< The Galaxy
A Magazine of Entertaining Reading.
JUNE, 1877, TO JANUARY, 1878.
Sheldon & Company,
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1877, by
in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.
Typography of Churchwell & Trall.Electrotyped by Smith & McDougal.
PAGE | ||
About Dreams | C. B. Lewis | 95 |
Abraham Lincoln, Administration of | Gideon Welles | 437, 608, 733 |
After the Fall | S. M. Spalding | 333 |
American Army, The | F. Whittaker | 300 |
Americanisms | Richard Grant White | 376 |
Arabesque | Emma Lazarus | 70 |
Army Organization in the United States | R. Williams | 594 |
Before the Mirror | Paul H. Hayne | 755 |
Bronze, The Age of | John Austin Stevens | 628 |
Brown Study, A | L. W. Backus | 827 |
Charlotte Bronte | Amanda B. Harris | 41 |
Civil Service Reform | John I. Platt | 654 |
Conflict in the East, The Irrepressible | Thomas M. Anderson, U. S. A. | 689 |
Current Literature | 135, 275, 418, 564, 707, 851 | |
Country Home on the Hudson, A Day at a | James Manning Winchell | 84 |
"Depression in Business," The | Charles P. Metcalfe | 82 |
Doubt | Barton Grey | 688 |
Dream of Anglo-Saxondom, A | J. E. Chamberlain | 788 |
Drift-Wood | Philip Quilibet | 123, 261, 405, 552, 694, 839 |
Traits of the Modern Stage; The Trade in Diplomas; Hebrews and Hotels; Fortunes by Advertisement; The Eastern War; Ancient Connecticut; Vacation Prattle; The Struggle in the Orient; Turk and Indian; A Man's Aim and Success; The War; The Fourth Estate and the First. | ||
Edwin Forrest | Lawrence Barrett | 526 |
England, The Heart of | Richard Grant White | 115 |
European Politics, Forces in | George E. Pond | 229 |
Farm Lane, The | Alfred B. Street | 259 |
"Federal Language," The | Richard Grant White | 681 |
Figures of Speech | Henry W. Frost | 204 |
Fitz James and the Widow | M. E. W. S. | 640 |
Florentine Arithmetician, The | Richard Grant White | 806 |
George Sand | Henry James, Jr | 45 |
Golden Age, The | William Preston Johnston | 791 |
Gospel of Culture, The | Titus Munson Coan | 5 |
Grotesque | Emma Lazarus | 770 |
Has the Day of Great Navies Passed? | Isaac Newton | 293 |
Her Oath | Philip Bourke Marston | 603 |
History, The Embroidery of | G. E. Pond | 71 |
Hymnology, Freaks of | F. B. A. | 662 |
Inez de Castro | R. Davey | 305 |
Ivory and its Imitations | E. T. Lander | 792 |
Les Chatiments | Lucy H. Hooper | 345 |
Life | Kate A. Sanborn | 543 |
London, The Picture Season in | Henry James, Jr | 149 |
Love | From the German | 593 |
Lucia Bertonelli | Edwin Ellis | 322 |
Mary Ann's Mind | Rose Terry Cooke | 241 |
Maturity | Mary B. Dodge | 624 |
Max and Myself | Alice Ainslee | 772 |
Miss Misanthrope | Justin McCarthy | 16, 162, 357, 482 |
Mocking Bird, The | Sidney Lanier | 161 |
Naval Warfare | E. Simpson | 512 |
Nebulæ | 145, 287, 431, 575, 720, 864 | |
Nez Perce War, The | F. L. M. | 817 |
Oddities, A Chapter of | H. J. C, | 384 |
Our Ice Man | Nora Perry | 101 |
Our Near Neighbor | Charles W. Raymond | 544 |
Our Witch | Emily Read | 535 |
Philosophy | Ella Wheeler | 304 |
Pointe D'Alencon | Lizzie W. Champney | 519 |
Public Assemblies, Hidden Influences in | R. Cordery | 625 |
Rebuke, The | Emily E. Ford | 199 |
Richard Wagner, To | Sidney Lanier | 653 |
Rose, A | Ella Farman | 219 |
Scientific Miscellany | Prof. John A. Church | 127, 265, 409, 556, 698, 843 |
Automaton Talkers; Bridling Niagara; The Best Professional Training; Australian Wonders; Protection Against Fire; Mountain Observatories; Some New Elements; The Eyes of School Children; The Agassiz Museum; Mining in Nova Scotia; Science in Illinois; Polar Effects of Continental Masses; A New Cotton Plant; The Zoological Gardens at Philadelphia; A Suggestion for Gaseous Fuel; The Undermining of Springs; An Old Arctic Continent; Yellow Fever and its Cause; The Water Supply of Cities; The Iridescent Alteration of Glass; Mapping Unhealthy Houses; The Rarity of Color Blindness; The Production of Vortex Rings in Liquids; Some Food Analyses; Accurate Counterfeiting; The Law of Friction; The Island of Ceylon; The Oxidizing Power of Charcoal; Measurements of the Earth; Subterranean Lakes; A Grave of the Lake Dwellers; A Point in Technical Education; Hearing in Birds and Insects; Color of Soil in Relation to Crops; A Flowing Quicksand; The Ethnologist in Lapland; Vandalism in Official Quarters; The Title of Iron Products; Diamond Fields in Australia; The Peninsular Form of Southern Land; The International Metric Standard; Nitro-Glycerine Powders; Ventilating Coal Cargoes.—An Adverse Decision; Wire Cloth for the Protection of Miners; The Value of Straw as a Fuel; Singular Electrical Phenomena; Influence of Valleys on Health; The Heat of Gunpowder in Explosion; Kelp Burning in Scotland; The Formation of Veins; Old Rivers Utilized; Meteoric Dust in Deep-Sea Clays; Huxley's Idea of a Museum; Polynesian Islanders; The Relation of Gold and Silver; The Cause of Scurvy; The Moons of Mars; A Doubtful Date; The Air of the Ocean Depths; Zoological Gardens at Calcutta; Blast Furnace Gas Analysis; The Speaking Rate of Orators; Sunset Meteorology; Steppe Lands in Europe and America; Anomaly of the Law in 1877; Metals in the Sedimentary Rocks; A Decision against Spontaneous Generation; The Use of Aniline Colors; Man Not Economical as a Machine; The Origin of Diphtheria; The Summer Tornadoes; The Artistic Hand; Vertical Jets at Niagara; + I L D; A Reported Aboriginal Image; Prof. Draper's Discovery of Oxygen in the Sun; A New Source of Rocks; Michigan Lake Water; French Hydraulic Works; Stanley's Latest Discovery; A Choice in Cows; The Permeability of Building Materials; Photographing Metallic Spectra; The Telephone; The Blue Gum Tree; Inventions at Auction; Scientific Items. | ||
Shall the American Girl be Chaperoned? | Albert Rhodes | 451 |
Sleep after Death | Mary Ainge De Vere | 680 |
Strange Adventure of Lieutenant Yergunof | A. Venner | 459 |
Stratford-on-Avon, A Visit to | Richard Grant White | 250 |
Suburbs of London, The | Henry James, Jr | 778 |
Tariff Question, The | Horace White | 501 |
Testamentary Bequests and Requests | H. J. C. | 476 |
Temperance Question, The | Albert Rhodes | 313 |
Thou and I | Mary Ainge De Vere | 15 |
Three Excursions | Henry James, Jr. | 346 |
Three-Story Story of a Box, The | Jane Q. Austin | 745 |
Truth about the Strike, The | Robert P. Porter | 725 |
Tuscan Maremma, Five Days in the | 581 | |
Typical Turks | Henry O. Dwight | 211 |
United States, The Municipal Debt of the | Robert P. Porter | 399 |
Unrecognized | Mary Ainge De Vere | 481 |
Venice | S. G. Young | 334 |
Victor Hugo, An Evening with | Gilman C. Fisher | 200 |
Warwickshire, In | Henry James, Jr | 671 |
Wooing | M. L. H. | 450 |
Your Pearls | E. B. Russell | 375 |
Youth of Charles Sumner, The | Lucy C. White | 756 |
Zizi, the Little Detective | Frances T. Richardson | 61 |
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