In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
O Almighty and Eternal God! prostrate at the feet of Thy holy and awful Majesty, I adore Thee with all possible reverence. I believe and hold for certain all Thou hast revealed to Thy holy Church. I hope in Thy infinite goodness and mercy, and I love Thee with all my heart.
O my God! I give Thee thanks, through Jesus Christ, for all the favors Thou hast bestowed upon me, especially for creating me to Thy own image and likeness, for redeeming me with Thy Son's precious blood, for making me a Christian, and preserving me this day. I beseech the Blessed Virgin, and all the saints, to give Thee thanks for ever and ever. Amen.
O my God! grant me the grace to know wherein I have offended Thee, and to have a perfect sorrow for my sins.
Here pause a little to ascertain what sins you may have committed:
1. By thought: Willingly entertaining bad, angry, impatient, or uncharitable thoughts and desires.
2. By word: Using bad language, cursing, lying, etc.
3. By deed: Being disobedient, rude, cross and unkind; having evil or dangerous company; doing an immodest action; being idle.
4. By omission: Neglecting your prayers, your lessons or some other duty.
I confess to Almighty God, to blessed Mary ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy apostles Peter and Paul, to all the Saints, that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. Therefore, I beseech the blessed Mary ever Virgin, blessed Michael the Archangel, blessed John the Baptist, the holy apostles Peter and Paul, and all the Saints, to pray to the Lord our God for me.
May the Almighty God have mercy on me, and forgive me my sins, and bring me to everlasting life. Amen.
May the Almighty and merciful Lord grant me pardon, absolution, and remission of all my sins. Amen.
Because all my sins displease Thee, O Sovereign Goodness, I am heartily sorry for having committed them; I ask pardon for them, and promise, by the help of Thy grace, not only to avoid the like faults for the future, but also to do penance for them.
O most holy Virgin! be a mother to me: pray for me, now, and at the hour of my death.
O my good Angel! whom God has appointed to be my guardian, enlighten me, protect me, and guard me in all my actions. Amen.