Copyright, 1918, by
Albert E. Wier
ASSIGNED, JAN. 5th, 1920, TO
ASSIGNED, NOV. 3rd, 1922, TO
Printed in the United States of America
Babes in the Wood | 32 |
Baby Bunting | 18 |
Baby Bye, Here's a Fly | 19 |
Bed-Time | 27 |
Chinese Lullaby | 35 |
Cradle Hymn | 36 |
Cradle Song | 37 |
Cradle Song (Brahms) | 25 |
Cradle Song (Weber) | 17 |
Dance a Baby Diddy | 26 |
Dodo, Baby Do | 24 |
Dustman, The | 14 |
French Lullaby | 15 |
Go to Sleep, Lena Darling | 16 |
I Will Sing a Lullaby | 31 |
Lullaby (Elliott) | 28 |
Lullaby (Erminie) | 20 |
Lullaby, Baby | 22 |
Mother's Kisses | 38 |
Our Baby | 25 |
Porridge Time | 34 |
Rock-a-Bye, Baby | 22 |
Scotch Lullaby | 23 |
Sleep, O Sleep | 31 |
Slumber Song | 30 |
Sweet and Low | 29 |
To Babyland | 18 |
Welsh Lullaby | 26 |
Winkum, Winkum | 21 |
Would You Know? | 33 |
Come, Take a Little Partner | 107 |
Cuckoo Song | 90 |
Dollie's Dance | 106 |
Farmer, The | 89 |
Farmer In the Dell, The | 84 |
Girls and Boys Come Out to Play | 89 |
Golden Boat Song | 97 |
Good-Night Song | 110 |
I'll Give to You a Paper of Pins | 93 |
Itiskit, Itasket | 85 |
Jennie Jones | 95 |
King of France. The | 94 |
Lazy Mary | 88 |
Little Sailor Song | 101 |
Little Sally Waters | 94 |
Looby Loo | 86 |
London Bridge | 88 |
Lullaby Song | 109 |
Marching Game | 83 |
Marching Song | 102 |
Muffin-Man, The | 102 |
Mulberry Bush | 108 |
Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow | 82 |
Play-time | 91 |
Rain-Drop Song | 98 |
Ring Around a Rosie | 84 |
Round and Round the Village | 82 |
Sleigh Ride | 104 |
Soldier Boy | 106 |
Soldier, Soldier, Will You Marry Me? | 96 |
Song of Bells | 105 |
Ten Little Indians | 85 |
Tip-Toe Song | 103 |
Tree Song | 100 |
Uncle John is Very Sick | 92 |
We'll All Go A-Singing | 87 |
When I Was a Lady | 86 |
Action Song | 139 |
Boat Song | 143 |
Child's Dreamland, The | 156 |
Clink, Clink, Clinkerty, Clink | 164 |
Come, Lasses and Lads | 146 |
Dance of the Fairies | 144 |
Evening Song | 162 |
Fairy Ring, The | 144 |
Follow Me, Full of Glee | 163 |
Geography Song | 151 |
Golden Rule, The | 156 |
Haymaking Song | 140 |
Jingle Bells | 154 |
Lightly Row | 141 |
Little Things | 135 |
Merrily, Merrily Sing | 158 |
Merrily We Skip Along | 138 |
Mix a Pancake | 158 |
Mowing the Hay | 137 |
Mud Pies | 148 |
Musical Alphabet | 135 |
O Come, Come Away | 140 |
Oh, Isn't it Nice? | 159 |
Over Field and Meadow | 160 |
Over the Summer Sea | 147 |
Parting Song | 161 |
Robinson Crusoe | 153 |
Rowing | 155 |
Sailing | 149 |
See-Saw | 152 |
Shoemaker, The | 157 |
Sing, Gaily Sing | 138 |
Snow Man, The | 150 |
Song of the Bells | 142 |
Thanksgiving Day | 162 |
There is Joy in Ev'ry Day | 143 |
Try, Try Again | 136 |
Vacation Days | 145 |
Work and Play | 136 |
Autumn Song | 114 |
Bloom, My Tiny Violet | 128 |
Buttercups and Daisies | 129 |
Calendar Song | 112 |
Child and the Star, The | 124 |
Come Back, Sweet May | 133 |
Daisy, The | 131 |
Days of Summer Glory | 115 |
Golden Sun, The | 130 |
Good Morning, Merry Sunshine | 134 |
I Love the Summertime | 127 |
July Song | 118 |
Lovely May | 126 |
May Day Song | 114 |
New Year Carol | 111 |
New Year Song | 132 |
North Wind, The | 117 |
October Song | 113 |
Polish May Song | 123 |
Sister May | 132 |
Song of the Moon | 116 |
Spring, Spring, Gentle Spring | 120 |
Spring-time | 122 |
Summer is Coming! | 112 |
Sunset Song | 117 |
To My Little Flower | 128 |
Tree, The | 124 |
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star | 116 |
Welcome, Sweet Springtime | 119 |
Which Way Does the Wind Blow? | 126 |
Wild Rose, The | 125 |
Bluebird, The | 172 |
Burial of the Robin | 175 |
Buttercup Meadow, The | 191 |
Butterfly's Ball, The | 166 |
Clucking Hen, The | 189 |
Cock Robin and Jenny Wren | 171 |
Cow, The | 176 |
Cuckoo! | 174 |
Dog and Cat, The | 186 |
Eight Little Birds | 172 |
Farmyard Song | 184 |
Flying Birds | 190 |
Gobble Duet | 180 |
Happy Kitten, The | 182 |
He Didn't Think | 190 |
I Love Little Pussy | 178 |
Lazy Cat, The | 179 |
Little Black Ant, The | 198 |
Little Brown Thrush, The | 199 |
Little Cock Sparrow | 165 |
Little Fish, The | 201 |
Little Lamb, The | 195 |
Little Lamb | 178 |
Little Robin Redbreast | 176 |
Long Time Ago | 194 |
Lost Chicken, The | 197 |
My Little Dog | 195 |
Old Mother Toad | 179 |
Pretty Little Deer | 181 |
Puff! | 188 |
Robin! Robin! | 166 |
Sheep and the Boy, The | 177 |
Singing in the Rain | 169 |
Sparrow in the Tree, The | 170 |
Squirrel Loves a Pleasant Chase, The | 182 |
Sweet Song Bird | 168 |
Three Crows, The | 167 |
Three Little Kittens | 187 |
Three Little Mice | 185 |
Three Little Pigs | 183 |
Turtle Dove's Nest | 198 |
Two Little Kittens | 192 |
Wasp and a Bee, A | 200 |
Daddy | 206 |
Dolly and Her Mamma | 202 |
Good-Night and Good-Morning | 204 |
Holidays | 212 |
Jemina | 210 |
Lady Moon | 202 |
Little Fib, The | 211 |
Little Fishermaiden, The | 207 |
Little Girl, Where Have You Been? | 214 |
Little Girl's Good-Night | 208 |
Lost Doll, The | 214 |
Maggie's Pet | 210 |
My Dolly | 205 |
O Dear, What Can the Matter Be? | 203 |
Sarah Jane's Tea Party | 209 |
Watering the Roses | 213 |
Where Are You Going, My Pretty Maid | 215 |
Admiral Jack and General Tom | 233 |
Balloon, The | 226 |
Boy and the Cuckoo, The | 219 |
Comrades | 218 |
Dancing Lesson, The | 223 |
Dirty Jack | 236 |
Grumbling Joe | 235 |
Humming Top, The | 228 |
In the Tea-Room | 229 |
Jack | 234 |
Jolly Miller, The | 225 |
Little Drummer, The | 225 |
Little Tin Soldier, The | 216 |
Merry Swiss Boy, The | 221 |
My Pony | 220 |
My Ship and I | 232 |
Outing, The | 228 |
Pedlar's Caravan, The | 231 |
Sailboat, The | 217 |
Sister Ruth | 227 |
Soldier Song | 220 |
Tommy and Maizie | 230 |
Young Recruit, The | 222 |
Abide with Me | 241 |
As a Little Child | 245 |
Carol, Children, Carol | 254 |
Children's Hosanna | 243 |
Child's Hymn | 248 |
Christmas Carol | 252 |
Christmas Chimes | 259 |
Christmas Voices | 258 |
Evening Hymn | 246 |
Evening Prayer (Hansel and Gretel) | 237 |
Guardian Angels | 239 |
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing | 257 |
How Gentle God's Commands | 248 |
How Happy is the Child | 240 |
Jesus, Lover of My Soul | 246 |
Nearer, My God, to Thee | 245 |
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep | 250 |
Now the Day is Over | 241 |
Old Santa Claus | 253 |
Onward, Christian Soldiers | 244 |
O Thou Joyful Day | 260 |
Over the Stars There is Rest | 242 |
Palms, The | 238 |
Pilgrim's Song | 249 |
Prayer (Weber) | 251 |
Remember Thy Creator | 250 |
Rock of Ages | 240 |
Silently Falling Snow | 256 |
Sun of My Soul | 247 |
Upon a Lowly Manger | 256 |
A, B, C, Tumble-down D Abide with Me |
60 241 |
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep Babes in the Wood |
44 |
Calendar Song Carol, Children, Carol |
112 |
Daddy Daisy, The |
206 |
Eight Little Birds Emmett's Lullaby |
172 |
Fairy Ring, The Fairy Ship |
144 |
Hail! Columbia Happy Kitten, The |
274 |
Jack Jack and Jill |
234 |
King Arthur |
77 |
Lady Moon |
202 |
Lazy Mary Lightly Row |
88 |
Maggie's Pet Man in the Moon, The |
210 |
Natural History Nearer, My God, to Thee |
52 |
Palms, The Parting Song |
238 |
Quaker's Wife Sat Down to Bake, The |
69 |
Sailboat, The Sailing |
217 |
Uncle John is Very Sick |
92 |
Vacation Days |
145 |
Alpine Flowers Always Jolly |
Behr |
334 |
300 |
Castanets, The |
471 |
295 |
Fair, The |
330 |
Game of Forfeits |
332 |
Happy Farmer |
342 |
306 |
Jolly Huntsman | Merkel | 398 |
Larghetto |
Mozart |
451 |
March from Norma |
Bellini |
304 |
New Toy, The | Button | 333 |
Once There Was a Princess | Kullak | 350 |
414 |
372 |
358 |
Sack Waltz |
Metcalf |
400 |
284 |
Vainly Asking | Button | 359 |
Waltz Op. 490, No. 1 |
314 |
At the Forge | Lichner | 510 |
Birthday Song | Gurlitt | 482 |
Chatterbox | Bachmann | 486 |
Dance of the Toys | Behr | 518 |
Diligent Pupil | Gurlitt | 476 |
Dolly's Lullaby | Diabelli | 480 |
Fairy Waltz | Lichner | 524 |
Greeting | Behr | 496 |
Happy Hours | Diabelli | 534 |
Humpty Dumpty | Krug | 478 |
Hurrying to School | Gurlitt | 492 |
Hymn of Praise | Gurlitt | 482 |
Immortelle | Spindler | 516 |
Melody | Diabelli | 488 |
Morning Prayer | Gurlitt | 476 |
Morning Serenade | Bachmann | 508 |
Morning Song | Reinecke | 494 |
Morning Walk, The | Oesten | 484 |
Polka | Behr | 498 |
Rondino | Diabelli | 528 |
Rosie's Party | Wohlfahrt | 522 |
Saltarelle | Behr | 530 |
Soldier's Ride | Behr | 504 |
Song of the Mermaids (Oberon) | Weber | 490 |
Turkish March | Behr | 502 |
Wanderer, The | Kohler | 512 |
Welcome March | Anon. | 506 |
PAGE | ||
Alpine Floweis | Behr | 334 |
Always Jolly | Knayer | 307 |
Angel of Peace | Brunner | 303 |
At the Fountain | Oesten | 294 |
At the Theatre | Huntcn | 302 |
Bagatelle | Schumann | 300 |
Dance, Dolly, Dance | Reinecke | 255 |
Fair, The | Gurlitt | 330 |
Fun in the Country | Oesten | 324 |
Game of Forfeits | Oesten | 332 |
Gathering Nosegays | Reinecke | 290 |
Glorious Race, A | Chwatal | 289 |
Idyl | Reinecke | 306 |
In May | Behr | 301 |
In Rank and File | Lange | 320 |
In the Spring-time | Oesten | 326 |
Little Ferryman | Lange | 318 |
Little Playmates | Chwatal | 287 |
March from Norma | Bellini | 304 |
March in C | Rummel | 328 |
Melody | Schumann | 288 |
Merry | Zilcher | 337 |
Petite Carnival | Streabbog | 293 |
Restless Galop | Streabbog | 296 |
Round and Round We Go | Diabelli | 235 |
Short Song | Gurlitt | 290 |
Sleep, Dolly, Sleep | Reinecke | 286 |
Soldiers' March | Schumann | 291 |
Spade and Pail | Brunner | 287 |
To Begin With | Wilm | 284 |
Trumpeter's Serenade | Spindler | 308 |
Waltz Op. 490, No. 1 | Behr | 314 |
Waltz Op. 101, No. 11 | Gurlitt | 310 |
When the Rain Stops | Schmitt | 286 |
PAGE | ||
Ave Maria | Reinecke | 355 |
Bagpipe, The | Reinhold | 344 |
Clock, The | Kullak | 375 |
Dragonflies in Sunshine | Reinecke | 347 |
Funeral March | Chopin | 376 |
Gavotte | Bach | 365 |
Grandmother Tells a Ghost-story | Kullak | 349 |
Happy Farmer | Schumann | 342 |
Harmonious Blacksmith | Handel | 364 |
Heather Rose | Lange | 424 |
Hunting Song | Gurlitt | 403 |
Huntsmen's Chorus | Weber | 378 |
Italian Song | Tschaikowsky | 367 |
Jolly Huntsman | Merkel | 398 |
Little Chatterbox | Reinecke | 390 |
Martha (Last Rose of Summer) | Flotow | 395 |
May Song | Wilm | 361 |
Minuet in F | Bach | 418 |
Morning Prayer | Streabbog | 338 |
New Toy, The | Button | 333 |
Once There Was a Princess | Kullak | 350 |
Parade March | Lichner | 414 |
Rataplan | Donizetti | 372 |
Romance | Reinecke | 412 |
Rondo | Dussek | 358 |
Sack Waltz | Metcalf | 400 |
Silhouette | Reinhold | 413 |
Silver Lake Waltz | Anon. | 419 |
Sonatina Op. 36, No. 1 | Clementi | 396 |
Sonatina Op. 36, No. 5 | Clementi | 406 |
Song of Love | Jadassohn | 381 |
Starlight Waltz | Brainerd | 379 |
Turkish March | Beethoven | 370 |
Vainly Asking | Button | 359 |
Wild Horseman, The | Schumann | 354 |
PAGE | ||
Andante | Scharwenka | 353 |
Child's Prayer | Kullak | 346 |
Circle Dance | Wilm | 356 |
Content | Herrmann | 343 |
Gavotte | Wilm | 368 |
Little Romp | Herrmann | 388 |
Lucia di Lammermoor (Melody) | Donizetti | 362 |
May- Day March | Behr | 420 |
Mazurka | Wilm | 384 |
Music-Box | Koschwitz | 386 |
Song Without Words | Scharwenka | 392 |
PAGE | ||
Andante from Sonata Op. 26 | Beethoven | 463 |
Andante | Handel | 454 |
Andante (Orpheus) | Cluck | 466 |
Angels in the Dream, The | Kullak | 448 |
Castanets, The | Duvernoy | 471 |
Faust (Petite Fantasie) | Krug | 433 |
Fragrant Violet | Spindler | 468 |
Hungarian Dance | Kleinmkhel | 457 |
Larghetto | Mozart | 451 |
Mazurka | Chopin | 455 |
Minuet (Don Juan) | Mozart | 446 |
Moment Musical | Schubert | 464 |
Musette | Bach | 353 |
Petite Valse | Tschaikowsky | 439 |
Soldiers' Song | Eizenberger | 460 |
Sonatina No. 1 | Beethoven | 436 |
Spring Song | Mendelssohn | 429 |
Wayside Rose | Fischer | 442 |
Weber's Last Thought | Weber | 452 |
PAGE | ||
Chatterbox | Bachmann | 486 |
Dance of the Toys | Behr | 518 |
Diligent Pupil | Gurlitt | 475 |
Dolly's Lullaby | Diabelli | 480 |
Fairy Waltz | Lichner | 524 |
Happy Hours | Diabelli | 534i |
Humpty Dumpty | Krug | 473 |
Hurrying to School | Gurlitt | 493 |
Morning Prayer | Gurlitt | 476 |
Morning Serenade | Bachmann | 508 |
Polka | Behr | 498 |
Rosie's Party | Wohlfahrt | 522 |
Saltarelle | Behr | 530 |
Soldier's Ride | Behr | 504 |
Song of the Mermaids (Oberon) | Weber | 490 |
Turkish March | Behr | 503 |
Welcome March | Anon. | 506 |
PAGE | ||
At the Forge | Lichner | 510 |
Birthday Song | Gurlitt | 482 |
Greeting | Behr | 496 |
Hymn of Praise | Gurlitt | 482 |
Immortelle | Spindler | 516 |
Melody | Diabelli | 488 |
Morning Song | Reinecke | 494 |
Morning Walk, The | Oesten | 484 |
Rondino | Diabelli | 528 |
Wanderer, The | Kohler | 512 |
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1927. It may be copyrighted outside the U.S. (see Help:Public domain).