20. Epilogue.
Old and ready for death by reason of this failing house, I thus have woven a web of words and wondrously have gathered it up; time and again have I pondered and sifted my thought in the prison of the night. I knew not fully the truth concerning1240 the cross[1] until wisdom revealed a broader knowledge through its marvelous power o’er the thought of my heart. I was stained with deeds of evil, fettered in sins, torn by doubts, girt round with1245 bitter needs, until the King of might wondrously granted learning unto me as a comfort for my old age; until he gave unto me his spotless grace, and imbued my heart with it, revealed it as glorious, in time broadened it, set free my body, unlocked my1250 heart, and loosed the power of song, which joyfully and gladly I have used in the world. Not one time alone, but often had I thought upon the tree of glory, before I had the miracle revealed regarding the glorious tree, as in the course of events I found1255 related in books and in writings concerning the sign of victory. Ever until that time was the man buffeted in the surge of sorrow, was he a weakly flaring torch (C)[2], although he had received treasures and appled gold in the mead-hall; wroth in heart1260 (Y), he mourned; a companion to need (N), he suffered crushing grief and anxious care, although before him his horse (E) measured the miles and proudly ran, decked with gold. Hope (W) is waned, and joy through the course of years; youth1265 is fled, and the pride of old. Once (U) was the splendor of youth(?); now after that alloted time are the days departed, are the pleasures of life dwindled away, as water (L) glideth, or the rushing floods. Wealth (F) is but a loan to each beneath1270 the heavens; the beauties of the field vanish away beneath the clouds, most like unto the wind when it riseth loud before men, roameth amid the clouds, courseth along in wrath, and then on a sudden1275 becometh still, close shut in its narrow prison, crushed by force.
Thus shall all this world pass away, and in like manner devouring flame shall seize upon whoever was born into it, at that time when the Lord himself ’with a host of angels shall come1280 unto judgment. There shall each man hear the doom on all his deeds from the mouth of the judge, and likewise shall pay the penalty for all the foolish words ever spoken by him, and all his overbold1285 thoughts. Then shall the people divide into three parts for the embrace of the flame, every man who hath ever lived throughout the broad earth. Those who have clung fast to the truth shall be highest in the flame, the throng of the blessed, the1290 host of them that yearn for glory, the multitude of the righteous, and thus may they endure and suffer more lightly without distress. He tempers for them all the glare of the flame as shall be most easy for them and most mild. The sinful men, those1295 stained with evil, heroes sad of heart, shall be in the middle place, shrouded with smoke amid the hot surge of fire. The third part, accursed sinful foes, false haters of men, the host of the wicked, shall be in the depth of the surge, bound fast in flame by1300 reason of their former deeds, in the gripe of the glowing coals. Nor shall they come thereafter from the place of punishment to the memory of God, King of glory, but they shall be cast forth, His wrath-stirring foes, from that fierce flame into the1305 depths of hell. Unlike this shall it be with the other two parts: they may look upon the Prince of angels, the God of victories. They shall be refined and freed from their sins, like pure gold that is all1310 cleansed from every alloy, refined and melted in the surge of the furnace’s fire. Thus shall each of those men be separated and purified from all their guilt, their deep transgressions, by the fire of the judgment. And thereafter they may enjoy peace and1315 eternal well-being. The Lord of angels shall be merciful and gracious unto them, inasmuch as they abhorred each sin, each work of guile, and called upon the Son of the Creator in their prayers. Wherefore now their forms shall shine like unto the angels, and they shall enjoy the heritage of the King1320 of glory for ever and ever. Amen.