it bravely: The mere joy
Tells me, I merit in it. Yet I must not
Thus tamely do it, as he sleeps; that were
To rock him to another world: My vengeance
Shall take him waking, and then lay before him
The number of his wrongs and punishments.
I'll shake his sins like furies, till I waken
His evil angel, his sick conscience;
And then I'll strike him dead. King, by your leave:[Ties his Arms to the bed.
I dare not trust your strength. Your grace and I
Must grapple upon even terms no more.
So. If he rail me not from my resolution,
I shall be strong enough.
My lord the king, my lord; he sleeps
As if he meant to wake no more; my lord;
Is he not dead already? Sir, my Lord!

King.Who's that?

Evad.O you sleep soundly, sir!

King.My dear Evadne,
I have been dreaming of thee. Come to bed.

Evad.I am come at length, sir; but how welcome?

King.What pretty new device is this, Evadne?
What, do you tie me to you? By my love,
This is a quaint one. Come, my dear, and kiss me.
I'll be thy Mars; to bed, my queen of love:
Let us be caught together, that the gods
May see, and envy our embraces.

Evad.Stay, sir, stay;
You are too hot, and I have brought you physick
To temper your high veins.

King.Prithee, to Bed then; let me take it warm;
There thou shalt know the state of my body better.

Evad.I know you have a surfeited foul body;
And you must bleed.


Evad.Ay, you shall bleed! Lie still; and, if the devil,
Your lust, will give you leave, repent. This steel
Comes to redeem the honour that you stole,
King, my fair name; which nothing but thy death
Can answer to the world.

King.How's this, Evadne?

Evad.I am not she; nor bear I in this breast
So much cold spirit to be call'd a Woman.
I am a Tyger, I am any thing
That knows not Pity. Stir not, if thou dost,
I'll take thee unprepar'd; thy Fears upon thee,

That make thy sins look double; and so send thee
(By my revenge, I will) to look those torments
Prepared for such black souls.

King.Thou dost not mean this; 'tis impossible:
Thou art too sweet and gentle.

Evad.No, I am not.
I am as foul as thou art, and can number
As many such hells here. I was once fair,
Once I was lovely; not a blowing rose
More chastely sweet, till thou, thou, thou foul canker,
(Stir not) didst poison me. I was a world of virtue,
Till your curst court and you (Hell bless you for't!)
With your temptations on temptations,
Made me give up mine honour; for which, king,
I'm come to kill thee.


Evad.I am.

King.Thou art not!
I pr'ythee speak not these things: Thou art gentle,
And wert not meant thus rugged.

Evad.Peace, and hear me.
Stir nothing but your tongue, and that for mercy
To those above us; by whose lights I vow,
Those blessed fires that shot to see our sin,
If thy hot soul had substance with thy blood,
I would kill that too; which, being past my steel,
My tongue shall reach. Thou art a shameless villain!
A thing out of the overcharge of nature;
Sent, like a thick cloud, to disperse a plague
Upon weak catching women! such a tyrant,
That for his lust would sell away his subjects!
Ay, all his Heaven hereafter!

King.Hear, Evadne,
Thou soul of sweetness, hear! I am thy king.

Evad.Thou art my shame! Lie still, there's none about you,
Within your cries: All promises of safety
Are but deluding dreams. Thus, thus, thou foul man,
Thus I begin my vengeance! [Stabs him.

King.Hold, Evadne!————
I do command thee, hold.

Evad.I do not mean Sir,
To part so fairly with you; we must change
More of these Love-tricks yet.

King.What bloody Villain
Provok'd thee to this Murther?

Evad.Thou, thou Monster.


Evad.Thou kept'st me brave at Court, and whor'd me;
Then Married me to a young Noble Gentleman;

And whor'd me still.

King.Evadne, pity me.

Hell take me then! This for my lord Amintor!
This for my noble brother! and this stroke
For the most wrong'd of women. [Kills him.

King.Oh! I die.

Evad.Die all our faults together! I forgive thee. [Exit.

Enter two of the Bed-Chamber.

1.Come, now she's gone, let's enter; the king expects it, and will be angry.

2.'Tis a fine wench; we'll have a snap at her one of these nights, as she goes from him.

1.Content. How quickly he had done with her! I see, kings can do no more that way than other mortal people.

2.How fast he is! I cannot hear him breathe.

1.Either the tapers give a feeble light,
Or he looks very pale.

2.And so he does:
Pray Heaven he be well; let's look.—Alas!
He's stiff, wounded and dead: Treason, treason!

1.Run forth and call.

2.Treason, treason! [Exit Gent.

1.This will be laid on us:
Who can believe a woman could do this?

Enter Cleon and Lysippus.

Cle.How now! Where's the traitor?

1.Fled, fled, away; but there her woful act lies still.

Cle.Her act! a woman!

Lys.Where's the body?


Lys.Farewell, thou worthy man! There were two bonds
That tied our loves, a brother and a king;
The least of which might fetch a flood of tears:
But such the misery of greatness is,
They have no time to mourn; then pardon me.
Sirs, which way went she!

Enter Strato.

Stra.Never follow her;
For she, alas! was but the instrument.
News is now brought in, that Melantius
Has got the fort, and stands upon the wall;
And with a loud voice calls those few, that pass
At this dead time of night, delivering
The innocence of this act.

Lys.Gentlemen, I am your King.

Stra.We do acknowledge it.

Lys.I would I were not.
Follow all; for this must have a sudden stop. [Exeunt.

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