< The Land of the Veda



(The common spelling is given In Italic, followed by the correct or phonetic spelling in Roman.)
Ab ’Ab Water; e.g., Do-ab, two waters; Punj-ab, five waters
Abad ’Abád A dwelling or city, as Allah-abad, City of God
Adawlat Adálat A court of justice.
Admee ’Admí A man.
Allah Alláh The Arabic or Mohammedan name of God.
Alum ’Alam The universe, or world.
Ameen Amín A native Judge.
Amreeta Amrit The water of immortality; the ambrosia of the Hindoo gods.
Anna ’Aná A coin; the sixteenth of a rupee, worth three cents.
Ap ’Ap Your Honor.
Asman ’Asmán Heaven; the firmament or sky.
Asoor Asur A devil, an evil spirit.
Ata ’Atá Flour, meal.
Attar Itr Essence, or rose oil.
Avatar Autár An incarnation; particularly of Vishnu, nine of which have taken place, the tenth is yet to come.
Ayah ’Ayáh A maid or nurse.
Baboo Bábú Hindoo title of respect; sir, gent
Bagh Bágh A garden or grove.
Bahadoor Bahádur Brave, title of rank.
Bajra Bájrá A kind of millet.
Bana Báná The Word; the so-called sacred writings of the Bhuddists.
Bandy Bándí A gig or cart.
Banghy Bahangí A pole with ropes, for carrying baggage on the shoulder.
Bangle Bangle A bracelet.
Bap Báp Father.
Baraduree Bárádarí A building with twelve doors. A summer-house in a garden.
Barat Barát Marriage ceremony of bringing home the bride.
Basun Básan A plate, dish, or vessel.
Bavurchee Báwarchí A cook.
Bawarcheekana  Báwarchikhána  A cooking-place or kitchen.
Bazaar Bázár A market or trading-street.
Beegah Bíghá A land measure; about one third of an acre, but differing in the various provinces of India.
Begum Begam A princess or lady, (Mohammedan title.)
Belatee Waláyatí Foreign, European.
Bhadrnauth Badrínáth The Lord of Purity. The deity worshiped Bhadrinauth.
Bhugavat Bhagavat One of the names of Brahm. God.
Bhugavat-Gita  Bhagavat-Gita  A philosophic episode of the “Mahabarata.”
Bhung Bhang An intoxicating preparation of hemp.
Bheestee Bihishtí A water carrier.
Bhoosa Bhús Food for cattle; chaff.
Bhoot Bhút A ghost or spirit.
Bihisht Bihisht Paradise, heaven.
Bouzees Bouzis The priests in China and Tartary.
Boodha Budhá. Old man.
Boot But An idol or pagoda.
Brahm Brahm God; the Divine essence.
Brahma Brahmá The personal Creator.
Brahma-loka Brahmá-lok The highest of the sixteen celestial worlds of the Buddhists.
Brahmin Brahman Hindoo priest; the first of the four Hindoo castes.
Brahmo Somaj  Brahmo Somáj  A new sect of reformed Hindoos, styling themselves intuitional deists.
Brinjaries Brinjárí Carriers of grain.
Budgerow Bajrá A large cabin-boat; a pleasure-boat.
Buddha Baudh Gotama; a historical personage worshiped in Thibet, China, etc. Called Fo in China.
Buddhist Buddhist A follower of Gotama-Buddha.
Bucksheesh Bakhshish A present or gift.
Bungalow Banglá A house, usually thatched.
Bunya Baniyá A grain merchant or trader.
Burra Bará Great.
Bursat Barsát Rains, or the “rainy season.”
Buttee Battí A candle or lamp; a lamp-wick.
Byragee Bairágí A religious mendicant, a worshiper of Vishnu.
Bylee Bahlí A native carriage drawn by bullocks.
Caranchie Karánchí A native carriage.
Caste Zát A division of Hindoo society, of which there are four principal: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya, Sudra.
Cazee Qází A Mohammedan Judge, who decides civil and criminal suits by the Koran.
Chand Chand The moon.
Charpoy Chárpáí A light native cot or bedstead, usually made of bamboo and cords.
Chattah Chhátá An umbrella.
Cheetah Chítá A leopard; frequently used in hunting.
Chirragh Chirágh A small light or lamp.
Chitak Chhatánk A weight of about two ounces.
Chittee Chitthí A note or letter.
Chobedar Chobdár A bearer of a silver mace.
Chokey Chaukí A chair or stool; a guard station.
Chokra Chokrá A boy. Chokrí: a girl.
Chor Chor A robber, a thief.
Chota Chhotá Little.
Chota-hazree Chhoti-házirí  A slight refreshment in the morning.
Chowk Chauk A market, yard, or court.
Chowkeydar Chaukídár A watchman.
Chowrie Chaurí A whisk for driving off flies.
Chuddur Chaddar A sheet or table-cloth.
Chumar Chumar A leather-dresser.
Chunam Chunam Lime.
Chupatti Chapátí A thin, unleavened cake of coarse flour.
Chupper Chappar A thatched roof.
Chuprassie Chaprásí A peon or messenger.
Churuk-poojah  Charkh-pújá  An annual barbarous swinging festival.
Chutney Chatní A kind of pungent sauce or catsup.
Coolie Qulí A burden-bearer, a laborer.
Coss Kos The Hindoo mile; about two English miles.
Cowrie Kaurí A small shell used as currency; 5,120 to a rupee.
Crore Karor Ten millions; one hundred lakhs.
Curry Kárí A popular Indian dish, composed of meat cooked in a dressing of spices, and eaten with boiled rice.
Cutcha Kachchá Unripe; uncooked; green; imperfect; built of unburnt brick.
Cutcherry Kachahrí A court-house, or court of justice.
Dacoit Dakait A robber or river-pirate.
Dai Dáí A wet-nurse; a midwife.
Dandy Dandí A light conveyance, or sedan, borne on the shoulders of two men.
Daroga Dárogha A superintendent; an agent.
Dawk Dák A post, letter post, or arrangements for traveling.
Dawk Bungalow  Dák Bungla A rest-house for travelers.
Deccan Dakhan The South.
Deen Dín Religion, faith.
Devar Dewá A Hindoo name for the gods generally.
Dewan Díwán A chief minister: an agent.
Dewanee Khass Diwán i Kháss  The audience-hall of the “Great Moguls.”
Dharma Dharm Divine law, duty, virtue.
Dharma Shastra  Dharm Shástr  The Hindoo Code; religion, science, morals, law.
Dherna Dherna The custom of sitting in defiance before one's door to compel compliance with a demand.
Dhobee Dhobí A washerman. Dhobín: a washerwoman.
Doab Doáb A tract of country between two rivers; as that between the Ganges and Jumna.
Dooley Dolí A litter, or light palanquin.
Dozukh Dozakh Hell.
Durbar Darbár A court where a levee is held.
Durbeen Dúrbín A spy-glass or telescope.
Durga-Poojah Durgá-Pújá A yearly festival of the Hindoos, extending over fifteen days, in honor of the Goddess Durga.
Durvesh Darwesh A Mohammedan sage or beggar.
Durwan Darwán A gate-keeper.
Durzee Darzí A tailor.
Dustoor Dastúr Customs, manners, usage.
Dustoori Dastúrí Fee or percentage exacted by middlemen and servants
Dwaper Yug Dwápur Jug  The third age of the world.
Eblis Iblís The Mohammedan name for the Devil.
Eed ’Id A Mohammedan festival; their Easter.
Emir or Ameer  Amír A chief or noble.
Eurasians Eurasians Descendants of Europeans and Asiatics sometimes called East Indians, or half-castes.
Fakir Faqír A religious mendicant.
Feringhee Faringhí A European; a foreigner.
Ferishta Farishta An angel.
Firdoos Firdaus Paradise; the heaven of the Mohammedans.
Firman Farmán A royal order, mandate, command.
Foujdar Faujdár A commander; an army officer.
Gunesha Ganesh A Hindoo deity: the God of Wisdom, represented with an elephant's head.
Ganges Gunga The holy river of India. From Gunga, the river, represented as a deity.
Gharree Gárí A carriage, cart.
Ghareewan Gáríwán A coachman.
Ghat Ghát A landing or bathing-place; flight of steps at a river ; also, a pass in mountains.
Ghee Ghí An inferior butter used for cooking.
Ghogra Ghógra A river in Upper India, a tributary of the Ganges
Gholam Ghulám A slave, a servant.
Ghora Ghorá A horse.
Ghur Ghar House, home, habitation.
Ghurra Ghará An earthen water-pot or pitcher.
Ghurree Gharí A clock, watch, hour.
Gomashta Gumáshta An agent, officer, or superintendent.
Goomtee Gumtí A river in Oude flowing by Lucknow.
Godown Gudám A store-house, cellar, warehouse, magazine.
Gora Gorá A white man; an English soldier.
Gossain Gossáin A religious mendicant worshiping Mahadev, (Shiva.)
Gonah Gunáh A sin, crime.
Gram Gram A kind of vetch, pulse, or peas.
Guddee Gaddí Pad, cushion, or seat; a throne or royal seat.
Guicowar Gaekwár Name of a sovereign in the South.
Gully Galí Street, alley, way.
Guroo Gurú A religious teacher, priest.
Guz Gaz A measure; a short yard.
Hackery Hackery A native cart drawn by bullocks.
Hadjee Hájí A Mohammedan who has made the pilgimage to Mecca.
Hukeem Hakím A Mohammedan doctor, a sage, philosopher.
Hakim Hákim A ruler, governor, king.
Hanuman Hanumán The deified monkey who was the ally of Rama.
Harem Haram Sacred, prohibited, the inner or women's apartmenta
Hati Háthí An elephant.
Havildar Hawáldár A native sergeant.
Hazree Házirí Breakfast, presence.
Hejira Hijrí Flight; the flight of Mohammed from Mecca, 16th of July, A. D. 622; the Mohammedan era.
Hera Hírá A diamond.
Hookah Huqqa A smoking-pipe.
Hoolee Holí A Hindoo festival to commemorate the beginning of the new year.
Hoondes Hundí A native bank-note ; a bill of exchange.
Howdah Hauda A box-seat on an elephant's back; an elephant's saddle.
Huck Haqq Equity, truth, reason.
Hurkaru Harkára A messenger, a running courier.
Hurrumzadu  Haramzáda  A rascal, a bastard.
Huzar Hazár A thousand.
Huzoor Huzúr Royal presence; “Your Honor.”
Huzrat Hazrat Excellency, majesty, divine; a title accorded to superiors.
Huzrat Isa Hazrat ’Isá Jesus Christ.
Indra Indrá The God of Light. The leading ancient Vedic deity, sometimes called the God of Heaven, but now occupying only an inferior position.
Islam Islám The Mohammedan religion.
Istan Istán or Sthán A termination, signifying place or country, as Affghanistan that of the Affghans.
Izzut Izzat Honor, respect.
Jagheer Jágír A State or landed estate assigned by Government as a reward.
Jaghiredar Jágírdár A person holding a jagheer.
Jehan Jahán The world.
Jahaz Jaház A ship.
Jain Jain A kind of degenerate Buddhists.
Jat Ját A caste or sect; a tribe among the Rajpoots.
Jeel Jhíl A shallow lake or pond.
Jemmadar Jamadár A native subaltern officer; head-man of a village or class.
Jinn Jinn According to the Mohammedans, an intermediate race between angels and men.
Jotee Jútí A shoe or slipper.
Jowar Joár A kind of millet.
Juggernauth  Jaganáth The Lord of the World. A god of the Hindoos, whose temple is at Orissa.
Juldee Jaldí Quick! quickly!
Jumma Musjid  Jama Masjid  Chief mosque at Delhi. The largest place of Mohammedan worship in India.
Jammaut Jamáat Assembly, meeting, congregation.
Jumna Jamuná A river of North-west India.
Jungle Jangal A thicket, desert, wilderness, wood.
Kaffir Káfir An infidel; impious rascal.
Kalee Kálí The Hindoo goddess of destruction.
Kali Yug Kal Jug The fourth or present age of the world; the black or iron age.
Kalpa Kalpa A day of Brahma, equal to 4,320,000,000 solar years
Karen Karen An aboriginal race in the hills of Burmah.
Kasi Káshí Magnificent; the ancient name of Benares, still so called by the Brahmins.
Katree Khatrí A military caste of Hindoos.
Khansama Khánsámán  A steward or butler.
Kheleet Khilat A robe or dress of honor presented as a gift.
Keranee Kirání A writer, clerk; a man of mixed blood.
Khuda Khudá God.
Khudawund Khudáwand Lord, sir, master.
Kitmutghar Khidmatgár A table attendant.
Kincob Kimkhwáb Brocade.
Kismut Qismat Destiny, chance, fortune.
Koh-i-noor Koh-i-núr “Mountain of Light.” A diamond so called, formerly worn by the Great Moguls, and now by the Queen of England.
Koran Qurán The supposed revelation to Mohammed, collected by the Caliph Omar.
Kotee Kothí A house, mansion, dwell J3g.
Kotwal Kotwál Mayor of the city, police officer.
Kotwalie Kotwálí Mayor's office or police station.
Krishna Krishn The name of Vishnu in his eighth incarnation.
Kshatriya Kshatrí The second or military caste of the Hindoos.
Kulma Kalma The Mohammedan confession of faith: “There is no God but God, and Mohammed is his Prophet.”
Kupra-wallah  Kápra-wálá A cloth merchant.
Lac Lákh One hundred thousand.
Lamas Lamas The Buddhist priests of Tartary and Thibet, the chief of whom is called Dali, Grand Lama, or Living Buddha.
Larka Larká A babe, boy, child. Larkee: a girl.
Linga Ling Membrum virile; the indelicate form under which Shiva is worshiped.
Log Lōg Mankind, people.
Lohar Lohar A blacksmith..
Lungoor Lungúr A baboon; the black-faced monkey.
Maha Mahá Great, illustrious.
Mahabarata  Mahábhárat  The second great Sanscrit epic of the Hindoos, celebrating the wars of the rival Pandoos and Kuroos.
Mahadeva Mahádev One of the names of the god Shiva.
Maharajah Mahárajá A great king.
Maha Yug Mahá Jug A celestial age in Hindoo chronology, including 12,000 divine years, each of which is equal to 360 solar years, the Maha-Yug being equal to 4,320,000 years of mortals.
Mahout Mahaut An elephant-keeper and driver.
Malik Málik Master, lord, ruler.
Malee Málí A gardener.
Manjee Mánjhí Master of a vessel; a steersman.
Meidan Maidan A plain, ground, field-of-battle.
Mela Mela Hindoo fair or festival held for religious or commercial purposes.
Menu Menu author of the legal and religious Code of the Hindoos.
Methur Mihtar A sweeper.
Mithuranee Mihtarání A low-caste nurse.
Minar Mínár A tower, minaret, obelisk.
Mirza Mirza Prince, sir.
Mochee Mochí A shoemaker.
Mohulla Mahalla Quarter, district, division.
Mohur Muhr A gold coin, valued at sixteen rupees or eight dollars.
Mohurrum Muharram The first month of the Mohammedan year.
Moolk Mulk Country, region.
Moonshee Munshí A teacher of languages, usually a Mohammedan.
Moonsif Munsif Arbitrator, Judge.
Mootee Motí A pearl.
Moulah Moulah A Mohammedan priest, doctor, teacher.
Moulvie Maulví A learned Mohammedan.
Muntra Mantra Mystic verses or incantations of the Brahmins.
Musjeed Masjid A mosque; Mohammedan place of worship.
Mussal Mashál A light or torch.
Mussalchee Mashálchí A link-boy, torch-bearer.
Mussruk Mashk A leathern bottle for carrying water.
Mussulman Musalmán A term used, like Moslem, to denote all who believe in the Koran.
Musnud Masnad A throne, a royal seat.
Muezzin Muazzin The person who calls the Mohammedans to prayer,
Naib Náib Deputy or viceroy.
Namaz Namáz Prayer, (Mohammedan term.)
Nana Náná Maternal grandfather.
Nautch Nátch The dance, ball, etc.
Nabob Nawáb A Mohammedan title, viceroy, governor.
Nazim or Nizam  Nizám Ruler.
Nimmuk Namak Salt.
Nimmuk-haram Namak-harám  A traitor to his “covenant of salt.”
Noor Núr Splendor, light.
Nubee Nabí A prophet.
Nuddee Nadí A stream, river.
Nugger Nagar A town, village, city.
Nullah Nullah A water-course, a ravine.
Nuzzur Nazar An offering.
Padishah Pádsháh
A king, ruler, emperor.
Paddy Paddy Rice; rice in the field.
Padre Pádrí A common term in India for a Christian clergyman; a priest, (Portuguese.)
Pagoda Pagōda A Hindoo place of worship.
Pahar Pahár A hill or mountain.
Paharee Pahárí A hill man, mountaineer.
Pálkí A litter for one person to ride in, the usual conveyance in India.
Parsee Pársí A sect found in Western India, the followers of Zoroaster, or the Persian Magi.
Parswanath Parisnáth The deity of the Jains.
Patan Pathán A term applied to the old Affghan Mohammedans as distinguished from the Moguls.
Pawn Pán The betel-leaf; the nut of the areca-palm, lime, and spice wrapped in a betel-leaf and chewed by the natives.
Peer Pír A Mohammedan spiritual guide; a sage.
Peishwah Peshwa A leader; originally the title of the chief minister of the Mahratta, later a royal designation of Bajee Rao and Nana Sahib.
Pergunna Pargana A district, township ; less than a zillah.
Pice Paisá A copper coin; one third of an anna, value nearly one cent.
Pie Pai A copper coin; one twelfth of an anna.
Poojah Pújá Worship, prayer.
Pucka Pukká Ripe, finished, thorough, (as a burned brick,) perfect. Used to discriminate a true from a false Christian.
Punchaet Paucháyat A jury of five men.
Pundit Pandit A Brahmin learned in the Vedas and Shasters; a teacher of the Hindee or Sanscrit language.
Punkah Pankhá A large, wooden, covered frame, suspended from the ceiling, with a heavy, deep frill, kept in motion by a coolie, as a fan, to cool the air in a room.
Poor or Pore Púr A town or city; used in composition, as Seeta-pore, the City of Seeta.
Puronas Purán The especial designation of the eighteen books of the Hindoo legends or traditions.
Purda Parda A curtain or vail; partition, secrecy, privacy.
Purda-nashssn  Parda-nashín  A secluded lady; one sitting behind a curtain.
Purwana Parwána A permit, pass, or order.
Rais Raís A prince, chief, head, citizen.
Raj Ráj Empire, kingdom, government.
Rajah Rajáh King, prince, sovereign.
Ramadon Rámzán The name of a month; a fast of the Mohammedans
Ranee Rání Feminine of Rajah; a Hindoo princess or queen.
Rupee Rúpí A silver coin, worth nearly fifty cents.
Rutt Rath A four-wheeled carriage or car.
Ryot Raaiyat A peasant; a tenant or subject.
Sahib Sáhib Sir, lord, gentleman.
Satya Yug Sat Jug The first age of the world; age of truth..
Sepoy Sipáhí A native soldier.
Seraglio Seraglio From Sura, house, and Ahul, domestic; hence Suralio or Seraglio, the family or female apartments.
Sewalla Shivála A temple.
Shadee Shádí Marriage, wedding, happiness.
Shah Sháh A king, a prince, (Mohammedan title.)
Shahzada Sháhzáda  The son of a king.
Shastra or Shaster Shástr Hindoo Scriptures.
Shiva Shív The Hindoo God of Destruction, husband of Kali, and the third member of the Hindoo Triad or Trimurti.
Shesas or Sheeites  Shíah One of the great Mohammedan sects; followers of Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet, and esteeming the three Caliphs, Abubeker, Omar, and Oman, as usurpers. To this sect belong the Persians generally, the royal family of Oude, and most of the lower orders of Mussulmans in India.
Shroff Sharráf A native banker or money-changer.
Shytan Shaitán The devil, Satan.
Sheikh Shaikh A disciple, follower, scholar; the name of the religionists in the Punjab.
Sirkar Sirkár The State or Government.
Soma Soma The milky juice of the moon-plant mixed with barley and fermented, forming an intoxicating drink; used in the ancient Vedic worship
Soonees Sunnís “Followers of the traditions,” who maintain the lawful succession of the three Caliphs before Ali, and pay great respect to the traditions of Islam. The Arabs, Turks, Affghans, and most of the educated Mussulmans of India, are of this class, and style themselves Orthodox, the Sheeas being regarded as heretics.
Sowar Sawár A cavalryman, a mounted soldier or policeman.
Subadar Súbadár A governor of a province, a captain.
Subah Súba A province.
Sudder Sadr Chief, principal, as Sudder-adawlut, the Supreme Court of Justice in India.
Sudra Súdr The fourth or servile caste of the Hindoos; now vaguely applied to all low classes.
Sultan Sultán Sovereign, prince, (Mohammedan;) also a title formerly borne by the royal family of Delhi.
Sunnud Sanad A grant or diploma.
Surdar Sardár A chief, head-man, commander.
Suttee Sátí The ceremony of burning a widow with her husband's corpse.
Syce Sais A groom or horse-keeper.
Syud or Said Saiyad A prince; descendant of Hossein, son of Ali, and grandson of Mohammed.
Taj Táj A crown.
Talook Táaluq A State or Barony, usually larger than a Zemeendaree.
Talookdar Táaluqdár A land-holder, a baron.
Tattee Tattí A mat made of cus-cus grass, kept wet, and suspended before a window to cool the room.
Tattoo Tattú A pony.
Thakoor Thákúr Idol, lord, baron.
Thanna Thána A police station.
Terai Taráí A swamp, marsh, or miasmatic region.
Thannadar Thánadár A police officer or constable.
Thug Thag A professional murderer and devotee of the goddess Kali.
Tola Tolá One hundred and eighty grains Troy weight.
Tonjon Tonjon A chair with a hood.
Tope Tōp A clump of trees; a cannon.
Treta Yug Tret Jug The second age of the world; the silver age.
Tukht Takht Chair, throne, seat.
Tulwar Talwár A native sword.
Tussuldar Tahsíldár A collector of revenue.
Upanishads  Upanishads  Expository supplements to the Vedas.
Vaishnavas  Vaishnavas  The worshipers of Vishnu.
Vaisya Vaisya The third or agricultural caste of the Hindoos.
Vakeel Vakíl An envoy, prime agent.
Vedas Bed From Ved, learning, the most ancient sacred books of the Hindoos, of which there are four; the Rig-Veda, the Yajur-Veda, the Sama-Veda, and the Atharva-Veda.
Vedanta Vedánt A system of pantheistical philosophy founded on scattered texts of the Vedas.
Vishnu Vishnu The Preserver; the second member of the Hindoo Triad or Trimurti.
Vizier Wazír The chief minister in a Mohammedan sovereignty.
Wah Wah Wáh Wah Admirable! well-done! bravo!
Wilaet Wiláyat Country, region, abroad, foreign.
Wufadar Wafadar Faithful.
Yogee Jogí A silent saint
Yug Jug An age of the world
Zeen Zín A saddle.
Zemeendar Zamíndár Land-holder; collector of revenue of a district.
Zemeendaree  Zamíndárí  A province.
Zenana Zanána From Zun, a woman, the inner apartments in India.
Zillah Zila An extensive district.
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