Pollen, John, B.A., LL.B., LL.D., C.I.E. (1903), I.C.S.; s. of .John Pollen, formerly of Mount Haigh, Dublin; b. 1818; educ: Kingston School and Trinity College, Dublin; B.A.. and LL.B. 1871; LL.D., 1888; called to Bar (Middle Temple), 1898; joined service, 1871; acting Under Secretary, Bombay, and Secretary to Governor’s Council, 1880; Assistant to the Commissioner, Sind, and Sindi Translator to Government, 1881; District and Sessions Judge, and Superintendent of Police, Bombay, 1881; District Magistrate of Broach, Ratnagiri and Panchmahals, 1890; Commissioner of Customs, Bombay, 1910; Member, Bombay Legislative Council, 1902; on special duty in Bengal Famine of 1874; special duty with Demarcation Boundary Commission to enquire into the rights of the tennets and the landholders in Sind and for revision of Customs procedure; President, 3rd Esperanto Congress, and British Esperantial Association; Interpreter in Russian; Reporter on external commerce; President, S.P.C.A., India and of the Anthropological Society, India, Member of the Committee of Anglo-Russian Literary Society and of the Imperial Institute; Lt.-Colonel of Sind and Bombay Volunteer Rifles. Publication: Rhymes from Russia, etc. Address; The Retreat, 6, Talbat House, Blackheath, S.E.; Byculla, Bombay. Club: Royal Bombay, Yacht (Western India).