Gullett, Henry, the well-known Australian journalist, is the son of an old colonist in the Lancefield district of Victoria, and early embraced journalism as a profession. He is best known as the editor for many years of the Melbourne Australasian, a high-class weekly journal, published in connection with the daily Argus, in the conduct of which he succeeded Mr. James Smith. Mr. Gullett, who is an admirable writer, imparted a high literary and critical tone to the paper, and placed it in the front rank of its class as a family political and sporting newspaper for the intelligent classes. In 1885 he severed his connection with the Australasian and removed to Sydney, where he became a proprietor of the Daily Telegraph, editor of the weekly journal, the Tribune, published in connection therewith, and a constant contributor to the leading columns of the former. In 1890 he resigned his literary connection with the Daily Telegraph, and is now engaged as a leader-writer and assistant editor on the Sydney Morning Herald. Mrs. Gullett has contributed largely to the journals with which her husband has been connected, mainly on topics of feminine interest.