words and music by Tom Lehrer
from the TV show "That Was the Week That Was" (1964)
Oh, what we really need in the Senate
Is a fellow who can sing and dance.
We can't expect America to win against its foes
With no one in the Senate who can really tap his toes
Each time that we convene
I can do a new routine
Like the one where I'm a clown in baggy pants.
To prolong a filibuster I can do my part
With like seven hundred choruses of "Peg O' My Heart".
I'll be making friends with Russia, China, maybe even France
With my famous song and dance!
RECITATION: (schmaltzy music underneath with much violin)
(for the text see the Addenda file)
'Cause what we really need in the Senate
Is a fellow who can sing and dance.
Each measure I propose will take me back to vaudeville,
'Cause my name will be up there at the top of the bill.
The movies that you've seen
On your television screen
Show my legislative talent at a glance,
Why, even Mr. Salinger admits it's so.
He's demanded equal time on the Late, Late Show.
Yes, like every other Senator, I only want the chance
To give the public
A song
And dance!

This work is in the public domain worldwide because it has been so released by the copyright holder.