< The Greek and Eastern Churches


Abba Salama, 618.
Abda, 344.
Abgar, 295, 462 ff.
Abraham, Mar, 489.
Abu Bekr, 164 ff.
Abyssinia, 296, 615 flf.
Acacians, 70.
Acephali, 113, 567.
Acœmeti, 213.
Adamantius Korais, 331.
Addai, Doctrine of, 461.
Adoptionism, 218.
Ædesius, 617.
Agallianos, 195.
Aggai, 463.
Albigenses, 228.
Alexander of Alexandria, 42 ff.
Alexander i.. Tsar, 436.
Alexander ii., Tsar, 438 ff.
Alexandria, 58 ff., 87, 577 ff.
Alexis, 413 ff.
Alexius, 247.
Alexius Angelus, 253.
Alvarez, 621.
Amphilochius, 280.
Amphilochius of Side, 107.
Anchoritism, 148.
Anna Comnenus, 281.
Anne of Russia, 434.
Anomœans, 70.
Anthony, St., 154.
Anthropomorphists, 90.
Antichrist, 444.
Antioch, 14, 89.
Aphraates, Homilies, 470, 482.
Apollinarians, 79, 82, 110, 127.
Apostles, traditional spheres, note 2.
Apostolical constitutions, 53, 149, 179.
Arabia, 166 ff.
Arcadius, 88.
Architecture, Byzantine, 175 ff.
Architecture, Saracenic, 587.

Ariadne, 110.
Arianism, 41 ff., 58 ff., 68, 307, 561.
Armenia, 217, 296.
Armenian Church, 297, 540 ff.
Armenian Massacres, 551.
Armenian Versions, 542 f.
Arsenius, 261, 324.
Art, Byzantine, 174 ff.
Art, Gothic, 177 ff.
Artavasdos, 198.
Asceticism, 148.
Asceticus, 491.
Atalla, 529.
Athanaric, 302.
Athanasius, 45 ff., 618.
Athanasius, Canons of, 133.
Athanasius, Coptic patriarch, 614.
Athanasius, Mar, 532.
Athanasius, of Constantinople, 264 f.
Athenagoras, 21, 284.
Athos, Mount, 286 ff., 334.
Augustus, 9.
Aurelian, 178.
Auxentius, 304.
Awgin, 485.
Axuraitric kingdom. See Abyssinia.
Azymites, 269.

Babylon in Egypt, 535,
Bagdad, 170.
Bakar, 344.
Baldwin, 250, 254, 258.
Bar Cochbar, 21.
Bardaisan, 466 ff.
Bardas, Cæsar, 234.
Barlaam and Josaphat, 282 ff.
Barnabas, Epistle of, 7.
Bar Salibi, 508.
Basil, 71 ff., 158, ?i4,
Basil i., Emperor, 223.
Basilicas, 181 ff.
Basiliscus, 108 ff.
Basilius the Paulician, 227

Beard, the image of God, 445.
Bef-popoftsky, 447.
Benediction, Position of fingers in, 416.
Benjamin, Coptic patriarch, 575.
Berlin, Treaty of, 351.
Bernard of Clairvaux, 251.
Bernard of Tarsus, 257 f.
Bêth 'Abhê, 486.
Bible in Greek vernacular, 329.
Bible Society, 338.
Bielo-ozero monastery, 382.
Bishops, privileges and duties of, 135.
Bogislav, Stephen, 351.
Bogomiles, 225 ff.
Bohemond, 249.
Book of Governors, 484 ff.
Boris Godunov, 379.
Bosnia, 353.
Britain, 13.
Bruce's travels, 624.
Bryennios, 342.
Bulgaria, 348 ff.
Bulgarian atrocities, 350.
Burkitt, 468.
Bury, 193.
Byzantine Empire, Fall of, 256 ff.
Byzantine forces defeated, 169.
Cabasilas, 281.
Caliphate, 170, 585 ff.
Calvinism, 319.
Camel, Sultan, 254.
Canons of Chalcedon, 135.
Canons Sardican, 134.
Cantacuzenus, 265.
Cappadocians, the, 71 ff.
Capuchins at Astrakan, 430.
Carbeas, 222.
Caroline Books, 240.
Cassian, 148.
Catherine the Great, 434.
Celestius, 96.
Censer confession, 606.
Ceylon, 527.
Chail i., 591.
Chail ii., 593.
Chail iii., 596.
Chail iv., 604.
Chalcedon, Canons, 135.
Chalcedon, Council; 99 ff.
Chaldæa, 167.
Chaldæans, 497 ff.
Charles the Great, 233, 294.
Chenouda i., 594.
Chenouda ii., 601.
China, 527, 533 ff..
Chosroes, 172.

Christ, Body of, 120.
Christ, Byzantine, 105.
Christ, Divinity of, 54, 105, 503 ff.
Christ, Nature of, 93 ff., 101, 503 ff.
Christianity outside the Empire, 294 ff.
Christobulus, 602.
Christological controversies, Later. 117 ff.
Chrysanthus, 324.
Chrysocheir, 223.
Chrysostom, 83 ff.
Church organisation, 132 ff.
Clement of Alexandria, 7.
Cochin, 538.
Codex Argenteus, 307.
Codex Carolinus, 307.
Cœnobitism, 148.
Commodus. 22.
Communion office, 277.
Confessional, 606.
Constantine the Great, 10, 27 ff.
Constantine iv., 129.
Constantine v., "Copronicus," 197 ff., 341.
Constantine vi., Porphyrogenitus, 202, 212.
Constantine of Nacolia, 192.
Constantine Pognatus, 130.
Constantinople, founded, 29, 137.
Constantinople, Disturbances at, 114.
Constantinople, captured by Latins, 253.
Constantinople, recovered by Palæologus, 260.
Constantinople, taken by Turks, 270 ff.
Constantinople, I. Council, 82 ff.
Constantinople, II. Council, 119, 157.
Constantinople, III. Council, 125.
Constantinople, Creed of, 83.
Constantinople, Patriarchate, 137 ff., 336.
Constantinople, Prerogatives of, 137.
Constantius, 59 ff., 305.
Conybeare, 152, 216.
Coonen cross, 530.
Copts, 93, 138, 172, 293, 553 ff.
Corinth pillaged, 329.
Cosmas, 518.
Cosmas the Student, 586.
Council, Œcumenical, 1st, Nicæa, 50 ff.
Council, Œcumenical, 2nd, Constantinople. 82 ff., 137.
Council, Œcumenical, 3rd, Ephesus, 96 ff.
Council, Œcumenical, 4th, Chalcedon, 99 ff., 543 ff., 565 ff.

Council, Œcumenical, 5th. II. Constantinople, 119 f.
Council, Œcumenical, 6th, III. Constantinople, 130 f., 569.
Council, Œcumenical, 7th, II. Nicæa, 192, 204.
Council, Œcumenical, 8th, 237.
Creed, Apostles', 53.
Creed, Nicene, 53, 83.
Creed, of Constantinople, 83.
Crimea, 303.
Crosses at Travancore, 518 ff.
Crusades, 242 ff., 609.
Crusius, Martin, 314.
Cydonius, Demetrius, 282.
Cyprus, Church of, 339 ff.
Cyril Lucar, 309 ff., 411, 611.
Cyril of Alexandria, 96 ff.
Cyril of Jerusalem, 83.
Cyril of Kiev, 386.
Cyril of Phasis, 125 ff.
Cyrus, Melchite patriarch, 575.

Dacia, 302.
Dagobert, 251, 258.
Dalmatia, 329.
Damascus, 169, 329.
Dandolo, 252, 291.
Danielthe Stylite, 111.
Decius, 24.
De Fide Orthodoxa, 210.
Demetrius, deacon, 313.
Diabekir, 498.
Diatessaron, The, 465 f.
Didaché, The, 16.
Diocletian, 25 ff.
Dionysius the Areopagite, 126, 215.
Dioscurus, 98, 104.
Dmitri, 409.
Docetism, 120.
"Doctor, Œcumenical," 195.
Doniitian, 19.
Doukhobors, The, 451 ff.

Ecthesis, the, 129. 569, 576.
Egypt, 87, 99, 137, 552 ff.
Egypt, Modern, 610 ff.
Egypt, Mohammedan rule in, 577 ff.
Egypt, Monophysite, 117, 565 ff.
Egypt, Persian conquest, 572 ff.
Egypt, Turkish period, 603 ff.
El Aziz, 599.
El Hakim, 244, 600.
Elizabeth of Russia, 434.
Encratites, 466.
Ephraim the Syrian, 473 f.
Epiphanius, 83, 341.
Ermanaric, 302.

Ethiopia, 297, 616 ff.
Ethiopic Canon, 619.
Eucarpus, 157.
Eucharist, 141 ff.
Euchites, 225, 490 ff.
Eudoxia, 428.
Eugene, Prince, 329.
Eugenios, Bulgares, 331.
Eugenius, Pope, 265.
Eusebius of Cæsarea, 50, 53.
Eusebius of Nicomedia, 46.
Eustathians, 492.
Eustathius, 281.
Euthymius, 225.
Eutyches, 97 ff., 103, 562.
Eutychianism, 94, 102, 479, 546, 563.
Evangelion da Mepharresche, 470.
Extension of Christianity, 13 ff., 25 f.

Fausta, murder of, 34.
Figuratists, 81.
Fllioque clause, 237 ff., 266, 294.
Firuz, 481.
Flavian of Antioch, 89.
Flavian of Constantinople, 98 ff.
Frithigern, 302 f.
Frumentius, 516.
Fulco of Neuilly, 252.
Fustât, 581.

Gabriel, Mar, 531.
Galerius, 25.
Gallus, 24.
Gangra, 100.
Garamaea, 297.
Gaul, 13.
Gegnœsius, 220.
Genghis Khan, 269.
Gennadius, 269, 282.
George of Cappadocia, 62.
George Scholarius. See Gennadius.
Georgia, Church of, 344 ff.
Gerasimus, 389.
Germanus. 192 ff.
Goa, 525 ff.
Godfrey of Bouillon, 249.
Golitsin, Basil, 420.
Goths, 122, 301 ff.
Gratian, 85.
"Great Mother," The, 10.
Greek Church, outlying branches, 369 ff.
Greek Church, under Turks, 325 ff.
Gregorius, Jacobite patriarch, 530.
Gregory Nazianzen, 75 ff.
Gregory of Nyssa, 78 ff., 93, 143 ff.
Gregory the Great, 140 ff.
Gregory iii., 197.

Gregory vii., Hildebrand, 248, 362.
Gregory ix., 254.
Gregory the Illuminator, 297, 540 ff.
Gundaphorus, King, 511.
Gwatkin, Professor, 43.

Hackett, 339 ff.
Hadrian, Emperor, 20.
Hadrian, Pope, 203.
Harith, 502.
Harnack, 43.
Harris, Rendel, 474,
Heber, Bishop, 531.
Hebrews, Gospel, 296, 471, 513.
Henoticon, 112, 117, 567.
Heraclius, 125 flF., 137, 573, 577.
Herzegovina, 353.
Hesychasts, 288.
Hieracles, .565.
Hillary of Poitiers, 241.
Holy Synod, Greek, 336.
Holy Synod, Russian, 425 ff.
Homeritæ, 516.
Homœans, 70, 305.
Homoiousios, 68 f.
Homoousios, 52, 75.
Honorius, Emperor, 88.
Honorius, Pope, 128.
Hosius, 2, 49, 50.
Hugh of Vermandois, 249.
Huns, 106, 223.
Hymns, Greek, 283 ff.
Hypostasis, 74.

Ibas, 118, 567.
Iberians. See Georgia.
Ibn Tulun, 594.
Iconoclastic reforms, 187 ff.
Ignatius of Antioch, 20 ff.
Ignatius Patriarch, 209, 234.
Image worship. Restoration of, 201 ff.
Incarnation, 105.
India, 512 ff.
Innocent in., 252, 287.
Irene the Athenian, 203 ff.
Isaac, Emperor, 253.
Isho-yahbh, 489.
Isidore, 389 ff.
Isyaslaff, 372.

Jacob al Bardai, 500 ff., 568.
Jacob of Edessa, 507 ff.
Jacobites, 93, 172, 500 ff.
James of Nisibis, 300.
Janissaries, 310 ff.
Jassy, 412.
Jerome, 148.
Jerusalem, Kingdom of, 251 ff.
Jesu-Jabus, 494.

Jesuits, 430, 533, 624.
Job, Patriarch, 406.
John, Catanierus, 258.
John, Chrysostom, 89 ff.
John, Chrysostom, Liturgy, 276.
John, Maracumensis, 545.
John, Moschus, 585.
John, v., Pope, 265.
John, of Antioch, 257.
John, of Asia, or Ephesus, 503, 506 f.
John, of Damascus, 211, 284.
John, of Persia, 49, 516.
John, Prester, 535 ff., 621,
John, Semnudæus, 588,
John, Talai, 570.
John, the Almoner, 574.
John, the Faster, 140.
John, the Grammarian, 207 ff.
Jordanus, 521.
Joseph, Patriarch, 262, 266.
Jovian, Emperor, 65.
Julian, Emperor, 61 ff.
Julian, of Halicarnassus, 120, 568.
"Jumpers," The, 499 ff.
Justin, Emperor, 117.
Justinian, Emperor, 117 ff,, 139, 181.
Justinian ii., 220, 341.

Kalmata, Thanksgiving, 332.
Kenosis, 97, 103.
Key of Truth, 216 ff.
Khalid, 164, 168.
Kiev, 358, 364.
Klysty, The, 450.
Kufa, 171.
Kullman, 452.
Labarum, The, 10, 35 f., 65.
Laplanders, 383.
Latin Empire at Constantinople, 254.
Latrocinialis. See "Robber Council."
Law, Roman, 29, 123.
Layard, 496.
Lazarus, the Painter, 208.
Learning and literature, 279.
Legislation, Effect of Christianity on, 40.
Leo i., Emperor, 107.
Leo ii., Emperor, 110.
Leo iii., Emperor, the Isaurian, 189 ff.
Leo iv., the Armenian, 204 ff.
Leo i., Pope, 99 ff., 111, 234.
Leo iii., Pope, 294.
Leo ix., Pope, 240.
Leo Stypiota, Patriarch, 228.
Libanius, 72.
Licinius, 34.
Lithuania, 373, 388.

Liturgies, 276.
Logos, The, 7.
Lombards, 233.
Louis ix. (Saint), 255 ff., 609.
Loyola, Ignatius, 525.
Lutheranism, 313.
Macarius, 157.
Macarius, Monastery, 609.
Macedonia, 82, 351.
Macedonius, 82.
Maghlobeen, 499.
Magi, 299 ff.
Malabar, 532.
Malacca, 527.
Mamelukes, 611 ff.
Manuel, 251, 274.
Marcellus, 43, 82.
Marcian, 99, 106.
Marcion, 149.
Marco Polo, 520 ff.
Marcus Aurelius, 11, 21.
Mariolatry, 195.
Maris, 119.
Mark, St., 15, 554.
Mark, Coptic patriarch, 593.
Mark, of Ephesus, 268.
Mark, Son of Kunbar, 606.
Maronites, 131.
Martin, 130, 264.
Mary, The Virgin, 96, 105.
Maxentius, 33 f.
Maximus, 130.
Melchitaristes, 547.
Meletius of Antioch, 82.
Meletius of Pega, 314.
Mennas, 123.
Menologium, The, 429.
Mentaxa, Nicodemus, 318.
Mesrob, 542.
Messenia, Senate of, 332.
Methodius, 358.
Metrophanes, 612.
Metropolitans, 135 f.
Michael i., 206.
Michael ii., the Stammerer, 208.
Michael iii., the Drunkard, 209.
Michael Antorianus, 258 ff.
Michael Cerularius, 240.
Michael the Syrian, 364.
Michael Tsar, 410.
Milan, Edict of, 36 f.
Milvian Bridge, 33.
Mirabilia, 522.
Missionary Society, Church, 531.
Mithra, 10, 87.
Mobidakh, 345.
Mœsia Superior, 851.
Mogila, Peter, 322, 411.

Mohammed, 162 ff.
Mohammed, ii., 270 ff.
Mohammedan conditions for Christians, 583.
Mohammedanism, 93, 160.
Molokans, The, 451 ff.
Monasticism, 147 ff., 619.
Monastir, 351.
Mongolian invasion, 371 ff.
Monophysites, 102 ff., 120 ff., 293, 500 ff., 544, 565 ff.
Monothelete controversy, 124 ff., 568 ff.
Montanists, 22, 118, 149.
Montenegro, 348.
Montferrat, Marquis of, 253.
Morea, 326, 332 ff.
Morosini, 254, 328.
Moscow Patriarchate, 404 ff.
Mtykhetha, 345.
Muir, Sir W., 163.
"Mukaukas," The, 578 ff.
Mutilation, 290.

Najran, 171.
Napoleon, Image of, 448.
Neale, 115.
Nectarius, 90.
Neo-Platonists, 117.
Nestor, 356, 576.
Nestorianism, 94, 102.
Nestorianism, in Far East, 510 ff.
Nestorianism, in India, 517 ff.
Nestorianism, in Persia, 480.
Nestorianism, Later, 493 ff.
Nestorianism, Syrian, 476, 567.
Nicæa, 50 ff., 192, 204.
Nicephorus, Cæsar, 203 ff.
Nicephorus, Emperor, 205.
Nicephorus, historian, 204.
Nicholas, Pope, 209, 235.
Nicholas, Tsar, 438.
Nicholas, of Methone, 281.
Nicolo Barbaro, 270.
Nicomedia, 28.
Nicon, 413 ff.
Niobites, 503.
Niphont, 373 ff.
Nonjurors, 324,
Nonna, 344.
Norseses, 542.
Novgorod Metropolitan, 406.
Nubia, 620.
Nunia, 297.

"Œcumenical Bishop," 233 ff.
"Œcumenical Council. See Council.
"Old Believers," 443.
Olga, Princess, 358 ff.
Olopan, 533.

Omar, 164 ff.
Origenism, 7, 83, 90.
Osrhoene, 461, 479.
Oxyrhynchus papyri, 6.

Pachomius, 156, 485.
Paganism, Suppression of, 62.
Pahlavi, 518.
Palæologus, 254, 259, 612.
Palladius, 145, 153.
Palut, 463.
Palutians, 469.
Pantænus, 296, 513.
Parthenon shattered, 328.
Parthia, 296, 512.
Paschal Controversy, 54.
Passarovitz, Treaty of, 329.
Patriarchate, The, 137 ff.
Paul of Alexandria, 130.
Paul of Samosata, 52.
Paul the Armenian, 220.
Paulicians, 207, 216 ff.
Pechersky Monastery, 411.
"Peculiars," The, 399.
Persia, 97, 122, 293.
Persia, origin of Christianity in, 297 ff.
Persian Christians, 102, 480 ff.
Peshitta, 476, 498, 505.
Peter Mongus, 113.
Peter the Fuller, 109 f., 341.
Peter the Great, 324, 420 ff.
Peter the Hermit, 248 f.
Petronas, 222.
Phanariots, 325 ff.
Philaret Romanoff, 409.
Philike Hetairia, 332.
Philippoftsky, The, 448.
Philippopolis, 224.
Philippus, 131.
Philo, 7.
Phocas Nicephorus, 342.
Photinus, 43, 82.
Photius of Constantinople, 209,235 ff., 279 f.
Photius the Russian, 437.
Pictures, 184.
Pilgrimages, 433.
Pirates, 328.
Pliny's correspondence, 19 f., 284.
Pobiêdonostsef, 439.
Polycarp, 439.
Pomortsky, The, 449.
Pontus, 99.
Pope, Village, 431, 435.
Popoftsky, The, 446.
Portuguese in India, 523 ff.
Portuguese in Abyssinia, 621.
Presbyters, 558 ff.

Proclus, 281.
Procopius, 117.
Procurator, High, 425.
Proterius, 106 ff.
Protestantism, 318.
Psellus, Micliael, 2S0.
Ptolemais, 97.
Pulcheria, 99.
Pulleni, 251.
Pyrrhus, 129.

Rabbulas, 475, 478.
Ramsay, Professor, 17.
Raskolniks, 441 ff.
Ravenna, Exarch of, 232.
Relics, 278.
Richard i., 252.
"Robber Council," 99, 543.
Robert, Count of Flanders, 245.
Robert of Normandy, 249.
Romanus, Diogenes, 244.
Runners, 449.
Rurik, 358.
Russia, champion of Eastern Christianity, 329.
Russia, church lands appropriated, 434.
Russia, dioceses, 366.
Russia, Little, 417.
Russia, modern, 434 ff.
Russia, Mongolian invasion, 371 ff.
Russia, name and people, 356.
Russia, negotiations for union, 385.
Russia, Origin of Christianity in, 355 ff.
Russia, possessions in Armenia, 549.
Russia, protection of Georgia, 347.
Russia, Revival of, 385 ff.
Russia, Western culture in, 421.
Russian calendar, 424.
Russian sects, 441 ff.
Russkäya Pravada, 367, 398.

Sabellianism, 42, 74.
Saccudio, 212.
Sacraments, 142, 274 f.
Sacrificing, Laws against, 86.
Said, 597.
Saladin, 252, 608.
San Stephano, Treaty of, 351.
Sapor, 299 ff.
Saracens, 223.
Sardica, Council of, 60, 344 f.
Satanaël, 226.
Schism, The great, 229 ff.
Scholarship in Greece, 337.
Scythia, 357.
Sects, Russian, 441 ff.
Seljuk, 244.

Semi-Arians, 65, 68 ff.
Senuti, 564 ff.
Separation, Causes of, 291 ff.
Serapeum, 87.
Seraphim, 437.
Serapion, 463.
Serenus of Marseilles, 191.
Serfs, Emancipation of, 438.
Sergius of Constantinople, 125 ff., 167.
Sergius the Paulician, 221.
Servia, 351 ff.
Severus of Antioch, 115.
Siberia, 411.
Silentium, 196.
Silvanus, the Paulician, 219.
Simeon of Thessalonica, 282.
Simeon the Stylite, 155 f.
Simony, 597. 609 if.
Singanfu tablet, 534 f.
Skopsty, The, 451.
Skrcejál, The, 417.
Slonjebuik, The, 417.
Societies for Biblical Study, 337 f.
Societies for Circulation of Scriptures, 338.
Solovetsky Monastery, 383.
Sophia, St., 181 ff.
Sophronius, 126, 170, 585.
Soudan, The, 620.
Spiritual Pastures, 585.
Stanley, Dean, 174.
Staro-Obriadsti. See Raskolniks.
Staro-viëry.See Raskolniks.
Stephen of Chartres, 249.
Stephen of Dore, 128.
Stephen the younger, 199.
Stoglat, The, 399.
Streltsi, Revolt of, 423.
Stadium, 212.
Stundists, 456 ff.
Stylites, 153.
Sudebuik, The, 398.
Symmachus, 87.
Synod, Lateran, 130, 143.
Synod of Aix la Chapelle, 82.
Synod of Antioch, 240.
Synod of Babaeus, 482.
Synod of Basle, 266.
Synod of Bethlehem, 321.
Synod of Carana, 545.
Synod of Clermont, 248.
Synod of Constantinople, 82, 119, 198.
Synod of Diamper, 519, 529.
Synod of Florence, 266 ff., 390, 611.
Synod of Jassy, 321, 412.
Synod of Manaschiertuni, 546.

Synod of Moscow, 406.
Synod Philippopolis, 60.
Synod of Rimini, 82.
Synod of Sardica, 60, 344 ff.
Synod of Sirmium, 82.
Synod of the Oak, 91.
Synod of Tiben, 544.
Synod of Toledo, 239.
Synod of Tyre, 239.
Synod the Holy, 419 ff.
Syria, 99.
Syrian Christianity, 459 ff.
Syrian Christianity in India, 297. 517 ff.
Syropulus, 266.

"Tall Brothers," 91.
Tancred, 249.
Tarasius, 203.
Tartary, 535.
Tatian, 149, 464.
Thaddseus, 293.
Theocristus, 285.
Theodora, 118 ff., 500.
Theodore Graptus, 209.
Theodore of Mopsuestia, 94, 118 479.
Theodore of Studium, 209 ff.
Theodoret, 118, 567.
Theodoric, 307.
Theodosians, 449.
Theodosius the Great, 77, 85.
Theodosius ii., 96.
Theodota, 205.
Theodotus Mellisenus, 208.
Theophanes, 196, 279, 284.
Theophilus and the Goths, 304.
Theophilus Arian, 618.
Theophilus of Alexandria, 91.
Theophilus of Scythia, 49.
Theophilus the Indian, 516.
Theophylact, 281.
"Theotokos," The, 10, 96, 105.
Therapeutæ, 152.
Thomas, 295.
Thomas, Acts of, 297, 474, 511 540 ff.
Thomas, of Marga, 484 ff.
Thouraki, 217.
"Three Chapters," 118, 567.
Tiben, 545.
Timothy Ælurus, 106 ff., 566.
Timothy Salofaciolus, 108, 566.
Timour, 269.
Togrul, 244.
Tolstoi, Count, 458.
"Tome," Leo's, 100 f., 112, 232.
Tonsure, Deathbed, 370.
Travancore, 515 ff.

Trebuik, 411.
Trinity, 68, 74, 110, 274, 504.
Trisagion, The, 110, 114.
Tritheitee, 504,
Turks, 244 ff.
Type, The, 129, 569.

Ulfilas, 301 ff.
Uniats, 315, 408.
Union, Efforts towards, 263, 268 f., 407, 528 ff., 544, 624.
"Universal Bishop," 141.

Valens, 66 f., 85.
Valentinian, 66.

Veccus, 263.
Venetian conquests, 820.
Vladimir, 359 ff.

Wade, Archbishop, 324.

Xavier, Francis, 525 ff.

Yasolaf, 367.
Yucab, 593.

Zaras, 252,
Zeno, 108, 341.
Zoe, 290.
Zoroastrianism, 10.
Zosimus, Metropolitan, 398.

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