< The Child's Own Music Book


Sir Arthur Sullivan

\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 4/4 \key ees \major \tempo "Andantino" <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative e' { \stemUp
  <ees g,>8^\p^\( <f aes,> <g bes,> <f aes,>\) <ees g,>4\( bes\) |
  <ees g,>8^\( <f aes,> <g bes,> <f aes,>\) bes2 |
  <f aes,>8^\(^\markup { \italic cresc. } <g bes,> <aes c,> <g bes,>\) <f aes>4\( c |
  <f aes,>8^\( <g bes,> <aes c,> <g bes,>\) <c aes>2 |
  bes8^\( c bes4\) <g bes,>\( <ees g,>\) |
  bes'8\( c bes4\) <g ees> ees8\( bes |
  ees2.\) g8^\(^\markup { \italic "cresc. poco a poco" } ees |
  g2.\) g8^\( ees bes'2.\)^( ~ bes8 g | bes2)^\> r4\! f8.^\( g16\) |
  <ees g,>2^\markup { \italic sempre \dynamic pp } ees4. ees8 |
  ees'1 ~ ees ~ ees\fermata \bar "|." } }
\new Voice = "two" { \relative g' { \stemDown
  s1 | s2 <g ees>8 f e4 | s1 | s2 f8_( g^\markup { \italic dim. } aes g) |
  <g ees>2 s | <aes d,> s | s1 | r4 <ees c> <d bes> s |
  r g f ees | ees( d) s2 |
  s2 <bes g>4 <c aes> |
  <bes' g> <c aes> <bes g> <c aes> |
  <g ees> r q r | q1 } } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { Lul -- la -- by, __ _ ba -- by, While the hours _ run, Fair __ _ may the day be When __ _ night is done __ Lul -- la -- by, ba -- by, while the hours run, Lul -- la -- by, Lul -- la -- by, Lul -- la by, __ Lul -- la -- by, Lul -- la -- by. __ }
\new Staff \with { \consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver" }
{ \clef bass \key ees \major \relative e {
  ees4( bes) ees( g) |
  ees( bes) ees( c) |
  f( c) f( aes) |
  f( c) f( c) |
  <bes bes,>2 <bes ees,> |
  f'4( bes,) <ees ees,> r |
  << { s4 <aes c> <g bes> } \\ { ees,2. } >> r4 |
  r4 <c' g'> <g g'> r |
  r bes'( aes g) |
  <aes f bes,>2 r | \set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t
  << { ees8( f g f) ees( f g f) | 
       ees\arpeggio( f g f) ees\arpeggio( f g f) } \\
     { c2 bes4 aes |
       ees2\arpeggio ees\arpeggio } >>
  <ees ees'>4 r q r | q1_\fermata } } >>
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