< The Geographical Distribution of Animals


Note.—In this Index the names in Italics all refer to fossil genera or families mentioned in Part II. The systematic names of genera and families occurring in almost every page of Part III. are not given, as they would unnecessarily swell the Index; but they can be readily referred to by the Class or Order, or by the Geographical Division (Region or Sub-region) under which they occur. They will, however, all be found in the General Index, with a reference to the page (in Vol. II., Part IV.) where a systematic account of their distribution is given.


Aardvark of East Africa, figure of, 261

Accipitres, European Eocene, 163

Accipitres, classification of, 97
range of Palæarctic genera of, 248
range of Ethiopian genera of, 312
range of Oriental genera of, 385
range of Australian genera of, 484

Acerotherium, European Miocene, 119
N. American Tertiary, 136

Achænodon, N. American Tertiary, 138

Acotherium, European Eocene, 126

Adapis, European Eocene, 125

Ælurogale, European Eocene, 125

Æpyornis, of Madagascar, 164

Æshna, from the Lias, 167

Agnopterus, European Eocene, 163

Agriochœrus, N. American Tertiary, 138

Agrion, from the Lias, 167

Alcephalus, Indian Miocene, 122

Aldabra Islands, land-tortoises of, 289

Aletornis, N. American Eocene, 163

Algeria, Post-Pliocene deposits and caves of, 111

Allen, Mr. J. A., on Zoological regions, 61
objections to his system of circumpolar zones, 67
objections to his zoo-geographical nomenclature, 68

Altai mountains, fossils in caves, 111

Amblyrhiza, Pliocene of Antilles, 148

America, recent separation of North and South, 40
extinct mammalia of, 129
North, Post-Pliocene fauna of, 129

Amomys, N. American Tertiary, 134

Amphechinus, European Miocene, 117

Amphibia, means of dispersal of, 28
classification of, 100
peculiar to Palæarctic region, 186
of Central Europe, 196
of the Mediterranean sub-region, 205
of Siberian sub-region, 220

Amphibia, of the Manchurian sub-region, 226
table of Palæarctic families of, 237
of the Ethiopian region, 255
of West Africa, 264
South African, 268
of Madagascar, 280
table of Ethiopian families of, 298
of the Oriental region, 317
of the Indian sub-region, 326
of Ceylon, 327
of Indo-Chinese sub-region, 331
of Indo-Malay sub-region, 340
table of Oriental families of, 369
of the Australian region, 397
resemblances of Australian and South-American, 400
of New Guinea, 416
of New Zealand, 457

Amphibos, Indian Miocene, 122

Amphicyon, European Miocene, 118
Indian Miocene, 121
N. American Tertiary, 134

Amphimericidæ, European Miocene, 119

Amphimoschus, European Miocene, 120

Amphisorex, European Miocene, 118

Amphitragulus, European Miocene, 120

Anastoma, European Tertiary, 169

Anchilophus, European Eocene, 125

Anchippodus, N. American Eocene, 139

Anchippus, N. American Tertiary, 135

Anchitheridæ, N. American Tertiary, 135

Anchitherium, European Miocene, 119
European Eocene, 125
N. American Tertiary, 135

Ancient fauna of New Zealand, 459

Ancylotherium, Miocene of Greece, 116
European Miocene, 121

Andaman Islands, zoology of, 333
probable past history of, 334

Andreas, European Miocene, 165

Animal kingdom, primary divisions of, 85

Animals, development of, affecting distribution, 7
dispersal and migration of, 10
rapid multiplication of, 10

Anisacodon, N. American Tertiary, 137

Anoa of Celebes, peculiarities of, 428

Anoplotheriidæ, European Miocene, 119

Anoplotherium, European Miocene, 119
European Eocene, 126
S. American Eocene, 148

Anseres, arrangement of, 98
peculiar Palæarctic genera, 250
peculiar Ethiopian genera of, 313
peculiar Australian genera of, 485

Antelopes in the Indian Miocene deposits, 122
birthplace and migrations of, 155
Palæarctic, 182

Antelotherium, Indian Miocene, 122

Anthracotheridæ, N. American Tertiary, 137

Anthracotherium, European Miocene, 110

Antiacodon, N. American Tertiary, 133

Antilles, Pliocene Mammalia of, 148

Antilope, Post-Pliocene, 112
in Brazilian caves, 144

Antiquity of the genera of insects, 166
of the genera of land and freshwater shells, 168

Aphanapteryx of Mauritius, 164

Aphelotherium, European Eocene, 125

Aquila, European Miocene, 161

Archæopteryx, Bavarian Oolite, 163

Arctic zone not a separate region, 68

Arctocyon, European Eocene, 125

Arctodus, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130

Arctomys, European Pliocene, 113

Arctotherium in Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 146

Argus pheasant, figure of, 339
peculiarity, in display of plumage, and confirmation of Mr. Darwin's views, 340

Artiodactyla, European Eocene, 126
N. American Tertiary, 137
S. American Pliocene, 146

Arvicola, European Pliocene, 113
in Brazilian caves, 145
S. American Pliocene, 147
S. American Eocene, 148

Auchenia, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130

Auckland Islands, birds of, 455

Australia, physical features of, 387

Australia and S. America, supposed land connection between, 398

Australian region, description of, 387
zoological characteristics of, 390
mammalia of, 390
birds of, 391
reptiles of, 396
amphibia of, 397
fresh-water fish of, 397
summary of vertebrata of, 397
supposed land-connection of with S. America, 398
insects of, 403
lepidoptera of, 404
coleoptera of, 405
land shells of, 407
sub-regions of, 408
early history of, 465

Australian sub-region, mammalia of, 438
illustration of mammalia of, 439
birds of, 440
illustration of fauna of, 441

Austro-Malayan sub-region, physical features of, 388
zoology of, 409

Aye-aye, figure of, 278

Azores, visited by European birds, 17
birds of, 207
butterflies of, 207
beetles of, 207, 209
peculiarly modified birds of, 207
stragglers to, 208
how stocked with animal life, 208


Babirusa of Celebes, peculiarities of, 428

Badger, figure of, 195

Balæna, European Pliocene, 112

Balænodon, European Pliocene, 112

Baly, Mr., on Phytophaga of Japan, 230

Banca, its peculiar species and solution of a problem in distribution, 356

Barriers, as affecting distribution, 6
permanence of, as affecting distribution, 7
to the dispersal of birds, 17

Bates, Mr., on Carabidæ of Japan, 228
on Longicorns of Japan, 230

Bathmodon, N. American Tertiary, 136

Bathrodon, N. American Tertiary, 133

Batrachia, Tertiary, 165

Bats, powers of flight of, 15
classification of, 87
of New Zealand, 450

Bears, probable cause of absence of, from tropical Africa, 291

Beaver, N. American Tertiary, 140

Beetles, families selected for study, 103
from the Lias, 167
of Azores, 207
of Japan, 228

Belemnoziphius, European Pliocene, 112

Belt, Mr., his theory of a great Siberian lake during the glacial epoch, 218
on change of climate caused by diminution of obliquity of ecliptic, 466

Birds, means of dispersal of, 15
dispersal of by winds, 16
American, found in Europe, 16
reaching the Azores, 17
barriers to dispersal of, 17
limited by forests, 17
classification of, 93
Miocene of Greece, 116
extinct, 160
fossil of Palæarctic region, 161
European of Miocene period, 161
Eocene of Europe, 162
relations of, 162
extinct of North America, 163
recently extinct in New Zealand, 164
Cretaceous of N. America, 164
remains of in Brazilian caves, 164
recently extinct in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands, 164
cosmopolitan groups of, 176
numerous genera, Palæarctic, 183
of the European sub-region, 193
northern range of in Europe, 193
of the zone of pine forests, 194
of Iceland, 198
of the Mediterranean sub-region, 203
of Malta, 206 (note)
of Azores, 207
of the Cape Verd Islands, 215
of Siberian sub-region, 219
Oriental found in Siberia, 219
extreme northern Asiatic, 219
of northern Asiatic forests, 220
of the Manchurian sub-region, 223
Palæarctic genera of, in the Manchurian sub-region, 224
Oriental genera of, in the Manchurian sub-region, 224
characteristic of N. W. China and Mongolia, 226
table of Palæarctic families of, 235
of West Africa, 243
list of Palæarctic genera of, 243
of the Ethiopian region, 253
of the East African sub-region, 260
S. African, 267
genera of, peculiar to Madagascar, 275
common to Madagascar and Oriental or Ethiopian regions, 276
species common to Madagascar and Africa or Asia, 277
table of Ethiopian families of, 295
table of Ethiopian genera of, 306
of the Oriental region, 316
of the Indian sub-region, 323
Oriental genera of in Central India, 324
Palæarctic and Ethiopian genera in Central India, 325
of Ceylon, 327
of Indo-Chinese sub-region, 330
of Indo-Malayan sub-region, 337
illustration of peculiar Malayan, 339
of the Philippine Islands, 346
table of Oriental families of, 366
table of Oriental genera of, 375
of Australian region, 391
specially organized Australian families of, 392
of the Papuan Islands, 410
peculiarities of, 413
brilliant colours of, 413
remarkable forms of, 414
of the Moluccas, 418
peculiarities of, 421
of Timor group, 423
of Celebes, 428
of Australia, 440
of New Zealand, 451
peculiar to New Zealand, 452
of Norfolk Island, 453
of Lord Howe's Island, 453
of the Chatham Islands, 454
of the Auckland Islands, 455
table of families of Australian, 471
table of genera of Australian, 478

Black ape of Celebes, 427

Blanford, Mr. W. T., on the "Indian" region, 60
on relations of Indian sub-region with Africa, 321

Blapsidium, Oolitic insect, 167

Blyth, Mr., on zoological regions, 60
on the relations of Indian sub-region with Africa, 321

Borneo, probable recent changes in, 357

Bos, Post-Pliocene, 112
Indian Miocene, 122

Bourbon, zoology of, 280
reptiles of, 281

Bovidæ, European Miocene, 120

Brachymys, European Miocene, 120

Bramatherium, Miocene of Perim Island, 122

Brazilian cave-fauna, 143
remarks on, 145

Breyeria borinensis, carboniferous insect, 168

Britain, peculiar species in, 197

British Isles, zoology of, 197

Broad-bill, Malayan, figure of, 340

Brontotheridæ, N. American Tertiary, 137

Brontotherium, N. American Tertiary, 137

Bubo, European Miocene, 162

Bulimus, Eocene, 169

Bunælurus, N. American Tertiary, 134

Buprestidium, Oolitic insect, 167

Butterflies, arrangement of, 103
Palæarctic, 187
of Central Europe, 196
of the Mediterranean sub-region, 205
of Azores, 207
peculiar to Siberian sub-region, 220
of Japan and North China, 227
of the Ethiopian region, 255
number of Ethiopian species, 256
of Indo-Malay sub-region, 342
of the Australian region, 404
of the Austro-Malay sub-region, 404
of the Moluccas, 419
of Celebes, peculiarities of, 434
of New Zealand, 457


Cadurcotherium, European Eocene, 125

Cælodon, in Brazilian caves, 145

Cælogenys, in Brazilian caves, 144

Cænopithecus, European Eocene, 124

Cainotherium, European Miocene, 120
European Eocene, 126

Calamodon, N. American Eocene, 139

Callithrix in Brazilian caves, 184

Canaries, birds of, 208
beetles of, 209

Canidæ, European Miocene, 118
European Eocene, 125
N. American Tertiary, 134
remarkable S. African, 267

Canis, European Pliocene, 112
Post-Pliocene, 112
European Miocene, 118
Indian Miocene, 121
European Eocene, 125
N. American Post-Pliocene, 129
N. American Tertiary, 134, 135
in Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 146

Camel, fossil in Indian Miocene, 122
birth-place and migrations of, 155
Palæarctic, 182

Camelidæ, essentially extra-tropical, 112
N. American Tertiary, 138

Camelopardalis, Miocene of Greece, 116
Indian Miocene, 122

Camelotherium, S. American Pliocene, 147

Cape of Good Hope, peculiar flora and of, 266

Cape Verd Islands, zoology of, 214

Cape-hare, S. African, 267

Cardiodus, S. American Pliocene, 147

Cariama, Brazilian caves, 164

Carnivora of European Pliocene, 112
Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 118
Indian Miocene, 121
European Eocene, 125
N. American Post-Pliocene, 129
N. American Tertiary, 134
of Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 146

Carnivora, classification of, 88
antiquity of, 153
of the Palæarctic region, 182
list of Palæarctic genera of, 240
list of Ethiopian genera of, 302
range of Oriental genera of, 373
list of Australian genera of, 476

Caroline Islands, birds of, 444

Carterodon in Brazilian caves, 145

Carus, and Gerstaeker on classification of animals, 85
Professor, on classification of the Cetacea, 88

Castor, European Pliocene, 113
European Miocene, 120

Casoryx, N. American Tertiary, 138

Cathartes, Brazilian caves, 164

Cave-fauna of Brazil, 143

Cavia, European Miocene, 121
in Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 147

Cebochœrus, European Eocene, 126

Cebus in Brazilian caves, 144

Celebes, physical features of, 389
mammalia of, 426
birds of, 428
insects of, 434
origin of fauna of, 436

Centetidæ, European Miocene, 118

Ceratodus, remarkable Australian fish, 397

Cercolabes in Brazilian caves, 145

Cercopithecus in European Pliocene, 112

Cervidæ, European Miocene, 120
birth-place and migrations of, 155

Cervus, European Pliocene, 113
Indian Pliocene and Miocene, 122
N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
N. American Tertiary, 138
in Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 147

Cetacea, European Pliocene, 112
European Miocene, 119
N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
N. American Tertiary, 140

Cetacea, classification of, 89
range of Oriental genus, 374

Ceylon and Malaya, resemblance of insects of, 327

Ceylonese sub-region, 326
mammalia of, 327
birds of, 327
reptiles of, 327
amphibia of, 327
insects of, 327
past history of, as indicated by its fauna, 328

Chalicomys, European Pliocene, 113

Chalicotherium, European Miocene, 119
Indian Miocene, 122
fossil in N. China, 123

Chamæleo, N. American Eocene, 165

Chamois, figure of, 195

Chatham Islands, birds of, 454

Chelonia, classification of, 100

Chelydra, European Pliocene, 165

Chevrotain of Malaya, figure of, 336

Chili should not be placed in the Palæarctic or Nearctic regions, 63

China, fossil mammals in, resembling those of Indian and European Miocene, 362
North, mammalia of, 222

Chinchillidæ in Brazilian caves, 145
S. American Pliocene, 147
Pliocene of Antilles, 148

Chiroptera, classification of, 87
list of Palæarctic genera of, 239
list of Ethiopian genera of, 300
range of Oriental genera of, 371
list of Australian genera of, 475

Chiroptera, European Eocene, 125
in Brazilian caves, 144

Chlamydotherium in Brazilian caves, 145

Chœromorus, European Miocene, 119

Chœropotamus, European Eocene, 126

Chœrotherium, Indian Miocene, 122

Choneziphius, European Pliocene, 112

Chough, Alpine, figure of, 195

Circumpolar zones, objections to system of, 67

Classification as affecting the study of distribution, 83

Clausilia, Eocene, 169

Climate, as a limit to the range of mammalia, 11
gradual change of, before the glacial epoch, 41

Coleoptera, families selected for study, 103
Palæarctic, 188
number of Palæarctic species, 189
of Central Europe, 196
of the Mediterranean sub-region, 205
of the Cape Verd Islands, 215
of the Ethiopian region, 256
S. African, 268
of Madagascar, 282, 283
of the Oriental region, 319
of Indo-Malay sub-region, 342
of the Australian region, 405
affinity of Australian and South American, 406, 407
of Celebes, 435
of New Zealand, 457

Collocalia, European Miocene, 161

Colobus, European Miocene, 117

Colonoceras, N. American Tertiary, 136

Colossochelys of Indian Miocene, 123, 165

Columbæ, classification of, 96
range of Palæarctic genera of, 248
range of Ethiopian genera of, 311
range of Oriental genera of, 384
range of Australian genera of, 485

Comoro islands, zoology of, 281

Continents, distribution of, 37
recent changes of, 38

Continental extension in Mesozoic times, 156

Corvus, European Miocene, 161

Coryphodon, European Eocene, 126

Cosmopolitan groups enumerated, 175

Cricetodon, European Miocene, 120

Cricetus, European Pliocene, 113

Crocodiles, Eocene, 165

Crocodilia, classification of, 100

Crook-billed plovers of New Zealand, 456

Crotch, Mr., on beetles of the Azores, 209

Crowned-pigeon, figure of, 415

Cryptornis, European Eocene, 163

Ctenomys, S. American Pliocene, 147

Cuba, extinct mammalia of, 148

Curculionidium, Oolitic insect, 167

Cyclostoma, Eocene, 169

Cyllo sepulta, European Cretaceous, 167

Cynælurus, in Brazilian caves, 144

Cynopithecus of Celebes, affinities of, 427

Cyotherium, European Eocene, 125


Daptophilus, N. American Tertiary, 134

Darwin, Mr., his explanation of the cause of the abundance of apterous insects in Madeira, 211
on the relation of flowers and insects, 463

Dasyprocta, European Miocene, 121
in Brazilian caves, 144

Dasypus, in Brazilian caves, 145
S. American Pliocene, 147

Dasyurus, Australian Post-Tertiary, 157

David, Père, his researches in China and Thibet, 221, 222
on birds of N. China, 226

Deer, fossil in N. American Tertiary formations, 138
Palæarctic, 182
probable cause of absence of from tropical Africa, 291

Delphinus, European Pliocene, 112

Dendrocygna, European Miocene, 162

Desman of S. Russia, figure of, 219

Diceratherium, N. American Tertiary, 137

Dichobune, European Eocene, 126

Dicotyles, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
N. American Tertiary, 137
in Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 146
birthplace and migrations of, 155

Dicrocerus, European Miocene, 120

Didelphys, European Eocene, 126
N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
in Brazilian caves, 145

Dididæ, 164

Dinocerata, N. American Tertiary, 139

Dinoceras, N. American Eocene, 139

Dinornis, allied form in European Eocene, 163
of New Zealand and Australia, 164

Dinornithidæ of New Zealand, 164

Dinotherium, Miocene of Greece, 116
European Miocene, 120
Miocene of Perim Island, 123

Dinyctis, N. American Tertiary, 134

Dinylus, European Miocene, 117

Diplacodon, N. American Tertiary, 136

Diprotodon, Australian Post-Tertiary, 157

Dispersal of animals, 10
of mammalia, 10
of reptiles and amphibia, 28

Distribution, affected by climate, 5
affected by physical features, 5
contrasts of, in similar climates, 5
similarities of, in diverse climates, 6
barriers as affecting, 6
study of, dependent on a good classification, 83
of animals an adjunct to geology, 8
of animals requires certain preliminary studies, 8
of animals dependent on physical geography, 35
of animals, as affected by the glacial epoch, 40
of animals, as affected by changes of vegetation, 43
of animals, as affected by organic changes, 44
of animals, hypothetical illustration of, 46
of animals, complexity of the causes affecting the, 49
of animals, problems in, 51
of plants, as affected by the glacial epoch, 42

Dodo of Mauritius, 282

Dolichopterus, European Miocene, 162

Dommina, N. American Tertiary, 134

Dorcatherium, European Miocene, 120

Dremotherium, Miocene of Greece, 116
European Miocene, 120

Dresser, Mr. H. E., on northern range of European birds, 193

Dromatherium, N. American Triassic, 134
oldest American mammal, 160

Drongo-shrike, Malayan, figure of, 340
opithecus, European Miocene, 117


East Africa, geographical features of, 258
wide range of genera and species over, 259
few special types in, 260

East African sub-region, description of, 258
genera and species ranging over the whole of, 259
mammalia of, 260
birds of, 260
reptiles of, 260
amphibia and fishes of, 260
insects of, 260
few peculiar types in, 260
illustration of zoology of, 261

East Australia, peculiar birds of, 440

East Thibet, mammalia of, 222

Eaton, Rev. A. E., on insects of Kerguelen Island, 211

Echimyidæ, in Brazilian caves, 145

Echinogale, European Miocene, 118

Ectognathus, N. American Eocene, 139

Edentata, Miocene of Greece, 116
European Miocene, 121
N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
N. American Pliocene, 140
of Brazilian caves, 145
S. American Pliocene, 147

Edentata, classification of, 90
probable birthplace of, 155
range of Ethiopian genera of, 305
range of Oriental genus of, 375

Elephants, fossil of Indian Miocene, 123
fossil in N. American Post-Pliocene formations, 130
birthplace and migrations of, 155

Elephant shrews, S. African, 267

Elephas, Post-Pliocene, 112
fossil in N. China, 123
N. American Tertiary, 138

Elliot, Mr., his great work on the birds of paradise, 415

Elornis, European Miocene, 162

Elotherium, N. American Tertiary, 137, 139

Elwes, Mr., on birds of Persia, 204
on true relations of the birds of Central India, 323

Embasis, N. American Tertiary, 134

Emu, figure of, 441

Emys, Indian Miocene, 123
Miocene and Eocene, 165

Emydida, Indian Miocene, 123

Enhydrion, Indian Miocene, 121

Eobasileus, N. American Eocene, 139

Eocene period, 124
fauna of S. America, 148

Ephemera, from the Lias, 167

Eporeodon, N. American Tertiary, 138

Equidæ, European Pliocene, 112
Miocene of Greece, 115
European Eocene, 125

Equus, European Pliocene, 112
Post-Pliocene, 112
Indian Miocene, 121
N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
N. American Tertiary, 135
Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 146

Ereptodon, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130

Erinaceus, European Miocene, 117

Erythromachus of Rodriguez, 164

Esthonyx, N. American Eocene, 139

Ethiopian region should not include any part of India, 63
defined, 73
subdivisions of, 73
general features of, 251
zoological characteristics of, 252
mammalia of, 253
great speciality of, 253
birds of, 253
reptiles of, 254
amphibia of, 255
fresh-water fish of, 255
summary of vertebrates of, 255
insects of, 255
coleoptera of, 256
terrestrial mollusca of, 257
sub-regions of, 258
Atlantic islands of, 269
the probable past history of, 285
tables of distribution of animals of, 293

Eumys, N. American Tertiary, 140

Euphractus, S. American Pliocene, 147

Europe, recent changes in physical geography of, 39
Miocene fauna of Central, 117
Miocene fauna of, allied to existing fauna of tropical Asia and Africa, 124

European sub-region, description of, 191
forests of, 192
mammalia of, 192
birds of, 193
reptiles and amphibia of, 195
fresh-water fish of, 196
insects of, 196
islands of, 197

Euryceros of Madagascar, figure of, 278

Eurydon, in Brazilian caves, 145

Eurytherium, European Eocene, 126

Eutatus, S. American Pliocene, 147

Eutelodon, European Eocene, 126

Eutemnodus, S. American Eocene, 148

Extinct mammalian fauna of Europe, general considerations on, 126
mammalia of N. America and Europe, comparison of, 140
mammalia of the Antilles, 148
mammalia of Old and New Worlds, general remarks on, 148
fauna of New Zealand, 459

Extinction of large animals, causes of, 158


Fauna of Japan, general character and affinities of, 230
of Palæarctic region, general conclusions as to, 231
extinct, of Madagascar and Mascarene Islands, 282
Malayan, probable origin of, 359
Moluccan, peculiarities of, 419
Timorese, origin of, 422
of Celebes, origin of, 436
of New Zealand, origin of, 460

Felis spelæa, 110

Felis, Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 118
Indian Miocene, 121
N. American Post-Pliocene, 129
in Brazilian caves, 144

Fernando Po, zoological features of, 265

Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa Islands, birds of, 443

Fishes, means of dispersal of, 29
classification of, 101
cosmopolitan groups of, 176
of the Palæarctic region, 186
of the European sub-region, 196
of the Mediterranean sub-region, 205
of the Manchurian sub-region, 227
fresh-water, table of Palæarctic families of, 227
of the Ethiopian region, 255
of South Africa, 268
fresh-water, table of Ethiopian families of, 298
fresh-water, of the Oriental region, 318
of the Indo-Malay sub-region, 341
fresh-water, table of Oriental families of, 369
fresh-water, of the Australian region, 397
fresh-water, resemblance of Australian and S. American, 400
how the transmission may have taken place, 401
fresh-water, of New Zealand, 457

Flamingoes, European Miocene, 162

Flora, of New Zealand, as influenced by scarcity of insects, 462
fossil, of Australia, 467

Flower, Professor, on classification of mammalia, 85
classification of carnivora, 87

Flying Lemur, Malayan, figure of, 337

Flying Opossum, figure of, 442

Formosa, zoology of, 332

Forests, essential to existence of many European animals, 192
Siberian, greatest extent of, 216


Galapagos, scarcity of insects in, 463

Galecynus, in European Pliocene, 112

Galera, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130

Galeospalax, European Miocene, 118

Galeotherium, Post-Pliocene, 111

Galethylax, European Eocene, 125

Galictis, in Brazilian caves, 144

Gallinæ, classification of, 96
range of Palæarctic genera of, 248
range of Ethiopian genera of, 311
range of Oriental genera of, 384
range of Australian genera of, 485

Gallus, Miocene of Greece, 116

Gallus bravardi, European Pliocene, 161

Gastornis, European Eocene, 163

Genera common to Post-Pliocene and Pliocene faunas of N. America, 132

Geological history of Oriental region, 362

Gibraltar, cave fauna of, 114

Glacial epoch, as affecting the distribution of animals, 40
as a cause of the great change in the fauna of the temperate zones, since Pliocene times, 151
probably simultaneous in both hemispheres, 151
causing a general subsidence of the ocean, 152

Glandina, Eocene, 169

Glossotherium, in Brazilian caves, 145
S. American Pliocene, 147

Glyptodon, S. American Pliocene, 147

Gnathopsis, S. American Pliocene, 147

Goats, Palæarctic, 182

Godman, Mr., on Natural History of the Azores, 207

Golden Moles, S. African, 267

Graculavus, N. American Cretaceous, 164

Grallæ, arrangement of, 97
peculiar or characteristic Palæarctic genera, 249
peculiar Ethiopian genera of, 313
peculiar Oriental genera of, 386
peculiar Australian genera of, 484

Gray, Dr. J. E., on classification of Cetacea, 88

Greece, Upper Miocene deposits of, 115
summary of Miocene fauna of, 116

Groups peculiar to a region, how defined, 184

Gulick, Rev. J. T., on Achatinellidæ of the Sandwich Islands, 446

Günther, Dr., his classification of reptiles, 98
his classification of fishes, 101
on gigantic tortoises of Galapagos and the Mascarene Islands, 289
on range of Indian reptiles in the Himalayas, 329


Haast, Dr., on extinct birds of New Zealand, 460

Habitat, definition of, 4

Hainan, zoology of, 334

Halcyornis, European Eocene, 103

Halitherium, European Pliocene, 112
European Miocene, 119

Helladotherium, Miocene of Greece, 116
European Miocene, 120

Hatteria of New Zealand, 456

Helictis, Himalayan, figure of, 331

Helix, Eocene, 169

Hemibos, Indian Miocene, 122

Hemicyon, European Miocene, 118

Herpetotherium, N. American Tertiary, 134

Hesperomys, N. American Tertiary, 140
in Brazilian caves, 145
S. American Pliocene, 147

Hesperornis, N. American Cretaceous, 164

Heterodon, in Brazilian caves, 145

Hexaprotodon, Indian Miocene, 122

Hickman, Mr. John, on a cause of the extinction of large animals, 158

Himalayas, altitude reached by various groups in the, 329, 333

Hipparion, European Pliocene, 112
Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 119
N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
N. American Tertiary, 135

Hippopotamus, Post-Pliocene, 112
Europe in Pliocene, 113
Indian Pliocene, 122

Hipposyus, N. American Tertiary, 133

Hippotherium, European Miocene, 119
Indian Miocene, 122

Hippotragus, European Miocene, 120

Homalodontotherium, S. American Pliocene, 146

Homalophus, European Miocene, 161

Homocamelus, N. American Tertiary, 138

Honeysuckers, birds specially adapted to Australia, 392

Hooker, Dr., on deficiency of odours in New Zealand plants, 464

Hoplocetus, European Pliocene, 112

Hoplophoneus, N. American Tertiary, 134

Horses, fossil, in Indian Miocene, 121
perfect series of ancestral, in N. America, 136
probable birthplace of, 154

Hutton, Capt. F. W., on origin of New Zealand fauna, 461

Huxley, Professor, on zoological regions, 59
division of animal kingdom by, 85

Hyæna, Post-Pliocene, 112
Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 118
Indian Miocene, 121
fossil in N. China, 123

Hyænarctos in European Pliocene, 112
European Miocene, 118
Indian Miocene, 121
S. American Pliocene, 146

Hyænictis, Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 118

Hyænidæ, European Miocene, 118

Hyænodon, European Miocene, 118
European Eocene, 125
N. American Tertiary, 134

Hyænodontidæ, European Miocene, 118

Hydrochœrus, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130

Hydrornis, European Miocene, 162

Hyohippus, N. American Tertiary, 135

Hyomoschus, European Miocene, 120

Hyopotamus, European Miocene, 119
N. American Tertiary, 137

Hyopsodus, N. American Tertiary, 133

Hyotherium, European Miocene, 119

Hypertragulus, N. American Tertiary, 133

Hypisodus, N. American Tertiary, 138

Hypsiprymnus, Australian Post-Tertiary, 157

Hyrachyus, N. American Tertiary, 136

Hyracodon, N. American Tertiary, 136

Hyracoidea, classification of, 90
Palæarctic, 242
Ethiopian, 304

Hyracotherium, supposed, in European Eocene, 125
European Eocene, 126

Hystrix, European Pliocene, 113
Miocene of Greece, 116
N. American Tertiary, 140


Ibidipodia, European Miocene, 162

Ibidorhynchus, figure of, 331

Iceland, zoology of, 198

Icthyornis, N. American Cretaceous, 164

Icticyon in Brazilian caves, 144

Ictitherium, Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 118

Ictops, N. American Tertiary, 133

India, Miocene fauna of, allied to that of Europe, 123
geological features of, 328

Indian, sub-region, description of, 321
supposed relation to Ethiopian region, 321
mammalia of, 322
birds of, 323
reptiles and amphibia of, 326

Indo-Chinese, sub-region, description of, 329
zoological characteristics of, 330
illustration of, 331
reptiles of, 331
amphibia of, 331
insects of, 332
islands belonging to, 333

Indo-Malayan sub-region, description of, 334
mammalia of, 336
illustrations of, 336, 339
birds of, 337
remote geographical relations of, 339
reptiles and amphibia of, 340
fishes of, 341
insects of, 341
coleoptera of, 342
terrestrial mollusca of, 343
zoological relations of islands of, 345
recent geographical changes in, 357
probable origin of fauna of, 359

Insects, means of dispersal of, 32
tenacity of life of, 33
adapted to special conditions, 33
groups selected for the study of their geographical distribution, 102
antiquity of the genera of, 166
fossil of European Miocene, 166
European Cretaceous, 167
European Wealden, 167
Palæozoic, 168
Palæarctic, 187
of Central Europe, 196
of the Mediterranean sub-region, 205
of the Siberian sub-region, 220
of the Manchurian sub-region, 227
of the Ethiopian region, 255
of the East African sub-region, 260
of West Africa, 265
S. African, 268
of Madagascar, 282
general remarks on, 284
of tropical Africa and America, probable cause of similarities in, 291
of Indo-Chinese sub-region, 332
of the Oriental region, 318
of Ceylon, 327
of Indo-Malay sub-region, 341
statistics of collecting in the various islands of the Malay Archipelago, 343
of the Australian region, 403
of New Guinea, 417
of the Moluccas, 420
of Timor group, 426
of Celebes, 454
of New Zealand, 458
scarcity of, in New Zealand, 462
influence of, on the flora, 463

Insectivora, European Miocene, 117
N. American Post-Pliocene, 129
N. American Tertiary, 133

Insectivora, classification of, 87
of the Palæarctic region, 181
of N. China and E. Thibet, 222
range of Palæarctic genera of, 239
of Madagascar, 273
range of Ethiopian genera of, 301
of the Oriental region, 315
range of Oriental genera of, 372
range of Australian genera of, 476

Isacis, N. American Tertiary, 133

Ischyromys, N. American Tertiary, 140

Islands, N. European, zoology of, 197
of the Mediterranean sub-region, 206
of the West African sub-region, 265
of Ethiopian region, 269
Mascarene, 280
of the Indo-Chinese sub-region, 333
of Indo-Malay sub-region, 345
Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa, 443
Society and Marquesas, 444
New Caledonia and New Hebrides, 445
Sandwich, 446
of New Zealand sub-region, 453
Norfolk, 453
Lord Howe's, 454
Chatham, 454
Auckland, 455

Issiodromys, European Pliocene, 113


Jacchus, in Brazilian caves, 144

Japan and North China, physical features of, 221
southern extremity of perhaps belongs to the Oriental region, 226
general character of the fauna of, 230
former land-connexions of, 231

Java, mammalia of, 349
productions of, well known, 350
birds of, 351
representative species of birds in, 352
origin of the anomalous features of its fauna, 352
Sumatra and Borneo, their geographical contrasts and zoological peculiarities explained, 357

Junonia, European Miocene, 167


Kakapoe, of New Zealand, 455

Kangaroos, extinct in Australia, 157

Kerguelen Island, apterous insects of, 211 (note)

Kerodon, in Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 147

King-fisher, racquet tailed, of New Guinea, figure of, 415

Kiwi of New Zealand, 455

Koodoo antelope, figure of, 261


Lacertilia, classification of, 99

Ladrone Islands, birds of, 444

Lagomys, European Pliocene, 113
European Miocene, 120

Lagostomus, in Brazilian caves, 145
S. American Pliocene, 147

Lake Baikal, seals of, 218

Land and water, proportions of, 35

Land and fresh-water shells, antiquity of the genera of, 168

Land-shells, Palæozoic, 169
Palæarctic, 190
of Madeira, 209
of the Cape Verd Islands, 215
of the Ethiopian region, 257
of W. Africa, 265
of Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands, 285
of Indo-Malay sub-region, 344
of the Australian region, 407
of Sandwich Islands, 446
of New Zealand, 459

Lanius, European Miocene, 161

Laopithecus, N. American Tertiary, 133

Laornis, N. American Cretaceous, 164

Lemuria, a hypothetical land, 76

Lemuravidæ, 133

Lemuravus, N. American Tertiary, 133

Lemuridæ, European Eocene, 124

Lemuroidea, range of Ethiopian genera of, 300
range of Oriental genera of, 371

Lepictis, N. American Tertiary, 133

Lepidoptera, cosmopolitan families of, 177
table of Palæarctic families of, 238
S. African, 268
table of Ethiopian families of, 299
of the Oriental region, 318
table of Oriental families of, 369
of the Australian region, 404
table of Australian families of, 472

Leptarchus, N. American Tertiary, 135

Leptauchenia, N. American Tertiary, 138

Leptochœrus, N. American Tertiary, 137

Leptodon, Miocene of Greece, 116

Leptomeryx, N. American Tertiary, 138

Leptoptilus, European Miocene, 162

Leptosomus, allied form in European Eocene, 168

Leptosomus of Madagascar, 278
figure of, 279

Leptotherium, in Brazilian caves, 144

Lepus, in Brazilian caves, 145
S. American Pliocene, 147

Lestodon, S. American Pliocene, 147

Lewis, Mr. George, his collection of Japan insects, 228

Libellula, from the Lias, 167

Lilljeborg, Professor, on classification of the Rodentia, 90

Limnæa, Eocene, 169
European Secondary, 169

Limnatornis, European Miocene, 161

Limnocyon, N. American Tertiary, 134

Limnohyus, N. American Tertiary, 136

Limnotheridæ, N. American Tertiary, 133

Limnotherium, N. American Tertiary, 133

Listriodon, European Miocene, 119

Lithomys, European Miocene, 120

Lithornis, European Eocene, 163

Lizards, classification of, 99
Tertiary, 165
wide range of a species in Polynesia, 448

Loncheres, in Brazilian caves, 145

Lonchophorus, in Brazilian caves, 145

Lophiodon, European Eocene, 125
N. American Tertiary, 136

Lophiotherium, N. American Tertiary, 136

Lord Howe's Island, birds of, 453

Loxomylus, Pliocene of Antilles, 148

Lund, Dr., his researches in caves of Brazil, 143

Lutra, European Miocene, 118
Indian Miocene, 121

Lycæna, Miocene of Greece, 115

Lyre bird, figure of, 441


Macacus, European Pliocene, 112
Miocene of Greece, 115
Indian Miocene, 121
supposed in European Eocene, 125

Machairodus, 110, 111
Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 118
Indian Miocene, 121
N. American Tertiary, 134
in Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 146

Macrauchenia, S. American Pliocene, 146

Macrotherium, Miocene of Greece, 116
European Miocene, 121

Madagascar, extinct birds of, 164
description of, 272
mammalia of, 272
birds of, 274
reptiles of, 279
amphibia of, 280
extinct fauna of, 282
general remarks on insect fauna of, 284

Madeira, birds of, 208
land shells of, 208
beetles of, 210
wingless insects numerous in, 211
how stocked with animals, 213

Malacca, Sumatra, and Borneo, zoological unity of, 353
comparison of mammalia, 354
of birds, 355

Malagasy sub-region, description of, 272
mammalia of, 272
birds of, 274
illustration of zoology of, 278
reptiles of, 279
amphibia of, 280
extinct fauna of, 282, 289
insects of, 282
early history of, 286

Malaya and Indo-Malaya, terms defined, 345 (note)

Malayan forms of life reappearing in West Africa, 263
fauna, probable origin of, 359
resemblances to that of Madagascar and Ceylon explained, 361

Malta, Post-Pliocene fauna of, 114
formerly joined to Africa, 201
fossil elephants of, 201
birds of, 206 (note)

Mammalia, means of dispersal of, 10
as limited by climate, 11
as limited by rivers, 12
how far limited by the sea, 13
dispersed by ice-floes and drift-wood, 14
means of dispersal of aquatic, 15
of most importance in determining zoological regions, 57
classification of, 85
birthplace and migrations of some families of, 142, 153
cosmopolitan groups of, 176
of the Palæarctic region, 181
of the European sub-region, 192
of the Mediterranean sub-region, 202
of the Siberian sub-region, 217
characteristic of Western Tartary, 218
of the Manchurian sub-region, 222
Palæarctic genera of, in the Manchurian sub-region, 222
Oriental genera of, on borders of same sub-region, 223
peculiar to Japan, 223
characteristic of N. W. China and Mongolia, 226
table of Palæarctic families of, 234
range of Palæarctic genera of, 239
of the Ethiopian region, 253
absence of certain important groups, 253
of the East African sub-region, 260
of West Africa, 262
of S. Africa, 267
of Madagascar, 272
table of Ethiopian families of, 294
table of Ethiopian genera of, 300
of the Oriental region, 315
range of the genera inhabiting the Indian sub-region, 322
of Ceylon, 327
of the Indo-Chinese sub-region, 330
of the Indo-Malayan sub-region, 336
illustration of characteristic Malayan, 336
of the Philippine Islands, 345
table of Oriental families of, 365
table of Oriental genera of, 371
of Australian region, 390
of the Papuan Islands, 410
of the Moluccas, 417
of Timor group, 422
of Celebes, 427
of Australia, 439
illustration of, 439
of New Zealand, 450
table of families of Australian, 470
table of genera of Australian, 475

Mammal, the most ancient American, 134

Mammalia, extinct, of Old World, 107
extinct, of historic period, 110
extinct, comparative age of in Europe, 127
extinct, of the New World, 129
extinct, of N. America and Europe, compared, 141
original birth-place of some families and genera, 142, 153
of the secondary period, 160

Manatus, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130

Manchurian sub-region, description of, 220
mammalia of, 222
birds of, 223
reptiles and amphibia of, 227
fresh-water fish of, 227
insects of, 227
coleoptera of, 228

Marquesas Islands, birds of, 443

Marsh, Mr., on improvability of Asiatic and African deserts, 200
on camels and goats as destructive to vegetation, 200

Marsupials, classification of, 91
N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
European Miocene, 121
first migration to America, 155
diversified forms of, 391
of America prove no connexion with Australia, 399
list of Australian genera of, 476

Martes, N. American Tertiary, 135

Mascarene Islands, zoology of, 280
extinct fauna of, 282
gigantic land-tortoises of, 289

Mastodon, European Pliocene, 113
Miocene of Greece, 116
European Miocene, 120
in Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 147
Indian Miocene, 123
N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
N. American Tertiary, 138

Mauritius, zoology of, 280
reptiles of, 281

McCoy, Professor, on Palæontology of Victoria, 466

Mediterranean, recent changes in, 39
sub-region, description of, 199
mammalia of, 202
birds of, 203
reptiles and amphibia of, 204
fresh-water fish of, 205
insects of, 205
islands of, 206
sea not separating distinct faunas, 201

Megacerops, N. American Tertiary, 137

Megalomeryx, N. American Tertiary, 138

Megalocnus, fossil in Cuba, 148

Megalonyx, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
in Brazilian caves, 145
S. American Pliocene, 147

Megalostoma, Eocene, 169

Megamys, S. American Eocene, 148

Megaspira, European Tertiary, 169

Megatheridæ, in Brazilian caves, 145

Megatherium, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
in Brazilian caves, 145
S. American Pliocene, 147

Melania, European secondary, 169

Meleagris, N. American Miocene, 163

Mellivora, Indian Miocene, 121

Melolonthidium, Oolitic insect, 167

Meniscotherium, N. American Tertiary, 138

Menotherium, N. American Tertiary, 133

Mephitis, in Brazilian caves, 144

Merychus, N. American Tertiary, 138

Merychippus, N. American Tertiary, 135

Merychochœrus, N. American Tertiary, 138

Merycodus, N. American Tertiary, 138

Merycopotamus, Indian Miocene, 122

Merycotherium of Siberian drift, 112

Mesacodon, N. American Tertiary, 133

Mesohippus, N. American Tertiary, 135

Mesonyx, N. American Tertiary, 134

Mesopithecus, Miocene of Greece, 115

Meyer, Dr. A. B., on reptiles and amphibia of New Guinea, 415

Microlestes, oldest European mammal, 160

Micromeryx, European Miocene, 120

Microsyops, N. American Tertiary, 133

Microtherium, European Miocene, 120

Middendorf, on extreme northern birds, 219

Migrating birds, in which region to be placed, 185

Migration of animals, 10
general phenomena of, 18
of birds, 19
of birds in Europe, 19
probable origin of, 22
of birds in India and China, 23
of birds in N. America, 23
changes in extent of, 24
of birds in S. Temperate America, 25
general remarks on, 25

Milvus, European Miocene, 162

Miocene fauna of the Old World, 114
fauna of Greece, 115
fauna of Greece, summary of, 116
fauna of Central Europe, 117
deposits of Siwalik Hills, 121
faunas of Europe and Asia, general observations on, 123

Miohippus, N. American Tertiary, 135

Mivart, Professor, on classification of primates, 86
on classification of insectivora, 87
on classification of amphibia, 101

Moles almost wholly Palæarctic, 181

Mole-rat, of W. Tartary, 218

Mollusca, means of dispersal of, 30
classification of, 104
groups selected for study, 104

Moluccas, zoology of, 417
birds of, 419
reptiles of, 420
insects of, 420
peculiarities of fauna of, 421

Monkeys on the high Himalayas, 12
fossil in N. American Miocene
in E. Thibet, 222
abundance of in the Oriental region, 315

Monotremata, classification of, 91
list of Australian genera of, 477

"More-pork" of Australia, figure of, 442

Morotherium, N. American Pliocene, 140

Motacilla, European Miocene, 161

Mound-builders, peculiar Australian birds, 393

Moupin, position and zoology of, 221

Muridæ, S. American Pliocene, 147

Murray, Mr. Andrew, on zoological region, 60

Mustela, Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 118
S. American Pliocene, 146

Mustelidæ, in Brazilian caves, 144

Mylodon, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
S. American Pliocene, 147

Myogale, European Miocene, 118

Myomorphus, fossil in Cuba

Myopotamus, in Brazilian caves, 145

Myoxus, European Miocene, 120
European Eocene, 126

Mysarachne, European Miocene, 118

Mysops, N. American Eocene, 140

Myxophagus, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130


Nanohyus, N. American Tertiary, 137

Nasua, in Brazilian caves, 144

Nearctic region, defined, 79
subdivisions of, 80
distinct from Palæarctic, 79

Necrornis, European Miocene, 161

Neotropical region, defined, 78
subdivisions of, 78
relations of W. African sub-region with, 265

Nesodon, S. American Pliocene, 147

Newton, Professor, on position of Menuridæ and Atrichiidæ, 95
on birds of Iceland, 198

New Caledonia, birds of, 444

New Guinea, zoology of, 409
mammalia of, 410
birds of, 411
peculiarities of its ornithology, 413
illustration of ornithology of, 414
reptiles and amphibia of, 415
insects of, 416

New Zealand, objections to making a primary zoological region, 62
extinct birds of, 164
sub-region, description of, 449
compared with British Isles, 449
mammalia of, 451
islets of, 453
illustration of ornithology of, 455
reptiles of, 456
amphibia of, 457
fresh-water fish of, 457
insects of, 458
Longicorns of, 458
Myriapoda of, 458
land-shells of, 459
ancient fauna of, 460
origin of fauna of, 460
poverty of insects in, 462
relations of insect-fauna and flora, 472

Nicobar Islands, their zoological relations, 332

Nightingale, migration of the, 21

Norfolk Island, birds of, 453

North America, remarks on Post-Pliocene fauna of, 130
Post-Pliocene fauna of, partly derived from S. America, 131
extinct birds of, 163

North Africa, zoological relations of, 202

Notharctos, N. American Tertiary, 133

Notornis of New Zealand, 455

Nototherium, Australian Post-Tertiary, 157


Ochotherium, in Brazilian caves, 145

Octodontidæ, S. American Pliocene, 147

Ophidia, classification of, 99

Opisthocomus, Brazilian caves, 164

Opossum, extinct, in European Miocene, 121

Oreodon, N. American Tertiary, 138

Oreodontidæ, N. American Tertiary, 138

Oriental region, defined, 75
subdivisions of, 75
description of, 314
zoological features of, 315
mammalia of, 315
birds of, 316
reptiles of, 317
amphibia of, 317
fresh-water fishes of, 318
summary of vertebrata, 318
insects of, 318
sub-regions of, 321
concluding remarks on, 362
tables of distribution of animals of, 364

Oriental relations of W. African sub-region, 265

Oriental and Palæarctic faunas once identical, 362

Oriental and Ethiopian faunas, cause of their resemblances, 363

Orohippus, N. American Tertiary, 136

Ostrich, Miocene of N. India, 162

Otaria, European Miocene, 118

Ovibos, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130

Oxen, birthplace and migrations of, 155
Palæarctic, 182

Oxyæna, N. American Tertiary, 134

Oxygomphus, European Miocene, 118

Oxymycterus, in Brazilian caves, 145
S. American Pliocene, 147


Pachyæna, N. American Tertiary, 134

Pachynolophus, European Eocene, 126

Pachytherium, in Brazilian caves, 145

Palæarctic region, defined, 71
subdivisions of, 71
general features of, 180
zoological characteristics of, 181
has few peculiar families, 181
mammalia of, 181
birds of, 182
high degree of speciality of, 184
reptiles and amphibia of, 186
fresh-water fish of, 186
summary of vertebrata of, 186
insects of, 186
coleoptera of, 187
number of coleoptera of, 189
land-shells of, 190
sub-regions of, 190
general conclusions on the fauna of, 231
tables of distribution of animals of, 233

Palæacodon, N. American Tertiary, 133

Palæetus, European Miocene, 162

Palægithalus, European Eocene, 162

Palælodus, European Miocene, 162

Palæocastor, N. American Tertiary, 140

Palæocercus, European Miocene, 162

Palæochœrus, European Miocene, 119

Palæohierax, European Miocene, 162

Palæolagus, N. American Tertiary, 140

Palæolama, S. American Pliocene, 147

Palæomephitis, European Miocene, 118

Palæomeryx, European Miocene, 120

Palæomys, European Miocene, 121

Palæontina oolitica, Oolitic insect, 167

Palæontology, 107
how best studied in its bearing on geographical distribution, 168
as an introduction to the study of geographical distribution, concluding remarks on, 169

Palæonyctis, European Eocene, 125

Palæoperdix, European Miocene, 161

Palæophrynus, European Miocene, 166

Palæoreas, Miocene of Greece, 116

Palæortyx, European Miocene, 161

Palæoryx, Miocene of Greece, 116

Palæospalax, 111
European Miocene, 117

Palæosyops, N. American Tertiary, 136

Palæotheridæ, European Eocene, 125

Palæotherium, European Eocene, 125
S. American Eocene, 148

Palæotragus, Miocene of Greece, 116

Palæotringa, N. American Cretaceous, 164

Palapterygidæ of New Zealand, 164

Palestine, birds of, 203

Paloplotherium, European Miocene, 119
European Eocene, 125

Paludina, Eocene, 169
European Secondary, 169

Pampas, Pliocene deposits of, 146

Panda, of Nepaul and E. Thibet, 222
Himalayan, figure of, 331

Panolax, N. American Tertiary, 140

Papuan Islands, zoology of, 409

Paradise-bird, twelve-wired, figure of, 414

Parahippus, N. American Tertiary, 136

Paramys, N. American Eocene, 140

Parroquet, Papuan, figure of, 415

Parrots, classification of, 96

Passeres, arrangement of, 94
range of Palæarctic genera of, 243
range of Ethiopian genera of, 306
range of Oriental genera of, 375
range of Australian genera of, 478

Patriofelis, N. American Tertiary, 134

Peculiar groups, geographically, how defined, 184

Pelagornis, European Miocene, 162

Pelonax, N. American Tertiary, 138

Peratherium, European Miocene, 121
European Eocene, 126

Perchœrus, N. American Tertiary, 137

Perim Island, extinct mammalia of, 122
probable southern limit of old Palæarctic land, 362

Perissodactyla, N. American Tertiary, 135

Persia, birds of, 204

Phascolomys, Australian Post-Tertiary, 157

Phasianus, Miocene of Greece, 116
European Post-Pliocene, 161

Pheasants, in European Miocene, 161
golden, of N. China, 226
eared, of Mongolia, 226

Phenacodus, N. American Tertiary, 138

Philippine Islands, mammals of, 345
birds of, 346
origin of peculiar fauna of, 348

Phocidæ, N. American Tertiary, 140

Phyllomys, in Brazilian caves, 145

Phyllostomidæ, in Brazilian caves, 144

Physical changes affecting distribution, 7

Physeter, European Pliocene, 112

Picariæ, arrangement of, 95
range of Palæarctic genera of, 247
range of Ethiopian genera of, 309
range of Oriental genera of, 381
range of Australian genera of, 482

Picus, European Miocene, 161

Pigeons, classification of, 96
remarkable development of, in the Australian region, 395
crested, of Australia, figure of, 441

Pigs, power of swimming, 13

Pikermi, Miocene fauna of, 115

Pittidæ, abundant in Borneo, 355

Plagiolophus, European Eocene, 126

Planorbis, European Secondary, 169
Eocene, 169

Platycercidæ, gorgeously-coloured Australian parrots, 394

Platygonus, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130

Plesiarctomys, European Eocene, 126

Plesiomeryx, European Eocene, 126

Plesiosorex, European Miocene, 118

Pliocene period, Old World, mammalia of, 112

Pliocene and Post-Pliocene faunas, of Europe, general conclusions from, 113
of N. America, 132
of S. America, 146
of Australia, 157

Pliohippus, N. American Tertiary, 135

Pliolophus, European Eocene, 126

Pliopithecus, European Miocene, 117

Pœbrotherium, N. American Tertiary, 138

Polynesian sub-region, description of, 442
birds of, 443
reptiles of, 447

Post-Pliocene, mammalia of Europe, 110
remains imply changes of physical geography in Europe, 111
fauna of N. America, 129
fauna of N. America, remarks on, 130

Potamogale of West Africa, figure of, 264

Potamotherium, European Miocene, 118

Potto of West Africa, figure of, 264

Praotherium, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130

Primates, classification of, 86
probable birthplace of, 153
range of Palæarctic genera of, 239
range of Ethiopian genera of, 300
range of Oriental genera of, 371
range of Australian genera of, 475

Primates, European Pliocene, 112
Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 117
Indian Miocene, 121
European Eocene, 124
N. American Tertiary, 132
of Brazilian caves, 144

Prince's Island, birds of, 266

Prionidium, Oolitic insects, 167

Pristiphoca, in European Pliocene, 112

Proboscidea, classification of, 90
range of Ethiopian genus, 303
range of Oriental genus, 374

Proboscidea, European Pliocene, 113
Miocene of Greece, 116
European Miocene, 120
Indian Miocene, 122
N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
N. American Tertiary, 138
of Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 147

Procamelus, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
N. American Tertiary, 138

Procyon, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130

Procyonidæ, in Brazilian caves, 144

Promephitis, Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 118

Promerops of East Africa, figure of, 261

Propalæotherium, European Eocene, 126

Protemnodon, Australian Post-Tertiary, 157

Protohippus, N. American Tertiary, 135

Protomeryx, N. American Tertiary, 138

Protopithecus, in Brazilian caves, 144

Prototomus, N. American Tertiary, 134

Protornis, European Eocene, 162

Pseudælurus, European Miocene, 118

Pseudocyon, European Miocene, 118

Psittaci, classification of, 96
range of Ethiopian genera of, 311
range of Oriental genera of, 383
range of Australian genera of, 484

Psittacus, European Miocene, 161

Pterocles, European Miocene, 161

Pterodon, European Eocene, 125

Pupa, Eocene, 169

Pupa vetusta, Palæozoic, 169

Pythonidæ, European Miocene, 165


Racoon-dog of N. China, 226

Rana, European Miocene, 166

Region, the best term for the primary zoological divisions, 68
Arctic, why not adopted, 69
Palæarctic, defined, 71
Palæarctic, subdivisions of, 71
Ethiopian, defined, 73
Ethiopian, subdivisions of, 73
Oriental, defined, 75
Oriental, subdivisions of, 75
Australian, defined, 77
Australian, subdivisions of, 77
Neotropical, defined, 78
Neotropical, subdivisions of, 78
Nearctic, defined, 79
Nearctic, distinct from Palæarctic, 79
Nearctic, subdivisions of, 80

Regions, zoological, 50
zoological, how they should be formed, 53
zoological, may be defined by negative or positive characters, 54
zoological, by what class of animals best determined, 56
for each class of animals, not advisable, 58
zoological, proposed since 1857, 58
zoological, Mr. Sclater's, 59
zoological, discussion of those proposed by various authors, 61
zoological, proportionate richness of, 64
temperate and tropical, well marked in northern hemisphere, 65
and zones, table of, 66
comparative richness of, 81
and sub-regions, table of, 81
order of succession of the, 173

Representative species, 4

Reptiles, means of dispersal of, 28
classification of, 98
Miocene of Greece, 116
of Indian Miocene deposits, 123
extinct Tertiary, 165
cosmopolitan groups of, 176
peculiar to Palæarctic region, 186
of Central Europe, 195
of the Mediterranean sub-region, 204
of Siberian sub-region, 220
of the Manchurian sub-region, 227
table of Palæarctic families of, 236
of the Ethiopian region, 254
of the East African sub-region, 260
of West Africa, 264
S. African, 268
of Madagascar, 279
table of Ethiopian families of, 297
of the Oriental region, 317
of the Indian sub-region, 326
of Ceylon, 327
of Indo-Chinese sub-region, 331
of Indo-Malay sub-region, 340
table of Oriental families of, 368
of the Australian region, 396
of New Guinea, 415
of the Moluccas, 420
of the Polynesian sub-region, 447
of New Zealand, 456
table of Australian families of, 472

Rhea, in Brazilian caves, 164

Rhinoceros, Post-Pliocene, 112
European Pliocene, 113
Miocene of Greece, 116
Indian Miocene, 122
fossil remains of, at 16,000 feet elevation in Thibet, 122
fossil in N. China, 123
N. American Tertiary, 136

Rhinoceros-hornbill, figure of, 339

Rhinocerotidæ, N. American Tertiary, 136

River-hog, of West Africa, figure of, 264
of Madagascar, figure of, 278

Rivers, limiting the range of mammalia, 12
limiting the range of birds, 17

River-scene, in West Africa, 264

Rodentia, classification of, 90
range of Palæarctic genera of, 242
range of Ethiopian genera of, 304
range of Oriental genera of, 374
range of Australian genera of, 476

Rodentia, European Pliocene, 113
Miocene of Greece, 116
European Miocene, 120
European Eocene, 126
N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
N. American Tertiary, 139
of Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 147
of S. American Eocene, 148

Ruff, figure of, 195


Sahara, a debatable land, 251

Saiga, antelope of W. Tartary, 218

Samoa Islands, birds of, 443

Sandwich Islands, birds of, 445
probable past history of, 446
mountain plants of, 446
depth of ocean around, 447

Sand grouse, Pallas, of Mongolia, 226

Satyrites Reynesii, European Cretaceous insect, 167

Saunders, Mr. Edward, on the Buprestidæ of Japan, 229

Scelidotherium, in Brazilian caves, 145
S. American Pliocene, 147

Schistopleurum, S. American Pliocene, 147

Schweinfurth, Dr., on natural history of Central Africa, 252
on limits of W. African sub-region, 262 (note)

Sciurus, European Miocene, 120
European Eocene, 126

Sciuravus, N. American Eocene, 140

Sclater, Mr., on zoological regions, 59
why his six regions are adopted, 63
on birds of Sandwich Islands, 445

Sea, as a barrier to mammalia, 13

Seals, fossil in European Miocene, 118
of Lake Baikal, 218

Secondary formations, mammalian remains in, 159

Secretary-bird of Africa, figure of, 261

Semnopithecus, European Pliocene, 112
Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 117
Indian Miocene, 121

Semper, Dr., on Philippine mammalia, 345

Serpentarius, European Miocene, 162

Seychelle Islands, zoology of, 281
amphibia of, 281

Sharp, Dr., on Japan beetles, 229

Sharpe, Mr. R. B., his arrangement of Accipitres, 97
on birds of Cape Verd Islands, 215

Sheep, Palæarctic, 182

Siberia, climate of, 217

Siberian sub-region, description of, 216
mammalia of, 217
birds of, 219
reptiles and amphibia of, 220
insects of, 220

Simocyon, Miocene of Greece, 115

Sinopa, N. American Tertiary, 134

Sirenia, classification of, 89
range of Ethiopian genera of, 303
range of Oriental genus, 374
range of Australian genus of, 476

Sirenia, European Pliocene, 112
European Miocene, 119

Sivatherium, Indian Miocene, 122

Siwalik Hills, Miocene deposits of, 121

Smith, Mr. Frederick, on Hymenoptera of Japan, 230

Snake, at great elevation in Himalayas, 220

Snakes, classification of, 99
Eocene, 165
large proportion of venomous species in Australia, 396
of New Zealand, 457

Society Islands, birds of, 443

Soricictis, European Miocene, 118

Soricidæ, European Miocene, 118

South African sub-region, description of, 266
mammalia of, 267
birds of, 267
reptiles of, 268
amphibia of, 268
fresh-water fish of, 268
butterflies of, 268
coleoptera of, 268
summary of its zoology, 269

South America, fossil fauna of, 143
Pliocene deposits of, 146
supposed land connection with Australia, 398

South Australia, peculiar birds of, 441

Species, representative, 4

Speothos, in Brazilian caves, 144

Spermophilus, European Miocene, 120

Sphenodon, in Brazilian caves, 145

Sphinx, in European Oolite, 167

St. Helena, zoological features of, 269
coleoptera of, 270
landshells of, 271

St. Thomas' Island, birds of, 266

Stations, definition of, 4

Steneofiber, European Miocene, 120

Sthenurus, Australian Post-Tertiary, 157

Strix, European Miocene, 162

Struthiones, arrangement of, 98
range of Ethiopian genera of, 313
range of Australian genera of, 485

Struthious birds, probable origin of, 287

Stylinodontidæ, N. American Eocene, 139

Stylinodontia, N. American Eocene, 139

Sub-regions, on what principle formed, 80
Palæarctic, 191
Ethiopian, 258
Oriental, 321
Australian, 408

Suidæ, European Miocene, 119

Sula Islands, fauna of, 433

Sus, European Pliocene, 113
Miocene of Greece, 116
European Miocene, 119
Indian Miocene, 122

Swinhoe, Mr., on zoology of Formosa and Hainan, 332

Symborodon, N. American Tertiary, 137

Synaphodus, European Miocene, 119

Synoplotherium, N. American Tertiary, 134


Tables of distribution of families and genera explained, 177

Talpa, European Miocene, 117

Tapir, fossil in N. China, 123

Tapirs, birthplace and migrations of, 154

Tapir, Malayan, figure of, 337

Tapiridæ, European Eocene, 125

Tapirus, European Pliocene, 113
Indian Miocene, 122
in Brazilian caves, 144

Tarsier, Malayan, figure of, 337

Tasmania, comparative zoological poverty of, 441

Taxodon, European Miocene, 118

Telmatobius, N. American Cretaceous, 164

Telmatolestes, N. American Tertiary, 133

Testudo, Miocene of Greece, 116
Indian Miocene, 123

Testudo, great antiquity of the genus, 289

Tetrachus, European Miocene, 117

Tetrao albus, in Italian caverns, 161

Thalassictis, Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 118

Theridomys, European Miocene, 126
European Eocene, 126
S. American Eocene, 148

Thinohyus, N. American Tertiary, 137

Thinolestes, N. American Tertiary, 133

Thylacinus, Australian Post-Tertiary, 157

Thylacoleo, Australian Post-Tertiary, 157

Tillodontia, N. American Eocene, 139

Tillotheridæ, N. American Eocene, 139

Tillotherium, N. American Eocene, 139

Timor, physical features of, 389
group, mammalia of, 422
birds of, 422
origin of fauna of, 424
insects of, 426

Tinoceras, N. American Eocene, 139

Titanomys, European Miocene, 121

Titanotherium, N. American Tertiary, 137

Tomarctos, N. American Tertiary, 135

Tonga Islands, birds of, 443

Tortoises, classification of, 100
of Mascarene Islands and Galapagos, 289

Touraco of W. Africa, figure of, 264

Toxodon, S. American Pliocene, 137

Toxodontidæ, S. American Pliocene, 147

Trachytherium, European Miocene, 119

Tragocerus, Miocene of Greece, 116
European Miocene, 120

Tragopan, Himalayan, figure of, 331

Tree-shrew of Borneo, figure of, 337

Tree-kangaroo, figure of, 415

Trichechus, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130

Trichoglossidæ, birds specially adapted to Australia, 393

Trionyx, Indian Miocene, 123
Miocene and Eocene, 165

Tristan d'Acunha, zoology of, 271

Tristram, Canon, summary of the birds of Palestine, 203

Trogon, European Miocene, 161

Trogontherium, Post-Pliocene of Europe, 111

Trucifelis, N. American Post-Pliocene, 129

Tundras of Siberia, greatest extent of, 216

Tupaiidæ, European Miocene, 118

Turner, Mr., on classification of Edentata, 90

Tylodon, European Eocene, 125

Typotherium, S. American Pliocene, 147


Uintacyon, N. American Tertiary, 134

Uintatherium, N. American Eocene, 139

Uintornis, N. American Eocene, 163

Unio, European Secondary, 169

Ungulata, classification of, 89
antiquity of, 151
of the Palæarctic region, 182
range of Palæarctic genera of, 241
range of Ethiopian genera of, 303
range of Oriental genera of, 374
range of Australian genera of, 476

Ungulata, European Pliocene, 112
Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 119
Indian Miocene, 121
European Eocene, 125
N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
N. American Tertiary, 135
of Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 146

Urania of Madagascar, 282

Ursidæ, N. American Tertiary, 135
in Brazilian caves, 144

Ursitaxus, Indian Miocene, 121

Ursus, Post-Pliocene, 112
Indian Miocene, 121


Vanga of Madagascar, figure of, 278

Varanus, Miocene of Greece, 116
Indian Miocene, 123

Vertebrata, summary of Palæarctic, 186
summary of Ethiopian, 255
summary of Oriental, 318
summary of Australian, 397

Vespertilio, European Eocene, 125

Viperus, European Miocene, 165

Viverra, European Pliocene, 112
European Miocene, 118

Viverridæ, European Miocene, 118
European Eocene, 125


Walden, Viscount, on birds of Philippine Islands, 346
on birds of Celebes, 428

Washakius, N. American Tertiary, 134

Waterhouse, Mr. G. R., on classification of rodentia, 90
on classification of marsupials, 91

West African sub-region, description of, 262
mammalia of, 262
birds of, 262
Oriental or Malayan element in, 263
river scene with characteristic animals, 264
reptiles of, 264
amphibia of, 264
Oriental and Neotropical relations of, 265
insects of, 265
land-shells of, 265
islands of, 265

West Australia, peculiar birds of, 441

Whydah finch of W. Africa, figure of, 264

Wollaston, Mr. T. V., on the coleoptera of the Atlantic Islands, 209
on the wings of the Madeiran beetles, 211
on the origin of the insect fauna of the Atlantic Islands, 214
on coleoptera of the Cape Verd Islands, 215
on beetles of St. Helena, 270


Xenurus, in Brazilian caves, 145

Xiphodontidæ, European Miocene, 119


Zeuglodontidæ, N. American Tertiary, 140

Zonites priscus, Palæozoic, 169

Zoological characteristics of Palæarctic region, 181
Ethiopian region, 252
Oriental region, 315
Australian region, 390

Zoological regions, discussion on, 50


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