Bosisto, Joseph, C.M.G., M.L.A., is the son of the late William Bosisto, of Cookham, Berks, and was born on March 21st, 1827, at Hammersmith. Becoming a druggist, he emigrated to Adelaide, S.A., in 1848, where he established the business of Messrs. Faulding & Co. He proceeded to Melbourne in 1851, and began business at Richmond. Having discovered the remarkable antiseptic properties of the eucalyptus, he went largely into the manufacture of its products. The Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria was founded mainly through his instrumentality in 1857. He was twice mayor of Richmond, and chairman of the local bench for five years consecutively. From 1874 to 1889 he was M.L.A. for the city, but was defeated in the latter year. Having represented Victoria at the Calcutta Exhibition in 1883, he was appointed President of the Royal Commission of that colony at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, held at South Kensington in 1886, for his services at which he was created C.M.G. on June 28th of that year. Mr. Bosisto is a J.P. for Victoria, and has been president of the Technological Commission, and Examiner in Materia Medica and Botany at the College of Pharmacy. In April 1892 Mr. Bosisto was re-elected to the Assembly for the Jolimont subdivision of his old constituency.