Free Passages.
Free Passages are granted by the Government of Western Australia, until further notice, upon the following Conditions and Regulations:—
II. The Government will give assisted passages to the families of eligible applicants. Persons who have resided in Western Australia are not in any case eligible, nor persons in the habitual receipt of parish relief; children under 12 years of age without their parents, husbands without their wives, or wives with out their husbands (unless in the last three instances the parents, wife, or husband be in Western Australia), or single women who have illegitimate children.
Ill. In filling up the Form of Application the Applicant must be careful to give full particulars as to the nature of his occupation, to furnish all other necessary information, and to obtain proper Signatures to the Certificates attached to the Application Form. The Applicant's proposal will not be considered until the application is correctly and completely filled in.
IV. No person will be allowed a passage unless he shall have been approved of by the Agent-General or his deputy. No Emigrant above the age of forty years will be allowed any assistance. But any person so ineligible on account of age, and related to a family eligible for assistance, may, if he is approved by the Agent-General, receive a passage on payment of the entire expense incurred in providing it.
V. As soon as the intending Emigrant shall receive notice that he has been approved of, he must pay the sum required of him. He will then, as soon as his passage is arranged for, receive an "Embarkation Order," naming the ship in which he is to sail, and the time and place at which he is to embark. The sums paid will be absolutely forfeited if the Applicants should fail to embark at the time and place appointed. The Contract Ticket will be issued to the Emigrant before he embarks, or on board the ship.
VI. The filling up the official "Form of Application" does not, nor does even the signature of the "Certificates," entitle the applicant to a passage; and he is warned against leaving his employment re making any preparation for emigrating before he has received his "Embarkation Order." The Agent-General and his Deputies do not undertake to send replies when Applicants are ineligible.
VII. The Emigrants will either receive a free pass to the Port of Embarkation or be refunded, previous to the sailing of the vessel, a reasonable amount on account of Railway or Steamboat fares.
VIII. If any false statement or false signature shall be found in the Form of Application or the Certificates, or if the Applicant shall fail to embark at the time and place required; or if, upon appearing at the place of embarkation, any Applicant or any Member of his family shall be found to have any infectious disorder, or any bodily or mental defect, contrary to any statement in the application and certificates, such persons will not be allowed to embark, and will forfeit all claim to a passage, as well as any deposit which may have been made on account of their outfit, and in case any Emigrant shall be found to have resided in Western Australia before, such Emigrant shall pay full passage money for· himself and his family to the Government of Western Australia.
IX. Provisions, &c.-Provisions, Medical Attendance, Cooking, and Cooking Utensils, are supplied on board without charge to Emigrants.
X. No one will be allowed to embark with a less quantity of Clothing for each person than—
For Males over 12.
4 Towels
2 lbs. of best Yellow Soap
6 Shirts
6 Pairs Stockings
2 warm Flannel (or Guernsey) Shirts
2 pairs good Shoes or Boots
2 complete Suits strong exterior Clothing
Warm Great Coat
For Females over 12.
4 Towels
2 lbs. best Yellow Soap
6 Chemises
2 warm and strong Flannel Petticoats
6 pairs of Stockings
2 pairs strong Shoes or Boots
2 strong Gowns, one of which must be warm
Warm Shawl or Cloak
For Children.
9 Shirts or Chemises
4 warm Flannel Waistcoats
1 warm Cloak or outside Coat
6 pairs Stockings
2 pairs strong Shoes
2 complete Suits of exterior Clothing
The Clothing need not be new, but it must be serviceable. It will he examined at the Depôt, before embarkation, to see if the quantity is sufficient. XI. Ship's Outfit, &c.-The requisite Mattresses, Bedclothes, Utensils, and a supply of Marine Soap for Washing Clothes during the voyage, will be provided by the Government at the following rates, which sums must be paid by the Emigrants before they can receive their Embarkation Orders, viz.:—
For Women | Twenty Shillings each. |
" Each Married Couple | Thirty-five Shillings. |
" Children over 12 years of age | Twenty Shillings each. |
" Children between 12 years and 1 year | Fifteen Shillings each. |
" Infants under 12 months at date of embarkation | Free. |
XII. The Emigrants will be divided into classes, and berthed in separate compartments in the ship; 1st, Married Couples, with Children under 12 years; 2nd, Single Women, that is, all unmarried females above 12 years.
The Single Women will be placed under the superintendence of a Matron.
XIII. Luggage, &c.—All Luggage should be distinctly marked in paint with the name of the Passenger and the Ship; and boxes containing articles which will be required on the voyage, should have the word "WANTED," written conspicuously upon them. The whole quantity of Luggage for each adult, allowed free of charge, is twenty cubic feet measurement, or half a ton in weight; Luggage in excess of this quantity will only be taken if there is room for it in the ship, and will be chargeable with freight at a rate not exceeding 6d. per cubic foot. Emigrants will not be allowed to take on board any bedding, furniture, spirits, gunpowder, lucifer or other matches, or any dangerous articles; all the Luggage will be examined at the Depot, and any prohibited articles will be forfeited. It is desirable, however, that Emigrants should take with them the tools of their trades, but bulky agricultural implements cannot be admitted, on account of their size and weight. Emigrants 1nust present themselves at the Emigration Depôt on the day named on the Embarkation Order. As all boxes are put into the hold of the ship, and those marked "Wanted" can only be got at about once a month during the voyage, the Emigrant should keep a supply of linen for immediate use in a canvas bag, which he can keep in his berth.
XIV. Male Emigrants are required, as a condition of their rece1v1ng an assisted passage for themselves or their families (if any), to perform the duties of Fire and Boat Drill during the voyage, whensoever called upon by the Captain or Surgeon Superintendent to do so.
XV. The following notes are added for the information of intending Emigrants:
Assisted Passages.
The Government grant assisted passages to Western Australia upon the following terms, clauses VIII. to XIV. of the regulations relating to free passages also applying to this class of passages, with the exception that medical attendance is not given free.
Assisted passages will be granted by the Government of Western Australia, until further notice, upon the following conditions and regulations:—
II. Persons who have resided in Western Australia are not in any case eligible for assisted passages, nor persons in the habitual receipt of parish relief; children under 12 years of age without their parents, husbands without their wives or wives without their husbands (unless in the last three instances the parents, wife or husband be in Western Australia), or single women who have illegitimate children.
III. In filling up the Form of Application the Applicant must be careful to give full particulars as to the nature of his occupation, to furnish all other necessary information, and to obtain proper Signatures to the Certificates attached to the Application Form. The Applicant's proposal will not be considered until the application is correctly and completely filled in.
IV. No person will be granted an assisted passage unless he shall have been approved by the Agent-General. No single or married man above the age of 45 years will be allowed any assistance. But any person so ineligible on account of age, and related to a family eligible for assistance, may, if he is approved by the Agent-General, receive a passage on payment of tho entire expense incurred in providing it.
V. When the intending Emigrant has been approved of, and the sum required under Clause I. paid, he will, as soon as his passage is arranged for, receive an "Embarkation Order," naming the ship in which he is to sail, and the time and place at which he is to embark. The sums paid will be absolutely forfeited if the Applicants should fail to embark at the time and place appointed. The Contract Ticket will be issued to the Emigrant before he embarks, or on board the ship.
VI. The filling up the official "Form of Application" does not, nor does even the signature of the "Certificates," entitle the applicant to an assisted passage; and he is warned against leaving his employment or making any preparation for emigrating before he has received his "Embarkation Order."
VII. The Emigrants are expected to pay their own expenses to the port, and up to the period of embarkation.In the case of assisted emigrants, who may not be met on arrival, the Government very properly provide that the Emigrants' Home at Fremantle shall he available for their reception on certain terms.