< The Canoe and the Saddle
Aha | yes. |
Ahti or achti | sister. |
Ala | I wonder; surprise. |
Alki | future, by and by. |
Alta | now, present. |
Attle | to be pleased. |
Ankoti | before; time past. |
Aquine or aquatine | belly. |
Boston tilicum | American. |
Bôte | boat. |
Callapooya | mean Indian. |
Canim | canoe. |
Cansu | how many. |
Chaco | come. |
Chick-chick | wagon, etc. |
Chicu or che-chu | new, clean. |
Chickamin | iron, etc. |
Chil-chil | button. |
Chuck | water, river. |
Cli | to cry. |
Cloocheman | woman. |
Closche nanitch | look sharp. |
Cluckamon | money. |
Cochon | pig, pork. |
Copa mitlite pire | to burn. |
Copa nika mitlite | it belongs to me. |
Cop-su-wallah | steal. |
Conway (courez) cooly | run. |
Cultus | common, inferior. |
Cultus hee-hee | dance. |
Cultus tee-hee | play. |
Cum-tux | understand, hear. |
Dah-blo or derb | devil. |
Ding-ding | hour. |
Dlie | dry. |
Drait | straight. |
Eh-ee | uncle. |
Elita | slave. |
Enetee | across. |
Esik | paddle. |
Essil | corn. |
Gleese, gleach | grease, oil, tar, etc. |
Gleese-stick | candle. |
Halo | none, nothing. |
Haloa mah | another kind. |
Hankachim | handkerchief. |
Haul | pull. |
Haus | sail, tent. |
Ho | let; an interjection. |
Hoel | mouse. |
Hooe-hoo | swop, sell. |
Hooihut | road. |
Hui | much, many. |
Hui-haus | town. |
Hyack | quick, make haste. |
Hyas | very, greatly. |
Ichfat | bear, animal. |
Ikta | what things. |
Illahee | earth, dust, floor, etc. |
Ilip or eelip | the first. |
Inati | over, across, outside. |
Ipsuit | find. |
Iscum | take, bring. |
Ittle-whilly | flesh. |
Ituel | victuals. |
Kah | where. |
Kah mika chaco | where do you come from? |
Kah mika klatawah | where are you going? |
Kahquah or kapwah | alike, like. |
Kah ta mika wah-wah | what did you say? |
Kaloock | swan. |
Kaliaton | lead. |
k. hyas | balls. |
k. tenas | shot. |
Kamooks | dog; mean, poor fellow. |
Kanoway | all. |
Ka-puet | needle. |
Kappo | coal. |
Kap-sualla | steal. |
Karabine | rifle. |
Kata | why. |
Katock | year. |
Kaw-kaw | crow, raven. |
Kaw-heloo | goose. |
Kaw-wash | afraid. |
Kee-a-wali | love. |
Kee-la-pi | turn over. |
Keelapy | come back, return. |
Kiasee or ’sie | how many, much. |
Kicemali | down below. |
Kicuali tyee | devil. |
Kimtah | back. |
Kinny-ki-nick | smoking-weed. |
Kinoose | tobacco. |
Kitlo | kettling, kettle. |
Klatawah | go, walk. |
Klale | black. |
Klahyam, klah-hye-am | good by. |
Klahya, klah-hyg-gah | how d’ ye do. |
Klahana | out. |
Klaska | them, those. |
Klaxta | who. |
Klimmin | little, soft. |
Klipsc | upset. |
Kliminwhit, klimink-whit | lie. |
Kloneas | don't know; may be. |
Klosche | good. |
Klowawah | slow. |
Knitan | house. |
Knitan | house, stable. |
Ko | stop; arrived. |
Kock-sheet | break, strike, kill, etc. |
Kock-sheet-stick | war-club. |
Koll | cold. |
Kollo | fence. |
Kollaps or k'laps | find. |
Komsock | beads. |
Konamoxt | both. |
Kopa | with, by. |
Kopet | enough, done; stop, let me alone. |
Kotsuck | middle. |
Kowee | tie in, tie up. |
Kullu or kulla, kullie | bird of any kind. |
Kum-tux | know, understand. |
Kutl or kul-kul | hard. |
Kwanasim | always. |
La bouche | mouth. |
La coope, te-cope | white. |
La crame | yellow. |
La hâche | axe. |
La lâme | oar. |
La vest | jacket. |
Le bya (la vielle?) | old woman. |
Le cassette | trunk. |
Le cou | neck. |
Le dents | teeth. |
Le langue | tongue. |
Le loim | sharp. |
Le molass | molasses. |
Le mouton | sheep. |
Le main | hand. |
Le nez | nose. |
Le pied | foot. |
Le pipe | pipe. |
Le plush | boards. |
Le polo | pan. |
Le pomme | apple. |
Le pois | peas. |
Le poshut | fork. |
Le porte | door. |
Le poule | fowl. |
Le selle | saddle. |
Le shabree | plough. |
Le tête | head. |
Lip-lip | boil. |
Lolo | carry. |
Lope | rope. |
Lum | spirit of any sort. |
Mahcook | buy. |
Mamook | work, do. |
Man | man. |
Masatche | bad. |
Masatche man | enemy. |
Memloose | die, dead, destroy. |
Mesika | ye or you. |
Mika | you. |
Mitlite | leave, stop; place, set down. |
Mit-mit-stick | mast or tree. |
Moon | month. |
Moos-moos | beef, cattle. |
Moosum | sleep. |
Mowitch | deer. |
Muck-a-muck | eat, drink, food. |
Musket | gun. |
Musket-stone | flint. |
Musket tenas | pistol. |
Na-wit-kah | yes, indeed. |
Nanitch | see. |
Neim | name. |
Nesika | we, us. |
Nika | I. |
Nika attle copa mika | I am pleased with you. |
Nika sia | my love. |
Nik-wah | here to me. |
Oapcan | basket. |
Ocook | this, that. |
Oelk | snake. |
Oelhin | seal. |
Olilly or olalely | berry. |
Olo | hungry. |
Olyman saolrocks | second-hand, old clothes. |
Opitchure | knife. |
Opotche | back (vulgar). |
Oree | brother. |
Pasaiooks | French, foreigners. |
Pat-le | full. |
Pe | and, but. |
Pechi | green. |
Pel | red. |
Pesispy | blanket. |
Pesispy sail | woollen cloth. |
Peshooks | thickets. |
Petick (?) | world. |
Pil-pil | blood. |
Piltin | fool, foolish. |
Pire | fire. |
Pire-gleese | tallow. |
Pire-ship | steamer. |
Pire-stone | flint. |
Poo, plook | shoot. |
Polikely | night. |
Pose | if, suppose. |
Pusse | cat. |
Quak-quak | duck. |
Quallon | ear. |
Quanisam | always. |
Sah-hah-lee | high up, heaven. |
Sah-hah-lee-tyee | God. |
Sail | cotton cloth, etc. |
Samon | fish. |
Sapolel | wheat. |
See-ah-hoos | face or eyes. |
See-ah-pal | hat, cap. |
Shecollon | pantaloons. |
Shixe | friend. |
Sitcum | half. |
Siwash | Indian. |
Siyah | pay off. |
Skookum | strong, stout; ghost. |
Skookum man | warrior. |
Snas | rain. |
Sonturé (ceinture) | sash. |
Stogeon | sturgeon. |
Talipus | wolf. |
Tamala | to-morrow. |
Tamanoüs | guardian spirit. |
Tamoluck | barrel. |
Tatoosh | milk, cheese, butter. |
Tee-ah-nute | leg. |
Tee-coop or t’kôpe (côpe) | white. |
Tee-hee or hee-hee | laugh. |
Tenas | infant. |
t. cloocheman | girl. |
t. man | boy. |
t. le porte | window. |
Tikky | want, wish. |
Tilicum | people. |
Till-till | tired, heavy. |
Tin-tin | bell, watch. |
Tipsoo | grass, feathers, hair, beard, wool, etc. |
Tipu | ornament. |
Tissum | pretty. |
Tit-the-co-ep | cut. |
T’kôpe (côpe) tilicum | white man. |
Tocta | doctor. |
Tolo | win. |
Tumpelo | back. |
Tum-tum | heart. |
Tyee | chief, master, etc. |
Utescut | short. |
Uttecut | long. |
Wah-wah | talk. |
Wake | no, not. |
Wapato | potato. |
Weltch | more. |
Yack-wah | this way. |
Yah-hal | name. |
Yah-wah | yonder. |
Yaka | him, she, it. |
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