< The Chartist Movement



(i.) At the British Museum

The Place Collection. (British Museum, kept at the Hendon Repository.)

Set 56, Reform, 1836–47. 29 vols. Set 66, The Charter and Chartists, January 1839–March 1840. 1 vol.

 [Mainly newspaper cuttings, but containing much manuscript material, and substantially continuous with the collections at Bloomsbury.]

The Place Manuscripts. (British Museum.) Collections on Working Men's Associations, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Additional MSS. 27,819-27,822, 27,835. Narratives of Political Events in England, 1830–35. Additional MSS. 27,789-27,797.

Correspondence and Papers of the General Convention of the Industrious Classes, 1839. 2 vols. Additional MSS. 34,245, A and B.

London Working Men's Association Minutes. 2 vols. Additional MSS. 37,773 and 37,776.

(ii.) At the Public Record Office

Home Office Papers, 1839–40.

(iii.) At the Manchester Free Reference Library

Ernest Jones's Manuscript Diaries, Notebooks, and Account Books.


The Annual Register. 1838–49.

Ashworth (T. E.). The Plug Plot at Todmorden.

Bamford (Samuel). Passages in the Life of a Radical. 2 vols. London, 1893. [First published in parts at Heywood, Lancs, 1839–1842.]

Baxter (G. R. W.). The Book of the Bastilles. History of the New Poor Law. 1841.

Beer (M.). Geschichte des Sozialismus in England. Stuttgart, 1913.

Benbow (William). Grand National Holiday and Congress of the Productive Classes. London, 1831.

Bray (J. F.). Labour's Wrongs and Labour's Remedy: or, the Age of Might and the Age of Right. Leeds, 1839.

Brentano (Lujo). Die christliche-sociale Bewegung in England. Leipzig, 1883.
——— Die englische Chartistenbewegung; Preussische Jahrbücher, Bd. 33 (1874).

Brewster (P.). The Seven Chartist and Military Discourses, ordered by the Assembly's Commission to be libelled by the Paisley Presbytery. Paisley, 1842.

Brief Sketches of the Birmingham Conference. London, 1842. [In Manchester Free Library.] Compare Report of the Proceedings at the Conference of Delegates of the Middle and Working Classes at Birmingham, April 5, 1842, etc.

Carlyle (Thomas). Chartism (1839). Past and Present (1843).

Cartwright (Miss F. D.). The Life and Correspondence of Major Cartwright. 2 vols. London, 1826.

Clarke (W.). The Clarke Papers, 1647–49, 1651–60, edited by C. H. Firth. 3 vols. Published by the Camden Society, now included in the Camden Series of the Royal Historical Society. London, 1891, 1894, and 1899.

Cobbett (William). Cobbett's Legacy to Labourers. In Six Letters. London, 1834.

Colquhoun (Patrick). A Treatise on the Population, Wealth, Power, and Resources of the British Empire. 1814.

Cooper (Thomas.) Life of Thomas Cooper. London, 1872.
——— The Purgatory of Suicides. London, 1845.

Davies (David P.). Life and Labours of Ernest Jones. Liverpool, 1897.

Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. London, 1885–1912.

Dierlamm (Gotthilf). "Die Flugschriftenliteratur der Chartistenbewegung und sein Wiederhall in der öffentlichen Meinung," in Münchener Beiträge zur romanischen und englischen Philoligie, Leipzig, 1909.

Disraeli (Benjamin). Sybil (1845).

Dolléans, (E.). Le Chartisme, 1830–48. 2 vols. Paris, 1912–13.
——— "La Naissance de Chartisme, 1830–37," in Revue d'histoire des doctrines économigues et sociales. No. 4. Paris, 1909.

Engels (Friedrich). Die Lage der arbeitenden Klassen in England (1845). Translated by F. K. Wischnewetzky as The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844. 1892.

Faulkner (Harold U.). "Chartism and the Churches," Columbia University Studies in History, etc. lxxiii. No. 3. New York, 1916. (With good bibliography.)

Frost (Thomas). Forty Years' Recollections. 2 vols. London, 1880.

Gammage (Robert G.). History of the Chartist Movement. 1854. (2nd edition, 1894.)

Gardiner (S. R.). The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1625–1660. 1906.

Gonner (E. C. K.). "The Early History of Chartism," in English Historical Review, iv. 625-644 (1889).

Hall (Charles). Effects of Civilisation on the Peoples of European States. 1805.

Hansard's Parliamentary Debates.

Held, A. Zwei Bücher zur socialen Geschichte Englands. Leipzig, 1881.

Hodgskin (Thomas). Labour defended against the Claims of Capital: or, the Unproductiveness of Capital proved. 1825.

Holden (Joshua). A Short History of Todmorden. Manchester University Press, 1912.

Holyoake (G. J.). Life of Joseph Rayner Stephens. London, 1881.
——— History of Co-operation. 1875–76. Revised ed. 1906.
——— The Life and Character of Henry Hetherington. London, 1849.

Hunt (Henry). Memoirs of Henry Hunt, Esq. (Written by himself in Ilchester Jail.) 2 vols. London, 1820–22.
——— The Green Bag Plot. London, 1819.

Jones (Ernest C.). The Wood Spirit, 1841.
——— Ernest Jones. Who is He? What has He Done? Manchester, 1868.
——— Chartist Songs and Fugitive Pieces. London, n.d.

Kay (J. P.). The Moral and Physical Condition of the Working Classes employed in the Cotton Manufacture in Manchester. 1832.

Kingsley (Charles). Yeast (1848–51). Alton Locke (1850).

Lovett (William). Pamphlets by, bound in one volume, formerly the author's property. British Museum (8138a55).
——— Life and Struggles of William Lovett. London, 1876.
——— and Collins (John). Chartism, a New Organization of the People. London, 1840.

Linton (W. J.). Memories. London, 1895.
——— James Watson: a Memoir (privately printed, London, 1879). Manchester, 1880.

Mackay (Thomas). History of the English Poor Law, 1834–98. London, 1904.

Marx (Karl). Das Kapital. 1 vol. (1867. English Translation, 1886.)

Mason (G. W.). Mr. Ernest Jones and his Candidature. Manchester, 1868.

Menger (A.). Das Recht auf den vollen Arbeitsertrag. 1891. Translated by M. E. Tanner, as The Right to the whole Produce of Labour, with Introduction by H. S. Foxwell. 1899.

Morley (Viscount). Life of Richard Cobden. London, 1881.

Napier (Sir W. F. P.). Life and Opinions of General Sir C. J. Napier. 2 vols. London, 1857.

Niehuus. Englische Bodenreformtheorien. Leipzig, 1910.

Ogilvie (William). An Essay on the Right of Property in Land. 1782.

Paine (Thomas). Agrarian Justice (1797).
———Rights of Man (1791–92).

Philp (R. K.). Vindication of his Political Conduct. 1842. [In Manchester Free Library.]

Podmore (Frank). Life of Robert Owen. 2 vols. London, 1906.

Porritt (E. and A. G.). The Unreformed House of Commons. Parliamentary Representation before 1832. Cambridge (University Press), 1903.

Ricardo (David). Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. 1817.

Rosenblatt, Frank F. "The Chartist Movement in its Social and Economic Aspects," Columbia University Studies in History, etc. lxxiii. No. 1. New York, 1916.

Spence (Thomas). The Rights of Infants. 1797.

Slosson (Preston W.). "The Decline of the Chartist Movement," Columbia University Studies in History, etc. lxxiii. No. 2. New York, 1916.

Somerville (Alexander). Autobiography of a Working Man. London, 1848.
——— Warnings to the People on Street Warfare. 1839.

Steffen (G. F.). Studien zur Geschichte der englischen Lohnarbeiter. Übersetzt von M. Langfeldt. 3 vols. Stuttgart, 1901–5.

Thompson (William). An Inquiry into the Principles of Distribution most conducive to Human Happiness. London, 1824; reprinted 1850.

Tildsley (John). Die Entstehung und die ökonomischen Grundsätze der Chartistenbewegung. Jena, 1898.

Veitch (G. S.). The Genesis of Parliamentary Reform. London, 1913.

Wallas (Graham). The Life of Francis Place, 1771–1854. London, 1898.

Webb (S. and B.). History of Trade Unionism. London, 1894. New ed. 1911.

(C) Parliamentary Papers

1837–38. Vol. VIII. Reports from the Select Committee on Combinations of Workmen.
Vol. XLV. Reports of Inspectors of Factories, and Memorial of the Short Time Committee of Factory Operatives of Manchester.

1839. Vol. XLII. Factory Returns, Reports of Factory Inspectors, and Reports from the Assistant Handloom Weavers Commissioners.

1840. Vol. XXIV. Reports on Handloom Weavers.

1842. Vol. XI. Report from the Select Committee on Payment of Wages.
Vol. XV. Children's Employment Commission. (Report on Mines.)

1843. Vol. XIII. First Report of the Midland Mining Commission and Children's Employment Commission. (Report on Trades and Manufactures.)

1844. Vol. XVI. Report on the State of the Population in the Mining Districts, and of the South Wales Inquiry. (Rebecca Riots.)

1845. Vol. XV. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Condition of the Framework Knitters, with Appendixes.

1848. Vol. XIX. Reports on the National Land Company.

Various dates. Reports of Poor Law Commissioners.


The Birmingham Journal. Birmingham (from 1825).
The British Statesman. (Bronterre O'Brien's.) London, 1842–43.
The Charter. London, 1839–40.
The Chartist Circular. Glasgow, 1839–41.
The Diplomatic Review. (See the Free Press.)
The Dispatch. (Hetherington's Twopenny.) London, 1836–39.
The Free Press. London, 1855–65. Continued as the Diplomatic Review, 1866–77. (Edited by David Urquhart.)
The Labourer. Edited by F. O'Connor and Ernest Jones, 1847–48.
The Leeds Mercury. Leeds.
Lloyds' Weekly Newspaper. London (from 1843).
The London Mercury. (Bronterre O'Brien's.) 1836–37.
The Manchester Guardian. Manchester (from 1821).
The Morning Chronicle. London.
The National Reformer. (Bronterre O'Brien's.) London, 1837.
The Nonconformist. London (from 1841).
The Northern Liberator. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1837–40.
The Northern Star. (O'Connor's.) Leeds, 1837–44, then London to 1852.
Notes for the People. (Edited by E. Jones.)
The People's Paper. (Edited by E. Jones.)
The Poor Man's Guardian. (Hetherington's.) London, 1831–35.
Punch. London, 1841 and later.
The Republican, 1831.
The Southern Star. London, 1841.
The Times. London.

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