< The Land of Midian
  • # DATES OF THE THREE JOURNEYS (Northern, Central, and Southern) made by the Second Khedivial Expedition.
   First Journey.

(December 19, 1877, to February 13, 1878.) December 6, 1877, left Cairo. 10 1877, left Suez. 14 1877, reached El–Muwaylah (Sharm Yáhárr) on the “Day of ‘Arafát.”

  • * * * *

December 19, 1877, landed at El–Muwaylah. 21 1877, marched upon Wady Tiryam. 22 1877, marched upon Wady Sharmá. 23 1877, marched upon Jebel el-Abyaz. 30 1877, returned to Wady Sharmá. January 7, 1878, marched upon ‘Aynúnah. 8 1878, halted at ‘Aynúnah. 9 1878, halted at Wady el-‘Usaylah. 10 1878, reached Magháir Shu’ayb. 25 1878, marched upon Makná. February 3 1878, embarked for the Marsá Dahab in the Sinaitic Peninsula. 4 1878, to the anchorage of El–Nuwaybi’. 5 1878, anchored at Pharaoh’s Island. 6 1878, halted at Pharaoh’s Island. 7 1878, steamed to El-‘Akabah town. 8 1878, ran down Gulf el-‘Akabah. 9 1878, anchored under Tírán Island. 10 1878, halted at Tírán Island. February 11, 1878, ran from wrecking to Sináfir Island. 12 1878, halted at Sinafir Island. 13 1878, returned to El–Muwaylah (Sharm

   Second Journey.

(February 17, 1878, to March 8,1878.)

   February 17, 1878 walked to ruins of Abú Hawáwít.

18 ,, marched upon the Safh Jebel Malíh in the Wady Surr. 19 ,, camped in the Sayl Wady el-Jimm. 20 ,, marched upon El–Nagwah. 21 ,, reached the head of the Wady Sadr. 23 ,, camped below the Col, “El–Khuraytah.” 24 ,, reached the Hismá. 25 ,, descended the two Passes and camped in

   the “Jayb el-Khuraytah.”

26 ,, marched upon the Majrá el-Ruways. 27 ,, ,, ,, ,, Wady Damah. 28 ,, ,, ,, ,, ruins of Shuwák. March 1 ,, halted at the ruins of Shuwák. 2 ,, visited the ruins of Shaghab and camped at the Majrá el-Wághir. 3 ,, visited the ruins El–Khandakí and camped at the plain El–Kutayyifah. 4 ,, marched down the Wady Salmá and camped at the Má el-Badíah. 5 ,, reached Zibá town. 6 ,, halted at Zibá. 7 ,, visited the turquoise-diggings of Zibá and camped at the Máyat el-Ghál. 8 ,, returned to El–Muwaylah (Sharm Yáhárr).

   Complementary Excursion to the Shárr Mountain.

March 13, 1878, camped in the Wady el-Káimah. 14 ,, camped in the Wady el-Kusayb. 15 ,, camped in the Safhat el-Wu’ayrah. 16 ,, up the Shárr. 17 ,, camped in the Wady Kuwayd. 18 ,, returned to El–Muwaylah (Sharm Yáhárr).


March 21, 1878, to April 10, 1878.) March 21, 1878, left Sharm Yáhárr and made the Sharm Dumayghah. 22 ,, halted at El–Dumayghah. 23 ,, anchored in harbour of El–Wijh. 24 ,, set out in the Sinnár southwards. 25 ,, anchored at El–Haurá. 26 ,, halted at El–Haurá.

(On March 26th MM. Marie and Philipin marched from El–Wijh to the Wady Hamz, and rejoined head-quarters on the 28th.) March 27, 1878 returned to El–Wijh. 29 ,, left El–Wijh and camped at inner fort. 30 ,, to Umm el-Karáyát (ruins and mine). 31 ,, visited ruins of El–Kubbah; camped in Wady Dasnah. April 1, 1878 to Umm el-Haráb (ruins and mine). 2 ,, camped in the Wady Abá‘l-Gezáz. 3 ,, camped in the plain of Badá. 4 ,, halted at the plain of Badá. 5 ,, camped at the Ayn el-Kurr. 6 ,, camped in the Wady Laylah. 7 ,, camped in the Wady Abá‘l-‘Ajáj. 8 ,, to the ruins of the Gasr Gurayyim Sa’íd (classical temple). 9 ,, to the Abá‘l-Marú (Marwah mine). 1O ,, return to El–Wijh.

THE RETURN TO EGYPT. April 12, 1878 steamed northwards to Nu’man Island. 13 ,, reached El–Muwaylah (Sharm Yáhárr). 18 ,, left El–Muwaylah, night at sea. 19 ,, in Gulf of Suez. 20 ,, reached Suez. 22 ,, reached Cairo.

  • # EXPENSES OF THE EXPEDITION TO MIDIAN, commanded by Captain R. F. Burton, H.B.M. Consul, Trieste.

Cairo, November 1, 1877. £ s. d. Sum received from Egyptian Finance 1977 12 0 Amounts Paid out by Order of Captain Burton. £ s. d. Hotel bills for five persons (thirty-six days) 149 6 9 Advanced to members of Expedition up to date (May 3rd)245 74 12 3 Cost of provisions for journey to Midian, fourteen persons 314 8 9 Cost of tools, chemicals, instruments, canteen, etc. 185 19 0 Medicine chest from Dr. Lowe 10 10 0

Journey to Suez from Cairo, December 6th, 1878:— Hotel bill for eleven persons (three days) 33 3 6 Tobacco for presents to Bedawin 6 8 0 Sundries 13 10 6 Telegrams and post service 3 9 0


£791 7 9

El–Muwaylah, December 16th, to return, February 13th:— Journey to north246 316 14 3 Post service 14 8 0 Cost of sheep247 32 14 0 Sundries248 20 7 7 Five foot-soldiers’ salaries 7 4 0 Eastern journey to the Hismá249 187 6 6 Post service 3 8 0 Cost of sheep250 11 19 0 Sundries 5 11 0 Sambúk from Suez, as per contract 9 4 0 Soldiers from fort 3 0 0 Special payments:— Journey to Shárr251 44 11 6 Cost of sheep252 3 4 0 Thirty pairs of boots for soldiers253 6 0 0 Sundries 1 0 0 Journey to south254 92 13 0 Cost of sheep255 15 16 0 Post service 2 0 0 Sundries256 18 3 6 Sayyid ‘Abd el-Rahím Effendi 16 0 0 Bukhayt 1 12 0 Husayn 1 12 0 Shaykh Furayj 4 0 0 Shaykh Furayj salary for twenty-five days 5 0 0 Expenses at Suez, unloading, etc., and hotel bills for ten persons 39 17 0 Post and telegrams 1 16 0 Suez to Cairo 1 12 6


£1658 1 7

Expenses at Cairo up to date May 5, 1878:— Salaries of persons engaged from Cairo and Muwaylah:— Unloading, cartage, and preparing for Exhibition 24 5 5 Anton Dimitri, Giorgi, and Petro257 93 17 6 Magazine-man at El–Muwaylah258 6 8 0 Sais from Suez, engaged through governor259 9 0 0 Mr. Clarke’s salary260 180 0 0


£1971 12 6 In hand for small expenses not yet sent in for payment 5 19 6


£1977 12 0

   Sent in May 6, 1878.

(Signed) CHAS. CLARKE. (Countersigned) RICHARD F. BURTON.

   Commanding Expedition.

  • # PRESERVED PROVISIONS AND OTHER STORES, supplied by Messrs. Voltéra Bros., of the Ezbekiyyah, Cairo.

£ s. d. 95 okes potatoes, at 5d. 1 19 7 670 okes best rice, at 8 1/2d. 23 14 7 152 okes sugar, at 11 1/2d. per kilog. 8 19 6 1/2 60 okes ground coffee, at 4s. 6d. 13 10 0 120 tins milk, at 14s. 7 0 0 120 bottles pickles 6 0 0 15 tins butter (of 1 lb.), at 2s. 6d. 1 17 6 60 okes oil, at 2s. 6d. 7 10 0 6 heads English cheese (60 1/4 lbs.) at 1s. 5d. 4 10 4 1/2 160 okes dried French beans, at 10d. 6 13 4 60 okes maccaroni and paste 3 0 0 54 okes onions, at 7d. 1 11 6 10 okes garlic, at 10d. 0 8 4 50 packets candles 2 10 0 5 okes cavendish tobacco, at 12s. 3 0 0 6 okes tobacco (Turkish), at 24s. 7 4 0 120 bottles soda-water, at 8d. per dozen 4 0 0 20 bottles syrups, at 2s. 2 0 0 50 bottles vinegar 2 10 0 10 dozen beer, at 11s. 5 10 0 15 bars soap, at 1s. 6d. 1 2 6 20 pots mustard, at 1s. 6d. 1 10 0 6 bottles curry, at 1s. 6d. 0 9 0 20 lbs. table raisins 0 16 0 10 large bottles pepper, at 2s. 1 0 0


£118 6 3 10 small packets salt, at 1s. 0 10 0 5 large packets salt at 1s. 6d. 0 7 6 6 bottles sauces, at s. 12d. 0 7 0 12 bottles lime-juice, at 2s. 6d. 1 10 0 12 umbrellas, at 4s. 2 8 0 12 bottles blacking, at 1s. (for tracing inscriptions) 0 12 0 6 lanterns, at 1s. 6d. 0 9 0 12 large tins sardines, at 1s. 6d. 0 18 0 2 corkscrews, at 1s. 3d. 0 2 6 2 opening knives 0 2 0 101 1/4 okes of biscuits, at 1s. 5 1 3 1 case Mumm’s champagne 4 5 0 1 case cognac, XX 2 8 0 1 case whisky 1 16 0 1 tin plum-pudding 0 2 6 10 packets matches, at 1s. 2d. 0 11 8 8 barrels flour, at L3 24 0 0 4 okes Curani (Kora’ni) tobacco, at 16s. 3 4 0 30 lbs. tea, at 4s. 6 0 0 24 tins green peas, at 1s. 1 4 0 18 tins haricots verts, at 1s. 0 18 0 18 tins haricots flageolets, at 1s. 0 18 0 18 tins champignons, at 1s. 2d. 1 1 0 18 tins macedoine, at 1s. 0 18 0 8 tins carrots, at 1s. 0 8 0 16 tins asparagus (large), at 3s. 2 8 0 53 1/2 lbs. ham, at 1s. 6d. 4 0 3 100 bottles ‘Ráki, at 2s. 10 0 0 100 tins meats, at 1s. 6d. 7 10 0 4 dozen pints beer, at 8s. 1 12 0 7 empty tins for coffee, at 1s. 6d. 0 10 6 17 empty bags 0 14 2 4 okes packing rope, at 2s. 0 8 0 1/4 okes isinglass 0 3 0 2 bottles spices 0 2 0 10 nutmegs 0 1 0


£205 16 7 £ s. d. 1 packet starch 0 3 0 1 oke twine 0 2 6 2 okes nails, at 10d. 0 1 8 1 box cigarette papers 0 8 0 Kitchen utensils 0 13 6 Empty bags 0 2 0 Packing 2 10 0


Total £209 17 3

   Additional Supplies.
   £ s. d.

50 bottles ‘Ráki, at 2s. 5 0 0 95 okes potatoes, at 5d. 1 19 7 16 lbs. tea, at 4s. 3 4 0 50 tins preserved meats, at 1s. 6d. 3 15 0 20 tins green peas, at 1s. 1 0 0 12 tins haricots verts, at 1s. 0 12 0 12 tins champignon, at 1s. 2d. 0 14 0 6 tins first size asparagus, at 4s. 1 4 0 10 tins butter (1 lb.), at 2s. 8d 1 6 8 36 lbs. English cheese, at 1s. 6d. 2 14 0 60 okes maccaroni 3 0 0 126 okes onions, at 7d. 3 13 6 20 packets candles 1 0 0 50 boxes matches, at 1s. 2d. doz. 0 5 0 5 bars soap, at 1s. 6d. 0 7 6 12 bottles sauces, at 1s. 2d. 0 14 0 6 large bottles pepper, at 2s. 0 12 0 10 small packets salt, at 1s. 0 10 0 5 bottles lime-juice, at 2s. 6d. 0 12 6 108 okes hard biscuits, at 1s. 5 8 0 2 1/2 okes snuff 2 10 0 16 lbs. ginger-root, at 1s. 6d. 1 4 0 2 doz. whisky, at 36s. 3 12 0 2 doz. Martel’s cognac 4 4 0 6 bottles absinthe, 2s. 6d. 0 15 0


£49 16 9 5 bottles Oxley’s essence of ginger, at 4s. 1 0 0 5 bottles pyretic saline, at 3s. 6d. 0 17 6 3 boxes seidlitz powders, at 2s. 0 6 0 1 bottle aconite 0 2 6 4 iron tea and coffee kettles 1 14 0 2 empty tins for tea 0 3 0 Packing 1 10 0 Carts, 2s.; railway fare, 82s. 4 4 0


Total £59 13 9



PROFESSOR D. OLIVER’S LIST OF DRIED PLANTS presented by Captain Burton to the Herbarium, Royal Gardens, Kew, September, 1878.

                              Núman North   Middle  South
                              Isle.  Midian. Midian. Midian.

Anastatica hierochuntina, L.

 Kaff maryam ................   -      I       -       -

Morettia parviflora, Boiss.

 Eaten by cattle. Thagar;
 Gaf'aa .....................   -      -       I   I

Matthiola oxyceras, DC.

 forma gracilis. Animals
 eat. Hazá; Muhawwil    .....    -      -       I       -

Malcolmia aegyptiaca, Spr.

 Animals eat.      Tarbeh ......  -      I       -       -

Zilla myagroides, F. Silla.

 Camels eat. ...............    -      I       -       -

Biscutella Columnae, Ten .... - - I - Diplotaxis Harra? Hárrah.

 Eaten by cattle. ..........    -      -       I       -

Diplotaxis acris, Boiss.

 (Moricandia crassifolia,
 Gay) ......................    -      I       -       -

Sisymbrium erysimoides, Desf.

 Salih. Eaten by camels
 and sheep .................    -      I       I       I

Farsetia Burtonae, Oliv.

 sp. nov. Ghurayrá ........     -      I       I       -

Schimpera arabica, H. and

 St. .......................    -      I       -       -

Enarthrocarpus lyratus, F.,

 vel E. strangulatus,
 Boiss .....................    -      I       -       -

Capparis Sodada, Br. (Sodada

 decidua, Forsk.). Tanzub.
 Red berries eaten. ........    -      -       -       I

Cleome chrysantha, Dcne.

 Mashteh. Pounded and
 drank for worms, etc. .....    -      -       -       I

Cleome arabica, L. 'Ubaysd.

 Eaten by animals. .........    -      -       -       I

Papaver Decaisnei, H. and St. - - I - Ochradenus baccatus, Del.

 Gurzi. A large tree;
 eaten by cattle ...........    -      I       -       I

Reseda (Caylusea) canescens,

 L. Zanabán. Eaten by
 cattle ....................    -      I       I       -

Reseda, an R. stenostachya(?),

 Boiss. Khizám. Eaten by
 animals ...................    -      I       -       -

Helianthemum Lippii, Pers.

 Kazim. Cattle eat. ........    -      -       I       -

Silene villosa, Forsk.

 'Abaysá. Too much coated
 with sand to serve as
 food for animals ..........    -      I       -       -

Gypsophila Rokejeka, Del. ... - - I - Polycarpaea fragilis, Del.

 Makr ......................    I      -       -       -

Portulaca oleracea, L. ...... - - - I Hibiscus micranthus, L. fil.

 forma. Khusiyat Ráshid.
 Eaten by animals. .........    -      -       I       I

Abutilon fruticosum, G. and

 P. (Sida denticulata,
 Fres.). ...................    -      -       -       I

Abutilon muticum, Don ....... - - - I Erodium laciniatum, Cav.

 Garná. Eaten by cattle ...     -      I       I       I

Monsonia nivea, Gay ......... - I - - Geranium mascatense, Boiss.

 Hiláwá. Eaten by man and
 beast. ....................    -      -       I       -

Erodium cicutarium, L. ...... - I - - Tribulus terrestris, L.

 Katbeh ....................    -      I       I       I

Zygophyllum simplex, L. ..... - - I - Zygophyllum album, L.

 Gallúm. Camels eat. ......     I      -       -       -

Zygophyllum coccineum, L.

 forma (Z. propinqiuum,
 Dcne.). Muráká.
 Animals eat. ..............    -      I       -       -

Fagonia cretica, L. van

 (F. glutinosa, Del.).
 Shikáá (North Midian);
 Darmeh (Núman) ...........     I       I      -       -

Fagonia mollis, Del.

 Warágá; and young plant
 of same = Zarag. Animals
 eat. ......................    -       I      I       -

Fagonia Bruguieri, DC.

 Jamdeh. Animals eat. ......    -       I      -       -

Dodonmaea viscosa, L. var.

 (D. arabica, H. and
 St.). Athab ...............    -       -      I       -

Rhus oxyacanthoides, Dum.

 'Ar'ar ....................    -       -      I       -

Neurada procumbens, L.

 Sáadán. Eaten by man and
 beast. Mountain region. ...    -       I      -       I

Trianthema pentandra, L. .... - - - I Trianthema(?). (Imperfect

 specimen.) Rumayh. Eaten by
 sheep and cattle. .........    -       -      -       I

Aizoon canariense, L. Dááá.

 Grain pounded and eaten. ..    -       -      -       I

Gisekia pharnaceoides, L. ... - I - - Cucumis prophetarum, L.

 Locality mislaid. .........

Cotyledon umbilicus, L.

 forma .....................    -       -      I       -

Pimpinella arabica, Boiss.

 Rujaylet el-Ghuráb (Little
 Crow's-foot). Sheep eat.
 Locality astray. ..........

Pimpinella (Tragium

 palmetorum? St. and H.).
 Very young. ...............    -       I      I       -

Ferula (? sp., leaf only).

 Kalkh. Animals eat. High up
 on SHÁRR. .................

Grammosciadium scandicinum,

 Boiss. sp. nov. ............   -       -       I      I

Medicago laciniata, All. ..... - - I - Taverniera aegyptiaca, Boiss.

 (ex descr.). Shibrig. Eaten
 by animals. ................   I       -       -      -

Indigofera spinosa, Forsk.

 Shibrig. Camels eat. Good
 fodder. ....................   -       -       -      I

Indigofera paucifolia, D. .... - I - - Indigofera (stunted specimen,

 may be I. paucifolia).
 'Afar. Animals eat. ........   -       I       -      -

Tephrosia Apollinea, DC.

 Dalsam; Táwil. Animals eat.    -       I       I      I

Genista (Retama) monosperma,

 Del. .......................   -       I       -      -

Lotononis Leobordea, Bth.

 Hurbat. Eaten by cattle. ...   -       I       I      -

Trigonella stellata, Forsk.

 (T. microcarpa, Fres.) .....   -       I       I      -

Onobrychis(?), possibly

 O. Ptolemaica. (Barren
 specimen). .................   -       I       -      -

Astragalus sparsus(?), Dcne. . - I - - Astragalus Sieberi, DC.

 Ghákeh. Dry and pounded
 root mixed with clarified
 butter. Drunk as a
 restorative. ...............   -       I       -      I

Astragalus Forskahlei, Boiss.

 Kidád. Camels eat. ........    -       I       -      -

Cassia obovata, Coll. Senna .. - I I I Iphiona scabra, DC. Zafrah.

 Camels eat. ................   -       I       -      -

Pulicaria undulata, DC.

 Rabul. Fine perfume. .......   -       I       -      -

Blumea Bovei, DC.

 (B. abyssinica, Sch.) ......   -       I       -      I

Ifloga spicata, Forsk.

 Zenaymeh. Animals eat. .....   -       -       -      I

Asteriscus pygmaeus, C. and

 Dur. .......................   -       -       -      I

Anvillaea Garcini, DC.

 (fide Boissier). Nukud.
 Eaten by camels and sheep. .   -       -       I      -

Anthemis, an A. deserti(?),

 Boiss. Gahwán. Camels
 eat: also called Gurrays,
 pounded and eaten with
 dates. .....................   -       I       I      I

Matricaria (Chamaemelum)

 auriculata (Boiss.) ........   -       -       I      -

Senecio Decaisnei, DC.

 Umm lewinayn ...............   -       -       I      I

Senecio coronopifolius, Desf. - I I - Calendula aegyptiaca, Desf. . - - I - Calendula aegyptiaca(?) ..... - I - - Calendula, an var.

 aegyptiacae(?) ............    -       -       -      I

Echinops spinosus, L.

 Akhshir. Eaten by camels,
 sheep, and asses. .........    -       -       I      I

Zoegea purpurea, Fres.

 Rubayyán. Cattle eat. ....     -       -       I      -

Centaurea sinaica, DC.

 Yemrár. Eaten by sheep,
 asses, etc. ...............    -       I       -      I

Picridium tingitanum, Desf.

 forma. Huwwá; Tiz
 el-Kalbeh; El-Haudán.
 Eaten by man and animals. .    -       I       I      I

Urospermum picroides, Desf. . - I - - Microrhynchus nudicaulis,

 Less. 'Azid ...............    I       -       I      I

Pterotheca bifida, F. and M. - I I - Picris, conf. P. Saha*ae,

 C. and K. .................    -       -       -      I

Picris cyanocarpa, Boiss. ... - - I - Callipeltis cucullaria,

 Stev. 'Ikrish. Cattle eat.
 North or Central Midian.

Crucianella membranacea,

 Boiss. ...................     -       -       I      -

Galium capillare, Dcne ..... - - I - Salvadora persica, L.

 El-Arák .................      -       I       -      I

Rhazya stricta, Dcne.

 Harjal. Eaten only by
 mules. Very fragrant. ....     -       I       -      -

Daemia cordata, R. Br. ..... - - I - Steinheilia radians, Dcne.

 Faká ....................      -       I       -      -

Convolvulus Hystrix, V.

 Shibrim. Root used as a
 purgative. Animals eat
 upper part of plant. ....      -       -       -      I

Cuscuta, conf.

 C. brevistyla, A. Br. ...      -       -       I      -

Withania somnifera, Dun.

 Shajarat el-Dib .........      -       I       -      -

Lycium europaeum, L.

 'Aushaz. Eaten by
 animals. ................      -       -       I      I

Solanum coagulans(?),

 Forsk. var. (A small
 fragment only). .........      -       -       I      -

Hyoscyamus pusillus,

 L. Saykrán .............       -       I       I      -

Heliotropium arbainense,

 Fres. Rahháb. Cattle
 eat. ....................      -       I       I      -

Trichodesma africanum,

 R. Br. Ahmim. Camels and
 other animals eat. ......      -       -       I      -

Echium longifolium(?), Del.

 Kahlá. Animals eat. ....       -       -       I      -

Anchusa Milleri, W. ....... - - I - Anchusa Milleri(?) young

 specimens. ..............      -       -       I      -

Anchusa Milleri(?) young

 specimens. ..............      -       I       -      -

Gastrocotyle (Anchusa

 hispida, Forsk.). Karir.
 Camels eat. .............      -       -       -      I

Arnebia hispidissima,

 A. DC. Fayná. Animals
 eat. ....................      -       I       I      -

Lithospermum callosum, V. . - I - - Lindenbergia sinaica,

 Bth. Mallih. Cattle eat.       -       -       -      I

Verbascum (in bud), an

 V. sinaiticum(?), Bth. .       -       -       -      I

Verbascum, sp. nov. Sammá - - I - Herpestis Monniera,

 Kth. Nafal. Animals eat.       -       I       -      -

Veronica Anagallis, L. ... - - - I Linaria aegyptiaca, Dum. . - I - - Linaria macilenta, Dcne.

 Zuraymat el-Himar.
 Eaten by animals. ......       -       -       I      -

Linaria (*§ Elatinoides),

 sp. imperfect. .........       -       -       I      -

Linaria simplex(?), DC. .. - I I - Linaria Haelava Chav.

 (fide Boissier) ........       -       I       -      -

Blepharis edulis, Pers.

 (Acanthodium spicatum,
 Del.). Shauk el-Jemel.
 Camels fond of it. .....       -       I       -      I

Lavandula coronopifolia,

 Poir. Zayteh. All
 animals eat. ...........       -       I       I      -

Mentha lavandulacea, W.

 Habag. Animals do not
 eat. Pounded and mixed
 with fresh dates, "good
 for stomach". ..........       -       I       -      -

Salvia aegyptiaca, L. .... - I - - Salvia deserti, Dcne. .... - - I - Salvia, an S. deserti(?).

 Jáadeh. Pounded in
 water and snuffed up
 nose. ..................       -       -       I      -

Otostegia, var. O.

 scariosae(?), Bth. (vel
 O. repanda, Bth.)
 Ghasseh. Sheep eat. ....       -       -       I      I

Statice axillaris, Forsk.

 Annúm. Camels eat. ....        -       I       -      I

Plantago Psyllium, L.

 Nez'i'ah. Animals eat. .       -       I       I      -

Plantago amplexicaulis,

 Cav. Yanameh. Animals
 eat. ...................       -       -       I      -

Aerwa javanica, Jass.

 Rayl. Cattle eat. ......       -       I       -      I

Chenopodium murale, L.? .. - I - - Chenopodium murale, L.?

 (Small seedlings.)
 Nafal. Cattle eat. .....       -       -       -      I

Atriplex dimorphostegia?

 K. and K. Roghol.
 Animals eat. ...........       -       I       -      -

Echinopsilon lanatum, Moq.

 Garay'á. ...............       -       I       -      I

Suaeda sp.(?). (Small

 fragment.) ..............      -       I       -      -

Suaeda sp.(?). (Barren

 fragments, insect
 punctured?) 'Aslá.
 Forage plant. ...........      I       -       I      -

Suaeda monoica? Forsk.

 Zuraygá. Forage plant. .       I       -       -      -

Salsola(?), cf. S.

 longifolia, F. Hamz.
 Camels eat. .............      I       -       -      -

Caroxylon(?) (barren

 specimen), near C.,
 foetidum. Akahrit.
 Animals eat. ............      I       -       -      -

Rumex vesicarius, L.

 (R. roseus, Del.).
 Hammáz. Animals eat. ...       -       -       I      -

Emex spinosus, Camp. ...... - I - - Crozophora tinctoria, Juss.

 Hinaydieh. Not eaten. ...      -       -       -      I

Euphorbia cornuta, Pers.

 'Atir ...................      -       I       -      -

Euphorbia scordifolia,

 Jacq. Gharghir. Animals
 eat. ....................      -       I       -      -

Euphorbia (Anisophyllum)

 granulata, Schf.
 Rugaygeh. Animals eat. ..      -       -       -      I

Euphorbia (Anisophyllum)

 granulata, forma(?).
 Lubayneh. Cattle eat. ...      -       -       -      I

Juniperus phoenicea, L.

 At four thousand feet on
 Sharr. Trunk thicker
 than a man's body.
 Halibeh. ................      -       -       I      -

Parietaria alsinifolia,

 Del. ....................      -       -       I      -

Forskahlea tenacissima, L.

 Lissák. Animals eat. ...       -       -       I      -

Asphodelus fistulosus, L.

 (var. tenuifolius,
 Bker.). Bo'rak. Only
 eaten by animals when
 very hungry. Asses eat. .      -       I       I      -

Bellevalia flexuosa, Boiss. - I - - Dipcadi erythraeum, Webb .. - I - - Gagea reticulata, R. and S. - I - - Juncus maritimus, L. ...... - - - I Scirpus Holoschoenus, L.

 Namas. Sent to Egypt for
 mats. ...................      -       -       -      I

Cyperus conglomeratus,

 Rottb. (Young specimens)       -       I       -      -

Chloris villosa, Pers. .... - - I - AEluropus repens .......... - I - - Tricholaena micrantha,

 Schrad. Ghazuiar. Eaten
 by camels, etc. .........      -       -       I      I

Panicum turgidum, Forsk.

 Zarram. Good fodder. ....      -       I       -      I

Arundo Donax, L. Kasbá ... - I - - Polypogon monspeliensis,

 Desf. Kháfúr. Sheep
 eat. ....................      -       -       -      I

Stipa tortilis, Desf.

 Pehmeh. Animals eat. ....      -       I       I      I

Aristida caerulescens,

 Desf. Shárib el-Kale.
 Animals eat. ............      -       I       I      -

Hordeum maritimum, L. ..... - I - - Pappophorum, an P.

 phleoides(?), R. and S.
 Nejil. Sheep eat. .......      -       -       -      I

Barren specimen.

 Indeterminable. Grass ...      -       I       -      -

Grass(?). Root and leaves.

 Hashmil. Animals eat. ...      I       -       -      -

Typha(?). Root and

 fragments of leaves.
 Birdi ...................      -       -       -      I

Grass. Fragmentary. Záeh.

 Cattle eat. .............      -       -       -      I

Chara foetida, Braun.

 'Ishnik .................      -       I       -      -

A barren fragment of

 undershrub, with opposite
 fleshy leaves with
 recurved margins. Ajid.
 Eaten by animals.
 Doubtful. ...............      I       -       -       -



The spirit-specimens submitted to Mr. William Carruthers, of the British Museum, are described by him as follows:—

1. Phallus impudicus, Linn. (in Arab. Faswat el-‘Ajúz). The common “stinkhorn,” extremely common in some districts of England, and obtruding on the notice of every one from its detestable odour. It is widely distributed over America and Africa, as well as Europe, but I find no record of its occurring in Asia.

2. Tulostoma mammosum, Fr. Also British, but not so common. Widely distributed.

3. Phelipoea lutea, Desf. A dark, fleshy broom-rape, with scaly leaves. We have one species of the same genus in England. They are parasitic on the roots of plants; and the Midianite species, which is found in North Africa, Egypt, and Arabia, grows on the roots of a Chenopodium.

4. Cynomorium coccineum, Mich. A fleshy, leafless plant, also a root-parasite. It was called by old writers Fungus Melitensis, and was of much repute in medicine. It is known from the Himalayas to the Canary Islands, and is said by Webb, in his history of the Canaries, to be eaten in the Island of Lancerotte.

5. Doemia cordata, R. Br. A spiny shrub, with roundish leaves and small sharp-pointed fruit, found in Egypt and Arabia.

6. Capparis galeata, Fres., with large fruit, long and pear-shaped. This caper is well known; from Syria and Egypt.


INSECTS COLLECTED IN MIDIAN BY CAPTAIN BURTON. (Identified by Mr. Frederick Smith, of the British Museum.)



l. Anthia 12 guttata.


2. Schizonycha reflexa.

3. Pachydema.


4. Heteronychus.


5. Cleonus arabs.


6. Mesostenanear punctipennis.

7. Adesmia.

8. Akis Goryi?

9. Mylabris.


10. Nepa rubra.


11. Eremiaphila arenaria. 12. Blepharis mendica.


13. Acocera.

14. Acridium peregrinum. 15. Poecilocera bufonia.


16. Androctonus funestus.

17. “ leptochelys.

18. “ quinquestriatus.


19. Galeodes arabs, in spirit.

20. Clubiona Listeri, in spirit.

(Signed) FREDK. SMITH.

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