< The Condor < Volume 2
Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club.
A Bi-monthly Exponent of Californian Ornithology.
Vol. 2. No. 1.
Santa Clara, Cal., January-February, 1900.
$1.00 a Year.
- A Part of My Experience in Collecting
- The Varied Thrush in Summer
- Officers Northern Division
- Officers Southern Division
- Casual Observations on a Colony of Black-crowned Night Herons
- Capture of a Condor in El Dorado Co. Cal. in 1854
- A Neglected Point Concerning the Picidae
- Avifauna of a 100-Acre Ranch
- Echoes from the Field
- Notes from Alameda, Cal.
- Odd Nesting Sites of Samuel's Song Sparrow
- Queer Antics of a Western Redtail
- Discoloration of Plumage in Certain Birds
- Brewer's Blackbird Nesting in Cavities
- Sierran Crossbill in El Dorado Co., Cal.
- Occurrence of the American Scaup Duck in Los Angeles Co., Cal.
- Early Nesting of the Pasadena Thrasher
- An Unusually High Nest of Audubon's Hermit Thrush
- Notes from Haywards, Cal.
- Communications
- Against the General Use of Scientific Names
- Book Reviews
- The A. O. U. Meeting
- Editorial Notes
- Dr. Elliott Coues
- Official Minutes of Northern Division
- Official Minutes of Southern Division
- Publications Received
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