< The Dictionary of Australasian Biography

Chisholm, Caroline, was the daughter of William Jones, and was born at Wootton, in Northamptonshire, where her father, the well-known yeoman philanthropist, resided, in May 1810. She married, in 1830, Captain Archibald Chisholm, of the Indian army, who being granted sick leave, went to Sydney with his family in 1839. When compelled to return to India he left his wife and family behind; the former thereupon devoting herself to assisting the friendless female immigrants who were coming to the colony in shiploads. With this view she raised funds, opened a central depôt, and made arrangements for the dispersion of the new arrivals in the country districts. So great was her success that up to 1845 she had provided homes for over 11,000 immigrants, including many men. In that year Captain Chisholm rejoined his family, and they returned to England in 1846; but this in no way induced Mrs. Chisholm to abandon the good work which she bad taken in hand, and for seven years she was actively employed in promoting suitable emigration, founding, amongst other similar agencies, "The Family Colonisation Loan Society," by which passage money was advanced and repaid by weekly instalments. Meantime she lectured throughout England in favour of emigration, improved accommodation for females being provided by her efforts on board emigrant ships. In 1854 she revisited Australia, and carried on her good work till 1866, when she finally returned to England, dying at Fulham, on March 25th, 1877. Mrs. Chisholm, who was the author of several works on emigration, was buried at Northampton, the obsequies being performed by the Roman Catholic bishop. In 1867 Mrs. Chisholm was granted a Civil List pension of £100 per annum. Her husband, who supported her in all her philanthropic undertakings, attained the honorary rank of major, and died at Rugby on August 17th, 1877, aged eighty-two.

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