< The Life of Michael Angelo




A. Poems

"Rime di Michelagnolo Buonarroti, raccolte da Michelagnolo su nipote," Giunti, Florence, 1623. (The first—faulty—edition of the poems of Michael Angelo, collected by his grandnephew, Michael Angelo the younger.)

"Le Rime di M. A. B. cavate dagli autografi, e pubblicate da Cesare Guasti," Florence, 1863. (The first edition of the poems which has a truly historical character.)

"Die Dichtungen des Michelagniolo Buonarroti, herausgegeben und mit kritischem apparate versehen von Dr. Carl Frey, Professor der neueren Kunstgeschicte an der Universitaet Berlin—mit einen Portraetradierung von Albert Krüger, und einen Heliographie nach Francesco da HollandaG. Grote’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin, 1897. (A model edition, the only exact and complete one—followed by an admirable philological and historical commentary, a selection of poems addressed to Michael Angelo, a chronological table of extracts from letters relating to the poems, and an index.)

B. Letters

"Le Lettere di Michel Angelo Buonarroti, pubblicate con Ricordi ed i Contratti artistici per cura di Gaetano Milanesi," Le Monnier, Florence, 1875.


A. Contemporary Documents

Giorgio Vasari. " Vite degli architetti, pittore e scultori," 1550 (first edition); 1568 (second edition).

Ascanio Condivi. "Vita di Michel Angelo Buonarroti," Antonio Blado, Rome, 1553.

Francisco da Hollanda. " Quatre Entretiens sur la Peinture," held in Rome in 1538-1539—composed in 1548, and published by Joachim de Vasconcellos—French translation in "Les Arts en Portugal," by Comte A. Raczynski, Renouard, Paris, 1846.

Donato Giannotti. " Dialoghi de' giorni che Dante consume nel cercare l'lnferno e 'l Purgatorie "—composed in 1545 — first edition, 1859, Florence.

Paolo Giovio. " Michaelis Angeli Vita "—first published by Tiraboschi in his " Storia della lett. ital.," vol. ix, 1781, Modena.

Benvenuto Cellini. "La Vita," written between 1559 and 1562 — first edition, 1728, Naples.

Benedetto Varchi. "Due Lezzioni," Florence, 1549.

Benedetto Varchi. "Orazione funerale recitata nelle esequie di Michel Angelo Buonarroti," Giunti, Florence, 1564.

Francesco Berni. "Opere burlesche," Giunti, Florence, 1548.

"The Correspondents of Michael Angelo." I. Sebastiano de Piombo. Italian text published for the first time by Gaetano Milanesi, with a French translation by A. le Pileur, Librairie de I'Art, Paris, 1890.

"Sammlung ausgewaehlter Biographien Vasaris, herausgegeben von Carl Frey." Vol. ii. "Le Vite di M. A. B." Critical edition of all the biographies of Michael Angelo, composed by contemporaries.

Giovanni Gaye. " Carteggio inedito d' artisti dei secoli xiv, XV, xvi," Florence, 1840.

Daelli. " Carte Michelangiolesche inedite," Milan, 1865.

"Sammlung ausgewaehlter Briefe an M. A. B., herausgegeben von Carl Frey," Berlin, 1899.

B. Modern Works

Richard Duppa. "The Life and Literary Works of M. A. B.," London, 1806, 1807.

Quatremère de Quincy. "Histoire de la vie et des Ouvrages de M. A. B.," Paris, 1835.

Hermann Grimm. " Das Leben Michelangelos," first edition, 1860, Hanover; seventh and last, 1900 (with illustrations) .

Aurelio Gotti. " Vita di M. A. B.," Florence, 1875.

"L'Œuvre et la Vie de Michel-Ange, dessinateur, sculpteur, peintre, architecte, et poete," par MM. Charles Blanc, E. Guillaume, Paul Mantz, Charles Garnier, Mezieres, A. de Montaiglon, G. Duplessis, et Louis Gonse, Paris, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1876.

C. Heath Wilson. "Life and Works of M. B.," London, 1876.

Anton Springer. "Raffael und Michelangelo," 1878, Leipzig.

Ludwig von Scheffler. "Michelangelo, eine Renaissance-Studie," 1892, Altenburg.

John Addington Symonds. "The Sonnets of M. A. B. and T. Campanella," London, 1878.

John Addington Symonds. "The Life of M. A. B.," London, 1893.

Carl Justi. " Michelangelo," 1900, Leipzig.

Corrado Ricci. "Michelangelo," 1901, Florence.

Ernst Steinmann. "Die Sixtinische Capelle," 1905, Bruckmann, Munich, vol. ii (for the iconography of Michael Angelo and Vittoria Colonna).

Henry Thode. "Michelangelo und das Ende der Renaissance," vol. i, Grote, Berlin, 1902; vol. ii, the same, 1903. This notable work—still unfinished—is the most important psychological and philosophical study on Michael Angelo and his times which has yet been published. It is permissible to regret—without speaking of its Wagnerian tendency, which is vexatious and fantastic—an abuse of abstract categories and scholastic divisions, which, instead of throwing light on the subject, obscure it and add to the disorder of a too compact text. But these books are full of ideas, and form an extremely valuable storehouse of documents. I have abundantly drawn from them, as well as from the admirable editions and studies of Carl Prey.

III. Vittoria Colonna

"Rime," first edition, 1538, Parma; second edition, 1539; "con giunta di xvi Sonetti Spirituali," 1539; "con giunta di xxiv Sonetti Spirituali, e Trionfo della Croce," 1544, Venice; numerous editions in the sixteenth century.

"Carteggio," published by Erm. Ferrero and Gius. Müller, Torchi, Turin, 1892. A collection of letters from or to Vittoria Colonna, and documents relating to her life—among others, the " Vita di V. C," by Filonico Alicarnasseo.

"Lettere inedite," Salza edition, Florence, 1898.

"II codice delle rime di V. C. appartenente a Margherita, regina di Navarra," scoperto ed illustrato da D. Tordi, Pistoie, 1900.

Henry Roscoe. "V. C., her Life and Poems," London, 1868.

Giuseppe Campori. "V. C. (Atti e Memorie delle R. R. Deputazioni di Storia Patria per le prov. dell' Emilia)," vol. iii. Modena, 1878.

Alfred de Reumont. " Vittoria Colonna," Fribourg, 1881. Italian translation by Müller and Ferrero, 1892, Turin.

Alessandro Luzio. "Vittoria Colonna" (Riv. Storica Mantovana). Vol. I, Mantua, 1885.

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