Burt, Octavius, son of the late Sir Archibald Paull Burt, Chief Justice of Western Australia (q.v.). He was appointed Clerk in the Governor's office, Western Australia, in May 1872; in Jan. 1874 Clerk to the Executive Council and Private Secretary to the Acting Governor; from April 1874 to Dec. 1874 was Private Secretary to Governor Weld; in May 1875 was appointed Clerk to the Executive Council and Private Secretary to Governor Sir William C. F. Robinson; in Sept. 1887, Chief Clerk and Keeper of records in Survey Office; Resident Magistrate, Newcastle, in April 1880; ditto, York, in April 1887; Assistant Colonial Secretary in April 1887. In 1889 to 1890 Mr. Burt was acting Colonial Secretary and a member of the Executive and Legislative Councils during the absence in England of Sir William Robinson, when Sir Malcolm Fraser, the Colonial Secretary, discharged the functions of Administrator of the Government.