< The Army and Navy Hymnal < Hymns
For other English-language translations of this work, see Psalm 23.
![\version "2.16.2"
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "24" " " "The Lord Is My Shepherd" } subsubtitle = "(POLAND. 11,11,11,11)" composer = "Thomas Koschat, 1862" arranger = "Arranged by B. C. Blodgett, 1858" poet = "James Montgomery, 1822" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key f \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 \relative c' {
r8 << { c } \\ { c } >> |
<f a>4 q q |
q <f c> r8 q |
<f a>4 q <a c,> |
<bes c,>2 r8 << { c, } \\ { c } >> |
<c bes'>4 q <d bes'> | \break
<e bes'> q r8 q |
q4 <f bes> <g bes> |
<< { bes( a) } \\ { f2 } >> r8 << { c } \\ { c } >> |
<f a>4 q q |
q <f c> q | \break
<f a> <a e> <a ees> |
<< { a( g) } \\ { d2 } >> r8 << { d } \\ { d } >> |
<f d'>4 <fis d'> <g d'> |
<f d'> <f c'> r8 << { c } \\ { c } >> |
<e bes'>4 <e a> <e g> |
<< { f2 } \\ { f } >> \bar "||" \break
r8 << { f } \\ { f } >> |
<f d'>4 <fis d'> <g d'> |
<gis d'> <a c> <a f> |
<bes e,> <a e> <g e> |
<< { f2\fermata } \\ { f } >> s4 \bar "|."
<f d>2*2/3 <f c> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major \relative c' {
r8 << { c } \\ { c } >> |
<f f,>4 <e f,> <d f,> |
<c f,> <a f> r8 q |
<< { c[ a] d[ c] a[ f'] } \\ { f,4 f f } >> |
<g e'>2 r8 << { c } \\ { c } >> |
<f c,>4 <e c,> <d c,> | % end of line 1
<c c,> <g c,> r8 <a c,> |
<< { bes[ c] } \\ { c,4 } >> <c d'> <c e'> |
<< { d'( c) } \\ { f,2 } >> r8 << { c' } \\ { c } >> |
<f f,>4 <e f,> <d f,> |
<c f,> <a f> q | % end of line 2
<c f,> q <c fis,> |
<bes g>2 r8 <d d,> |
<d bes,>4 <c a,> <bes g,> |
<a c,> q r8 <c c,> |
<d c,>4 <c c,> <bes cis,> |
<a d,>2 % end of line 3
r8 << { f } \\ { f } >> |
<bes bes,>4 <c a,> <d bes,> |
<f b,,> <c c,> q |
<d c,> <c c,> <bes c,> | <f a>2\fermata s4
<bes bes,>2*2/3 <a f f,> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 112 } }](../../../I/a0fa11f69659cbd2060e3acd6537d1ca.png.webp)
1.The Lord is my Shep-herd; no want shall I Know.
I feed in green pastures, safe folded I rest
He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow,
Re-stores me when wand-'ring, re-deems when op-prest,
Re-stores me when wand-'ring, re-deems when op-prest.
2.Thro' val-ley and shad-ow of death though I stray
Since thou art my Guar-dian, no e-vil I fear;
Thy rod shall de-fend me, thy staff be my stay;
No harm can be-fall me, my Com-fort-er near,
No harm can be-fall me, my Com-fort-er near.
3.Let good-ness and mer-cy, my boun-ti-ful God,
Still follow my steps till I meet thee a-bove;
I seek by the path which my fore-fa-thers trod,
Thro' lands of thier so-journ, thy king-dom of love,
Thro' lands of thier so-journ, thy king-dom of love.
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