< The Child's Own Music Book

GRADE 1–2 C. Knayer
\time 2/4 \key g \major \tempo "Allegro" << 
  \relative g' { 
  \repeat volta 2 { 
    g8^1-.\(\p\< g-. g16 a b g |
    a8 a^1_2\! d4->\)_5 |
    fis,16^2\<\( g^1 a b^3 c^1 d e fis^4\! |
    a^5\> g fis e d^1 c^4 b a\! |
    g8-.\) g-.\( g16 a b g |
    a8-. a-. e'4->\) |
    d16^2\( g^5 fis e d c^1 b^3 a |
    g8-. b-. g4^>\) }
  \repeat volta 2 {
    r8\f <a fis d>4^> q8 |
    << { a16 b a e' a,4 |
         r8\f a b^> a |
         a16 b a d a4 | } \\
       { g8\p g g4 |
         s8 g4 g8 |
         fis\p fis fis4 | } >>
    fis'16\f^>^4( d e8-.) d16^>^4( b cis8-.) |
    b16^>^4\>( g a8-.) g^>^4( e-.)\! |
    d16^1\<\( fis b a cis,^1 e b' a |
    d,^1 fis^2 a^3 cis^4\! d4\) }
  g,8^1-.\(\p\< g-. g16 a b g |
  a8-. a-.^1_2 d4^4\)_5\! |
  fis,16^2\<\( g^1 a b c^1 d e fis^4\! |
  a^^^5\> g fis e d^1 c^4 b a |
  g8-.\) g-.\!\( g16\< a b g |
  a8-. a-. e'4->\) |
  d16^2\(\< g^5 fis e\! d\> c^1 b^3 a |
  g8-.\) b-. g4^>\! |
  <c g'>4-_ <c a'>-_ |
  <b b'>2\fermata-\markup { \smaller \italic ten } \bar "||" }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key g \major \relative g {
  \repeat volta 2 {
    \once \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) <g-5 b-3>8[_\markup { \smaller \italic staccato } d' q d] |
    <fis,_5 c'_2>[ d' q d] |
    <a_4 c_2>[ d q d] |
    <g,_5 b_3>[ d' q d] |
    <e,_5 g_3>[ b' q b] |
    <c,-5 e>[ a' q a] |
    << { b-1[ g-2 fis-3 c'-1] | b-._2 d-. b4-> } \\
       { d,2-5 | g-4 } >> }
  \repeat volta 2 {
    d16-5\( fis a fis b8-._1 a-.\) |
    cis,-.[ a'-. e_4-. a-.] |
    a,16_5\( b cis d e8-._1 a-._2\) |
    d,_5-.[ a'_1-. a,-. a'-.] |
    d16_3( fis cis8-.) b16_3\( d a8-.) |
    g16_3( b fis8-.) e_3( g-.) |
    \stemUp <fis_1 a,_5>[ q <g a,> q] | \stemNeutral
    << { fis_2[ a fis^\> a]\! } \\
       { d,2_4 } >> }
  <g_5 b_3>8[ d' q d] |
  <fis,_5 c'_2>[ d' q d] |
  <a_4 c_2>[ d q d] |
  <g,_5 b_3>[ d' q d] |
  <e,_5 g_3>[ b' q b] |
  <c,-5 e>[ a' q a] |
  << { b-1[ g-2 fis-3 c'-1] | b-._2 d-. b4-> } \\
     { d,2-5 | g-4 } >> 
  <g_5 e'_1>4-_ \once \set fingeringOrientations = #'(right) <g ees'-2>-_ |
  <g_5 d'_1>2\fermata
} } >> 
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