- Aranyaka Parva
- Section I
- Section II
- Section III
- Section IV
- Section V
- Section VI
- Section VII
- Section VIII
- Section IX
- Section X
- Kirmira-vadha Parva
- Section XI
- Arjunabhigamana Parva
- Section XII
- Section XIII
- Section XIV
- Section XV
- Section XVI
- Section XVII
- Section XVIII
- Section XIX
- Section XX
- Section XXI
- Section XXII
- Section XXIII
- Section XXIV
- Section XXV
- Section XXVI
- Section XXVII
- Section XXVIII
- Section XXIX
- Section XXX
- Section XXXI
- Section XXXII
- Section XXXIII
- Section XXXIV
- Section XXXV
- Section XXXVI
- Section XXXVII
- Kairata Parva a.k.a. Kirata Parva
- Section XXXVIII
- Section XXXIX
- Section XL
- Section XLI
- Indralokagamana Parva
- Section XLII
- Section XLIII
- Section XLIV
- Section XLV
- Section XLVI
- Section XLVII
- Section XLVIII
- Section XLIX
- Section L
- Section LI
- Nalopakhyana Parva
- Section LII
- Section LIII
- Section LIV
- Section LV
- Section LVI
- Section LVII
- Section LVIII
- Section LIX
- Section LX
- Section LXI
- Section LXII
- Section LXIII
- Section LXIV
- Section LXV
- Section LXVI
- Section LXVII
- Section LXVIII
- Section LXIX
- Section LXX
- Section LXXI
- Section LXXII
- Section LXXIII
- Section LXXIV
- Section LXXV
- Section LXXVI
- Section LXXVII
- Section LXXVIII
- Section LXXIX
- Tirtha-yatra Parva
- Section LXXX
- Section LXXXI
- Section LXXXII
- Section LXXXIII
- Section LXXXIV
- Section LXXXV
- Section LXXXVI
- Section LXXXVII
- Section LXXXVIII
- Section LXXXIX
- Section XC
- Section XCI
- Section XCII
- Section XCIII
- Section XCIV
- Section XCV
- Section XCVI
- Section XCVII
- Section XCVIII
- Section XCIX
- Section C
- Section CI
- Section CII
- Section CIII
- Section CIV
- Section CV
- Section CVI
- Section CVII
- Section CVIII
- Section CIX
- Section CX
- Section CXI
- Section CXII
- Section CXIII
- Section CXIV
- Section CXV
- Section CXVI
- Section CXVII
- Section CXVIII
- Section CXIX
- Section CXX
- Section CXXI
- Section CXXII
- Section CXXIII
- Section CXXIV
- Section CXXV
- Section CXXVI
- Section CXXVII
- Section CXXVIII
- Section CXXIX
- Section CXXX
- Section CXXXI
- Section CXXXII
- Section CXXXIII
- Section CXXXIV
- Section CXXXV
- Section CXXXVI
- Section CXXXVII
- Section CXXXVIII
- Section CXXXIX
- Section CXL
- Section CXLI
- Section CXLII
- Section CXLIII
- Section CXLIV
- Section CXLV
- Section CXLVI
- Section CXLVII
- Section CXLVIII
- Section CXLIX
- Section CL
- Section CLI
- Section CLII
- Section CLIII
- Section CLIV
- Section CLV
- Section CLVI
- Section CLVII
- Yaksha-yudha Parva
- Section CLVIII
- Section CLIX
- Section CLX
- Section CLXI
- Section CLXII
- Section CLXIII
- Section CLXIV
- Nivata-kavacha-yudha Parva
- Section CLXV
- Section CLXVI
- Section CLXVII
- Section CLXVIII
- Section CLXIX
- Section CLXX
- Section CLXXI
- Section CLXXII
- Section CLXXIII
- Section CLXXIV
- Section CLXXV
- Ajagara Parva
- Section CLXXVI
- Section CLXXVII
- Section CLXXVIII
- Section CLXXIX
- Section CLXXX
- Section CLXXXI
- Markandeya-Samasya Parva
- Section CLXXXII
- Section CLXXXIII
- Section CLXXXIV
- Section CLXXXV
- Section CLXXXVI
- Section CLXXXVII
- Section CLXXXIX
- Section CXC
- Section CXCI
- Section CXCII
- Section CXCIII
- Section CXCIV
- Section CXCV
- Section CXCVI
- Section CXCVII
- Section CXCVIII
- Section CXCIX
- Section CC
- Section CCI
- Section CCII
- Section CCIII
- Section CCIV
- Section CCV
- Section CCVI
- Section CCVII
- Section CCVIII
- Section CCIX
- Section CCX
- Section CCXI
- Section CCXII
- Section CCXIII
- Section CCXIV
- Section CCXV
- Section CCXVI
- Section CCXVII
- Section CCXVIII
- Section CCXIX
- Section CCXX
- Section CCXXI
- Section CCXXII
- Section CCXXIII
- Section CCXXIV
- Section CCXXV
- Section CCXXVI
- Section CCXXVII
- Section CCXXVIII
- Section CCXXIX
- Section CCXXX
- Section CCXXXI
- Draupadi-Satyabhama Samvada Parva
- Section CCXXXII
- Section CCXXXIII
- Section CCXXXIV
- Ghosha-yatra Parva
- Section CCXXXV
- Section CCXXXVI
- Section CCXXXVII
- Section CCXXXIX
- Section CCXL
- Section CCXLI
- Section CCXLII
- Section CCXLIII
- Section CCXLIV
- Section CCXLV
- Section CCXLVI
- Section CCXLVII
- Section CCXLVIII
- Section CCXLIX
- Section CCL
- Section CCLI
- Section CCLII
- Section CCLIII
- Section CCLIV
- Section CCLV
- Section CCLVI
- Mriga Sapnovbhava Parva
- Section CCLVII
- Vrihi Drounika Parva
- Section CCLVIII
- Section CCLIX
- Section CCLX
- Draupadi-harana Parva
- Section CCLXI
- Section CCLXII
- Section CCLXIII
- Section CCLXIV
- Section CCLXV
- Section CCLXVI
- Section CCLXVII
- Section CCLXVIII
- Section CCLXIX
- Section CCLXX
- Jayadhratha Vimokshana Parva
- Section CCLXXI
- Rama Upakhyana Parva
- Section CCLXXII
- Section CCLXXIII
- Section CCLXXIV
- Section CCLXXV
- Section CCLXXVI
- Section CCLXXVII
- Section CCLXXIX
- Section CCLXXX
- Section CCLXXXI
- Section CCLXXXII
- Section CCLXXXIV
- Section CCLXXXV
- Section CCLXXXVI
- Section CCLXXXIX
- Section CCXC
- Section CCXCI
- Pativrata-mahatmya Parva
- Section CCXCII
- Section CCXCIII
- Section CCXCIV
- Section CCXCV
- Section CCXCVI
- Section CCXCVII
- Section CCXCVIII
- Kundalaharana Parva
- Section CCXCIX
- Section CCC
- Section CCCI
- Section CCCII
- Section CCCIII
- Section CCCIV
- Section CCCV
- Section CCCVI
- Section CCCVII
- Section CCCVIII
- Section CCCIX
- Aranya Parva a.k.a. Araneya Parva
- Section CCCX
- Section CCCXI
- Section CCCXII
- Section CCCXIII
- Section CCCXIV
- Section CCCXV
- Section CCCXVI
- Section CCCXVII
- Section CCCXVIII
- Section CCCXIX
- Section CCCXX
- Section CCCXXI
- Section CCCXXII
- Section CCCXXIII
- Section CCCXXIV
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