ABBOTT, Charles Conrad, author and naturalist: b. Trenton, N. J., 4 June 1843. He received an academical education, and took the degree of M.D. at the University of Pennsylvania in 1865. He is corresponding member Boston Society of Natural History; member American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia; Fellow Royal Society of Antiquaries of the North, Copenhagen; Assistant, Peabody Museum of American Archæology and Ethnology, Cambridge, Mass., 1876-89. Author: ‘Primitive Industry’ (1881); ‘Naturalist Rambles about Home’ (1884); ‘Upland and Meadow’ (1886); ‘Waste-land Wanderings’ (1887); ‘Days Out of Doors’ (1889); ‘Outings at Odd Times’ (1890); ‘Recent Rambles’ (1892); ‘Travels in a Tree-top’ (1894); ‘The Birds About Us’ (1894); ‘Notes of the Night’ (1895); ‘A Colonial Wooing’ (novel, 1895); ‘Birdland Echoes’ (1896); ‘When the Century was New’ (novel, 1897); ‘The Hermit of Nottingham’ (novel, 1897); ‘The Freedom of the Fields’ (1898); ‘Clear Skies and Cloudy’ (1899); ‘In Nature's Realm’ (1900); ‘Archæologia Nova Cæsarea’ (1907-09); ‘Ten Years' Diggings in Lenâpè Land’ (1912); Various Reports on Indian Stone Implements, in American Naturalist (1872), revised and enlarged as ‘Stone Age in New Jersey’ in Smithsonian Annual Report of 1876. In 1876 he announced the discovery, since confirmed by other archæologists, of traces of man in the Delaware River valley, dating from the first or “Kansan” ice-age and inferentially the pre-glacial period when man is believed to have entered upon the North American continent.