Kennedy, James, I.C.S. (retd); b. 1843; s. of Rev. J. Kennedy, M.A., Missionary in Benares and Kumaon, and minister of Portobello, Scotland; educ: at Edinburgh High School and University; joined service, 1860; Magistrate and Collector of several districts in the United Provinces retired, 1890; Honorary Treasurer, Royal Asiatic Society; Member, Bishop of London’s Diocesan Conference. Publications: Early Commerce of Babylon and India, “Budhist Gnosticism”, “The system of Aasilides” and other articles in the J.R.A.S.; “the Mediaeval History of India” in the Imperial Gazetteer; History of the N. W. P. in the British Empire series (India), “Anglo India Novelties and Hinduism”, the “Tendencies of Hinduism”, and other articles on Indian regligions and Education in the East and the West, the Asiatic Quarterly Review, etc, lectures on India at University College, Londan. Address: c/o India Office, London.