< The Chinese Repository
No. 1 | ||
Art. I. The new year: prospects and desiderata; comparative Chinese and English Calendar for the current year, list of commercial houses and foreign officers in China, | 1 | |
Art. II. Treaty between his Majesty King of the French and the Emperor of China, signed in the French and Chinese languages. | 10 | |
Art. III. Notices of the Catholic religion in China, in a letter from the Rt. Rev. Joseph Rizzolati, vicar apostolic of Húkwáng, | 39 | |
Art. IV. Riot in Canton; proclamation allowing foreigners to enter the city; counter proclamations by the gentry and people; placard before the prefect's gate; demolition and burning of his offices by the populace; further proclamations from the high authorities to quiet the people. | 47 | |
Art. V. Journal of Occurrences: popular disturbances hushed; payment of the twenty-one millions completed; new prefect; ships of war at Whampoa; difficult questions; Lin Taihsü made governor-general; nothern ports, Shánghái, Ningpo, Fuchau, Amoy; Hongkong; Chinese new year; protestant mission; Morrison Fund, | 55 | |
No. 2 | ||
Art. I. Description of the city of Canton; number and character of the inhabitants; its commerce; walks around the walls and into the adjacent country; ingress to the city; note to the governor from Sir John Francis Davis; trip to Fuhshán; effects of the late war; different dialects; a missionary station | 58 | |
Art. II. Notice Biographique sur le pere J. A. Gonçalves, comprising an account of his life with notices of his various sinological productions. | 69 | |
Art. III. Missionary labors in Siam: ophthalmic hospital in Bangkok: death of Mrs. Bradley; schools and present prospect of the mission. | 80 | |
Art. IV. Oregon Territory; its topography, climate, productions, population, political relations, &c. By Rev. Gustavus Hines | 84 | |
Art. V. Navigation of the Chinese seas: mouth of the Yangtsz' kiáng; Wilsung river and port of Shinghai; light-house to the memory of Horsburgh proposed to be erected on Romania Outer Island | 98 | |
Art. VI. Epitaphs on the graves of the Rev. R. Morrison, D. D., the hon. J. R. Morrison, and the Rev S, Dyer, in the English cemetery, Macao | 104 | |
Art. VII. Chinese versions of the Holy Scriptures: need revision; list of words claiming particular attention; proposed meeting of delegates | 108 | |
Art. VIII. Journal of Occurrences: foreign consul; protestant missionaries in China; discussion regarding foreigners entering the city suspended; renewed; Macao to be made partially a free port | 110 | |
No. 3. | ||
Art. I. Notices of Cochinchina, made during a visit in 1833, by I. Hedde. | 113 | |
Art. II. Review of diseases incidental to Europeans in China, particularly in Hongkong and for the year 1845, exhibited in public papers. | 124 | |
Art. III. List of houses and public bulidings on the island of Hongkong, with statements of revenue and expenditure of the colony during the year ending 31st December 1845. | 135 | |
Art. IV. Chinese proverbs, selected from a collection in the English version of P. Prémare's Notitia Linguæ Sinicæ. | 140 | |
Art. V. Ying Hwá Yun-fu Lih-kiái, or an English and Chinese vocabulary, in the court dialect. | 145 | |
Art. VI. Statement of tonnage dues, import and export duties, paid by British vessels in the port of Canton from 1st Jan. to 31st Dec , 1845. | 150 | |
Art. VII. An imperial decree providing for the further toleration of Christianity, granting the restoration of real estate to Christians through the empire | 154 | |
Art. VIII. Journal of Occurrences: memorial regarding the late prefect of Canton; proclamation by the present prefect: popular feeling towards foreigners; the French Legation; Mr. Everett; the China Medal; Seamen's hospital in Hongkong; Morrison Education Society; Sabbath day salutes; the Plover; Amoy ; Liúchu; &c., &c. | 157 | |
No. 4. | ||
Art. I. Revision of the Chinese version of the Bible; remarks on the words for God, Father, Son, Spirit, Soul, Prophet, Baptism and Sabbath | 161 | |
Art. II. Statements of the number, tonnage, &c., of the merchant vessels of different nations in the port of Canton, for the year 1845. | 165 | |
Art. III. Some account of Captain Mercator Cooper's visit to Japan in the whale Ship Manhattan of Sag Harbor. By C. F. Winslow. M. D. | 127 | |
Art. IV. Report of the Dispensary at Amoy, from the 1st of February 1844, to 1st of July 1845. By. J. C. Hepburn, M. D. | 181 | |
Art. V. Notices of Fuhchau fú, being an extract from the Journal of the Rev. George Smith, M. A. Oxon: during an exploratory visit and rasidence at the five consular ports of China. | 185 | |
Art. VI. Destruction of the prefect's office, reported to the emperor in a memorial from the governor-general and governor of Canton. | 219 | |
Art. VII. Extracts from the Peking Gazettes, Nos. 1 to 4 for the twenty-sixth year of the reign of his imperial majesty Taukwáng A. D. 1846. | 221 | |
Art. VIII. Journal of Occurrences: scarcity of grain; rain and thunder storms; hail; deaths by lightning; Kíying's interview with governor Davis; imperial presents; review of troops; public executions; commodore Biddle and the U. S. A. Legation; new Consul at Shánghái; the five ports; Macao; death of Mrs. Hobson | 223 | |
No. 5. | ||
Art. I. Notices of the city of Fuhchau, from the News of the World, with remarks on the navigation of the river Min, by capt. R Collinson, R. N. | 225 | |
Art. II. An address on the subject of Christian Missions: being two sermons preached in the Colonial Church, at Hongkong, on Sunday. | 234 | |
Art. III. Letter of bishop Besi, apostolic vicar of Shántung to the Directors of the Work (in Italy). Dated Nanking, May 15th, 1843. | 250 | |
Art. IV. The tariff of duties to be levied on merchandise imported and exported (by citizens of the United States) &c, &c. | 262 | |
Art. V. Extracts from the Peking Gazettes, Nos. 5 to 8 for the twenty-sixth year of the reign of his imperial majesty Taukwáng, A. D. 1845. | 273 | |
Art. V. Journal of Occurrences: the island of Chusan to be immediately made over to the Chinese; commercial steamers allowed to carry merchandise; correspondence regarding Hongkong; a meteor; the foreign residences at Canton, their limited extent, &c. | 277 | |
No. 6. | ||
Art. I. Report of the Medical Missionary Society's hospital at Shánghái. | 281 | |
Art. II. Synoptical tables of the foreign trade at Canton for the year ending 31st December, 1845. with returns, &c., of the trade at Shánghái, Ningpo, Fuhehsu, and Amoy | 291 | |
Art. III. Roman Catholic missions in China, with particulars respecting the number of missionaries and Converts | 893 | |
Art. IV. Sü Amán: annual provision for the support of his widow and mother, voluntarily made by the person who caused his death | 306 | |
Art. V. Terms for Deity to be used in the Chinese version of the Bible: the words Shángtí, Tien, and Shin examined and illustrated | 311 | |
Art. VI. A walk around the city of Canton: houses of the confirmed dead; the I'ling temple: Mohammedan buildings; scenery on the north; forts; an old citadel; a remarkable burial place; &c. | 317 | |
Art. VII. King Páu or Peking Gazettes: with extracts and notices from No. 9th March 3d to No. 16th March 17th 1846 | 321 | |
Art. VIII. Journal of Occurrences: residences for foreigners; renting of houses and ground; review of troops; the U. S A. squadron; Macao port regulations; piracies; kidnapping; admiralty court at Hongkong; English troops at Chusan; two Chinese catholic priests; &c. &c. | 324 | |
No. 7. | ||
Art. I. On the signification of the character jin: jin chí nán yen | 329 | |
Art. II. Report of the Ningpo missionary hospital, to the Medical Missionary Society of China. | 348 | |
Art. III. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine: commerce a liberal pursuit: commerce of China; China and the China peace; Chinese Museum. | 345 | |
Art. IV. Translation of a Budhistic print, (descriptive of the) one thousand handed, and thousand eyed goddess of mercy To-lo-ní | 351 | |
Art. V. Amoy: memoranda of the Protestant missions from their commencement, with notices of the city and island | 355 | |
Art. VI. Notices of the riot in Canton, which occurred on the evening of July 8th, 1846 | 364 | |
Art. VII. King Páu or Peking Gazettes: with extracts and notices from No. 17th March to No. 32d April 19th 1846 | 374 | |
Art. VIII. Journal of Occurrences: triennial examinations in the eighteen provinces: restoration of Chusan: colonal church, at Hongkong, relief for destitute foreigners; opium farm; typhoon in the Chinese seas; &c. | 376 | |
No. 8. | ||
Art. I. A Confucian tract, exhorting mankind to always to preserve their celestial principles and their good hearts | 377 | |
Art. II. Particulars of the export of Teas and Raw Silk to the United Kingdom in each vessel from 30th June, 1845, to 1st July, 1846 | 386 | |
Art. III. Export of Teas to the United States from 30th June, 1845, to 1st July 1846; with export of silk and sundries. | 396 | |
Art. IV. Notices of the Roman Catholic missions in the province of Sz'chuen, in letters tranlated by a Correspondent, | 400 | |
Art. V. Regulations, &c., of the Hall of United Benevolence for the relief of widows, the support of aged, providing of coffins, &c. | 403 | |
Art. VI. List of foreign residents in Canton. August, 1846. | 426 | |
Art. VII. Journal of Occurrences: the late riot; a murderous attack; the Nemesis; Chinese soldiers; vagabonds and fou1 condition of the streets; chaplain for Whampoa; annual meeting of the Morrison Education Society; relief of destitute sick foreigners in China; consulates; evacuation of Chusan; Ningpo; Roman Catholic missionaries; &c. | 431 | |
No. 9. | ||
Art. I. Chinese views of intoxicating liquor, as described in an address by one of the ancient kings, extracted from the Shú King | 439 | |
Art. II. Particalars of the tyfoon, in the Chinese seas, encountered by the steam ship Pluto, the bark Nemesis, and the brig Siewa | 445 | |
Art. III. Missions in Manchuria and Corea. Letter of my lord Verroles, npo. vie. of Man. to the members of the central councils of the work | 435 | |
Art. IV. Notices of the Danish man-of-war, the Galathea, now on a cruise round the world | 461 | |
Art. V. Remarks regarding the translation of the terms for the Deity in the Chinese version of the Holy Scriptures | 464 | |
Art. VI. Notices of Shánghái: its position and extent; its houses, public buildings, gardens, population, commerce, &c. | 466 | |
Art. VII. Peking Gazettes: notes and extracts from the No. 33d for April 20th to No. 45th for May 15th 1846 | 473 | |
Art. VIII. Journal of Occurrences: facilities for intercourse and business at Shánghái: fearful omens and earthquake at Ningpo; indemnity for losses at Fuhchau; affairs at Amoy, Hongkong and Canton; &c. | 476 | |
No. 10. | ||
Art. I. The theory of Missions to the heathen: a sermon preached at the ordination of Mr. Edward Webb, as a Missionary to the heathen | 482 | |
Art. II. British authorities in Borneo: forging the Bruní river, the capture of forts and of the town of Borneo (Bruní) | 498 | |
Art. III. Government of Borneo and its Dependencies, a proclamation by the governor-general of Netherlands India, published at Buitenzorg | 504 | |
Art. IV. Roman Catholic Missions in Corea: Letter of M. Ferreol, bishop &c., and apostolic vicar of Corea, to the Directors of the Seminary of Missions Etrangeres | 507 | |
Art. V. Local Correspondence, between H. B. M. con. Mr. Macgregor and Brit. residents in Canton, regarding public Nuisances, etc. | 519 | |
Art. VI. Journal of Occurrences: disturbances in Macao; arrival of the U. S. A. Commissioner: return of Rev. Mr. Dean; new Missionaries; death of Mrs. Oevan; local correspondence; Peking Gazettes; triennial examination; drought; Christian ordination of a Chinese preacher: two Roman Catholic missionaries from Tibet; missionaries from Siam. | 536 | |
No. 11. | ||
Art. I. On the Multicaulis or Mulberry tree at Manila. By M. I. Hedde. | 639 | |
Art. II. Local Correspondence between her Britannic Majesty's consul Mr Macgregor and British residents in Canton. | 534 | |
Art. III. The Queen v. Compton, before the Supreme Court, Hongkong, Tuesday the twenty-fourth November, 1846 | 555 | |
Art. IV. Prohibitions, forbidding all foreigners, except those actually engaged in trade and their assistants, to reside at Canton | 661 | |
Art. V. Port Regulations of Shánghái, drawn up by H. B. Majesty's Consul, Rutherford Aloock, Esq. and dated November 6th, 1846 | 566 | |
Art. VI. Remarks on the words and phrases best suited to express the names of God in Chinese | 568 | |
Art. VII. Journal of Occurrences: Keying; military reviews and examinations; examiners and new literary chancellor; literary banquet; Mr. Everett; the Nemesis; military guards; their inefficiency; ill treatment of English seamen; letter from captain Pickin; &c., &c. | 574 | |
No. 12. | ||
Art. I. Remarks on the words and phrases best suited to express the names of God in Chinese | 577 | |
Art. II. The Eighth Annual Report of the Morrison Education Society for the year ending September 30th, 1846 | 601 | |
Art. III. Steam communication between China and the west as maintained by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Company and the British Lords of the Admiralty; rates of postage, passage, &c. | 618 | |
Art. IV. Journal of Occurrences: Peking Gazettes; feuds among the villages at Amoy ; Shánghái, Amoy and Fuhchau; public affairs at Hongkong and Canton; the Chinese vessel Kíying: arrival of missionaries. | 724 |
- Index
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