Deussen, Paul; b. 1845, at Oberdreis near Coblenz; s. of Adam Deussen, pastor; educ; at Schulp; forta near Naumburg; studied at Bonn, Tubingen and Berlin; Sanskrit under Lassen and Gildemister: Phil. Dr. at Marburg, 1869; teacher at the Gymnasiums at Minden and Marburg, 1869-72, and tutor in Russian families at Geneva, Aixla-Chapelle, and Terny in Russia, 1872-80; taught philosophy, the subject to which he was chiefly devoted and Sanskrit, as Private-docent at the University of Geneva; and philosophy at the Polytechnical school at Aix-la-Chapelle, 1875-9. While at Geneva, his resolution was made to devote his life to the study of Indian philosophy, (1873). Since his return from Russia and residence in Berlin, from 1881 to 1889, this has been his main work. Taught philosophy at Berlin University, first as Private-docent, then as profeseor; since 1889, Ordinary Professor of Philosophy at the University of Keil; has travelled much in various parts of the world, including the greater part of India, 1892-3. In 1904, the order of the Red Eagle, 4th class, was conferred upon him. Among his chief works may be mentioned: Das System does Vedanta, 1883; Die sutras des Vedanta 1887; On the Philosophy of the Vedanta in its relations to Occidental Metaphysics, Bombay 1893; Sechzig Upanishads des Veda, 1897; Geschichte der Philosophic (I and II on the Vedic Hymns and Upanishads: III-VI, 1894 1899; “Outlines of Indian Philosophy”, in the Indian Antiquary, 1902; Erinnerungen an Indian 1904; My Indian Experiences (translated into English by A. King.) Address: University of Kiel.