< The Chinese Repository







No. 1
Art. I. The new year: prospects and desiderata; comparative Chinese and English Calendar for the current year, list of commercial houses and foreign officers in China, 1
Art. II. Treaty between his Majesty King of the French and the Emperor of China, signed in the French and Chinese languages. 10
Art. III. Notices of the Catholic religion in China, in a letter from the Rt. Rev. Joseph Rizzolati, vicar apostolic of Húkwáng, 39
Art. IV. Riot in Canton; proclamation allowing foreigners to enter the city; counter proclamations by the gentry and people; placard before the prefect's gate; demolition and burning of his offices by the populace; further proclamations from the high authorities to quiet the people. 47
Art. V. Journal of Occurrences: popular disturbances hushed; payment of the twenty-one millions completed; new prefect; ships of war at Whampoa; difficult questions; Lin Taihsü made governor-general; nothern ports, Shánghái, Ningpo, Fuchau, Amoy; Hongkong; Chinese new year; protestant mission; Morrison Fund, 55
No. 2
Art. I. Description of the city of Canton; number and character of the inhabitants; its commerce; walks around the walls and into the adjacent country; ingress to the city; note to the governor from Sir John Francis Davis; trip to Fuhshán; effects of the late war; different dialects; a missionary station 58
Art. II. Notice Biographique sur le pere J. A. Gonçalves, comprising an account of his life with notices of his various sinological productions. 69
Art. III. Missionary labors in Siam: ophthalmic hospital in Bangkok: death of Mrs. Bradley; schools and present prospect of the mission. 80
Art. IV. Oregon Territory; its topography, climate, productions, population, political relations, &c. By Rev. Gustavus Hines 84
Art. V. Navigation of the Chinese seas: mouth of the Yangtsz' kiáng; Wilsung river and port of Shinghai; light-house to the memory of Horsburgh proposed to be erected on Romania Outer Island 98
Art. VI. Epitaphs on the graves of the Rev. R. Morrison, D. D., the hon. J. R. Morrison, and the Rev S, Dyer, in the English cemetery, Macao 104
Art. VII. Chinese versions of the Holy Scriptures: need revision; list of words claiming particular attention; proposed meeting of delegates 108
Art. VIII. Journal of Occurrences: foreign consul; protestant missionaries in China; discussion regarding foreigners entering the city suspended; renewed; Macao to be made partially a free port 110
No. 3.
Art. I. Notices of Cochinchina, made during a visit in 1833, by I. Hedde. 113
Art. II. Review of diseases incidental to Europeans in China, particularly in Hongkong and for the year 1845, exhibited in public papers. 124
Art. III. List of houses and public bulidings on the island of Hongkong, with statements of revenue and expenditure of the colony during the year ending 31st December 1845. 135
Art. IV. Chinese proverbs, selected from a collection in the English version of P. Prémare's Notitia Linguæ Sinicæ. 140
Art. V. Ying Hwá Yun-fu Lih-kiái, or an English and Chinese vocabulary, in the court dialect. 145
Art. VI. Statement of tonnage dues, import and export duties, paid by British vessels in the port of Canton from 1st Jan. to 31st Dec , 1845. 150
Art. VII. An imperial decree providing for the further toleration of Christianity, granting the restoration of real estate to Christians through the empire 154
Art. VIII. Journal of Occurrences: memorial regarding the late prefect of Canton; proclamation by the present prefect: popular feeling towards foreigners; the French Legation; Mr. Everett; the China Medal; Seamen's hospital in Hongkong; Morrison Education Society; Sabbath day salutes; the Plover; Amoy ; Liúchu; &c., &c. 157
No. 4.
Art. I. Revision of the Chinese version of the Bible; remarks on the words for God, Father, Son, Spirit, Soul, Prophet, Baptism and Sabbath 161
Art. II. Statements of the number, tonnage, &c., of the merchant vessels of different nations in the port of Canton, for the year 1845. 165
Art. III. Some account of Captain Mercator Cooper's visit to Japan in the whale Ship Manhattan of Sag Harbor. By C. F. Winslow. M. D. 127
Art. IV. Report of the Dispensary at Amoy, from the 1st of February 1844, to 1st of July 1845. By. J. C. Hepburn, M. D. 181
Art. V. Notices of Fuhchau fú, being an extract from the Journal of the Rev. George Smith, M. A. Oxon: during an exploratory visit and rasidence at the five consular ports of China. 185
Art. VI. Destruction of the prefect's office, reported to the emperor in a memorial from the governor-general and governor of Canton. 219
Art. VII. Extracts from the Peking Gazettes, Nos. 1 to 4 for the twenty-sixth year of the reign of his imperial majesty Taukwáng A. D. 1846. 221
Art. VIII. Journal of Occurrences: scarcity of grain; rain and thunder storms; hail; deaths by lightning; Kíying's interview with governor Davis; imperial presents; review of troops; public executions; commodore Biddle and the U. S. A. Legation; new Consul at Shánghái; the five ports; Macao; death of Mrs. Hobson 223
No. 5.
Art. I. Notices of the city of Fuhchau, from the News of the World, with remarks on the navigation of the river Min, by capt. R Collinson, R. N. 225
Art. II. An address on the subject of Christian Missions: being two sermons preached in the Colonial Church, at Hongkong, on Sunday. 234
Art. III. Letter of bishop Besi, apostolic vicar of Shántung to the Directors of the Work (in Italy). Dated Nanking, May 15th, 1843. 250
Art. IV. The tariff of duties to be levied on merchandise imported and exported (by citizens of the United States) &c, &c. 262
Art. V. Extracts from the Peking Gazettes, Nos. 5 to 8 for the twenty-sixth year of the reign of his imperial majesty Taukwáng, A. D. 1845. 273
Art. V. Journal of Occurrences: the island of Chusan to be immediately made over to the Chinese; commercial steamers allowed to carry merchandise; correspondence regarding Hongkong; a meteor; the foreign residences at Canton, their limited extent, &c. 277
No. 6.
Art. I. Report of the Medical Missionary Society's hospital at Shánghái. 281
Art. II. Synoptical tables of the foreign trade at Canton for the year ending 31st December, 1845. with returns, &c., of the trade at Shánghái, Ningpo, Fuhehsu, and Amoy 291
Art. III. Roman Catholic missions in China, with particulars respecting the number of missionaries and Converts 893
Art. IV. Sü Amán: annual provision for the support of his widow and mother, voluntarily made by the person who caused his death 306
Art. V. Terms for Deity to be used in the Chinese version of the Bible: the words Shángtí, Tien, and Shin examined and illustrated 311
Art. VI. A walk around the city of Canton: houses of the confirmed dead; the I'ling temple: Mohammedan buildings; scenery on the north; forts; an old citadel; a remarkable burial place; &c. 317
Art. VII. King Páu or Peking Gazettes: with extracts and notices from No. 9th March 3d to No. 16th March 17th 1846 321
Art. VIII. Journal of Occurrences: residences for foreigners; renting of houses and ground; review of troops; the U. S A. squadron; Macao port regulations; piracies; kidnapping; admiralty court at Hongkong; English troops at Chusan; two Chinese catholic priests; &c. &c. 324
No. 7.
Art. I. On the signification of the character jin: jin chí nán yen 329
Art. II. Report of the Ningpo missionary hospital, to the Medical Missionary Society of China. 348
Art. III. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine: commerce a liberal pursuit: commerce of China; China and the China peace; Chinese Museum. 345
Art. IV. Translation of a Budhistic print, (descriptive of the) one thousand handed, and thousand eyed goddess of mercy To-lo-ní 351
Art. V. Amoy: memoranda of the Protestant missions from their commencement, with notices of the city and island 355
Art. VI. Notices of the riot in Canton, which occurred on the evening of July 8th, 1846 364
Art. VII. King Páu or Peking Gazettes: with extracts and notices from No. 17th March to No. 32d April 19th 1846 374
Art. VIII. Journal of Occurrences: triennial examinations in the eighteen provinces: restoration of Chusan: colonal church, at Hongkong, relief for destitute foreigners; opium farm; typhoon in the Chinese seas; &c. 376
No. 8.
Art. I. A Confucian tract, exhorting mankind to always to preserve their celestial principles and their good hearts 377
Art. II. Particulars of the export of Teas and Raw Silk to the United Kingdom in each vessel from 30th June, 1845, to 1st July, 1846 386
Art. III. Export of Teas to the United States from 30th June, 1845, to 1st July 1846; with export of silk and sundries. 396
Art. IV. Notices of the Roman Catholic missions in the province of Sz'chuen, in letters tranlated by a Correspondent, 400
Art. V. Regulations, &c., of the Hall of United Benevolence for the relief of widows, the support of aged, providing of coffins, &c. 403
Art. VI. List of foreign residents in Canton. August, 1846. 426
Art. VII. Journal of Occurrences: the late riot; a murderous attack; the Nemesis; Chinese soldiers; vagabonds and fou1 condition of the streets; chaplain for Whampoa; annual meeting of the Morrison Education Society; relief of destitute sick foreigners in China; consulates; evacuation of Chusan; Ningpo; Roman Catholic missionaries; &c. 431
No. 9.
Art. I. Chinese views of intoxicating liquor, as described in an address by one of the ancient kings, extracted from the Shú King 439
Art. II. Particalars of the tyfoon, in the Chinese seas, encountered by the steam ship Pluto, the bark Nemesis, and the brig Siewa 445
Art. III. Missions in Manchuria and Corea. Letter of my lord Verroles, npo. vie. of Man. to the members of the central councils of the work 435
Art. IV. Notices of the Danish man-of-war, the Galathea, now on a cruise round the world 461
Art. V. Remarks regarding the translation of the terms for the Deity in the Chinese version of the Holy Scriptures 464
Art. VI. Notices of Shánghái: its position and extent; its houses, public buildings, gardens, population, commerce, &c. 466
Art. VII. Peking Gazettes: notes and extracts from the No. 33d for April 20th to No. 45th for May 15th 1846 473
Art. VIII. Journal of Occurrences: facilities for intercourse and business at Shánghái: fearful omens and earthquake at Ningpo; indemnity for losses at Fuhchau; affairs at Amoy, Hongkong and Canton; &c. 476
No. 10.
Art. I. The theory of Missions to the heathen: a sermon preached at the ordination of Mr. Edward Webb, as a Missionary to the heathen 482
Art. II. British authorities in Borneo: forging the Bruní river, the capture of forts and of the town of Borneo (Bruní) 498
Art. III. Government of Borneo and its Dependencies, a proclamation by the governor-general of Netherlands India, published at Buitenzorg 504
Art. IV. Roman Catholic Missions in Corea: Letter of M. Ferreol, bishop &c., and apostolic vicar of Corea, to the Directors of the Seminary of Missions Etrangeres 507
Art. V. Local Correspondence, between H. B. M. con. Mr. Macgregor and Brit. residents in Canton, regarding public Nuisances, etc. 519
Art. VI. Journal of Occurrences: disturbances in Macao; arrival of the U. S. A. Commissioner: return of Rev. Mr. Dean; new Missionaries; death of Mrs. Oevan; local correspondence; Peking Gazettes; triennial examination; drought; Christian ordination of a Chinese preacher: two Roman Catholic missionaries from Tibet; missionaries from Siam. 536
No. 11.
Art. I. On the Multicaulis or Mulberry tree at Manila. By M. I. Hedde. 639
Art. II. Local Correspondence between her Britannic Majesty's consul Mr Macgregor and British residents in Canton. 534
Art. III. The Queen v. Compton, before the Supreme Court, Hongkong, Tuesday the twenty-fourth November, 1846 555
Art. IV. Prohibitions, forbidding all foreigners, except those actually engaged in trade and their assistants, to reside at Canton 661
Art. V. Port Regulations of Shánghái, drawn up by H. B. Majesty's Consul, Rutherford Aloock, Esq. and dated November 6th, 1846 566
Art. VI. Remarks on the words and phrases best suited to express the names of God in Chinese 568
Art. VII. Journal of Occurrences: Keying; military reviews and examinations; examiners and new literary chancellor; literary banquet; Mr. Everett; the Nemesis; military guards; their inefficiency; ill treatment of English seamen; letter from captain Pickin; &c., &c. 574
No. 12.
Art. I. Remarks on the words and phrases best suited to express the names of God in Chinese 577
Art. II. The Eighth Annual Report of the Morrison Education Society for the year ending September 30th, 1846 601
Art. III. Steam communication between China and the west as maintained by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Company and the British Lords of the Admiralty; rates of postage, passage, &c. 618
Art. IV. Journal of Occurrences: Peking Gazettes; feuds among the villages at Amoy ; Shánghái, Amoy and Fuhchau; public affairs at Hongkong and Canton; the Chinese vessel Kíying: arrival of missionaries. 724

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