< The Army and Navy Hymnal < Hymns

232 Our Lord Is Now Rejected
El Nathan James McGranhan

1.Our Lord is now re - ject - ed,
And by the world dis-owned,
By the man - y still ne - glect - ed,
And by the few en-throned,
But soon he'll come in glo - ry,
The hour is draw ing nigh,
For the crown - ing day is com - ing by and by.

O the crown- ing day is com- ing, Is com-ing by and by,
When our Lord shall come in 'pow - er,' and 'glo - ry' from on high.
glo - rious sight will glad - den, Each wait-ing, watch - ful eye,
In the crown-ing day that's com- ing by and by.

2.The heavens shall glow with splen - dor,
But bright - er far than they
The saints shall shine in glo - ry,
As Christ shall them ar - ray,
The beau - ty of the Sav - iour,
Shall daz - zle ev - ery eye,
In the crown - ing day that's com - ing by and by.
3.Our pain shall then be o - ver,
We'll sin and sigh no more,
Be - hind us all of sor - row,
And naught but joy be fore,
A joy in our Re - deem - er,
As we to him are nigh,
In the crown - ing day that's com - ing by and by.
4.Let all that look for, has - ten
The com - ing joy - ful day,
By ear - nest con - se - era - tion,
To walk the nar - row way,
By gath-ering in the lost ones,
For whom our Lord did die,
For the crown - ing day that's com ing by and by.
A -men

Our Lord Is Now Rejected

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