< The Future of England
Adonais, cited, 195
Agricultural labourers, wages of, 58
Alfred, King, 205
Aligarh College, 195
America, South, 162
Anarchy in 1911, 38
Anne, Queen, 25
Aragon, 22
Renault on, 157
Arelate, the, 22
Arndt, cited, 140
Asiatic empire of England, 171
Asquith, Prime Minister, cited, 158
Augustine, Saint, 108
Aurungzebe, Emperor, 178
Bacon, cited, 33
Bajazet, cited, 173
Beluchistan, pacification of, 177
Bentham, Jeremy, cited, 122
Bentinck, Lord William, cited, 188
Berlin Conference, 125
Boers, policy of, 115
Bohemia, 22
Boileau, 13
Boniface VIII., cited, 21
Brandenburg, 22
Brienne, 24
Bright, cited, 219
Bryce, Mr., cited, 121
Buddha, cited, 195
Bülow, Prince, on Poland, 140
Burgundy, 22
Burma, Upper, pacification of, 177
Burns, Mr. John, cited, 91
Calcutta, 185
Castile, 22
Catherine II., Empress, 132
Chailley, M., cited, 183
Children's Act of 1908, 88
Chirol, Mr., cited, 182
Coal, usefulness of, 46
Code, Penal, 110
Concert of Europe, 168
Condé, 9
Co-operation, 78
Corneille, 13
Corps Legislatif of France, 9
Cromer, Lord, 172
Cromwell, cited, 133
Dalhousie, Lord, cited, 174
Democracy and peace, 118 et seq.
in Austria, 138
Derby, Lord, cited, 127
Descartes, 13
De Witt, 16
Dual Alliance, 145
Dubois, Abbé, cited, 205
Economy in expenditure, 32
Educational epochs, 93
Electrical Engineers, President of
Institution of, cited, 64
Elizabeth, Queen, 15
England, Asiatic opinion of, 17
capital of, 50
coalfields of, 46
European view of, 15-17
and France, 154
greatness of, 17-18
inventive power of, 28-29
militarism in, 8-9
progress of, since 1842, 34
religion in, 6-7
rise of, 29
and Russia, 132
and Spain, 132-133
and United States, 164-165
wealth of, 5
capital of, 50
coalfields of, 46
European view of, 15-17
and France, 154
greatness of, 17-18
inventive power of, 28-29
militarism in, 8-9
progress of, since 1842, 34
religion in, 6-7
rise of, 29
and Russia, 132
and Spain, 132-133
and United States, 164-165
wealth of, 5
English stock, 57
Europe, races of south-eastern, 118
Ferdinand and Isabella, 23
Ferdinand, Emperor, 12
Fleury, 24
Florence, 22
Forest cantons, 22
Francis Ferdinand, Archduke, cited, 141
Free Trade, 32
Froissart, cited, 16
Gaekwar of Earoda, cited, 190
German Emperor and France, 149
Goethe, 14
Gold output, 77
Goldie, Sir George, 172
Goluchowski, Count, cited, 148
Gordon, General, 40
Gortchakoff, cited, 139
Gregory VII., cited, 20
Hague Conference of 1907, 131
Hegel, 14
Herder, 14
Herzegovina, 128
Hindustan in eighteenth century, 176
Hobbes, cited, 122
Holland, 22
Imperial Advisory Council, 217
Imperial medical staff, 187
India, boys of, 189
caste in, 190-191
and Christianity, 205-208
education in, 187-190
medical colleges in, 185
plague in, 186
provinces of, 212
public finance of, 180
sanitation in, 185-187
services of, to England, 220-221
caste in, 190-191
and Christianity, 205-208
education in, 187-190
medical colleges in, 185
plague in, 186
provinces of, 212
public finance of, 180
sanitation in, 185-187
services of, to England, 220-221
Indian colleges, 189
constitution, 210-220
empire, toleration in, 6
factories, 188
frontier, 177
women, status of, 192-193
constitution, 210-220
empire, toleration in, 6
factories, 188
frontier, 177
women, status of, 192-193
Industrial Efficiency, cited, 49
Industrial Syndicalist, cited, 37
Industrialism, purpose of, 30
Industry, speeding up of, 73
Innocent III., cited, 21
James II., 8
Japanese alliance of 1902, 163
Joseph II., emperor, 11
Kant, 14
King-Emperor, cited, 213
Kitchener, Lord, 172
Labouring classes, condition of, 32
Law in Asia, 179
Lessing, 14
Life and Labour in London, cited, 39
Liverpool and labour, 72
Lollards, 25
Louis XI., 23
Lugard, Sir F., 171
Lyall, Sir Alfred, 197
Maistre, Joseph de, cited, 130
Malherbe, 13
Mazarin, 24
Mazzini, cited, 119
Michelet, cited, 16
Mill, James, cited, 123
Mill, J. S., cited, 202
Minto, Lord, cited, 182
Mirabeau, cited, 124
Mohammed el Tounsy, cited, 173
Mohammedan Asiatics, 174
Molière, 13
Moltke, cited, 119
Monroe doctrine, 122
Montaigne, 13
Montesquieu, cited, 19
Moriscoes, 23
National character, effect of, 10
Nationality, nature of, 3
Native states of India, 182
Nivedita, Sister, 192
Ollivier, cited, 16
Omar, cited, 195
Othman and Foulah empire, 173
Palmerston, cited, 131
Parma, 9
Penal Code, 110
Pepys, cited, 133
Peter the Great, cited, 16
Pitt, cited, 131
Plato, cited, 94
Poland, 22
Prussia, 11
Racine, 13
Ramsay, Sir William, 46
Rangoon, 184
Reformation, the, 108
Renan, cited, 201
Renault on arbitration, 157
Revolutions in Europe, 125
Richelieu, 24
Ross, Professor Ronald, cited, 186
Schilling, 14
Schopenhauer, cited, 199
Scindia, 194
Sentimentalism, danger of, 111
Sivaji, 194
Skobeleff, cited, 138
Socrates, cited, 92
Spain, policy of, 23
Spencer, Herbert, cited, 35
Stephen, Sir James, cited, 179
Stoics, 20
Strike, the general, 42
Syad Ahmad Khan, cited, 192
Talleyrand, cited, 119
Tariffs, foreign, 47
Thomas, Saint, 205
Tocqueville, cited, 131
Torcy, cited, 16
Tolstoi on education, 97
Trade-Unionism defined, 36
Travancore, Maharajah of, 194
Treitschke, cited, 134
Triple Alliance, 145
Tudors, the, 30
Turenne, 9
Udaipur, Maharana of, 194
Vauban, 9
Vedantism, 207
Vergennes, cited, 16
Victoria, Queen, 15
Vivekananda, the Swami, cited, 199
Voltaire, cited, 13
Walpole, Spencer, cited, 32
War, the South African, 123
Wellesley, Lord, cited, 220
William III., 25
Yorkshire, wages in, 74
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