< The Child's Own Music Book
![#(set-global-staff-size 18)
\version "2.14.2"
\header {
tagline = ##f }
\score { \new GrandStaff << \time 2/4
\new Staff { \key g \major \tempo "Allegretto" \partial 8 \relative d' {
d8^\f | <g b,>[ <a d,> <b g> <d, b>] |
<g b,>[ <a d,>] <b g>4 |
<c e,>8[ <e c>] q4 |
<a, fis>8[ <c a>] q d, |
<g b,>[ <a d,> <b g> <d, b>] |
<g b,>[ <a d,>] <b g>4 |
<d f,>8[ <c e,> <b d,> g] |
<g b,>[ <a c,>] <g b,>\fermata d |
<g b,>[^\p <a d,> <b g> <d, b>] |
<g b,>[ <a d,> <b g>] b^\markup { \smaller \italic cresc. } |
<c a>[ <e c> q <c a>] |
<a fis>4 r8 a^\ff |
<b fis dis>[ q <b g e>] g |
<e' c>[ q] <c a>\fermata a |
<d b>[ <b d,>] <g b,>[ <a c,>] | <g b,>4 r8 \bar "|." } }
\addlyrics { The trees are wav -- ing to and fro,
So are we, so are we,
Be -- neath the wild wind bend -- ing low,
So do we, _ as you see. }
\addlyrics { The trees are point -- ing to the sky,
So are we, so are we,
They hold their grace -- ful heads up high,
So will we, _ as you see.
Oh may we grow like hap -- py trees,
In shad -- ow or in sun,
To bless the world, to help, and please,
Till our life -- work is done. }
\addlyrics { They keep their place by each firm root,
So will we, so will we,
Keep place with firm -- ly plant -- ed foot,
As you see, _ as you see. }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key g \major
r8 | g,4 g | g, g | <c c,>8 <c' e'> q4 | <d d,>8[ <d d'>] q r |
g,4 g | g, g | <g b,>8 <g c> <g g,>4 | d,8 d <g g,>\fermata r |
g,4 g | g, g | <c c,>8 <c' e'> q r | <d d'>4 r |
<b b,> <b e> | <c c,> <a c' e'>8\fermata r |
d4 d,8 d | <g g,>4\fermata r8 }
\midi { }
\layout { } }](../../I/b23afabc048575b4a5da454e3bad67e4.png.webp)
The children must stand in a row, and be ready to begin singing, with their arms extended to the left, the backs of the hands uppermost to wave to and fro in time to the music during the singing of the first line, dropping them gently during the refrain of the second, "So are we." During the singing of the third line they will bend gracefully, regaining the upright position for the fourth.
For the second verse, arms must be raised straight from the shoulder, and the fore-finger of each hand point up, the head thrown back, and the eyes following the direction of the left hand; during the third line the arms are at the side, and the head is merely held very erect to emphasize the words.
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