< The Biographical Dictionary of America

COATES, Reynell, scientist, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 10, 1802; son of Samuel and Amy (Hornor) Coates, and grandson of Samuel and Mary (Langdale) Coates. He early became proficient in mathematics and the languages, and studied medicine and surgery at the Pennsylvania hospital, where at the age of fifteen he was entered as an "apprentice" under Dr. Benjamin Rush. He was graduated from the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1823, and became resident physician at the hospital. The same year he went to India as surgeon of a vessel, and made an extended entomological tour. In 1829 he accepted the chair of natural sciences in Allegheny college. Joining the U.S. navy as surgeon, he made during a cruise a collection that furnished the material for a large volume. He was a member of the scientific corps of the first South Sea expedition under Commodore Jones in 1835-36, and had charge of the department of comparative anatomy, but left the service on the return of the expedition. He was the author of the national address of the Native American party in 1844, and the originator of the patriotic order, Sons of America, Dec. 10, 1847, and wrote its ritual. In the national election of 1852 he was the candidate of the Native American party for vice-president of the United States, Daniel Webster being on the ticket for president. He was married in 1837 to Margaretta, daughter of William Abbott of New Jersey, and his only child died in infancy. Dr. Coates contributed voluminously to various medical and scientific journals, many of them being translated into the French, German, Spanish and Italian languages. He was the editor of Graham's Magazine and contributed to the other literary journals of the time, both in prose and in verse. Of his poems The Gambler's Wife, Christian Charity and The Drunkard's Child were best known. He published Physiology for Schools (1840)—the first work of its kind—and Natural Philosophy for Schools (1845); besides other works. He died in Camden, N.J., April 27, 1886.

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