WEBSTER, Herman Armour, American artist: b. New York, 6 April 1878. He was graduated at Yale University in 1900 and later studied art under Laurens in Paris. He subsequently lived chiefly abroad. He is known as a painter and is particularly prominent as an etcher. His usual subjects in this field are quaint scenes in out-of-the-way French towns. He has exhibited at the Paris Salon; the Royal Academy, London; the Western Society of Artists, Chicago; Rouen, France; and at the American Art Association, Paris. He is a member of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and of the Societé Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris. He was awarded a gold medal at the Panama Exposition in 1915. His work is represented in the Luxembourg, Paris; the South Kensington Museum, London; the Congressional Library, Washington; the Boston Museum; the Art Institute, Chicago; and in other important collections.