Sherwin, Amy, the well-known operatic singer, was born in Tasmania. She had but limited means to advance her musical education in her early days, her only teacher being her mother. There chanced, however, to come to Tasmania a troupe of Italian artistes, and Miss Sherwin joined them. Her début was made in Melbourne, Vict., in Lucia. In 1879 she went to America, and was engaged to sing in Berlioz's Faust at its initial performance. She took part in the Cincinnati Festival under Theodore Thomas in 1880-1. Then, having studied with Dr. Damrosch, Errani, and Madame Keppiani, Miss Sherwin came to Europe and placed herself under Stockhausen, Hustache, Vannuccini, and Ronconi, and made her appearance in London in 1883, winning her first success at the Promenade Concerts. Next, she connected herself with the Carl Rosa Opera Company, and sang at the Richter and Crystal Palace Concerts. In 1887 she visited Australia, and was received with great enthusiasm. She appeared in both concert and opera, and alter a year of prosperous achievement went to India, China, and Japan on a concert tour in 1888, reaching Europe in 1889; here she sang in the principal towns of Germany and Austria, and settled again in London in 1890, becoming the prima donna at Sims Reeves's farewell concerts in his provincial tour. Miss Sherwin afterwards accepted an engagement with the Carl Rosa Opera Company.