Æshna grandis (see Dragon-fly)
Agelena labyrinthica (see Labyrinth Spider)
American Tarantula (see Mygale)
Ammonite, 389–390, 393, 400
Ammophila (see Hairy Ammophila)
Angular Epeira, 231, 238, 244, 248–266, 280–281, 286, 289–290, 292–301, 311–313, 395
Anoxia, 174, 314
Anthophagus, 17
Archimedes, 388
Argyroneta (see Water Spider)
Asidæ, 365
Baglivi, Giorgio, 48, 55, 58
Baker, W. S. Graff, 37
Banded Epeira, 78–104, 177–178, 190–191, 202–210, 219, 223, 227, 231, 238, 244, 254, 258–259, 266, 272–283, 301–316, 320–329, 342, 348, 383–400
Bee (see Bumble-bee, Carpenter-bee, Domestic Bee, Mason-bee)
Beetle, 8, 74, 304–306, 361
Bernouilli, Jacques, 387, 392
Bird Spider (see Mygale)
Black-bellied Tarantula (see Narbonne Lycosa)
Blue-bottle, 18–20
Bombus (see Bumble-bee)
Bumble-bee, 57–64, 314
Bunting, 228
Buprestis, 71, 314
Butterfly, 314, 316, 339, 347
Carpenter-bee, 65–68, 70
Caterpillar, 8, 76, 348 n
Centipede, 365
Cephalopoda, 389
Cerceris, 17, 67, 72, 314
Cerithia, 392
Cetonia, 19, 315
Chaffinch, 219, 228–229
Chick, 26, 157, 378–381
Cicada, 75, 144, 257
Cicero, 387
Cigale (see Cicada)
Clothes-moth, 306
Clotho Durandi (see Clotho Spider)
Clotho Spider, 27, 33, 360–382
Cockchafer, 314
Copris, 158–159
Crab Spider, 105–108, 213–227, 315, 350, 352
Crater Epeira, 231, 290–291
Crested Lark, 227
Cricket, 17, 142, 146–147, 149, 245, 314
Cross Spider, 27, 177–184, 191–202, 325–328, 395
Cryptus (see Ichneumon-fly)
Debassaire (see Penduline Titmouse)
Diadem Epeira (see Cross Spider)
Dog, 317, 378
Domestic Bee, 20, 59, 62, 105, 214–216, 218, 223, 315, 352
Dragon-fly, 80, 136, 139, 282, 289–290, 294–295, 311–312, 314
Dufour, Léon, 40, 42–52, 56
Dung-beetle, 11, 14, 71, 314
Durand, 361–362.
Earth-worm, 144, 392–394, 400
Empusa, 19
Ephippigera, 69, 77
Epeira (see Garden Spider)
Epeira angulata (see Angular Epeira)
Epeira cratera (see Crater Epeira)
Epeira diadema (see Cross Spider)
Epeira fasciata (see Banded Epeira)
Epeira pallida (see Pale-tinted Epeira)
Epeira sericea (see Silky Epeira)
Eumenes, 17
Fabre, J. Henri, 7–27
Fabre, Paul, 195
Field Cricket (see Cricket)
Fly, 8, 141, 302–304, 314, 339
Garden Spider, 27, 60, 108, 117, 127, 129, 177–184, 228–329, 337, 340, 380, 383–400
Geotrupe, 11
Gnat, 2, 34, 173, 246, 267
Goldfinch, 219, 276–277
Grasshopper, 28, 59, 69, 74, 80, 84, 245, 314
Great Peacock Moth, 28, 297
Greenfinch, 228
Hairy Ammophila, 17, 67, 76–77
Hen, 107–108, 157
Horned Viper, 312
Hornet, 304–305
House Spider, 267–271, 356, 367
Ichneumon-fly, 348, 351
Iulus, 366
Labyrinth Spider, 330–359
La Fontaine, Jean, 318
Langdale, Marmaduke, 37
Languedocian Scorpion, 28, 33
Languedocian Sphex, 17, 67, 76–77, 314
Lark (see Crested Lark)
Leaf-cutter (see Megachile)
Leucospis, 17
Linnet, 228
Locust, 19, 69, 82–85, 121, 139, 174, 282–284, 287–289, 294–295, 309–310, 312–314, 316, 338–340
Lycosa narbonnensis (see Narbonne Lycosa)
Mademoiselle Mori, Author of, 36, 176 n, 308 n
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 37
Malmignatte, 40–41
Mammoth, 319
Mantis religiosa (see Praying Mantis)
Mason-bee, 8, 17, 99
Mason Mygale (see Mygale)
Megachile, 8, 20–23
Miall, Bernard, 36, 85 n, 297 n, 315 n
Michelet, Jules, 125–126
Midge, 227, 346
Minotaurus typhæus, 14–15, 33
Mistral, Frédéric, 7 n
Mole, 74–75
Mosquito, 347
Moth, 249-250, 262, 266, 301–304, 306
Mygale, 330–332, 363
Narbonne Lycosa, 33, 39–77, 105–186, 221–222, 312, 330, 377, 379–382
Nautilus pompilus, 389–390, 393
Oil-beetle, 20
Opatra, 365
Opossum, 120
Ortolan, 228
Oryctes, 315
Osmia, 28
Pachytilus cinarescens, 17
Pale-tinted Eperia, 123–124, 231, 395
Partridge, 378
Pelopæus, 100
Penduline Titmouse, 100–104
Pentatomida, 23–25
Philanthus apivorus, 315
Planorbis vortex, 390
Praying Mantis, 19, 29, 85–87, 304–306, 314
Processionary of the Pine, 15–16, 269–270
Pupa cinerea, 366–367
Pupa quadridens, 366–367
Rattlesnake, 312
Reduvius personatus, 24–25
Reindeer, 319
Rhinoceros Beetle (see Oryctes)
Rodwell, Miss Frances, 37
Rose-chafer (see Cetonia)
Sacred Beetle, 11–14, 176
Sambé, 228–229
Scolia, 314–315
Scorpion (see Languedocian Scorpion)
Silky Epeira, 85–87, 95–96, 177–179, 210–212, 220, 231, 238, 243, 258–259, 266, 272–283, 302–316, 320–322, 324–326, 342, 346, 384–400
Snail, 33, 361, 366, 392
Spanish-fly, 27
Sparrow, 72–74
Sphex (see Languedocian Sphex)
Spindle-shell, 392
Tachytes, 17
Tarantula, 40–52
Tegenaria domestica (see House Spider)
Teixeria de Mattos, Alexander, 37, 158 n, 176 n, 315 n
Tenebrionidæ, 365
Terebra, 390–392
Theridion lugubre, 40–41
Thomisus onustus (see Crab Spider)
Tiberius, the Emperor, 331
Trigonocephalus, 312
Tryxalis, 84
Turritellæ, 392
Viper (see Horned Viper)
Wasp, 8, 59–60, 62, 71, 314
Water Spider, 27, 331–332
Weevil, 71, 314
Worm (see Earth-worm)
Xylocopa violacea (see Carpenter-bee)
Yellowhammer, 228