6. The Conversion of Constantine.
But they who had learned the truth, who were taught through baptism, were joyful in soul, and their hearts were light that they might declare before175 the emperor the grace of the gospel: how the Saviour of souls, revered in threefold majesty, was born; how God’s own Son was hung upon the cross in bitter agony before the multitudes; how He freed180 the children of men and souls of the careworn from the snares of devils, and gave unto them grace through the very thing that had been disclosed to his own sight as a sign of victory against the onrush185 of foes; and how on the third day the Glory of men and Lord of all mankind rose from the tomb and from death, and ascended into heaven. Men wise in the mystic things of the Spirit thus said unto the victory-inspired monarch as they had190 learned from Silvester. And at their hands the prince of the people received baptism, and held to the faith according to the will of the Lord from that time forth throughout the length of his days.
Then was the giver of gifts content, the king stern in battle; a new joy was come into his heart.195 The Lord of the kingdom of heaven was his greatest solace and his highest hope. Through the grace of the Spirit he began zealously to show forth the law of the Lord both day and night, and this ruler of men devoted himself, far-famed and weariless,200 unto the service of God. Then the prince, bulwark of peoples, brave in battle and bold with the spear, found in the books of God with the aid of his teachers that country where, amid the shouts of multitudes, the Ruler of the heavens was crucified upon205 the cross through sinful hate; even as the ancient enemy with lying craft led astray the people, deceived the race of the Jews, until they crucified God himself, the Lord of hosts; wherefore they shall210 suffer a direful curse in misery through a long-enduring life.