< The Child's Own Music Book


\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 6/8 \key f \major \tempo "Not too fast" \partial 8 <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative c' { \stemUp
  c8^\p | a' a a c^\cresc c\! c |
  <bes e,>^\( <a dis,> <bes e,>^\dim <g e>4\!\) c,8 |
  a'^\cresc a\! a c c c |
  bes^\( a^\dim bes\! g4.\) |
  c8^\( a g f\)^\cresc f\! f |
  d'^\mf^\( bes a g4\) c8 |
  c^\( a f\)^\dim f\!^\( g a\) |
  c^\( bes g f4\) \bar "|." } }
\new Voice = "two" { \relative f' { \stemDown
  s8 f4. f | s2. |
  f4. dis | e e | <f c> d |
  f e | <f c> d | e } } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"1. " The eve -- ning is com -- ing, The sun sinks to rest, The crows are all fly -- ing straight home to the nest, "\"Caw\"" says the crow as he flies o -- ver -- head, "\"It's" time lit -- tle peo -- ple were go -- ing to bed! }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"2. " The flow -- ers are clo -- sing, The dai -- sy's a -- sleep, The prim -- rose is bur -- ied in slum -- ber so deep, Closed for the night are the ro -- ses so red, "\"It's" time lit -- tle peo -- ple were go -- ing to bed! }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major
  r8 | <f c'>4. <a c'> |
  << { c'4. c4 } \\ { g8\( fis g\) c4 } >> r8 |
  <f c'>4. <fis a> | <g c'> <c c'> | a, <d a> |
  <bes, g> <c c'> | a, <d a> | <c bes>( <f a>4) } >>
3. The butterfly, drowsy,
Has folded its wing;
The bees are returning,
No more the birds sing.
Their labour is over, their nestlings are fed;
It's time little people were going to bed!
4. Good-night, little people,
Good-night and good-night
Sweet dreams to your eyelids
Till dawning of light;
The evening has come, there's no more to be said,
It's time little people were going to bed!
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