< The Hambledon Men


Aburrow, Edward ('Curry'), 49, 122, 185.

Aislabie, 'father of cricket,' 132.

Ale and cricket, 57-8, 138, 143, 144.

'All England' matches, 53, 60, 63-4, 146; originated by Clarke, 176.

Allen, Mr. J. W., his memoir of John Nyren, 98.

Aylward, Horace, 186.

Aylward, James, 37, 40; his great batting feat, 67, 88, 123, 144, 185-6.

Aylward, John, and Thomas, 186.

Barber, William, 44, 45, 121, 178, 186-7.

Bat, the, method of holding, 20; in 1746, 85; straight shape introduced by Old Small, 86, 141; width regulated, 87; all for hitting, 134; celebrated bats at Lord's, 205, 215.

'Bat and Ball' Inn, on Broad Halfpenny, 49, 98, 99, 186.

Batsman, the, Nyren's instructions to, 20-8; Clarke on, 166-70.

Batting, Nyren on different styles of, 23, 25; defensive, 152; Clarke on the science of, 166-70.

'Bayham, Fred,' xviii.

Beagley, Thomas, 129, 132, 140, 154; on Mr. Budd's bowling, 222; and on Lord F. Beauclerk, 222, 235-6.

Beauclerk, Lord Frederick, 6, 104, 105, 140, 141, 196, 206 n; described by Nyren 25, 33, 40, 55, 61, 73, Mitford 124, 126, 131-2, Pycroft 147-9, 154, 155, 222-3, 232, 235-7, Clarke 181, Lord Bessborough 184, Thomas Beagley 222, 235, and Haygarth 230; his action when disappointed, 69; match against Mr. Ward, 105; his first matches, 144-5; the spelling of his name, 225; alarmed at the Luddites, 227; match against Osbaldeston and Lambert, 227; his epitaph, 231; his end as a bowler, 234, 236.

Bedster, 212.

Beldham, George, 72.

Beldham, William, xvi, xxvi, 206 n, 216; described by Nyren 24-5, 40, 72-4, Mitford 124-5, 127-9, 131-2, Pycroft 140, Clarke 181, and Haygarth 187-8; describes cricket in his days, 134-41; his triumph over Browne of Brighton, 156-7; his opinion of Mr. Budd, 222-3.

Benham, Canon, his recollections of J. Nyren, 105-6.

Bennett, John, 138, 154.

Bentley's Book of Matches, 130, 133, 187.

Berkshire eleven, 1793, 147.

Bessborough, Lord, see Ponsonby, Hon. Frederick.

Bligh, Hon. Edward, xxvii.

Blockhole, in old cricket, 150.

Bolland, William, xviii.

Booker, 60.

Bowling, Nyren's instructions as to, 13, 17-19, 20; his strictures on round-arm bowling, x, xi, 4, 39-41, 70; round-arm, a necessity, xv; Beldham on changes in style of, 134-5, 137; the old and the new, 145, 156-7, 183-4; Pycroft on the old style, 149, 151-3, 155; bias, or twist, 151; swiftness of the old, 151, 157; Clarke's advice as to, 158-63, 172-3; Lord Bessborough on under-hand and round-arm, 183-4; high under-hand, 194, 196.

Bowra, William, 188-9.

Box, Tom, 157, 180.

Boxall, 128.

Brett, Thomas, 44, 45, 47, 48, 121, 151, 186, 189.

Broadbridge, J., his round-arm bowling, 183.

Broad Halfpenny, 6, 98; high feasting on, 57-8, 98-9; described by Mitford, 121-3; deserted, 142, 144.

Bromley, Middlesex, Nyren's last home at, 102, 120.

Browne of Brighton, 136, 156-7, 184.

Budd, Edward Hayward, xxiv, xxv, 156, 196, 207; described by Nyren 76, Mitford 132, Beldham 140, Pycroft 140, 220, 222-3, 225, 227, Lord Bessborough 184, Haygarth 220-1, Wheeler 222, 225, 234, Lord F. Beauclerk 222-3, Beldham 222-3, and Clarke 235; his fielding, 140, 235; his bowling, 178, 222-3, 225; his matches and scores, 220-1, 227, 238; weight of his bat, 221, 225, 233; his tremendous hits, 221, 223, 237; as innovator, 222; compared with Lord F. Beauclerk, 222-3; his position at the wicket, 224; his manner of batting displayed at eighty, 225; his impetuosity, 225; his memories of Osbaldeston, 227, 229; and of Mr. Ward, 234; later years at cricket, 237; his shame in 1851, 237; his old age and tastes, 238; as a gardener, 239; death 241.

Burrell, Sir Peter, 154.

Caffyn, W., his Seventy, Not Out, xviii.

Caldecourt, 150, 222.

Captains, hints to, 91.

Chad, Old, 184.

Clarke, Charles Cowden, xi, xii, xiii, 98, 106; his 'Introduction' to Nyren's Young Cricketer's Tutor, 5; his part in Nyren's book, 115-16, 133.

Clarke, William, xvii, xviii; his 'Letters on Cricket', 158-74; his career, 175-6.

Clement, little Tom, ix.

Cochrane, Mr. Alfred, xxv; his ballad, 'England, Past and Present,' 243.

Cooper, Mr. Ashley-, xii.

Cotton, Rev. Mr., his cricket song, 17-18, 50, 122.

Cricket, beginning of the game, 9; number of players, 9; choice of ground, 9; umpires, 10, 171-2; pitching the wickets, 10, 172; arrangement of fieldsmen, 11; laws of the game (1830), 11-16; instructions to players, 17-38; single-wicket, 38-9; improvements and progress, 66, 77, 84-92, 120, 121, 149-57; stopping or blocking first adopted, 87; records burnt, 101; new law for leg-before-wicket, 137; match-making, 170-1.

Cricketers, essentials of, 5, 38; left-handed, 62, 63, 70, 105, 128 n; 155, 193, 201, 211, 214; dress, 123 n, 136; longevity of, 188.

Cricket Field, The, quoted, 176, 177, 204, 220, 222-4, 227.

Cricket Notes, by William Holland, xvii.

Cricket-song, by Rev. Reynell

Cotton, 17-18, 50, 122.

Daft's Kings of Cricket, xxv, 179.

Danvers, Butler, trick played on, 131.

Dark, J. H., acquires Lord's, 233.

Darnley, Earl of, 144.

Dehaney, 60, 133.

Dorset, John Frederick, third

Duke of, 45, 61, 63, 121, 139, 189; his present to Small, 46-7.

Dorset Square, the old Marylebone ground, 143, 223.

Emmett, Tom, 120.

Farnham, and famous cricketers, 125, 135, 216.

Felix (Nicholas Wanostrocht), 182.

Fennex, William, xiii, xiv, xvii, 127, 152, 153; described by Mitford 127, 129-31, Beldham 141, Pycroft 155-6, and Haygarth 191-2; his sad end, 153.

Fielding, Nyren's instructions as to, 32-8, Clarke's advice on, 163-6; more important formerly, 154-5.

Ffinch, Mr., his 'Fine Old English Cricketers', 239.

Frame, John, 57, 151, 192.

France and early cricket, 190.

Francis, Richard, 65, 193.

Freemantle, Andrew, 79-81, 128, 154-5, 193.

Freemantle, John, 79-80, 193-4.

Gale, Frederick, xx.

Gentlemen and Players, The, 148.

Gentleman's Magazine, quoted, 190, 200, 201, 202.

'George' Inn, Hambledon, 98-9.

Grace, Dr. W. G., 181, 183, 220.

Graces, The, their maternal advantages, ix.

Grimston, Hon. R., xx, 181.

Hall, Harry, 72, 73, 134, 187.

Hambledon, birthplace of Nyren, 43; old cricketers buried at, 185, 198, 210, 212; inscription on church door, 211.

Hambledon Club, ix, 6, 17, 37, 44-5, 47, 87-9, 203-4, 207, 213-7; its great players, 44-83, 121-7, 141-2, 205-10; its caravan, 49, 136; its grand matches, 58-60, 63-4, 100-2; the beginning of, 100, 136; match at Southsea, 106; old players beaten by the new, 128; at its zenith, 135; its break-up, 101, 141-3; forbids round-arm bowling, 151; law-givers of cricket, 193; its dinners, 198.

Hammond (of Sussex), 27, 31, 32, 154, 155, 232, 236.

Hampshire barns, and cricket, 154.

Hampshire Chronicle, The, 98, 217.

Hampshire men, at a grand match, 57-8,

Harris, David, xxvi, 137; 138, 184, 214; described as a bowler by Nyren xiv, 20, 74-9, 90, Mitford 125-6, 127, 128 n, Beldham 139, 141, 151, Pycroft 151, 153, 154, Walker 152, Fennex 152, Sparkes 152, Bennett 154, Haygarth 194, and Lord F. Beauclerk 195; his armchair on the field, 126; his practising, 154.

Haygarth, Mr. Arthur, xx-xxiv; his memoirs of old cricketers, 98-9, 109, 175-6, 185-219, 220-1, 230, 232.

Heward, Peter, of Leicester, on the old bowling, 145.

Hogsflesh, William, 44-5, 195-6.

Homerton Club, 102, 105.

Hunt, Leigh, 98, 106; His London Journal and Nyren, 117-19.

I Zingari, xvii, xix.

Kent, its cricket in early times, 136; its matches, 137-8, 142-3, 146-8.

Lamb, Charles, 98, 106, 107.

Lambert, William, 156; his advice on bowling, 19; described by Nyren 25, 27, Mitford 132, Fennex 153, Clarke 178, 181, Lord Bessborough 181, Haygarth 196-7, Budd 222, 224, Beldham 224, and Pycroft 224; his great feat against Beauclerk and Beldham, 228.

Lamborn, 'the Little Farmer,' 53-4, 197-8.

Lang, Mr. Andrew, his 'Ballade of Dead Cricketers', v; his praise of the game, xxv.

Lear, George, 48, 49, 62, 122, 198.

Leg-before-wicket, 204, 212.

Lennox, Hon. Col. Charles, xxvi, xxvii, 147, 154.

Lillywhite, Fred, his bowling, 154, 183; his printing-press and cards, 150; his Cricket Scores and Biographies, xxi, xxiv, 101-5, 175-6, 185, 220-1, 230, 232.

London, and cricket, Pycroft on, 148.

Lord, Thomas, xxvi, 143, 233.

Lord's Ground, opened, xxvi; matches at, 80, 103-5, 141-2, 156, 231; disastrous fire at, 101, 133; collection of bats at, 205, 215; Lord F. Beauclerk's attendance at, 231; Mr. Ward's purchase of, 233-4.

'Lumpy' (Edward Stevens), described by Nyren 20, 55-6, 78-9, Mitford 122, 126-7, and Haygarth 198-200; on early cricket, 140.

Maiden overs, 149.

Mann, Sir Horace, described by Nyren 37, 45, 64, 67-8,

Mitford 123-4, Beldham 137-8, Pycroft 144, and Haygarth 186, 200-3.

Mann, Noah, described by Nyren 61-5, Beldham 139, and Haygarth 201-2; his sad death, 64-5, 202; Sir Horace Mann's kindness to, 66-7, 202.

Mann, Noah, junior, 202.

Martingell, W., 182, 183.

Marylebone Club, its revision of the laws of cricket in 1830, 11; its matches, 73, 82, 145-7; on the change in bowling, 90; list of members in 1833, 93-5.

May, Richard, 218-19.

May, Thomas, 60, 218.

Miller, Joseph, 59, 122, 189, 202-3.

Minshull, as a player, 59, 139, 189, 203.

Mitford, Rev. John, xiii, xiv, xv, 192; his review of Nyren's book, 121-32.

Montgomery, Right Rev. H. H., xix, 181.

Montpelier Club 1797, 147.

Mynn, Alfred, 220.

Mynn, Walter, 182.

Nairne, Lord, 99, 100.

Newland, Richard, 45, 100, 138.

Norfolk, its challenge to Lord F. Beauclerk, 147.

Nottingham keeps its secrets, 228

Novello, Clara, 107.

Novello, Mary Sabilla, on Nyren, 107.

Novello, Vincent, 98; his 'Sunday Evenings', 106-7; and Nyren's music, 107, 114.

Nyren, Henry, eldest son of John Nyren, his account of his father, 106.

Nyren, John, Cowden Clarke on, x, xi, 5, 6, 116-7; his abilities as a cricketer, 33, 37, 101-6; his love of music, 43, 106-7, 114; his fondness for animals, 67, 115; appreciation of his book, 97, 107, 115-16, 120; his literary worth, 97, 107, 120; his family and descendants, 97-8, 115; his fine qualities, 97-8, 114, 116-17; his connexion with the Hambledon Club, 101; his wife, 102, 114-5; his London matches, 103-5; last match, 105; Haygarth's account of, 105; left-handed, xvii, 105, 106; his song, 'Fill the Goblet,' 108-13; a temperate man, 114; bitten by a mad dog, 115; Leigh Hunt's description of, 117; his letter to the London Journal, 118-19; his death, 120; omissions in his book, 204-6, 212-13, 219.

Nyren, J. W., son of John Nyren, 106-7.

Nyren, Miss Mary, her narrative of her grandfather, 98-102, 106-7, 114-15.

Nyren, the Misses, grand-daughters of John Nyren, 97-8; Dedication to, iii.

Nyren, Richard, described by his son, John Nyren, 44-5, 53, 56, 60, 63-4; Miss Nyren's account of, 98-101; Beldham's reference to, 136-7.

Osbaldeston, George ('The Squire'), 105, 156, 196; account of his career, 226-30.

Osbaldeston, Mrs., her gift to Lambert, 228.

Oxford Memories, Pycroft's, 178, 225.

Parr, George, 179, 180.

Paulet, Squire, 60, 133, 135, 144; founds Hambledon Club, 136.

Pilch, Fuller, xx n, 132 n, 153, 181, 224.

Ponsonby, Hon. Frederick (Lord Bessborough), xvii, xix, xx; Clarke's letter dedicated to, 158; his reminiscences of cricket, 181-4.

Professionals, their advantages over amateurs, 148.

Purchase, Richard, 65, 203-4.

Pycroft, Rev. James, memoir of, xvi, xvii; on the Hambledon Club and the old players, 133-57; on old Clarke, 177-8; his contributions to The Cricket Field, 177, 220, 223, 227; his Oxford Memories, 178, 225.

Quarterly Review on Old Clarke, 177.

Quiddington, as long-stop, 60.

Ray, his fine fielding, 154.

Richmond, Duchess of, her support of Fennex, 130.

Richmond, Duke of, 115.

Ring, George, 200, 204, 219.

Ring, John, 137-8, 204-5.

Robinson, Robert, 83, 130, 141, 191, 205-6.

Running a notch, contrasted with modern methods, 150-1.

Russell, Lord Charles, xx.

Sackville, Lord John, 85.

St. John's Wood Club, and the Homerton Club, 102.

St. Mary's, Moorfields, and Nyren's 'Ave Verum', 114.

Sawdust, early use of, 206. n.

Scores, imperfect keeping of, 215.

Scott, Thomas, 206.

Shepherd, George, his sketches, xxvi.

Single-wicket, Nyren on, 38-9; matches, 101, 227, 228.

Slindon, Sussex, 100.

Small, John ('Old Small'), described by Nyren 24, 46-7, 86-7, Mitford 121, Pycroft 138-9, and Haygarth 207-9; one of the founders of the Hambledon Club, 100-1.

Small, John, junior, described by Nyren 81-3, and Haygarth 209.

Smith, T. Assheton, his matches, 102, 144.

Smuggling and cricketing, 192, 199.

South Kensington Museum, its memento of John Nyren, 120.

Sparkes, 152, 154, 155.

Sporting Magazine, The, 191-2, 213.

Sportascrapiana, 225, 228, 234, 238.

Steel, A. G., 183.

Stevens, Edward, see 'Lumpy', 20.

Stewart, Peter (' Buck '), described by Nyren 49-50, Mitford 122, and Haygarth 210.

Stopping, Nyren's recommendation of, 22-3.

Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 42.

'Stumping out,' in the early scores, 218.

Stumps, the, 11, 84, 134, 149; change in number, 66, 87-8, 134, 151-2; Beldham on the size of, 188; a fourth introduced, 217.

Sueter, Tom, described by Nyren 27-8, 31-2, 47-9, 60-1, Mitford 121, 128, Beldham 138-9, and Haygarth 211, 218.

Surrey, and the Hambledon heroes, 142.

Tankerville, Earl of, 61, 122, 199, 212, 218.

Taylor, C., 135.

Taylor, Tom, xvii; described by Nyren 54-5, 68, Beldham 137, 140, and Haygarth 186, 204, 212-3.

Thackeray and Bolland, xvii.

Tinley, R. C., 178.

Tufton, Hon. H., xxvi, 141, 147-8, 155.

Tufton, Hon. J., xxvii, 147-8.

Turner, Mrs. Mary, extract from letter of, x.

Umpires, duties of, 10, 16, 137, 171-2.

Veck, Richard Aubery, 213.

'Vine, The', Sevenoaks, 101, 189.

Walker, Harry, described by Nyren 40, 68-70, Mitford 128 n, Beldham 139, 141, and Haygarth, 214.

Walker, John, 214.

Walker, Tom, described by Nyren 40, 68-70, Mitford 124, 127, 128-9, Beldham 139, 141, and Haygarth 214-15; introduces new style of bowling, 70, 90, 135, 137, 151.

Walker, Mr. V., 178.

Ward, William, Nyren's book dedicated to, 3; described by Nyren 3-4, 24 n, Mitford 132, and Haygarth 232-4; his old cricket MS., 85, 134, 149; and Lord F. Beauclerk, 105, 177; his offer for Old Small's balls, 207; his bowling feat, 221; opposes the new bowling, 222; admits necessity of round-arm bowling, xv; buys the lease of Lord's Ground, 233-4 his bets on Mr. Budd, 234 his wise generosity, 234 unknown to the younger generation, 235; on the order of going in, 236.

Warsop, B., of Nottingham, 178, 184.

'Waterloo' Inn, Barn Green, and its portrait of 'Lumpy', 200.

Watts, Dr., 49, 107.

Wells, George, 216.

Wells, James, 215, 216,

Wells, John, described by Nyren 70-2, Beldham 136, 140-1, and Haygarth 187, 215-16.

Wenman, 154, 157.

Wheeler, Mr., on Mr. Budd, 222; his Sportascrapiana, quoted, 224-5, 228, 234, 238.

White, Gilbert, of Selborne, ix.

White, of Ryegate, 87.

White, Thomas ('Shock'), described by Nyren 57, and Haygarth 217.

Whitehead, Mr., of Kent, 147, 154.

Wicket, pitching the, 10, 12, 19, 137, 172; changes in size of, 66, 87-8, 134, 151-2, 188, 217.

Wicket-keeper, the, 12; Nyren's advice to, 28-32; Sueter the first, 128; wicket-keepers as batsmen, 211.

Willes, John, described by Nyren, 70, 80-1; revives round-arm bowling, 137, 151.

Winchelsea, Lord, and Fennex's trick, 131; his eleven, 136, 137, 144; his cricket retainers, 142; as a player, 154, 217-8.

Windmill Down, 6, 63, 98.

Wood, John, described by Nyren 57, and Haygarth 219.

Wood, Thomas, 219.

Wrecclesham, its tribute to Beldham and Wells, 216.

Yalden, William, described by Nyren 60-1, Beldham 136, and Haygarth 218.

Young Cricketer's Tutor, Cowden Clarke's part in, 115-16; its place in English literature, 120; Mitford's review of, 121-7.


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