< The Biographical Dictionary of America


The following is a partial list of those who have assisted in the preparation of this work:

Russell B. Abbott, A.M., D.D.,

President Albert Lea, Minn., College.

Charles Francis Adams, LL.D., Boston, Mass.

Franklin George Adams,

Secretary Kansas Historical Society.

Henry Carter Adams, Ph.D.,

Professor Political Economy, Cornell University.

Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Boston, Mass.,


William Rounesville Alger, D.D., Boston, Mass.,

Clergyman and Author.

Charles Gordon Ames, D.D., Boston, Mass.,

Author and Clergyman.

Edwin H. Anderson,

Librarian Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Clement Walker Andrews,

Librarian John Crerar Library, Chicago, 111.

Col. George L. Andrews, U.S.A.,

Former Professor at the U. S. Military Academy.

E. Benjamin Andrews, D.D., LL.D.,

Ex-President Brown University.

Theodore Appel, D.D., Reading, Pa.,

Editor, Author, and Educator.

Rev. Joseph Henry Apple,

President Woman's College, Frederick, Md.

Thomas Gilmore Apple, D.D., LL.D., Lancaster, Pa.,

Former President Franklin and Marshall College.

John Howard Appleton, A.M., Ph.B.,

Professor Chemistry, Brown University.

William Hyde Appleton, Ph.D., Swarthmore, Pa.,

Former President Swarthmore College.

William Summer Appleton, A.M., LL.B., Boston, Mass.,

Genealogical Writer.

George W. Atherton, LL.D.,

President Pennsylvania State College.

Edward Atkinson, LL.D., Boston, Mass.,

Political Economist.

Elroy M. Avery, Ph.D., LL.D., Cleveland, Ohio,

Author and Historian.

Gen. Isaac W. Avery, C.S.A., Atlanta, Ga.,

Author and Historical Writer.

William H. Bailey, Sr., LL.D., Houston, Texas,

Author and Biographer.

Henry Carey Baird, Philadelphia, Pa.,

Political Economist.

William Spohn Baker, Philadelphia, Pa.,

Biographical Writer.

William Gay Ballantine, D.D., LL.D.,

Former President Oberlin College.

Harlan H. Ballard, A.M.,

Librarian Berkshire Athenæum, Lenox, Mass.

Frederick Bancroft, A.M., Ph.D.,

Librarian Department of State, Washington. D. C.

Willis Arthur Bardwell,

Librarian Mercantile Library, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Wharton Barker, A.M., Philadelphia, Pa.,

Financial Writer.

Henry Barnard, A.M., LL.D., L.H.D., Hartford Conn.,

Author and Educator.

Edmund Mills Barton,

Librarian American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass.

Newton Bateman, A.M., LL.D.,

President Emeritus and Professor, Knox College, Galesburg, Ill.

Kemp Plummer Battle, LL.D., Chapel HiU, N. C,

Former President University of North Carolina.

James Phinney Baxter, A.M., Portland, Maine,

Author and Philanthropist.

Willis Judson Beecher, D.D.,

Professor of Hebrew, Auburn Theological Seminary.

Wooster Woodruff Beman,

Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan.

James William Black, Ph.D.,

Professor of Political Economy, Colby University.

William Maxwell Blackburn, D.D., LL.D.,

President Pierre, Dakota, University.

Frank Wilson Blackmar, Ph.D.,

Professor History and Sociology, University of Kansas.

James J. Blaisdell, D.D.,

Late Professor of Philosophy, Beloit College.

Charles A. Blanchard, D.D.,

President Wheaton College.

Maurice Bloomfield, A.M., Ph.D.,

Professor Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, Johns Hopkins University.

Joshua P. Bodfish, D.D., LL.D., Canton, Mass.,

K. C. Clergyman and Theologian.

Albert S. Bolles, Ph.D., LL.D., Philadelphia, Pa.,

Author and Statistician. Thomas Bowman, D.D., LL.D., St. Louis, Mo.,
Methodist Episcopal Bishop.

Samuel Bowles,

Editor Springfield, Mass., "Republican."

James Ware Bradbury, LL.D., Augusta, Maine,

Former U. S. Senator.

Mary A. Brinkman, M.D.,

Professor at New York Medical College for Women.

Edward Brooks, A.M., Ph.D., Philadelphia, Pa.,

Author and Educator.

J. Willard Brown, A.M., East Boston, Mass.,

Author and Educator.

William Jennings Bryan, Lincoln. Neb.,

Journalist and Statesman.

Wentworth S. Butler,

Librarian Emeritus New York Society Library.

Franklin Carter, Ph.D., LL.D.,

President Williams College

Leonard Dwight Carver, Augusta, Maine,

Librarian Maine State Library.

Mary Sophia Case, A.B.,

Professor at Wellesley College.

Alexander F. Chamberlain, A.M., Ph. D.,

Lecturer at Clark University, Atlanta, Ga.

Mellen Chamberlain, Somerville, Mass.,

Former Librarian Boston Public Library.

William E. Chandler, A.M., Concord, N. H.,

Former U. S. Senator.

Lucius Eugene Chittenden,

Lawyer and Author.

Alonzo Howard Clark, Washington, D. C.,

Curator of the American Historical Association.

Nathaniel George Clark, D.D., LL.D.,

Late Secretary A. B. C. of F. Missions.

Walter Clark, LL.D.,

Associate Justice N. C. Supreme Court.

Robert Collyer, D.D., New York City,

Author and Clergyman.

Le Baron Bradford Colt, A. M., Boston, Mass.,

U.S. Circuit Judge.

Orello Cone, D.D., Akron, Ohio,

Former President of Buchtel College.

Katherine E Conway, Boston, Mass.

Author and Journalist.

Joshua Flood Cook, Ph.D., LL.D.,

Former President of La Grange, Mo., College.

William A Courtenay,

Former Mayor Charleston, S. C.

Oliver Crane, M.D., D.D., LL.D., Waverly, N J.,

Clergyman and Author.

Earl Cranston, A.M., D.D., Portland, Ore.,

Methodist Episcopal Bishop.

Joshua E Crane, Taunton, Mass.,

librarian, Public Library.

John Franklin Crowell, Litt.D., Durham, N.C.,

Former President Trinity College.

Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry, S.T.D., LL.D.,

President Board of Trustees Richmond, Va. College.

Elizabeth B. Custer, New York.


Theodore Ledyard Cuyler, D.D., Brooklyn, N.Y.,

Clergyman and Author.

William H. Dana, F.C.M.,

President Musical Institute. Warren, O.

James Wood Davidson, Figulus, Fla.,

Author and Journalist.

John Woodbridge Davis, C.E., Ph. D., New York City.

Educator and Author.

Eugene Lemoine Didier, Baltimore, Md.,

Author and Journalist.

William Croswell Doane, D.D., LL.D.,

P. E. Bishop of Albany.

Timothy Dwight,

Former President Yale University.

Charles William Eliot, President Harvard University.

James Harris Fairchild, A.M., LL.D.,

Former President of Oberlin College.

Thomas Fell, Ph.D., LL.D.,

President St. John's College, Annapolis, Md.

Austin Flint, M.D., New York City,


Thomas Frank Gailor, M.A., S.T.D.,

Coadjutor Bishop of Tennessee.

Charles Wesley Gallagher, D.D.,

Former President of Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis.

George A. Gates, D.D.,

President of Iowa College.

Arthur Gilman, M.A., Cambridge, Mass.,

Author and Editor.

Robert Grant, Ph.D., Boston, Mass.,

Lawyer and Author.

Samuel Abbott Green, A.M., M.D.,

Librarian Massachusetts Historical Society.

Samuel Swett Green, A.M., Worcester, Mass.,

Historial Writer and Librarian.

John Milton Gregory, LL.D.,

Educator, Author, and Editor.

William Elliot Griffis, A.M., D.D., Ithaca, N. Y.,

Clergyman and Author.

Reuben Aldridge Guild, LL.D.,

Author and Librarian Emeritus Brown University.

Arthur Twining Hadley, President of Yale University.

Charles Sumner Hamlin, A.M., Boston, Mass.,

Former Assistant Secretary of the U. S. Treasury.

John Hayes, Somerville, Mass.,


Scott F. Hershey, D.D., Ph.D., Boston, Mass.,

Clergyman and Biographical Writer.

Walter James Hoffman, M.D., Washington, D.C.,


George Elliott Howard, A.M., Ph.D.,

Professor of History, Leland Stanford, Junior, University.

Julia Ward Howe, Boston, Mass.,


Lyman Underwood Humphrey,

Former Governor of Kansas.

Edmund Janes James, Ph.D., Philadelphia, Pa.,

President of the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching.

Jabez Robert Jaques, M.A., Ph.D.,

Vice-President Hedding College, Abingdon, Ill. Stephen Alfred Jones, M.A., Ph.D.,
Former President Nevada State University.

John Adam Kasson, LL.D., Des Moines, Iowa,

Historian and Former U. S. Minister.

Frederic Xaver Katzer, D.D.,

Archbishop of Milwaukee.

John Steinfort Kedney, A.M., S.T.D.,

Professor Seabury Divinity School, Faribault, Minn.

Robert Floyd Kerr, A.M.,

Professor of History and Political Science, South Dakota Agricultural College.

Marietta Kies, M.A., Ph.D.,

Professor of Philosophy, Mills College, Oakland, Cal.

Joseph Buckner Killebrew, A.M., Ph.D., Nashville, Tenn.,

Author and Journalist.

William Fletcher King, D.D., LL.D.,

President Cornell College, Iowa.

Charles Welbourne Knapp, A.M.,

Editor St. Louis "Republican."

Lyman E. Knapp, A.M., Middlebury, Vt.,

Former Governor of Alaska.

Henry Lyman Koopman, A.M.,

Author and Librarian. Brown University.

Henry Edward Krehbiel, New York City,

Journalist and Author.

John Fletcher Lacey, M.C., Oskaloosa, Iowa,

Author of Lacey's Digests.

Gertrude Battles Lane, Newtonville, Mass.,

Biographical Writer.

Samuel Pierpont Langley, Ph.D., LL.D.,

Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.

Elizabeth Wormeley Latimer, Baltimore, Md.,

Author and Journalist.

Henry Charles Lea, LL.D., R.A., Philadelphia, Pa.,

Author and Publisher.

John M. Lea, A.M.,

President Tennessee Historical Society.

George W. C Lee, LL.D.,

President Washington and Lee University.

George Eliot Leighton,

President Missouri Historical Society.

Lorenzo D. Lewelling, Wichita, Kansas,

Former Governor of Kansas.

William Lochren, Minneapolis, Minn.,

Former U. S. Commissioner of Pensions.

John Davis Long, LL.D., Washington, D.C.,

Former Secretary of the Navy.

Hamilton Wright Mabie, A.M., L.H.D., New York City,

Author and Editor.

Henry Mitchell MacCracken, D.D., LL.D.,

Chancellor of the University of the City of New York.

William Harrison Mace, M.L., A.M.,

Professor of History at Syracuse University.

Jesse Macy, A.M.,

Author and Professor in Iowa College.

Otis Tufton Mason, A.M., Ph.D.,

Curator U. S. National Museum.

William Mathews, A.M., LL.D., Boston, Mass.

Author and Journalist.

Mytton Maury, D.D., Ithaca, N.Y.,

Clergyman and Geographer.

Samuel G. McClure, A.M.,

Editor Ohio "State Journal."

William Fraser McDowell, A.M., S.T.B.,

Chancellor University of Denver.

John McGovern, Chicago, Ill.,

Journalist and Author.

Augustus S. Merrimon,

Chief Justice of North Carolina.

William Mitchell, A.M.,

Associate Justice Minnesota Supreme Court

Charlotte Mcllvaine Moore,

Author and Biographical Writer.

John Bassett Moore, A.B.,

Professor in Columbia University.

Anson Daniel Morse, M.A.,

Professor of History and Political Economy, Amherst College.

Julius Sterling Morton, Nebraska City, Neb.,

Former Secretary of Agriculture.

Bernard Moses, A.B.,

Professor in University of California.

Philip Van Ness Myers, LL.D., Litt. D.,

Professor in University of Cincinnati.

Edith Mary Norris, Malden, Mass.,

Journalist and Biographical Writer.

Thomas Nelson Page, Washington, D.C.,


Charles Skeele Palmer, Ph.D.,

Professor in University of Colorado.

William H. Payne, LL.D., Ph.D.,

President University of Nashville.

Tracy Peck, A.M.,

Professor in Yale University.

Ellen Johnston Phinney. Cleveland, Ohio,

President Non-Partisan W. C. T. U.

Edward Lillie Pierce, LL.D.

Author "Memoir and Letters of Charles Sumner."

Daniel Boardman Purinton, Ph.D., LL.D.,

President Denison University.

James R. Randall, Augusta, Ga.,

Poet and Journalist.

Albert Newton Raub, A.M., Ph.D., Newark, Del.,

Former President Delaware College.

George Lansing Raymond, L.H.D.,

Professor in Princeton University.

Ira Remsen, M.D., Ph.D.,

Professor Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University.

Elmer Robert Reynolds, M.D., Washington, DC,


James Jeffrey Roche,

Editor Boston "Pilot."

Addison Peale Russell, LL.D., Wilmington, Ohio,

Journalist and Author.

Charles J. Ryder, M.A., New York City,

Secretary American Missionary Association.

Minot Judson Savage, D.D., New York City,

Clergyman and Author.

George Franklin Seymour, S.T.D., LL.D.,

Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Springfield, Ill. Albert Shaw, Ph.D.,
Editor "Review of Reviews."

Robert D. Sheppard, D.D.,

Professor at Northwestern University.

Kate Brownlee Sherwood, Canton, Ohio,

Journalist and Philanthropist.

Thomas Adiel Sherwood,

Chief Justice Missouri Supreme Court.

James Schouler, Boston, Mass.,

Author "History of the United States."

Alexander J. C. Skene, M.D.,

Author, Dean of L. I. College Hospital.

Charles Lee Smith, Ph.D.,

Professor at William Jewell College.

George Williamson Smith, D.D., LL.D.,

President Trinity College.

John B. Smith, Sc.D.,

Entomologist, Professor Rutgers College.

William A. Snively, D.D., Louisville, Ky.,

Author and Clergyman.

Francis Huntington Snow, Ph.D., LL.D.,

Chancellor University of Kansas.

Leverett Wilson Spring, A.M., D.D., Williamstown, Mass.,

Author and Educator.

John S. Stahr, Ph.D., D.D.,

President Franklin and Marshall College.

Samuel A. Steel, D.D., Nashville, Tenn.,

Clergyman and Author.

Frederic Jesup Stimson, "J. S. of Dale." Boston, Mass.,

Lawyer and Author.

William Osborn Stoddard, A.M., Madison, N. J.,

Journalist and Author.

William Strong, M.A., LL.D.,

Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court.

Charles W. Super, Ph.D.. LL.D., Athens, Ohio,

Former President Ohio University.

George Fillmore Swain, C.E.,

Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Charles Swayne, Jacksonville, Fla.,

Justice U. S. District Court.

William Henry Tappan, Manchester, Mass.,

Historian and Explorer.

Graham Taylor, D.D.,

Professor in Hartford Theological Seminary.

Robert Fenwick Taylor.

Judge of Florida Supreme Court.

James Bradley Thayer, LL.D.,

Professor of Law, Harvard University.

Allen Clapp Thomas, A.M.,

Professor Political Science, Haverford College.

Robert Ellis Thompson, S.T.D., Ph.D., Philadelphia. Pa.,

Professor Social Science, University of Pennsylvania.

Francis Newton Thorpe, Ph.D.,

Professor American Constitutional History, University of Pennsylvania.

Rose Hartwick Thorpe, San Diego, Cal.,

Author and Journalist.

Charles Franklin Thwing, D.D.,

President Western Reserve University.

William Trelease, Sc.D.,

Director Shaw School of Botany, St. Louis, Mo.

William Peterfield Trent, M.A.,

Dean of University of the South.

Irving Goodwin Vann, M.A., LL.D., Syracuse, N. Y..

Justice New York Supreme Court.

Wheelock Graves Veazey, LL.D., Rutland, Vt.,

Former Commander-in-chief. G. A. R.

John Martin Vincent, Ph.D.,

Professor History Johns Hopkins University.

James Thomas Ward, D.D.,

Dean Westminster, Md., Theological Seminary.

Henry White Warren, A.M., D.D., Denver, Col.,

Methodist Episcopal Bishop.

Stephen Beauregard Weeks, A.B., Ph.D.,

Bureau of Education, Washington, D.C.

William F. Whitlock, D.D.,

Professor of Latin. Ohio Wesleyan University.

Henry Benjamin Whipple, D.D., LL.D.,

Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Minnesota.

Henry Mitchell Whitney, A.M.,

Professor in Beloit College.

Woodrow Wilson, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D.,

President of Princeton University.

Rev. W. C. Winslow, Ph.D., D.C.L., Sc.D., LL.D., Boston, Mass.

Archæologist and Author.

George Taylor Winston, D.D., Chapel Hill, N.C.,

Former President University of North Carolina.

John Sergeant Wise,

Former U. S. Representative from Virginia.

James Albert Woodburn, A.M., Ph.D.,

Professor American History. Indiana University.

Carroll Davidson Wright, A.M.,

Commissioner Department of Labor, Washington, D.C.

Marcus Joseph Wright, C.S.A.,

Confederate Historian.
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