< Sylvie and Bruno Concluded


[N.B. '' refers to "Sylvie and Bruno," '' to "Sylvie and Bruno Concluded."]

Accelerated Velocity, causes of; 190
Air, Cotton-wool lighter than, how to obtain; 166
Animal-Suffering, mystery of; 296
Anti-Teetotal Card; 139
Artistic effect said to require Indistinctness; 241
Asylums, Lunatic-, future use for; 132
Axioms of Science; 330

Badgers, the Three (Poem); 247
Barometer, sideways motion of; 13
Baron Doppelgeist; 85
Bath, Portable, for Tourists; 25
Bazaars, Charity-; 44
Beauty, Pain of realising; 337
Bed, reason for never going to; 141
Bees, Mind of; 298
Bessie's Song; 76
Bible-Selections for Children; xiii
,,,,learning by heart; xiv
Black Light, how to produce; 341
Boat, motion of, how to imitate on land; 108
Books, or Minds. Which contain most Science? 21
Boots for Horizontal Weather; 14

Brain, inverted position of; 243
Bread-sauce appropriate for Weltering; 58
Breaking promises. Why is it wrong? 27
Bruno's Song: 215
Burden of Proof misplaced by Crocodiles; 230
Ladies; 235
Watts, Dr.; do.

'Care' and 'Don't-Care,' history of;
Carrying one's self. Why is it not fatiguing? 169
Charity-Bazaars ; 44
fallacies as to; 43
Pseudo- ; 42
Child's Bible; xiii
Sunday, in last generation; 387
view of Adult Life; 11. 260
Present Life; 330
Choral Services, effect of; 273. xix
Choristers life, dangers of; 274. xix
Church-going, true principle of: 272
Competition for Scholars; 187
Competitive Examination; 184
Conceited Critic always depreciates; 237
Content, opportunity for cultivating; 152
'Convenient' and 'Inconvenient,' difference in meaning; 140
Conversation at Dinner-parties, how to promote: (see "Dinner-parties")
Cotton-wool lighter than air, how to obtain; 166
Critic, conceited, always depreciates; 237
how to gain character of; 238
Crocodiles, Logic of; . 230
Croquet. Why is it demoralising? 135

Darwinism reversed; 64
Day, length and shortness of, compared; 159
,,true length of; 159
Death, certainty of, effect of realising; xix
Debts, how to avoid Payment of; 131
Deserts, use for; 158
Dichotomy, Political, in common life; 198, 205, 207
Dinner-parties, how to promote Conversation at:—
Moving-Guests; 145
,,Pictures; 143
Revolving-Humorist; 145
Wild-Creatures; 144
Dog-King, the, ('Nero'); 175. 58
Dog, Man's advantage over; 293
,,reasoning power of; 294
'Doing good,' ambiguity of phrase; 43
Doppelgeist, Baron; 85
Dramatization of Life; 333
Dreaminess, certain cure for; 136
Drunkenness, how to prevent; 71

Eggs, how to purchase; 196
Electricity, influence of, on Literature; 64
Enjoyment of Life; 335
,,Novel-reading; 336
Eternity, contemplation of. Why is it wearisome? 258
Events in reverse order; 350
Examination, Competitive; 184
Experimental Honeymoons; 136
Eye, images inverted in the; 242

Fairies, captured, how to treat; 5
,,character of, how to improve; 19

Fairies, existence of, possible; 300
presence of, how to recognise; 191. 264
moral responsibility of; 301
Falling Houses, Life in; 100
Final Causes, problem in; 297
Fires in Theatres, how to prevent; 165
Fortunatus' Purse, how to make; II, 100
Free-Will and Nerve-Force; 390
Frog, young, how to amuse; 364
Future Life. What interests will survive in it? 256

Gardener's Song:—

Albatross; 164. Argument; 319. Banker's Clerk; 90, Bar of Mottled Soap; 319. Bear without a head; 116. Buffalo; 78. Coach-and-Four; 116. Double Rule of Three; 168. Elephant; 65; 334. Garden-Door; L 168. Hippopotamus; 90. Kangaroo; 106. Letter from his Wife; 65. Middle of Next Week; 83. Penny-Postage-Stamp; 164. Rattlesnake; 83. Sister's Husband's Niece; 78. Vegetable-Pill; 106

Ghosts, treatment of, by Shakespeare; 60
in Railway-Literature; 58
Weltering, Bread-sauce appropriate for; 58
Girls' Shakespeare; xv
Government with many Kings and one Subject; 172
Graduated races of Man 299
Guests, Moving-; 145

Happiness, excessive, how to moderate; 159
Heaven inconceivable to those on Earth; 260
Honesty, Dr. Watts' argument for; 235

Honeymoons, Experimental; 136
Horizontal Weather, Boots for; 14
Horses, Runaway, how to control; l08
Hot Ink, use of; 357
Houses, Falling, Life in; 100
Humorist, Revolving; 145
Hunting, Morality of; xx, 318; xviii
Hymns appealing to Selfishness; 276

'Idle Mouths'; 37
'Imponderal'; 166
'Inconvenient' and 'Convenient,' difference in meaning of; 140
Indistinctness said to be necessary for Artistic effect; 241
Ink, Hot, use of; 357
Instinct and Reason; 295
Inversion of Brain; 243
images on Retina; 242

Jam-tasting; 150
Jesting in Letter-writing, how to indicate; 117

'King Fisher' Song; 14
Knocking-down, some persons not liable to; 54

Ladies, Logic of; 235
Least Common Multiple, rule of, applied to Literature; 22
Letter-writing, how to indicate Jesting in; 117
Shyness in; 115
Life, adult, Child's view of; 260
Dramatization of; 133
Future, What interests will survive in it? 256

Life, how to enjoy; 335
in Falling Houses; 100
reverse order; 350
Present, Child's view of; 330
Light, Black, how to produce; 341
Literature as influenced by Electricity; 64
Steam; 64
for Railway; 58
treated by rule of Least Common Multiple; 22
'Little Birds' (Poem); 364, 371, 377
'Little Man' (Poem); 265
privilege of being; 299
Liturgy, Choral, effect of; 273
Logic of Crocodiles; 230
of Ladies; 235
of Dr. Watts; do.
requisites for complete Argument in; 259
Loving or being loved. Which is best? 77
Lunatic-Asylums, future use for; 132
Lunatics out-numbering the Sane, result of; 133

Man, advantages of, over the Dog; 293
graduated races of; 299
Little, privilege of being; 299
Maps, best size for; 169
'Matilda Jane' (Poem); 76
'Megaloscope'; 334
Minds, or Books. Which contain most Science? 21
Money, effect of increasing value of; 312
playing for, a moral act; 135
Morality of Sport; xx, 318. xviii.
Moral Philosophy, teachers of. Which are most esteemed? 181

Moving-Guests; 145
Pictures; 143
Music, how to get largest amount of in given time; 338
Why is it sometimes not pleasing? 156

'Nero' the Dog-King; 175. 58
Nerve-Force and Free-Will; 390
Nerves, slow action of; 158
Novel-reading, how to enjoy; 336

'Obstruction,' Political, in common life; 203
'Onus probandi' misplaced by Crocodiles; 230
Ladies; 235
Dr. Watts; do.
'Opposition,' Political, in common life; 200

Pain, how to minimise; 337
Paley's definition of Virtue; 273
Parentheses in Conversation, hov; to indicate; 251
Passages, Selected, for learning by heart; xv
Payment of Debts, how to avoid; 131
'Peter and Paul' (Poem); 143
Philosophy, Moral. What kind is most esteemed? 181
Phlizz, a visionary flower; 282
fruit; 75
nurse-maid; 283
Pictures, how to criticize; 238
Moving; 143
'Pig Tale' (Poem); 138; 366, 372
Planets, small; 170
Playing for money, a moral act; 135
Pleasure, how to maximise; 335

Plunge-Bath, portable, for Tourists; 25
Poems, first lines of:—
'He stept so lightly to the land'; 291
'He thought he saw an Albatross'; 164
an Argument'; H. 319
a Banker's Clerk'; 90
a Buffalo'; 78
a Coach-and-Four'; 116
an Elephant'; 65; 334
a Garden-Door'; 168
a Kangaroo'; 106
a Rattlesnake'; 83
'In Stature the Manlet was dwarfish'; 265
'King Fisher courted Lady Bird'; 14
'Little Birds are &c.'; 364, 371, 377
'Matilda Jane, you never look'; 76
'One thousand pounds per annuum'; 194
'Peter is poor, said noble Paul'; 143
'Rise, oh rise! The daylight dies'-, 215
'Say, what is the spell, when her fledgelings are cheeping'; 305
'There be three Badgers on a mossy stone'; 247
'There was a Pig, that sat alone'; 138; 366, 372
Political Dichotomy in common life; 198, 205, 207
'Opposition' in common life; 200
Poor people, method for enriching; 312
Poverty, blessings of; 152
Prayer for temporal blessings, efficacy of; 391
Preachers appealing to Selfishness; 276
exceptional privileges of; 277
Promises. When are they binding? 26
breaking of. Why is it wrong? 27
Proof, Burden of; (see 'Burden of Proof')

Property, inherited, duties of owner of; 39
Pseudo-Charity; 43
Purse of Fortunatus, how to make; 100

Questions in Conversation, how to indicate; 251

Railway-Literature; 58
Scenes, Dramatization of; 333
Rain, Horizontal, Boots for; 14
Reason and Instinct; 295
power of, in Dog; 294
Retina, images inverted on; 242
Reversed order of Events; 350
Revolving-Humorist; 145
Runaway Horses, how to control; 108

Scenery enjoyed most by Little Men; 299
Scholars, Competition for; 187
Science, Axioms of; 330
Do Books, or Minds, contain most? 21
Selections from Bible, for Children; xiii
for learning by heart; xiv
Prose and Verse,; xv
from Shakespeare, for Girls; xv
Selfishness appealed to in Hymns; 276
religious teaching; do.
Sermons; do.
Sermons appealing to Selfishness; do.
faults of; 277; xix
Services, Choral, effect of; 273
Shakespeare, passages of, discussed:—
'All the world's a stage'; 335
'Aye, every inch a king!'; 373

Shakespeare, passages of, discussed;—
'Is this a dagger that I see before me?'; 371.
'Rest, rest, perturbed Spirit!'; 60
'To be, or not to be'; 370
Selections from, for Girls; xv
treatment of Ghosts by; 60
Shyness, how to indicate in Letter-writing; 115
'Sillygism,' requisites for; 259
Sinfulness, amount of, in World; 125
of an act differs with environment; 123
Sobriety, extreme, inconvenience of; 140
Spencer, Herbert, difficulties in; 258
Spherical, advantage of being; 190.
Sport, Morality of; xx, 318. xviii.
Steam, influence of, on Literature; 64
Sufferings of Animals, mystery of 296
Sunday, as spent by children of last generation; 387
observance of; 385
Sylvie and Bruno's Song; 305

Teetotal-Card; 139
Theatres, Fires in, how to prevent; 165
'Three Badgers' (Poem); 247
Time, how to put back; 314, 347
reverse; 350
storage of; 105
'Tottles' (Poem); 194, 201, 209, 248
Tourists' Portable Bath; 25
Trains running without engines; 106

Velocity, Accelerated, causes of; 190
Virtue, Paley's definition of; 274
Voyages on Land; 109

Walking-sticks that walk alone, how to obtain; 166
Water, people lighter than, how to obtain; 165
Watts, Dr., Argument for Honesty; 235
Logic of; do.
Weather, Horizontal, Boots for; 14
Weight, force of, how to exhaust; 343
relative, conceivable non-existence of; 100
Weltering, Bread-sauce appropriate for; 58
'What Tottles meant' (Poem); 194, 201, 209, 248
Wild-Creatures; 144
Wilderness, use for; 158
'Wilful waste, &c.,' lesson to be learnt from; 69

Richard Clay and Sons, Limited, london and bungay.

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