< The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)

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Ibrahim Rahimtoola, Hon’ble Sir, Kt, C.I.E., J.P, Bombay; b, 1862; s. Rahimtoola Kaderbhoy; joined his brother in business; started the firm of Rahimtoola Khaderbhoy and Co; Member, Standing Committee of the Bombay Corporation, 1895: President Bombay Corporation, 1899; Member, Legislative Council, Bombay, 1899; Sheriff of Bombay, 1901, an ardent supporter of Primary Education; introduced the reading of Koran in schools; Member, Managing Committee, Anjuman-i-Islam, Bombay; President, Khoja Reading Room and Library; Member, Improvement Trust and Plague Committee, Bombay; represented Bombay on the Museum Conference held at Calcutta, 1907; Director, Bank of India Limited. Address: Bombay, India, Clubs: Islam Gymkhana and Orient.

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