Fawcett, Frederick, Deputy Inspector General of Police, Madras (retired); b. 1853; joined service as Inspector of Police, 1878; Assistant Supdt, of Police, 1879; Special Assistant Supdt. 1880; on special duty for prosecuting an Inspector in Rajahmundry, from 28th October to 22nd December 1880; in charge of the Offiice of Superintendent, Kistna, 1883; Assistant Superintendent 1st grade (re-organisation), 1892; Superintendent of Police 1893; Superintendent of Police, and Assistant with the Government of Madras, 1899; Superintendent, Railway Police, Madras, 1899; on special duty as Member of Police Commission, from 1st August 1902; Acting Deputy Inspector General of Police, 1903; again on special duty under the General Superintendent, Thagiand Dacoity, 1908-05; confirmed as Deputy Inspector-General of Police, 1905; retired, 1912. Publications: articles in the journal of the Anthropological Institute; Man; Notes on some of the people of Malabar; Nayars of Malabar (included in Madras Govt. Museum Bulletins, vol. III Nos. 1 and 3). Address: c/o India Office, London.