The Copy of an Instrument Subscribed by the President, Censor, most of the Elects, Senior Fellows, Candidates, &c. of the College of Physicians, in relation to the Sick Poor.
WHereas the several Orders of the College of Physicians, London, for prescribing Medicins gratis to the Poor Sick of the Cities of London and Westminster, and Parts adjacent, as also the Proposals made by the said College to the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen and Common Council of London in pursuance thereof, have hitherto been ineffectual, for that no Method hath been taken to furnish the Poor with Medicins for their Cure at low and reasonable Rates; we therefore whose Names are here under-written, Fellows or Members of the said College, being willing effectually to promote so great a Charity, by the Counsel and good Liking of the President and College declared in their Comitia, hereby (to wit, each of us severally and apart, and not the one for the other of us) do oblige our selves to pay to Dr. Thomas Burwell, Fellow and Elect of the said College, the sum of Ten Pounds a-piece of Lawful Mony of England, by such proportions, and at such times as to the major Part of the Subscribers hereto shall seem most convenient: Which Mony when received by the said Dr. Thomas Burwell, is to be by him expended in preparing and delivering Medicins to the Poor at their intrinsick Value, in such Manner, and at such Times, and by such Orders and Directions, as by the major Part of the Subscribers hereto, shall in Writing be hereafter appointed and directed for that Purpose. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our Hands and Seals this Twenty Second Day of December, 1696.
Tho. Millington, Præses. |
Walter Mills. |
Martin Lister. |
Tho. Alvery. |
The Design of Printing the Subscribers Names, is to shew, that the late Undertaking has the Sanction of a College Act; and that 'tis not a Project carried on by Five or Six Members, as those that oppose it would unjustly insinuate.