NEBULA (Lat., mist, vapor), an aggregation of stars or stellar matter having the appearance, through an ordinary telescope, of a small, cloud-like patch of light. An enlargement of telescopic power usually converts this appearance into a cluster of innumerable stars, besides bringing to light other nebulæ before invisible. These in turn yield to augmented magnifying power; and thus every increase in the capacity of the telescope adds to the number of clusters resolved from nebulae, and of nebulae invisible to lower powers.
Fig. 1. — Spiral Nebula in Canes Venatici.
Nebulæ proper, or
those which have not been definitely resolved,
are found in nearly every quarter of the firmament,
though abounding especially near those
regions which have fewest stars. Scarcely
any are found near the milky way, and the
great mass of them lie in the two opposite
spaces furthest removed from this circle. Their
forms are very various, and often undergo
strange and unexpected changes as the power
of the telescope with which they are viewed
is increased, so as not to be recognizable in
some cases as the same objects. The spiral
nebulae are an example of this transformation.
This class was recognized by Lord Rosse
through the use of his six-foot reflector. Many
of them had been long known as nebulæ,
but their characteristic spiral form had never
been suspected. They have the appearance of
a maelstrom of stellar matter, and are among
the most interesting objects in the heavens.
Fig. 2. — Stellar Nebula. | Fig. 3. — Planetary Nebula. |
Fig. 4. — Annular Nebula in Lyra.
There is another class of nebulæ which bear
a close resemblance to planetary disks, and are
hence called planetary nebulæ. They are very
rare. Some of them present remarkable
peculiarities of color. Sir John Herschel has
described a beautiful example of this class,
situated in the southern cross. But in telescopes
of the highest power some of the so-called
planetary nebulæ assume a totally different
appearance; and many of them are singularly
complicated in structure, instead of being
simple globes of nebulous matter, as was formerly
supposed. There are several which
have perfectly the appearance of a ring, and
are called annular nebulæ. A conspicuous and
beautiful example is situated in Lyra. Some
appear to be physically connected in pairs like
double stars. Most of the small nebulæ have
the general appearance of a bright central
nucleus enveloped in a nebulous veil. This
nucleus is sometimes concentrated as a star and
sometimes diffused. The enveloping veil is
sometimes circular and sometimes elliptical,
with every degree of eccentricity between a circle
and a straight line. There are some which,
with a general disposition to symmetry of form,
have great branching arms or filaments with
more or less precision of outline. An example
of this is Lord Rosse's Crab nebula. Another
remarkable object is the nebula in Andromeda,
which is visible with the naked eye, and is
the only one which was discovered before the
invention of the telescope. Simon Marius
(1612) describes its appearance as that of a
candle shining through horn.
Fig. 5. — Great Nebula in Orion.
Besides the
above, which have comparatively regular forms,
there are others more diffused, and devoid
of symmetry of shape. A remarkable
example is the great nebula in Orion, discovered
by Huygens in 1656. This nebula and
that in Andromeda have been admirably
delineated by the professors Bond of Harvard
observatory. (See “Memoirs of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences,” new
series, vol. iii.) The great nebula in Argo,
which Sir John Herschel has charted with
exquisite care and elaborateness in his “Cape
Observations,” is another example of this class.
In the southern firmament there are two
extensive nebulous tracts known as the
Magellanic clouds; the greater called Nubecula
Major, and occupying an area of 42 square
degrees; the smaller called Nubecula Minor,
and covering about 10 square degrees. In
these tracts are found multitudes of small
nebulæ and clusters. The number of these
wonderful objects which have been recognized
in all the heavens is upward of 5,000. Of
these fewer than 150 were known prior to the
time of Sir William Herschel. In 1786 he
communicated to the royal society a catalogue
of 1,000 new nebulæ and clusters; in 1789 a
second catalogue of the same number of new
objects; and in 1802 a third which included
500 more. In 1833 Sir John Herschel
communicated to the royal society a catalogue of
2,306 nebulæ and clusters in the northern
hemisphere observed by him, 500 of which were
new. In 1847 appeared his “Cape Observations,”
which contained catalogues of 1,708
nebulæ and clusters in the southern heavens.
Fig. 6. — Large Magellanic Cloud.
The application of spectroscopic analysis to
these objects, by Huggins, Secchi, Vogel, and
others, has resulted in the noteworthy discovery
that while some among the nebulæ are
really clusters of stars, others consist in the
main of gaseous matter. The former give
spectra resembling in their general characteristics
the spectra of stars; the latter give a
spectrum of three bright lines (occasionally
four), one line corresponding in position to a
line in the spectrum of hydrogen, another
corresponding to a line in the spectrum of nitrogen.
The resolvable nebulæ mostly give spectra
of the former class, while the bright-line
spectrum is given by all the irregular nebulæ
hitherto examined, and by the planetary nebulæ.
Of about 70 nebulæ examined by Huggins,
nearly one third gave the spectrum indicative
of gaseity, the rest giving a stellar spectrum. —
As to the nature of nebulæ, two chief theories
have been advanced. It was first suggested by
Wright of Durham, and afterward maintained
by Kant and Lambert, that the nebulæ are
stellar galaxies similar to our own star system.
Sir W. Herschel, at the beginning of his
researches into the constitution of the universe,
adopted this view as respects certain nebulæ
which he regarded as external, while holding
(contrary to the usual statement in our text
books of astronomy) that many nebulæ form
parts of our own star system. At a later stage
of his labors he advanced the hypothesis
commonly known as Herschel's nebular hypothesis,
which however related only to certain
orders of nebulæ. At this stage Herschel for
the first time indicated his ideas respecting the
arrangement of all orders of stellar aggregations
and nebulous matter. At the lower
extremity of the scale he placed widely spread
luminosity, such as he had first described in
1802. He passed from this irregularly spread
luminosity, through all the orders of gaseous
nebulæ (irregular nebulæ, planetary nebulæ,
nebulous stars) formed by the gradual
condensation of the gaseous matter, until the star
itself is formed; then he entered on the part of
the series he had before recognized, passing on
to the various orders of stellar aggregation,
diffused clusters, ordinary stellar nebulæ, and
more and more condensed groups of stars, up
to the richest star clusters. At this period
(1814) we no longer find him speaking of
external nebulæ; not, it is to be presumed, that
he no longer recognized the probability that
other stellar galaxies besides our own exist,
but that he no longer found it possible to
discriminate those nebulæ which are external
from the far greater number which
unquestionably form component parts of our own
sidereal system. The researches of the present
writer into the subject dispose him to
believe that our sidereal system extends far
beyond the limits which have ordinarily been
assigned to it, and that there are no nebulæ
which can be regarded as external to it.