Burgess, James, C.I.E. 1885; Hon. LL.D., Edin. 1881, E.R.S.E., Hon. A.R.I.B.A., F.R.G.S.; b. Kirkmahoe, Dumfriesshire, 1832; m. 1855; engaged in educational work in Calcutta, 1856 and Bombay, 1861; Secretary, Bombay Geographical Society. 1868-73; Head of Archaeological Survey, Western India, 1873; of S. India, 1881; Director General, Archaeological Surveys in India, 1886-89; Hon. M. Imp. Russ. Archaeol. Soc, Amer. Orient Soc.,and R. Phil. Soc. Glasgow; Hon. Associate Finno-Ugrian Soc.; H. Corr. M. Authrop. Soc. Berlin, and Batavian Soc. Arts and Sciences; M. Soc. Asiat. Paris, M.R.A.S. Publications: The Temples of Shatrunjaya, 1869; the Rock Temples of Elephanta, 1871; Temples of Somanath. Gunagadh, and Girnar, 1870; Scenery and Architecture in Guzarat and Rajputana, 1873; Notes on Ajanta Paintings, 2 879; The Cave Temples of India (conjointly with late James Fergussan), 1880; Indian Antiquary, 1872-84; Archaeological Survey of W. India, 9 vols., 1874 1905; Tarikh-i-Sorath (edited), 1882 Lists of Antiquarian Remains in Bombay Presidency, 1885; Buddhist Stupas of Amaravati, etc., 1887; Antiquities of Dabhoi, 1888; The Sharqi Architecture of Jaiinpur (edited), 1889; Archaeological Research in India, 1890 Epigraphia Indica, 2 vols., 1889-94; On Hindu Astronomy 1893: Constable’s Hand-Gazetteer of India, 1898; Hypsometry by Boiling-point, 1858 and 1863; Transliteration of Indian Place-names, 1868, 1894-95; On the Error-function Definite Integral, 1898 (awarded the Keith medal, R.S.E.); The Gandhara Sculptures, 1899 and 1900; Buddhist Art in India (enlarged translation), 1901; The Indian Sect of the Jainas (translated and edited), 1903: Fergusson’s Indian and Eastern Architecture, enlarged ed., 1919; etc.. Address: 22 Seton Place, Edinburgh.