< The Faerie Queene (unsourced) < Book I


Abide, v, 17, to attend on.
About, i, 11, out of.
Acquite, viii, 1, release, set free.
Addrest, ii, 11, armed, equipped; x, 11, directed.
Advise, i, 33, consider.
Advizement, iv, 12, counsel, advice.
Afflicted, Int. 4, humble.
Affray, iii, 12, terror, alarm; v, 30, to startle.
Affronted, viii, 13, opposed.
Afore, x, 49, ahead, in front of.
Agraste, x, 18, favor, show grace.
Albe, v, 45, although.
All, x, 47; xii, 23, although.
Almner, x, 38, almoner, distributer of alms.
Als, ix, 18, also, quite so.
Amate, ix, 45, dismay, dishearten.
Amis, iv, 18, linen head-dress.
Amoves, iv, 45; viii, 21; ix, 18, moves.
Andvile, xi, 42, anvil.
Apply, x, 46, attend to, add.
Aread, viii, 31, 33; ix, 6, 23; x, 51, 64, tell, explain; xii, 28, advise; ared, x, 17; explained; areeds, Int. 1, urges.
Arise, vi, 32, depart, rise out of.
Armorie, i, 27, armor.
Arras, iv, 6; viii, 35, tapestry.
Aslake, iii, 36, appease, abate the fury of.
Assay, ii, 13, approved quality, value; vii, 27, trial; viii, 8, assault; ii, 24; iv, 8; viii, 2; xi, 32, try, assail, attempt.
Assoiled, x, 52, absolved.
Astond, ii, 31; vi, 9; ix, 35, astounded, amazed.
Attach, xii, 35, seize, arrest.
Attaine, ii, 8, reach, fall in with.
Attaint, vii, 34, obscure, discolor.
Avale, i, 21, fall, sink.
Avise, v, 40; viii, 15, perceive.


Baite, i, 32, feed, refresh.
Bale, i, 16; viii, 4, disaster, destruction; ix, 16, 29, trouble, grief.
Banes, xii, 36, banns of marriage.
Battailous, v, 2, warlike, ready for battle.
Battrie, ix, 11, assault.
Bauldrick, vii, 29, a leather girdle for the sword or bugle, worn pendant across the shoulder and breast.
Bayes, vii, 3, bathes.
Beades, i, 30, prayers.
Beadmen, x, 36, men devoted to prayer for the soul of the founder of the charitable institution in which they lived.
Become, x, 16, gone to; became, x, 66, suited.
Bed, ix, 41, bid.
Bedight, xii, 21, adorned.
Beguyld, xi, 25, foiled.
Beheast, iv, 18, command.
Behight, x, 64, name, declare; x, 50, intrusted, delivered; xi, 38, behot, promised.
Beseemed, viii, 32, suited, was becoming.
Beseene, xii, 5, (good) looking, or (well) dressed.
Bestedd, i, 24, situated, badly off.
Bet, iii, 19, beat; bett, vi, 5.
Betake, xii, 25, intrust to, hand over to.
Bethrall, viii, 28, imprison, take captive.
Bever, vii, 31, the lower and movable part of the helmet.
Bewaile, vi, 1, cause, bring about. Use either forced, or an error (Nares).
Bidding, i, 30, praying.
Bilive, or blive, v, 32, quickly.
Blame, ii, 18, hurt, injury, or blameworthiness.
Blaze, xi, 7, proclaim.
Blent, vi, 42, stained.
Blesse, v, 6; viii, 22, brandish; vii, 12; ix, 28, protect, deliver; pp. blest.
Blubbred, vi, 9, disfigured or swollen with weeping.
Blunt, x, 47, dim (of eyesight).
Bond, i, 3, bound.
Booteth, iii, 20, 40, profits, avails.
Bootlesse, v, 33, without avail.
Bost, iii, 24, vain glory.
Boughtes, i, 15; xi, 11, folds, coils.
Bound, x, 67, lead.
Bouzingcan, iv, 22, drinking vessel.
Bowrs, viii, 41, muscles.
Bras, x, 40, money, cf. Lat. aes.
Brast, v, 31; viii, 4; ix, 21, burst.
Brave, x, 42, fair, beautiful.
Brawned, viii, 41; brawny, muscular.
Breares, x, 35, briars.
Brent, ix, 10; xi, 28, burnt.
Brode, iv, 16, abroad.
Brond, iv, 33; viii, 21, firebrand.
Buffe, ii, 17; xi, 24, blow.
Bugle, viii, 3, wild ox.
Buxome, xi, 37, pliant, yielding.
Bylive, ix, 4, quickly.


Call, viii, 46, cap, headdress.
Can, iv, 46, an auxiliary verb with preterite meaning; ix, 5, can=gan, began (Halliwell).
Canon, vii, 37, a smooth, round bit (for horses).
Carefull, v, 52, etc., full of care, anxious, sorrowful.
Careless, i, 41; ii, 45, free from care.
Carke, i, 44, care, sorrow, anxiety.
Carle, ix, 54, churl.
Cast, x, 2; xi, 28, resolve, plan.
Caytive, v, 45, captive; v, 11; viii, 32; ix, 11, base, mean.
Chaufe, vii, 21, chafe, warm by rubbing; iii, 33, 43, vex, heat.
Chaw, iv, 30, jaw.
Chear, ii, 27, 42, face.
Chearen, x, 2, regain cheerfulness, refresh (himself).
Cleare, x, 28, clean.
Cleene, ix, 4, clear, pure, bright.
Compare, iv, 28, collect.
Compel, i, 5, call to aid.
Conceit, conception or design.
Constraint, ii, 8, anguish; vii, 34, binding charms.
Corage, ii, 35, heart.
Corse, iii, 42; iv, 22, etc., body.
Couch, ii, 15, lay (a lance in rest), level, adjust; couched xi, 9, laid in place (of armor plates).
Couched, vii, 31, lying down with head up, ready to spring.
Counterfesaunce, viii, 49, fraud, imposture.
Court, vii, 38, courteous attention.
Crime, x, 28, sin; xi, 46, cause.
Cruddy, v, 29, clotted.
Crudled, vii, 6; ix, 52, curdled, congealed (with cold).
Cure, v, 44, charge.


Daint, x, 2, dainty, delicate.
Dalliaunce, ii, 14, trifling, light talk.
Dame, xii, 20, wife.
Damnify, xi, 52, injure.
Darrayne, iv, 40; vii, 11, prepare (for battle).
Deare, vii, 48, hurt, injury.
Deaw-burning, xi, 35, bright with dew.
Debonaire, ii, 23, gracious, courteous.
Defeasaunce, xii, 12, defeat.
Defray, v, 42, appease.
Deitye, iii, 21, immortality.
Derth, ii, 27, dearness, high value.
Deryn'd, iii, 2, diverted, drawn away.
Despight, ii, 6, resentment; iv, 35, 41, etc., malice, spite, contempt; vii, 49; xi, 17, injury.
Despoile, x, 17, strip.
Devise, xii, 17, plan.
Diamond, ix, 19, adamant, steel.
Dight, vii, 8; iv, 14, etc., arrange, dress, adorn.
Disaventrous, vii, 48, ix, 11, unfortunate.
Discipline, vi, 31, teaching.
Discolourd, vii, 32, variegated.
Discourse, xii, 14, description; xii, 15, to narrate.
Disease, xi, 38, render uneasy.
Dishonesty, ii, 23, unchastity.
Dispence, iii, 30, pay for.
Dispiteous, ii, 15, cruel.
Disple, x, 27, discipline.
Disseized, xi, 20, dispossessed.
Dissolute, vii, 51, weak, unstrung.
Distayned, xi, 23, defiled.
Dites, viii, 18, raises (a club).
Diverse, i, 44, distracting.
Divide, v, 17, play (variations).
Documents, x, 19, doctrines.
Donne, x, 33, to do.
Doom, ix, 38, judgment.
Doted, viii, 34, foolish.
Doubt, vi, 1, fear.
Doughty, xi, 52; xii, 6, strong, brave.
Dragonets, xii, 10, little dragons.
Dreed, or dred, Int. 4; vi, 2, object of reverence.
Drere, viii, 40, sorrow.
Drery, v, 30, gloomy; vi, 45, dripping with blood.
Dreriment, ii, 44; xi, 32, sorrow, gloom.
Drest, ix, 54, prepared, arranged.
Drift, viii, 22, impetus.
Droome, ix, 41, drum.
Drousy-hed, ii, 7, drowsiness.
Dry-dropsie, iv, 23 (meaning doubtful).
 (1) Dropsy causing thirst (Warton).
 (2) A misprint for dire dropsie (Upton).
 (3) A misprint for hydropsie (Collier).
Dye, ii, 36, chance, fortune (lit. a small cube used for gaming).


Earne, i, 3; vi, 25; ix, 18, yearn, long for.
Edifyde, i, 34, built.
Eeke, v, 42, increase.
Eft, ix, 25, again.
Eftsoones, x, 24, etc., forthwith.
Eke, iii, 21, also.
Eld, x, 8, old age.
Embalme, v, 17, anoint, pour balm into.
Embaye, ix, 13; x, 27, bathe.
Embost, iii, 24, encased; ix, 29, fatigued.
Embosse, xi, 20, plunge.
Embowed, ix, 19, rounded.
Emboyled, xi, 28, agitated, troubled.
Embrew, xi, 36, imbrue, drench.
Empassioned, iii, 2, moved to pity.
Empeach, viii, 34, hinder.
Emperse, xi, 53, pierce.
Emprize, ix, 1, undertaking, adventure.
Enchace, xii, 23, set off in fitting terms.
Endew, iv, 51, endow.
Enfouldred, xi, 40, shot forth (like a thunderbolt).
Engrave, x, 42, bury, entomb.
Enhaunst, i, 17; v, 47, raised.
Enlargen, viii, 37, deliver.
Ensample, ix, 12, witness.
Ensue, iv, 34, pursue; ix, 44, persecute.
Entirely, xi, 32, with all the heart.
Entraile, i, 16, fold, twist.
Envie, ill will, hatred.
Equall, vi, 26, side by side.
Errant, iv, 38; x, 10, wandering (in quest of adventure).
Esloyne, iv, 20, retire.
Essoyne, iv, 20, excuse, exemption.
Eugh, i, 9, yew.
Ewghen, xi, 19, made of yew.
Excheat, v, 25, gain; lit. property forfeited to the lord of a fief.
Extirpe, x, 25, uproot.
Eyas, xi, 34, young untrained hawk, unfledged falcon.
Eyne, eien, eyen, ii, 27, etc., eyes.


Fact, iv, 34; ix, 37, feat, evil deed.
Fall, ix, 2, befall.
Fare, i, 11, etc., go, travel.
Fatal, ix, 7, ordained by fate.
Fattie, i, 21, fertilizing.
Fayne, iv, 10, gladly; vi, 12, glad.
Faytor, iv, 47; xii, 35, deceiver, villain, sham.
Fearefull, i, 13, alarmed.
Feature, viii, 49, form.
Fee, x, 43, payment.
Felly, v, 34, fiercely.
Fere, x, 4, husband; lit. companion.
Fillet, iii, 4, snood.
Fit, ii, 18, death agony; iv, 34, struggle, passion; xi, 7, musical strain.
Flaggy, xi, 10, yielding, hanging loose.
Flit, iv, 5, crumble away.
Foile, iv, 4, leaf of metal.
Foltring, vii, 24, stammering.
Fond, ix, 39, foolish.
Fone, ii, 23, foes.
Food, viii, 9, feud.
Foolhappie, vi, 1, happy as a fool, "fortunate rather than provident" (Nares).
Fordonne, v, 41; etc., undone, ruined, wounded to death.
Foreby, vi, 39, near.
Forespent, ix, 43, wasted, squandered.
Foretaught, vii, 18, either
 (1) untaught, mistaught, or
 (2) taught before, hence, perhaps, despised (Warren).
Forlore, viii, 29; x, 21, forlorn, forsaken.
Forray, xii, 3, ravage, prey upon.
Forsake, xi, 24, avoid.
Forwandring, vi, 34, weary with wandering, or utterly astray.
Forwarned, ii, 18, warded off.
Forwasted, i, 5; xi, 1, ravaged, utterly wasted.
Forwearied, i, 32, etc., tterly weary.
Forworne, vi, 35, much worn.
Fraight, xii, 35, fraught, freighted.
Frame, viii, 30, support, steady.
Francklin, x, 6, freeman, freeholder.
Fray, i, 38, to frighten; ii, 14, an affray.
Freak, iii, 1; iv, 50, whim, caprice.
Frounce, iv, 14, curl, plait, friz (the hair).
Fruitfull-headed, viii, 20, many-headed.
Fry, xii, 7, crowd, swarm.
Funerall, ii, 20, death.
Fyne, iv, 21, thin; v, 28, fine.


Gage, xi, 41, pledge, the thing contended for.
Game, xii, 8, sport.
Gan, ii, 2, began, often used as auxiliary verb, "did."
Gate, i, 13, way; viii, 12, manner.
Geaunt, vii, 12, giant.
Gent, ix, 6, 27, gentle, gracious, fair.
German, v, 10, 13, brother.
Gest, x, 15, adventure, exploit.
Ghost, ii, 19, spirit.
Gin, v, 35, engine, instrument (of torture).
Gins, see gan.
Girlond, ii, 30, garland.
Giust, i, 1, tilt, joust.
Glitterand, iv, 16; vii, 29, glittering.
Gnarre, v, 34, gnarl, snarl, growl.
Gobbet, i, 20; xi, 13, lump, piece.
Gorge, i, 19, etc., throat.
Gossip, xii, 11, neighbor, crony.
Government, ix, 10, self-control.
Graile, vii, 6, gravel.
Graine, vii, 1, dye, fast color.
Gree, v, 16, favor, good will, satisfaction.
Greedy, viii, 29, eager.
Gren, vi, 11, grin.
Griesie, ix, 35, horrible.
Griesly, ix, 21, grisly, hideous.
Griple, iv, 31, greedy, grasping.
Groome, servant.
Grosse, xi, 20, fast, heavy.
Grudging, ii, 19, groaning.
Gryfon, v, 8, griffin (a fabulous animal half lion, half eagle).
Guerdon, iii, 40, reward.
Guise, vi, 25; xii, 14, guize, mode (of life).


Hable, xi, 19, able, skillful.
Hagard, xi, 19, wild, untrained.
Hanging, ii, 16, doubtful.
Hardiment, ix, 2; i, 14, boldness.
Harrow, x, 40, despoil.
Haught, vi, 29, haughty.
Heare, v, 23, pass for being so unlucky, in such evil case (Kitchin).
Heast, vii, 18, command.
Heben, Int. 3; vii, 37, of ebony wood.
Heft, xi, 39, raised on high.
Henge, xi, 21, orbit; lit, hinge.
Hew, i, 46, etc., form, countenance; iii, 11, color.
Hight, ix, 14; x, 55, called, was called; intrusted.
Holme, i, 9, Holm Oak (Quercus ilex).
Hond, out of, xii, 3, at once.
Horrid, vi, 25; vii, 31, rough, bristling.
Hot, xi, 29, was called; see hight.
Housling, xii, 37, sacramental.
Hove, ii, 37, rose, stood on end.
Humour, i, 36, moisture.
Hurtle, iv, 16, 40; viii, 17, rush, clash together.
Hurtlesse, vi, 31, harmless, gentle.
Husher, iv, 13, usher.


Imbrew, vii, 47, imbrue, drench.
Impe, Int. 3; ix, 6, etc., child, scion.
Impeach, viii, 34, hinder.
Imperceable, xi, 17, that cannot be pierced.
Imply, vi, 6; xi, 23, infold.
Importune, xi, 53, violent.
Improvided, xii, 34, unforeseen.
In, i, 33, inn, lodging.
Incontinent, ix, 19, at once.
Infected, x, 25, ingrained.
Infest, xi, 6, make fierce or hostile.
Influence, viii, 42, power of the stars.
Intended, xi, 38, armed, stretched out.
Intendiment, xii, 31, attention.
Intent, i, 43; ix, 27, aim, purpose.
Invent, vi, 15, discover.


Jealous, suspicious.
Jolly, i, 1; ii, 11, fine, handsome.
Jott, x, 26, speck, small piece.
Journall, xi, 31, daily.
Joy, vi, 17, to be cheerful.
Joyaunce, iv, 37, gladness, merriment.


Keepe, i, 40, heed, care.
Keeping, xi, 2, care, guard.
Kend, xii, 1, known.
Kest, xi, 31, cast.
Kindly, iii, 28, etc., natural, according to nature.
Kirtle, iv, 31, coat, tunic.
Knee, ix, 34, projection (of rocks).
Knife, vi, 38, sword.


Lad, i, 4, led.
Launch, iii, 42; iv, 46, pierce.
Lay-stall, v, 53, rubbish heap, dunghill.
Lazar, iv, 3, leper.
Leach, v, 17, 44; x, 23, surgeon, physician.
Learne, vi, 25, teach.
Leasing, vi, 48, falsehood, lying.
Leke, v, 35, leaky.
Leman, i, 6; vii, 14, lover, sweetheart, mistress.
Let, viii, 13, hindrance.
Lever, ix, 32, rather.
Libbard, vi, 25, leopard.
Liefe, iii, 28; ix, 17, dear one, darling.
Lilled, v, 34, lolled.
Lin, i, 24; v, 35, cease.
List, ii, 22; vii, 35; x, 20; xi, 10, desired, pleased.
Lively, ii, 24; vii, 20, living.
Loft, i, 41, (doubtful) air, sky, or roof.
Long, iv, 48, belong.
Lore, i, 5, knowledge.
Lorne, iv, 2, lost.
Loute, i, 30; x, 44, bow, stoop.
Lowre, ii, 22, frown, darken.
Lumpish, i, 43, dull, heavy.
Lustlesse, iv, 20, feeble, listless.
Lynd, xi, 10, lined.


Mace, iv, 44, club.
Make, vii, 7, 15, mate, companion.
Mall, vii, 51, wooden hammer, or club.
Many, xii, 9, troop, crowd.
Mart, Int. 3, mass.
Mated, ix, 12, overcome, confounded.
Maw, i, 20, stomach.
Maynly, vii, 12, violently.
Mell, i, 30, meddle.
Menage, vii, 37, manage.
Ment, i, 5, joined, mingled.
Mew, v, 20, prison, lit. cage for hawks.
Mirksome, v, 28, dark, murky.
Miscreant, v, 13; ix, 49, infidel, vile fellow.
Misdeeming, ii, 3, misleading; iv, 2, misjudging.
Misfeigning, iii, 40, pretending wrongfully.
Misformed, i, 55; viii, 16, ill formed, or formed for evil.
Misseeming, ix, 23; viii, 42, unseemly; vii, 50, deceit.
Mister, ix, 23, sort of, manner of.
Misweening, iv, 1, wrong thinking, wrong belief.
Moe, mo, v, 50, etc., more.
Mortality, x, 1, state of being mortal.
Mortall, i, 15, deadly.
Mote, iii, 29, etc., may, might.
Mought, i, 42, might.
Muchell, iv, 46; vi, 20, much, great.


Nathemore, viii, 13; ix, 25, none the more.
Nephewes, v, 22, grandchildren, descendants.
Ni'll, ix, 15, will not.
Nosethrill, xi, 22, nostril.
Note, xii, 17, know not.
N'ould, vi, 17, would not.
Noyance, i, 23, annoyance.
Noye, x, 24; xi, 45, hurt, harm.
Noyes, Noyce, vi, 8, noise.
Noyous, v, 45; xi, 50, harmful, unpleasant.


Offend, xii, 1, injure.
Offspring, vi, 30, ancestors.
Origane, ii, 40, wild marjoram.
Ought, iv, 39, owned, possessed.
Outrage, xi, 40, insult, abuse.
Overcraw, ix, 50, insult, crow over.
Oversight, vi, 1, want of prudence.
Owch, ii, 13; x, 31, jewel or socket in which a jewel was set.


Paine, xii, 34, labor, treacherous skill; ii, 39, effort; iv, 15, take pains.
Paire, vii, 41, impair, injure.
Paled, v, 5, fenced off, inclosed with a pale.
Palfrey, i, 4; iii, 40, a lady's saddle horse, here Una's ass.
Paramour, i, 9, lover (not in a bad sense).
Parbreake, i, 20, vomit.
Pardale, vi, 26, leopard.
Parted, iii, 22, departed.
Pas, iv, 11, surpass; xi, 15, step, pace.
Passing, x, 24, surpassing.
Passion, ii, 26, 32, deep feeling, lit. suffering.
Passionate, xii, 16, express feelingly.
Payne, vi, 21, pains, labor.
Paynim, iv, 41; vi, 38; xi, 7, pagan, heathen.
Peece, x, 59, something constructed (Cleopolis).
Penne, xi, 10, feather, quill.
Perceable, i, 7, that can be pierced.
Perdie, perdy, vi, 42, French par Dieu, a common oath.
Pere, viii, 7; xii, 17, noble, prince.
Persaunt, x, 47, piercing.
Pight, ii, 42, etc., pitched, fixed, placed.
Pine, ix, 35, wasting away; viii, 40, pined, wasted away through torment.
Plate, vi, 43; vii, 2, solid armor, as distinguished from the coat of mail, or light chain armor.
Pleasaunce, ii, 30, courtesies; iv, 38; vii, 4, delight, conversational pleasure.
Point, (1) ix, 41, appoint;
 (2) ii, 12, not a whit;
 (3) i, 16; ii, 12, (armed) at all points.
Pollicie, iv, 12, statecraft, cunning.
Portesse, iv, 19, breviary, small prayer-book.
Posterne, v, 52, small private gate behind.
Pouldred, vii, 12, powdered.
Pounces, xi, 19, a hawk's claws.
Poynant, vii, 19, sharp, piercing.
Poyse, xi, 54, weight, force.
Practicke, xii, 34, deceitful.
Prancke, iv, 14, display gaudily.
Praunce, vii, 11, strut proudly.
Pray, ix, 30, ravage.
Preace, iii, 3, crowd, throng.
Presently, immediately.
Price, ix, 37, pay the price of, atone for.
Pricking, i, 1; iii, 33, riding, usually rapidly, i.e. spurring.
Priefe, viii, 43, trial; ix, 17, proof; x, 24, proved excellence.
Prime, ii, 40; etc., springtime.
Privity, ix, 5, privacy.
Prowesse, vii, 42, bravery.
Prowest, iv, 41; v, 14, bravest.
Puissance, i, 3, etc., power.
Purchas, iii, 16, lit. acquisition, cant term for theft, or robbery (Nares).
Purfled, ii, 13, embroidered on the edge.
Purposes, ii, 30, conversation.
Purveyance, xii, 13, provision.


Quaile, ix, 49, subdue, overpower.
Quayd, viii, 14, subdued.
Quell, xi, 24, disconcert, daunt.
Quight, viii, 10, repay.
Quit, quitt, vi, 6, 10, to free.
Quite, viii, 26, 27; x, 37, repay, return.
Quited, i, 30, return a salute.
Quoth, i, 12, etc., said.


Raft, i, 24, struck away (from reave).
Ragged, xii, 23, rough, rugged.
Raile, vi, 43, flow.
Ramping, iii, 5, etc., leaping, bounding, erect; ramp, v, 28.
Rapt, iv, 9, carried away.
Rare, ii, 32, thin-voiced.
Raskall, vii, 35; xii, 9, vulgar, base.
Raught, vi, 20, etc., reached.
Ravine, v, 8, prey.
Raw, x, 2, unpracticed, out of training.
Read, i, 13; x, 17, advise.
Reave, iii, 36; xi, 41, snatch away, rob.
Recoyle, x, 17, retreat.
Recreaunt, iv, 41, base, cowardly.
Recure, v, 44, etc., refresh.
Red, vii, 46, etc., declared.
Redoubted, iv, 40, terrible.
Redound, vi, 30; iii, 8, overflow.
Redresse, v, 30, restore, revive, reunite.
Reed, i, 21, notice, perceive.
Reele, v, 35, roll.
Reft, ix, 31; x, 65, snatched away.
Refte, vi, 39; xii, 39, bereft.
Renverst, iv, 41, turned upside down.
Repaire, vi, 30, return home.
Repining, ii, 17, failing (Percival), angry (Upton).
Repriefe, ix, 29, reproof.
Retrate, i, 13, retreat.
Reverse, ix, 48, bring back.
Revoke, vi, 28, call back.
Ridde, i, 36, remove, dispatch.
Rife, iv, 35; ix, 52, much, exceedingly.
Riotise, iv, 20, riot.
Rode, xii, 42, anchorage, harbor.
Rove, Int. 3, shoot (an arrow with an elevation, not point blank).
Round, vi, 7, dance.
Rowel, vii, 37, ring of a bit.
Ruffin, iv, 34, rough, disordered.
Rusty, v, 32, rust-colored, bloodstained, filthy.
Ruth, v, 9, pity, sorrow.


Sacred, viii, 35, accursed—of ashes used impiously to receive the blood of the slain (Upton).
Sad, i, 2; v, 20; x, 7; xii, 5, grave, mournful; iii, 10, firm, steady; i, 36, heavy.
Sallow, i, 9, a kind of willow.
Salvage, iii, 5; vi, 11, etc., wild, woodland (adj.).
Sam, x, 57, together, same.
Say, iv, 31, serge cloth for cloaks (Halliwell).
Scath, iv, 35; xii, 34, hurt, mischief.
Scor'd, i, 2, carved.
Scowre, ii, 20, run fast.
Scryne, Int. 2, chest, or case for keeping books, etc.
Sead, x, 51, seed, posterity.
Sease, xi, 38, fasten; seised, xii, 17, gained, taken possession of.
Seel, vii, 23, lit. sew up the eyes (of hawks), deprive of sight.
Seely, silly, vi, 10; i, 30; ii, 21, simple, innocent.
Seemly, ii, 30, polite.
Scene, v, 16, proved, tested.
Semblaunt, ii, 12, appearance.
Sent, i, 43, perception, sense.
Shadow, represent typically.
Shamefast, x, 15, shy, modest.
Shaume, xii, 13, a wind musical instrument.
Shend, i, 53, shame.
Shew, iii, 10, sign, track.
Shroud, i, 6, 8, shelter.
Single, vi, 12, weak; viii, 12, mere.
Sith, vii, 22, etc., since; sitheng, iv, 51.
Sits, i, 30, becomes, suits.
Slight, vii, 30, device; viii, 23, skill.
Snubbe, viii, 7, knob, snag.
Solemnize, x, 4, rite, solemnizing.
Sooth, iii, 29, truth.
Souce, v, 8, beat.
Soust, iii, 31, drenched.
Sowne, i, 41, sound.
Sperst, i, 39; iv, 48, dispersed.
Spill, iii, 43, destroy.
Stadle, vi, 14, staff.
Stanneries, stannaries, tin mines or tin works.
Starke, i, 44. stiff.
Sted, stedd, viii, 17, etc., place.
Sterne, i, 18; xi, 28, tail.
Stew, xi, 44, warm place.
Stole, i, 4, 45; xii, 22, long robe.
Stound, vii, 12, stunned; vii, 25; viii, 12, 25, 38, moment.
Stowre, ii, 7, etc., distress, peril battle.
Stye, xi, 25, ascend, rise up.
Subject, xi, 19, lying beneath.
Sure, ix, 19, secure.
Swarved, x, 14, swerved.
Swelt, vii, 6, burned.
Swinge, xi, 26, singe.
Swowne, i, 41, heavy sleep; ix, 52, swoon; swound, v, 19.


Table, ix, 49, picture.
Tackles, xii, 42, rigging.
Talaunts, xi, 41, talons.
Teade, xii, 37, torch.
Teene, ix, 34; xii, 18, grief, trouble, hurt.
Then, x, 10, than.
Thewes, ix, 3; x, 4, manners.
Tho, i, 18, etc., then.
Thorough, i, 32; x, 1, through.
Thrall, ii, 22; vii, 44; viii, 1, subject; v, 45, 51; viii, 32, 37, prisoner; vi, 6, one in distress.
Three-square, vi, 41, triangular.
Thrill, iii, 42; x, 19; xi, 20, pierce.
Thrist, vi, 38, thirst.
Throw, x, 41, throe, pang.
Tide, ii, 29, time (duration).
Timely, i, 21; iv, 4, keeping time.
Tire, iv, 35, train, rank, company; viii, 40; x, 31, headdress, attire.
Told, iv, 27, counted.
Tort, xii, 4, wrong.
Touch, iii, 2, touchstone.
Toy, vi, 28, sport.
Trace, viii, 31, walk.
Traine, trayne, i, 18; viii, 17; xi, 37, tail; iii, 24; vi, 3, etc., deceit, wiles.
Transmew, vii, 35, transmute.
Treachour, iv, 41; ix, 32, traitor.
Treen, ii, 39; vii, 26, tree-like, of trees.
Trenchand, i, 17; xi, 24, sharp, trenchant.
Trinall, xii, 39, threefold.
Truncked, viii, 10, truncated, with the limbs cut off.
Trusse, xi, 19, to secure a firm hold on.
Turnament, v, 1, tournament, combat of knights in the lists.
Tway, vii, 27, two, twain.
Twyfold, v, 28, twofold.
Twyne, vi, 14, twist.
Tyne, ix, 15, anxiety, pain.


Unacquainted, v, 21, unaccustomed.
Unbid, ix, 54, unprayed for.
Uncouth, i, 15; xi, 20, strange.
Undight, iii, 4, unfastened.
Uneath, ix, 38, etc., with difficulty.
Unkindly, i, 26, unnatural.
Unlich, v, 28, unlike.
Untill, xi, 41, unto.
Unty, xi, 41, loosen.
Unwary, xii, 25, unexpected.
Unweeting, ii, 45, etc., unaware, not knowing.


Venery, vi, 22, hunting.
Vere, xii, 1, veer, change the direction of.
Vew, vi, 25, aspect, appearance.
Vild, ix, 46, vile.
Vine-prop, i, 8, supporting the vine.
Visour, vii, 1, visor, the part of the helmet which protected the eyes.


Wade, i, 12, walk, go, pass.
Wage, iv, 39, reward, pledge.
Wanton, ii, 13, 14, wild, unrestrained.
Ware, vii, 1, wary.
Warray, v, 48, wage war against.
Wastfull, i, 32, etc., barren, wild.
Wastnes, iii, 3, desert, wilderness.
Wax, iv, 34, grow.
Wayne, iv, 9, chariot.
Wayting, x, 36, watching.
Weare, i, 31, spend, pass.
Weedes, Int. 1; ii, 21, clothes, x, 28, armor.
Weene, i, 10; iii, 41, intend; x, 58, think.
Weet, iii, 6, 11, to know; to weete, iii, 17, etc., to wit.
Welke, i, 23, fade, grow dim.
Welkin, iv, 9, sky.
Well, ii, 43, well-being, health; i, 26, etc., quite, very; vii, 4, bubble up.
Wex, xi, 1, grow; woxen, iv, 34.
Whally, iv, 34, streaked (Warren).
Whenas, ii, 32, etc., as soon as.
Whereas, vi, 40, where.
Whot, x, 26, hot.
Whyleare, ix, 28, erewhile.
Whylome, iv, 15, etc., formerly.
Wight, ix, 23, 32, person, creature.
Wimple, xii, 22, veil, lit. covering for the neck;
 wimpled, i, 4, folded, provided with a wimple.
Wist, v, 27 knew.
Wonne, vi, 39, fought; wonne, vi, 39, dwell.
Wood, iv, 34; v, 20, mad, furious.
Worshippe, i, 3, honor, respect.
Wot, i, 13; wote, ii, 18; ix, 31, know.
Woxen, see wax.
Wreakes, viii, 43; xii, 16, anger, acts of vengeance.
Wreck, xi, 21, destruction, mischief.
Wrizled, viii, 47, wrinkled (Warren).
Wyde, i, 34, distant.


Yborne, vii, 10, born.
Ycladd, i, 1; yclad, i, 7, 29; ii, 2; ycled, iv, 38, clad.
Ydle, v, 8, airy, purposeless.
Ydrad, i, 2, dreaded.
Yede, xi, 5, go.
Yfere, ix, 1, together.
Ygoe, ii, 18, ago.
Ylike, iv, 27, alike.
Ymp, see impe.
Yod, see yede.
Younglings, x, 57, young of any animal.
Youthly, vi, 34, youthful.
Ypight, ix, 33, pitched, placed.
Yrkesome, ii, 6, weary; iii, 4, painful.
Yts, vii, 39, it is.

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