Many of the poems of this book have been taken from magazines no longer in circulation, and from volumes long out of print. In the examination of these sources I have been greatly helped by Mr. S. C. Sanial, Secretary of the Calcutta Historical Society. Mr. J. A. Chapman of the Imperial Library has given much assistance in procuring forgotten but interesting material.
Of living authors who have allowed their verse to appear in this collection, my thanks are due to Mrs. Sarojini Naidu, to Mr. P. R. Das and to Professor Manmohan Ghose. With the exception of one extract, reproduced with the permission of Messrs. Elkin Mathews from "Love Songs and Elegies," the poems of Professor Ghose included in this book are published for the first time. For such as have appeared in the "Presidency College Magazine" I am indebted to the managers of that journal.
In many cases the copyright of books now out of print rests with the family of the author. Here I have to make many grateful acknowledgments. Mr. J. C. Dutt who introduced me to the "Dutt Family Album," published in 1870 by Messrs. Longmans Green, has allowed the reproduction of the verse of his father, Omesh Chunder Dutt. Mrs. G. C. Dutt, Professor B. C. Dutt and Mr. S. C. Dutt have given me permission to include the poems of their relatives. For the work of Sir Jotindra Mohan Tagore I am indebted to his son, the present Maharaja. The members of the Ramkrishna Mission have given one of the poems of the Swami Vivekananda. Mr. R. K. Ghose and Mr. D. C. Mullick have allowed me to select from the writings of the late Nobo Kissen Ghose (Ram Sharma). Mr. M. Dutta and the Committee of the Barnagore Victoria School have permitted the inclusion of poems by Roby Dutt.
In the spelling of Bengali names I have adhered in every case to the forms adopted by the authors themselves; and these, in some cases, peculiar forms have been confirmed by the relatives of the writers now deceased.
Messrs. Heinemann have allowed me to select from the poems of Mrs. Sarojini Naidu; and Messrs. Kegan Paul have granted the use of three poems by Toru Dutt and of one poem by Romesh Chander Dutt. The latter's translations from the Mahabharata have been given by Messrs. Dent. Mr. J. N. Bose, the author and publisher of the Bengali biography of Michael Dutt, has given two of the latter's sonnets from that work. Mr. W. I. Keir has generously furnished the cover design.
No anthology of this kind could appear with assurance, were it not introduced by the author of the Gitanjali. I have to acknowledge with thankful appreciation the foreword of Sir Rabindranath Tagore who has allowed me to retain the translation of his poem on Sir Jagadis Chandra Bose.