< The Education of Henry Adams (1907)

A}} Abthorp, Robert, 64, 67.
Adams, Abigail Smith (wife of President John Adams), 13, 14, 308.
Adams, Abigail Brown Brooks (wife of Charles Francis Adams), 9, 18, 19, 85, 254.
Adams, Brooks, 260, 296, 315.
Adams, Evelyn Davis (wife of Brooks Adams), 388.
Adams, Charles Francis, 14, 15, 34, 125, 254, 257; his children, 18; his position in Boston, 18, 19; candidate for Vice-Presidency, 20; his character, 21, 22, 40; his political associates, 23, 24; educator 2, 8, 29, 39, 58; editor, 25; elected to Congress, 75, 83, 84; at Washington, 1861, 85-90; appointed minister to England, 94; sails, 96; arrives in London, 99; his situation in 1861, 100, 102; in 1862, 105, 111, 113; his collision with Palmerston, 117, 118; his treatment of Earl Russell, 131, 136, 137-143; his situation in 1863, 147-154; his note of September 5, 1863, 149, 153; his luck in enemies, 159; his situation in 1864, 168; in 1866, 183; his tastes, 184, 201, 222, 233.
Adams, Charles Francis the younger, 18, 33, 75, 95, 182, 209, 210, 235, 254, 257, 267.
Adams, President John, 7, 12, 19, 25, 39, 84, 89, 96, 293, 325.
Adams, President John Quincy, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 384; minister to Holland, his marriage, 13; senator and minister to Russia, 14; minister to England and Secretary of State, 14; in Congress, 14; death and funeral of, 15-17; his feuds, 19; his character, 22, 37, 42, 89, 95; his relation to W. H. Seward, 88; his likeness to Earl Russell, 144; his diary, 343.
Adams, John Quincy the younger, 18, 210.
Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson (wife of John Quincy Adams), 7, 10, 11, 12-15, 34, 36.
Adams, Louisa Catherine (Mrs. Charles Kuhn), 18, 28, 72, 73, 250, 251.
Adams, Sam., 17.
Agassiz, Alexander, 45, 203, 267, 268, 302.
Agassiz, Louis, 49, 197, 267.
Alabama Case, 129, 130, 132, 144, 145, 151, 153, 248.
Alaric, 419.
Alexander I, Tsar, 96, 384.
Alexander II, Tsar, 384,
Alexander III, Tsar, 384, 405.
Alexeieff, Viceroy, 404.
Alley, John B., 40, 41.
Amiens cathedral, 337, 381, 421, 430.
Anaradjpura, 323.
Anarchism, 300; schools of, 354, 355, 356, 432; philosophy of, 377, 378.
Anderson, Nicholas Longworth, 46.
Antietam, battle of, 133.
Antwerp in 1858, 61.
Ara Coeli, church of, 77, 181, 204, 245, 297, 320, 412, 417, 434.
Archimedes, 419.
Argyll, Duke and Duchess of, 108, 130, 131, 132.
Arnold, Matthew, 50, 92, 157, 165, 175, 207, 313, 339, 411.
Ashley, Evelyn, 124.
Assisi, 321, 421.
Atkinson, Edward, 210.
Austen, Jane, 368.
Austria, 71.


Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam, 331, 375, 395, 400, 423, 429.
Badeau, Adam, 228, 230.
Baden Baden, 181.
Baireuth in 1901, 353, 354.
Balfour, Arthur, 400, 402.
Balzac, Honoré, 50.
Bancroft, George, 277, 280.
Bancroft, John, 69.
Bank of England Restriction, 202.
Barlow, Francis Channing, 182, 216.
Barry, Mme. du, 341.
Bartlett, William Francis, 182, 216.
Bayard, T. F., 289.
Beaumont, Lady Margaret, 170.
Beauvais, Church of St. Etienne, 412.
Bebel, Ferdinand August, 371.
Beesley, Professor E. S., 163.
Beethoven, 67, 70, 72.
Belligerency, Recognition of, 98, 128, 132.
Berkeley, Bishop, 378.
Berlin in 1858, 62-68, 358, 384.
Bethel, Richard Lord Westbury, 128, 152.
Bismarck, Karl Otto von, 65, 252.
Blaine, James G., 226, 243, 244, 281, 289, 310.
Bluebeard, 201.
Boer War, 307, 324, 325.
Boston, 1, 2, 3, 7, 12, 16, 29, 35, 42, 211, 234, 295; intellectual standard of, 22, 24, 32, 156, 209-210; resources of, 31; morals of, 33; newspapers of, 75, 210; temper of, 366, 368.
Boston & Albany Railroad, 3.
Boutwell, George S., 40, 228, 234, 236, 237, 238, 242, 244, 259, 284.
Bowles, Sam., 221.
Branly coherer, 333, 336.
Bravay, contractor for rams, 154.
Bretton in Yorkshire, 170.
Brice, Calvin, 280, 289, 300.
Bright, John, 107, 108, 247; his character, 158-165.
Brooke, Stopford, 186, 190.
Brooks, Peter Chardon, 7, 8, 11, 17; his death, 18; his children, 18.
Brooks, Phillips, 45, 203, 275.
Brougham, Lord, 107, 158, 166, 171.
Brunnow, Baron, 115, 116.
Bryant, William Cullen, 212.
Bryce, James, 264.
Buckle, H. T., 191, 262.
Buildwas Abbey, 198.
Bull Run, first battle of, 101; second battle of, 111, 112, 131.
Bulwer, Sir Edward Lytton, 31, 174.
Bunker Hill, 15.
Bunyan, John, 422.
Burdett Coutts, Miss, 100, 171.
Burlingame, Anson, 40, 86.
Burnham, D. H., 298.
Butler, B. F., 117, 118, 142.
Buxton, Sir Fowell, 159.
Byron, Lord, 313.


Calvin, 422.
Cameron, J. Donald, 290, 294, 310, 318, 337, 373.
Cameron, Mrs. J. D., 290, 318.
Campbell, Lord, 171.
Canada, in 1862, 132.
Canning, George, 150, 179.
Capitalism, 296, 300, 301.
Caracciolo, Prince, 79.
Carlyle, Thomas, 26, 31, 50, 70, 113, 159, 165, 166, 174, 240, 313; his Teufelsdröck, 361.
Carthage, 298.
Cassini, Count, Russian Ambassador, 327, 343, 383, 385, 405.
Castiglione, Madame de, 172.
Cavendish, Frederick, 108.
Cecil, Lord Robert, (Marquess of Salisbury), 128, 204, 224.
Cestracion Philippi, Port Jackson shark, 199, 350.
Chamberlain, Joseph, 325, 406.
Chandler, Joseph R., minister to Naples, 79.
Channing, William Ellery, 22.
Chartres, cathedral of, 324, 336, 339, 374, 381, 410, 412, 421.
Chase, Salmon P., 217, 241.
Chester, 59, 205.
Chicago Exposition, 290, 296, 299, 308.
Child, Professor F. J., 267.
China, 341, 342—"open door," 382, 385.
Church, the, 375, 377, 380, 418.
Civil Law, 59, 60, 62, 63, 66, 69, 73, 83, 94, 312, 384.
Civil Service Reform, 224, 256.
Clay, Cassius M., 97.
Clay, Henry, 3, 37, 87.
Clerk Maxwell, James, 389, 395.
Cleveland, President Grover, 280, 283, 288, 289, 290, 305, 326.
Coal in 1901, 362, 363, 428, 430, 432.
Cobden, Richard, 107, 108, 158, 165; his opinion of Palmerston, 114.
Cockburn, Sir Alexander, 159.
Cockran, Bourke, 289.
Collier, Sir Robert, his opinion in the Alabama case, 129, 144.
Cologne in 1901, 362.
Columbus, Christopher, 334, 422, 429.
Comet of 1843, 427.
Compass, the, 421, 430.
Comte, Auguste, 49, 195, 262, 419, 430.
Comus, Milton's Mask of, 348.
Concord, 31, 51, 52.
Congress in 1869, 226, 227, 267.
Conkling, Roscoe, 87, 219, 226, 243, 244, 344.
Constantine the Great, 334, 418, 423, 437.
Constantinople, 315, 421, 422.
Copernicus, 334, 429.
Cora Pearl, 181.
Coutances, 309, 409.
Cox, Jacob D., 228, 231, 235, 241, 245.
Crookes, Sir William, 394, 396.
Cross, the, 332, 334, 396, 418-422.
Crowninshield, B. W., 69.
Cuba, 290, 304, 305, 307.
Cunard steamers, 3, 42, 59, 96, 298.
Cunliffe, Sir Robert, 164.
Curie, Madame, 396, 400.
Curtis, Ben. R., 217.
Cushing, Caleb, 141.


Daimler motor, 332, 359.
Dalton, John, 429.
Dana, Richard H., 23, 24, 28.
Dante, 335, 336.
Darwin, Charles, 174, 194, 195, 231, 272, 297, 395.
Darwinism, 200, 247, 347, 348, 349, 374.
Davis, Henry Winter, 86.
Davis, J. C. Bancroft, 239.
Davis, Jefferson, 98, 135, 140, 142, 159.
Declaration of Paris, 128.
Degrand, P. P. F., 15.
Delane, John T., 103, 104, 107, 116, 146-147, 148.
Dennett, J. R., 260.
Derby, Earl of, 168.
De Retz, Cardinal, 240.
Descartes, René, 340, 374, 378, 403, 423, 429, 432.
De Tocqueville, 165.
Dewey, Admiral George, 222.
Dickens, Charles, 28, 31, 50, 60, 156, 157, 174, 368.
Diocletian, 417, 437.
Disraeli, Benjamin, 141, 142, 168, 204, 247.
Dixwell, Epes Sargent, 44.
Doyle, Sir Francis, 164, 178.
Dresden, 69, 73.
Drontjem, 360, 361.
Dudley, Thomas H., Consul at Liverpool, 111.
Dumas, Alexander, 80.
Düsseldorf, 362.
Dynamo, the, 298, 332, 374.


Eaton Hall, 60, 205.
Eddy, Spencer, 315.
Edinburg Review, 166, 223, 224, 245, 249.
Edward VII, (See Prince of Wales).
Egypt, 315.
Eliot, Charles, President of Harvard College, 253, 260, 261, 264, 265.
Emancipation Proclamation, 133.
Emerson, R. W., 22, 28, 50, 52, 122, 237.
Emmons, S. F., 269, 273.
Engrand le Prince, window by, 412.
Ephesus, 315, 320.
Estes Park, 270,
Euclidian Geometry, 399.
Eugene, rival of Theodosius, 418.
Evarts, William M., 23, 235, 281, 326; in London in 1863, 128, 157, 171, 177; in Washington in 1868, 212, 213, 217, 220; in 1877, 277; his opinion of New England politics, 367.
Evening Post, New York, 212, 293.
Everett, Edward, his Eulogy on J. Q. Adams, 16; his career, 18-19, 23, 176; his distinction, 22, 26; President of Harvard College, 260.
Everett, William, 177.
Evolution, doctrine of, 77, 231, 349, 350.


Faneuil Hall, 16.
Faraday, Michael, 346, 374.
Faust, or Fust, Johann, 422.
Faust, Goethe's, 379, 392.
Felton, President C. C., 52.
Fiji, 278, 279.
Fish, Hamilton, Secretary of State, 228, 231, 235, 238, 239.
Fisk, Jim, 235, 259.
Fiske, John, 260, 265, 267.
Forain, 166.
Force, definition of, 374, 378, 394, 399, 400, 414.
Ford, Worthington, 306.
Forster, William E., 102, 106, 132, 158, 163; his influence, 107; in the cabinet, 247, 248. France, international relation with, 326, 370, 383.
Franklin, Benjamin, 39, 126, 291, 424, 429.
Freeman, Edward A., 360.
Free Soil party, organized, 20, 217; socially ostracised in Boston, 24; character of, 25, 40, 88.
Frewen, Moreton, 300.
Frothingham, Rev. Nathaniel, 1, 18, 19, 28.
Frothingham, Octavius, 28.
Froude, J. A., 175, 191.
Fryston, in Yorkshire, 102, 106, 118-124.
Fulton, Robert, 424.


Galileo, 334, 400, 403, 422, 423, 429, 432.
Gallatin, Albert, 291, 382.
Garfield, James A., 226, 243, 244, 245, 283.
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 77, 78, 81, 230, 320; his reception at Stafford House, 172.
Garrison, W. L., 23, 34, 41.
Gaskell (see Milnes).
Geikie, James, 349.
Geneva Conference, 123, 151.
Geneva, Lake of, 251, 373.
George III, 325.
Germany, as education, 51, 65, 70; in politics, 317, 383; in thought, 397.
Gettysburg, battle of, 146, 148.
Gibbon, Edward, 77, 78, 79, 262 , 337, 338, 434.
Gibbs, Wolcott, 329, 393, 394.
Giordano Bruno, 422.
Glacial theories, 196, 349.
Gladstone, W. E., 129, 132, 133, 145, 148, 156, 157, 158, 159, 165, 178, 227, 252; his attitude towards recognition, 134, 138-143; his Newcastle speech, 7 Oct., 1863, 134-5, 136, 137; his opinion of politicians, 154.
Glass-windows, 324, 411, 412.
Godkin, E. L., 212, 240, 243, 293, 294.
Gorham, Nathaniel, 38.
Gorki, 358.
Gould, Jay, 207, 234-237, 245, 259.
Grant, President U. S., 149, 221, in 1868-9, 225-231, 234-236, 238, 239, 243, 245, 258, 259, 267, 277, 291, 337.
Granville, Lord, 129, 159, 175, 281; his attitude towards recognition, 133, 138, 142.
Gray, Justice Horace, 93.
Greek fire, 421, 430.
Green, John Richard, 186.
Greville Memoirs, 166.
Grey, Sir George, 138, 159.
Grote, George, 175.
Grote, Mrs. George, 166.
Guérin, Maurice de, 245.
Gunpowder, 421, 424, 430.
Gurney, E. W., 255, 261, 267.
Gutenberg, 422, 429.


Hæckel, Ernst, 376, 397.
Hague, Arnold, 269.
Hallam, Arthur, 178.
Halsted, Murat, 221.
Hamilton, Duke of, 181.
Hammerfest, 360, 361, 363.
Hampton, Mrs. Frank, her death, 113.
Hanna, Mark, 203, 311.
Harrison, President Benjamin, 280, 283, 289, 290, 326.
Harte, Bret, 224, 275, 336.
Hartford Convention, 17.
Hartmann, Karl v., 378.
Harvard College, 45-57, 253-259, 260-268, 300, 367, 379.
Harvey, Peter, 26, 40.
Harvey, William, 429.
Hasty Pudding Club, 57.
Hay, John, 53, 139, 182, 203, 226, 275; at Washington in 1861, 90; in 1879, 277, 281; in 1892, 280, 282, 283-286, 290; in 1894, 305; in 1896, 310, 311; in 1897, ambassador to England, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318; in 1898, Secretary of State, 318, 320; in 1900, 325, 326, 327, 342; in 1901, 342-344, 345, 361, 363, 364, 365, 366; in 1902, 370-372; in 1903, 382, 383-386; in 1904, 407; in 1905, 439, 440; his death, 441.
Hay, Mrs. John, 315, 320, 407, 439.
Hayes, President Rutherford B., 283, 406.
Hayward, Abraham, 107, 116, 175.
Hegel, 67, 129, 355, 356, 393.
Heine, Heinrich, 63, 65, 66.
Helmholtz, H. L. F., 402.
Herald, The New York, 212.
Herbert, Sir Michael, British Ambassador, 382, 388.
Herbert, Lady, 388.
Hewitt, Abram, 256, 281, 286, 326.
Higginson, Henry L., 33, 182, 203.
Higginson, J. J., 69.
Hildreth, Richard, his history, 89.
Hippo, Augustine, Bishop of, 420.
Hitt, Reynolds, 373.
Hoar, Attorney General E. R., 222, 231, 235, 240, 245.
Hoar, Sam., 222, 233.
Hofer, Billy, 306.
Holland, Sir Henry, 112, 176.
Holleben, Theodore v., German Ambassador, 327, 343, 383.
Holloway, art-dealer, 187, 188.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 22, 122.
Holmes, Justice O. W., 45.
Hooper, Samuel, 220.
Horace, drawings of figure in the Parnasso, 188.
Horse-shoe crab, Limulus, 199, 200, 351.
Horton, Dana, 292.
Howe, Timothy, Senator, 254.
Howells, William Dean, 203.
Hughes, Tom, 109.
Hugo, Victor, 121, 122, 123, 172.
Hunt, Holman, 186.
Hunt, Richard, 297, 298, 299, 337.
Hunt, William, 184, 185, 275, 337.
Huxley, T. H., 195, 198.


Iddings, J. P., 306.
Inertia, laws of, in Russia, 358, 359, 360; in America, 387-392; definitions of, 386.
Initials, the, 73, 74.
Inverlochy Castle, 373.
Isis, 338, 425.
Italy, 72, 73-80, 181.


Jackson, President Andrew, 19, 23.
James, G. P. R., 59.
James, Henry, 140, 203, 275, 278.
James, William, 267.
Japan, 323, 385.
Jaurès, 371.
Jefferson, Thomas, 39, 284, 382.
Jenner, Edward, 424.
Johnson, President Andrew, 181, 213, 214, 226, 240, 327.
Johnson, Joshua, first American Consul in London, 12.
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 28, 61, 294.
Johnson, Thomas, Governor of Maryland, 12, 13.
Johnston, Humphreys, 323.
Joinville, Sieur de, 412, 422.
Jones, Senator John P., 300.
Jowett, Benjamin, 175.
Judkins, captain of the "Persia," 59.


Kaiser Wilhelm I, 65.
Kaiser Wilhelm II, 372, 383, 386, 406.
Kant, Emmanuel, 51, 67, 393, 399.
Karnak, 315, 320.
Kelvin, Lord, 333, 350, 394.
Kent, county of, 318.
Khilkoff, Prince, 358, 384, 389.
Kinetic theories, 355, 377, 378, 395.
King, Clarence, 53, 74, 234, 280, 281; in 1871, 270-273, 275, 286; in 1893, 302, 303, 305, 345; his death, 364, 365.
King, Preston, 86.
Kinglake, A. W., 191.
Kipling, Rudyard, 224, 276, 278, 279.
Kropotkine, his anarchism, 355, 358.
Kuhn (See Adams, Louisa Catherine).


La Farge, John, 53, 203, 275, 276, 277, 298, 322-325, 337, 411.
La Fayette Square, 277, 284, 310, 320, 328, 366.
La Fontaine's Fables, 199, 359.
Lairds, shipbuilders at Liverpool, 145, 152, 160, 161.
Lamar, L. Q. C., 159, 214, 243, 282; his story of Roebuck, 160-162.
Landor, Walter Savage, 122.
Langley, S. P., 329, 331-333.
La Place, Pierre Simon, 429.
Lee, Robert E., 46, 92, 131, 133, 230.
Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh, 46-48.
Legal Tender case, 217, 218, 240, 241, 242.
Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, 136, 137, 139, 140, 159.
Libri, Count, 189.
Limulus, 199, 200, 351.
Lincoln, President Abraham, 83, 87, 88, 90, 103, 104, 112, 178, 180, 258, 284, 285, 321, 367.
Lindsay, W. S., 160, 161.
Lodge, George Cabot, 352, 354, 355, 356.
Lodge, Mrs. George Cabot, 352, 388.
Lodge, H. Cabot, 290, 300, 309, 311, 354, 358, 366-368.
Lodge, Mrs. H. C., 290, 308, 309, 320, 353, 388.
London, in 1858, 60, 61; in 1861, 99; in 1868, 204, 205; in 1870, 247, 248, 249; in 1892, 276; in 1897, 314; in 1898, 316-318.
Longfellow, H. W. 22, 24, 27, 28, 50, 122.
Lorne, Marquis of, 109.
Lourdes, Virgin of, 335, 339.
Lovejoy, Owen, 86.
Lowe, Robert, 175.
Lowell, James Russell, his Hosea Biglow, 28, 280; professor at Harvard College, 50-52, 54, 70, 73, 122, 225, 267, 268; his opinion of John Bright, 164, 165.
Lucretius, de Rerum Natura, 335, 402.
Ludlow shale, 197, 200, 348.
Lunt, Rev. W. P., 16.
Luther, 422.
Lyell, Sir Charles, 109, 194, 202, 269, 272, 347, 348, 349; his "Principles of Geology," 195, 196; his Glacial theories, 197, 349.
Lyndhurst, Lord, 171.
Lyons, Lord, 136.


Macaulay, Lord, 26, 31, 174, 191, 224.
McCulloch, Hugh, 215, 216.
Mach, Ernst, 376, 397, 402.
McKim, C. F., 275, 298.
McKinley, President William, 203, 226, 310, 311, 321, 326, 343, 344, 347, 370; his death, 361, 364.
McVeagh, Wayne, 286.
Madison, President James, 158, 284, 382.
Magnet, the, 346, 347.
Maine, sinking of the, 315.
Maine, Sir Henry, 262, 322.
Manchuria, 307, 404.
Mann, Horace, 28.
Manning, Cardinal, 178.
Marc Antonio, Rafael's engraver, 189.
Marshall, John, 39.
Marx, Karl, 26, 49, 60, 195, 307, 331.
Mason, James M., 102, 159, 177, 344.
Matter, definition of, 400.
Maupassant, Guy de, 224.
Mexico, 140, 306, 310.
Michael Angelo, 287, 339, 429.
Miles, Nelson A., 182.
Mill, John Stuart, 26, 60, 108, 165, 431.
Milnes Gaskell, Charles, 177, 204, 278.
Milnes Gaskell, James, 177-179, 247.
Milnes Gaskell, Mrs. James, 179, 247.
Milnes, Richard Monckton, (Lord Houghton), 102, 160, 169, 178; his social influence, 106, 107; his breakfasts, 175, 248; as host at Fryston, 118-124; in 1863, 146; on Gladstone, 158.
Mills, Clark, 219.
Mommsen, Theodor, 78.
Monroe, James, 234.
Mont St. Michel, 309, 381.
Moran, Benjamin, Secretary of Legation, 95, 111, 125.
Morgan, Junius, 104.
Morgan, Pierpont, 203, 303.
Morley, John, his Life of Gladstone, 138, 154.
Moscow, 354, 357, 358.
Motion, definition of, 400.
Motley, John Lothrop, 22, 26, 173, 174. 206, 207, 240, 436; minister to England, 238, 247.
Mount Vernon, 38.
Murchison, Sir Roderick, 198.
Musset, Alfred de, 122.


Napoleon I, 70, 429.
Napoleon III, 70, 71, 81, 248; his attempts at intervention, 139, 140, 143, 160; in 1870, 252, 253.
Nation, The New York, 212, 217, 240.
Nero Claudius, 321, 365.
New England character, 5, 6, 30, 46, 47, 48.
Newcastle, Duke of, 133, 138.
Newcomb, Simon, 329.
Newman, Cardinal, 165.
Newport, 210.

Newton, Sir Isaac, 196, 328, 329, 374, 395, 403, 410, 419, 423, 429, 432.

New York in 1868, 206; in 1904, 436.
Niagara, Cunard steamer, 96, 278.
Nicephorus Phocas, 421.
Nicolay, John G., 281.
Nob Hill, 287.
Nordhoff, Charles, 221.
Normandy, 309, 409.

North American Review, 192, 202, 224; Character of, 203, 212, 217, 258; editorship of, 255, 267, 268, 309.

North, Lord, 150.
Northanger Abbey, 198.
Norton, Charles, 192.
Norway, 360-362.

Nuth, Catherine, mother of Mrs. J. Q. Adams, 12.


Odysseus, 314, 320.
Okakura, 323.
Oliphant, Lawrence, 119, 120-124.
Olney, Richard, 289.
Oxenstiern, Chancellor, 84.
Oxford, Bishop of (Wilberforce), 160, 175.


Paestum, 298.

Palermo, 421; in 1860, 79, 81; in 1899, 320.

Paley's Evidences, 200.

Palfrey, John Gorham, 22, 28, 192; his character, 23.

Palgrave, Sir Francis, 185.

Palgrave, Francis Turner, 166, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 194, 248, 268.

Palgrave, W. Gifford, 185.
Palmer, Captain, U. S. N., 79, 80.

Palmerston, Lord, 97, 145, 148, 163, 164, 183, 204, 317; his attitude towards the rebellion, 98, 110; his reputation in politics, 114,115,116; his note of June 11, 1862, 117, 118; his attitude towards recognition, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135; his treatment of Earl Russell, 153.

Palmerston, Lady, 115, 116, 118.
Pantheism, 375, 376.

Paris in 1860, 81, 82; in 1870, 252, 253; in 1892, 276, 277; in 1897, 314; Exposition in 1900, 331-334; in 1901, 352, 353.

Parker, Theodore, 22, 23, 27, 34.
Parkes, Joseph, 103, 158.
Parkman, Francis, 285.
Pascal, Blaise, 374, 424.
Patti, Adelina, 173.

Paunceforte, Sir Julian (Lord), 326, 343; his death, 382.
Pearson, Karl, his Grammar of Science, 393-397, 399, 406, 432.

Peking, siege of Legations, 341, 342.
Pendennis, Arthur, 173, 196, 249.
Pendleton, Senator George H., 256.
Pennsylvania, 291, 292.
Philippines, 317.
Phillips, Hallett, 305.
Phillips, Wendell, 23, 34.
Plehve, Mr. de, 363 ; assassination of, 412.
Pocahontas, 192.
Poincare, H., 397, 398, 399, 403.
Polk, President James K., 3, 10.
Pompadour, Mme. de, 341.
Pope, Alexander, 28, 29.
Port Arthur, 404, 439.
Porto Rico, 317.
Praxiteles, 339.
Prescott, W. H., 22, 26.
Priestley, Joseph, 424.
Prince Consort, 102, 169.

Prince of Wales (Edward VII), 169, 204, 247, 248.

Psychology, 379, 380.
Pteraspis, 197, 198, 199, 200, 202, 348.
Pumpelly, Raphael, 74, 393.
Punch, 141, 160. puritans, 422.
Purun Dass, 438.


Quincy, Edmund, 23.
Quincy, President Josiah, 11.

Quincy, 6, 7, 10, 20, 35, 209, 294, 300; old house at, 8; church, 11, 12, 16; in 1860, 83, 84; bay, 199.


Radium, salt of, 333, 339, 346, 396, 400.
Rafael Sanzio, 187.
Rams, case of the rebel, 135, 142.
Ravenna, 310, 421, 430.
Rawlins, John A., 229, 231.
Raymond, Henry J., 86, 103, 212.
Reclus, Elisée, 307, 355.
Reed, curator of British Museum, 188-190.
Reed, Thomas, Speaker, 289.
Reeve, Henry, 107, 166, 223, 245, 249.
Reid, Whitelaw, 182, 203, 212.
Renan, Ernest, 50, 174.
Rhine in 1901, 362.

Richardson, H. H., 45, 53, 185, 203, 275, 277, 298, 337.

Rockhill, W. W., 310, 315.
Roentgen rays, 400.
Roebuck, John Arthur, 160-162.

Rome, in 1860, 75-79; in 1865, 181; in 1868, 204; in 1899, 320, 321.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 290, 311, 361; president, 365, 382, 391, 405, 406, 437.

Roosevelt, Mrs. Theodore, 388, 409.
Root, Elihu, 343, 406.
Rubens, Peter Paul, 61, 62, 339. Ruskin, John, 165, 338. Russell, Earl (Lord John), his attitude in 1861, 98, 99, 105, 108, 117 ; in 1862, 110 ; in 1863, 144-154, 157 ; his opinion of Palmerston, 114 ; his political morality, 128, 129, 130, 131, 131, 132, 165 ; his attitude towards recognition, 131, 133, 134-143 ; his retreat, 183, 204. Russia, in 1862, 132 ; in 1901, 354-360 ; in 1903, 384, 385 ; in 1905, 439. S Sac and Soc, 321, Saint Ambrose, 321. Saint Augustine, 321, 420, 422. Saint Francis, 78, 321, 322. St. Gaudens, Augustus, 53, 275, 285, 287, 298 ; at Paris, 337-339 ; in 1904, 407. St. Germain-en-Laye, 314. Saint James's Club, 100, 124, 249. St. Louis, Exposition of 1904, 407-410. St. Louis, King of France, 422. Saint Jerome, 327. Saint Pantaleon at Troyes, 412. Saint Peter's, 245, 430. Saint Thomas, island of, 239. Saint Thomas Aquinas, 340, 375, 381, 399. Salem, 212. Samana Bay, 239. Samoa, 278, 323. Sancta Sofia, 315, 421, 430. San Marco at Venice, 421, 430. Santiago de Cuba, 304. Sargent, John S., 407. Savage, James, 33-34. Schopenhauer, 355, 378, 424. Scott, Captain Robert F. 438. Schurz, Carl, 281. Scott, Sir Walter, 31, 262. Scott, Winfield, 48, 91. Seals, dying, 438. Selborne, Lord, 129. Senate of United States, in 1850, 36, 37 ; in 1860, 86, 87; in 1900, 327; in 1901, 344, 347, 370. Seneca, Lucius, 365. SeVigne 1 , Madame de, 308. Seward, William H., 19, 23, 75, 104, 125, 178, 238, 240 ; at Washington in 1860- 61, 86-89, 90 ; his reputation in Lon don, 103, 105, 112 ; his management of foreign affairs, 125, 126, 148, 149, 150 ; at Washington in 1868, 214. Shaftesbury, Lord, 108, 159. Shakespeare, 367, 368, 441. 452 INDEX Shark, Port Jackson ( Cestradon Philippi), 199, 350. Shelley, 287, 411. Sherman, Senator John, 290, 311, 312. Sherman, General Tecumseh, 213 ; St. Gau- dens' statue of, 337. Shropshire, 179, 197, 198, 199, 318, 373. Sicily in 1860, 79-81, 320. Siluria, 198, 387. Silver in 1893, 292-294, 300, 301. Slidell, John, 102, 159. Smalley, George, 171, 182. Smith, Adam, 307. Smith, Captain John, 192. Smith, Sydney, 174. Socrates, 376. Sohm, Rudolph, 322. Somerset, Duchess Dowager of, 101. Sophocles, 313. Sorrento, 181. Sothern, E. A., 156. Spanish war, 316, 318. Specie payments, 202. Speck v. Sternburg, Baron, German Ambas sador, 383. Spinoza, 195, 376, 399, 423. Splugen, 181. Spring Rice, Cecil, 290, 310. Stafford House, 172. Stallo, J. B., Concepts of Modern Science, 329, 393, 394, 396. Stanley, Lord (Earl of Derby), 159. Stanley of Alderley, Lord and Lady, 109, 133. Stanley, Lyulph (Lord Stanley of Alder- ley), 109. Stanton, Edwin M., 148, 149. State, Secretary of, his isolation, 369, 370. State House in Boston, 37. State Street in Boston, 16, 17, 19, 20, 367. Statistics, 306, 307. Stelvio Pass, 72, 73, 181. Stevenson, Robert Lewis, 120, 224, 279. Stickney, Joseph Trumbull, 352, 354. Stirling of Keir (Sir William Stirling Max well), 119-124. Stockholm, 358, 360. Storey, Moorfield, 222. Story, William, 78. Stubbs, Bishop and Professor, 121. Sturgis, Mr. and Mrs. Russell, 104. Suess, Prof. E. D., Das Antlitz der Erde, 349. Sumner, Charles, his character, 24, 25, 28, 243, 244, 259 ; elected Senator, 40-42 ; in Berlin, 63; at Washington in 1860- 61, 84, 85, 86, 87, 91, 92, 94, 95, 98, 99 ; at Washington in 1868, 218, 219, 226 ; in 1869, 235, 238, 239, 240. Sun, the New York, 212. Surrenden Dering, 318. Survey of Fortieth Parallel, 270-273. Sutherland, Duchess Dowager of, 101. Sweden, 358-360. Swinburne, Algernon, 120-124, 172, 279, 313. Syracuse, in Sicily, 320. T Tammany Hall, 40. Taylor, General Dick, 171. Taylor, President Zachary, 37. Tennyson, Alfred, 28, 31, 174, 194, 396. Terebratula, 197, 202, 431. Ternina, Milka, 354. Tetons, the, 305. Teutonic, White Star steamer, 278. Thackeray, W. M., 28, 31, 50, 60, 112, 113, 156, 174. Theodosius, 418. Ticknor, George, 22, 24, 26. Tilden, Samuel J., 326. Times, the London, 103, 112, 128, 146, 147, 168. Times, the New York, 212. Tiryns, 315. Torrey, Prof. H. W. 261. Tree of Jesse, glass window, 412. Trent Affair, 102, 103, 106, 110, 128, 147. Trevelyan, Sir Charles and Lady, 109. Tribune, the New York, 212, 242. Tricoupi, Greek minister in London, 116, 124. Troyes, 412. INDEX 453 Tsar, Alexander I, 96, 384 ; Alexander II, 384 ; Alexander III, 357, 372, 405. Turgot, 419, 430. Turkish government, 154. Tyndall, John, 195. U Uintah mountains, 269, 273. Unitarian clergy of Boston, 1, 16, 18, 22, 27, 45. Unity, 376, 377, 378, 380, 389, 398, 413, 425. Uriconium, 198. Van Buren, Martin, 20, 37. Vancouver, 306. Vanderbilt, Commodore, 207. Venice, 297. Venus, 335, 336, 339, 402. Versailles, 264. Vicksburg, surrender of, 146, 148, 149. Victoria, Queen, 32, 169, 172, 314 ; her opinion of Lord Palmerston, 114. Vigny, Alfred de, 313. Virgin, the, 335, 338, 339, 374, 401, 409, 410-413. Virginia, types of, 48 ; in 1860-61, 89, 90. Volta, 429. Voltaire, 120, 368, 424. W Wagner, Richard, 67, 353, 354. Walcott, Charles D., 348. Walker, Francis A., 216, 241, 242. Walker, President James, 22, 52, 54. Walpole, Spencer, his Life of Earl Russell, 131. Ward, Sam, 220, 245. Washburn, Israel, 86. Washington, George, 38, 39, 40, 225, 226, 231, 293, 300, 325, 367. Washington, city of, in 1850, 35-38 ; in 1860, 84, 92, 146 ; in 1868, 211-220, 222, 223 ; in 1869, 233, 257-259 ; in 1884, 247 ; in 1892, 279, 310 ; in 1900, 382. Watt, James, 424, 429. Watterson, Henry, 221. Webster, Daniel, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 28, 37, 40, 87, 128. Weed, Thurlow, 40 ; in London in 1863, 126-128, 129, 157. Wells, David A., 245. Wenlock Abbey, 179, 197-200, 253, 310, 348. Westbury, Lord (Richard Bethel), 128, 130, 152. Wharton, Francis, 260. Whistler, James McNeil, 190, 323, 324, 337. White, Stanford, 275, 298, 337. Whitman, Walt, 336. Whitney, Professor J. D., 269. Whitney, W. C., 203, 257, 281, 289, 303, 304, 326. Wilde, Hamilton, 78. Wilson, Charley, Secretary of Legation, 95, 111. Wilson, Henry, 40. Winthrop, Robert C., 23, 26. Witte, Mr. de, 358, 363, 384, 389, 404. Wolcott, Edward, 289. Wolsey, Cardinal, 319. Woman, American, 336, 387-392. Woolner, Thomas, 186, 187, 190. Wordsworth, William, 29. Wrekin, the, 179, 198. Wright, Chauncey, 260. Wynn, Miss Charlotte, 179, 247. Yellowstone, 305. Yorkshire, 178. Zeno, 340. 400.

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